HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/2003 . . , J ,'!Io Council Minutes PRAYER ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON April 25, 2003 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on April 25, 2003, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C, Trim Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Emergency Services, M. Creighton Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of FinancelTreasurer, N, Taylor Confidential Secretary to the Municipal Clerk, H. Keyzers Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest noted at this meeting. Mayor Mutton thanked everyone for attending the special Council meeting and introduced the following individuals: Alex Shepherd, MP, Durham Judi Longfield, MP, WhitbylAjax Paul Macklin, MP, Port Hope Dan McTeague, MP, PickeringlAjaxlUxbridge The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MPP, Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation John O'Toole, MPP, Durham . . . . , Council Minutes PRESENTATION - 2- April 25, 2003 He noted that The Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP, Minister of Finance, would be in attendance later in the meeting. Mayor Mutton advised that over the next couple of weeks there would be a major advertisement campaign to draw the ITER project to the attention of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers. This will include an open letter to the Prime Minister from community partners urging him to fully support ITER, financially and otherwise, This open letter will appear in the Metroland papers locally and in neighbouring communities such as the Globe & Mail, Toronto Star and the Ottawa Citizen, Also starting the first week of May will be advertisements on the sides of 90 Ottawa Transit Buses to ask the Prime Minister to "Leave a Legacy, Get us ITER," Community partners, labourers, local government, university and businesses will be seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers in Ottawa within the next few weeks. Mayor Mutton is appealing to the MPs to do two things: 1. 2. sell ITER to the Prime Minister; and help us to get a meeting date with the Prime Minister. The Mayor is also appealing to the Premier and the Ministers, such as The Honourable Ministers Flaherty and Ecker in attendance today, to use their good offices to convince the Prime Minister that ITER is good for everyone, not just the local communities, the Greater Toronto Area or the Province of Ontario, ITER benefits everyone coast to coast. Gillian Adshead, Director of International Affairs and Heather Stewart, ITER Canada, provided Council with the status of the Federal Government support pertaining to ITER. Ms. Adshead's presentation highlighted the following: . Events leading up to today; . The original Canadian offer; . The status of Canada's revised offer; . The next steps; and . ITER international negotiations continue. . . . .' Council Minutes PRESENTATION - 3 - April 25, 2003 Ms. Adshead stated that the timing is of the most critical concern to them, as currently the international negotiations timetable is ahead of the expected decision on a revised Canadian offer to participate in ITER. Canada must be very cautious with its negotiating stance. It is important that we preserve our strong negotiating credibility, while not being isolated as the cause for delaying the overall ITER project. It was confirmed yesterday, that the next high level negotiating meeting would be held on June 19th in Vienna. At this meeting all ITER parties will be expected to give first indications of their financial commitments, preferences for key personnel and procurement allocation. There was consensus amongst negotiators that October 2003 is to be the target date for key decisions including site selection. To reiterate - June 19th is an important day! We are now at the critical decision time for ITER, both domestically and internationally. While this is presenting us with many challenges to get to the desired outcome, it is also the time we have long been waiting for to make Canada part of ITER. INVITED DELEGATES Alex Shepherd, MP, Durham, 116 Water Street, Port Perry, L9L 1 R2, appeared before Council to clear the air, talk about the evolution of ITER and what we can do to make the process effective, Mr. Shepherd stated that he has received two letters from Mayor Mutton over the last 2 Y2 years and that many more letters were received from the previous Mayor, Diane Hamre. He noted that this project is too important to ignore. He stated that we cannot count on the support of the municipality or the community and that his office has received 9 calls regarding ITER and 5 of those calls were asking what ITER is all about. He provided Council with an explanation of the science and economics pertaining to ITER along with the evaluation of ITER being born from Ontario Hydro for all the wrong reasons, Mr. Shepherd advised that the Ontario Caucus is in total support of the project, that he has met with numerous delegations and that they have all lobbied the Prime Minister for support. . Council Minutes -4- April 25, 2003 INVITED DELEGATES He noted that $3 million was given to ITER as a contribution and that eight months ago ITER stated that they didn't have any private sector partners and that the government would have to shell out more money. One downfall of the Provincial bid is that the bid is conditional that ITER be sited in the Province of Ontario. Mr. Shepherd advised Council that two months ago there were still no letters received from the science community supporting the ITER project. He questioned how we could bring this back together and move forward as a team? There is no question that we are good enough to host ITER. He advised Council that there is a need to form a Committee to reach out to the science group of Canada for their support. Mr, Shepherd and his colleagues will continue to work hard towards this project and noted that Canada must work as a team, Ivan Grose, MP, Oshawa, 1 - 39 Bond Street East, Oshawa, L 1 G 1 B2, was not present at the meeting, . Judi Longfield, MP, Whitby/Ajax, 965 Dundas Street West, Whitby, L 1 P 1 G8, indicated that since the first day she has been a strong supporter of ITER. She noted that ITER is supported from the Ontario Caucus but the support is not unanimous, The Prime Minister is only getting information from proactive individuals and all the Cabinet Members are not getting the information that they need. Ms. Longfield noted that there is still a chance and that ITER council needs a vigorous lobby campaign, She read Council's resolution and supports the resolution but noted that there needs to be some clarification regarding the $43 million coming from the Government of Canada, She noted that Paul Macklin has been a strong supporter and hopes that Mr. Flaherty and Ms. Ecker are positive of the project. The benefits for Canada are phenomenal and other members need to be on board. She reiterated the comments of Mr. Shepherd regarding the scientific community and getting them on board. Ms, Longfield also noted that she would like to see the money figures, $53 million/year if Canada is the host and $30 millionlyear if we are not the host, included in Council's resolution. . Paul Macklin, MP, Port Hope, 1005 Williams Street, Suite 304, Cobourg, K9A 5J4, noted that many key issues have already been brought before us and that he is a newcomer to the scene. Mr. Macklin noted that when he heard of the project and was elected in a position to do something about it, he immediately did so. He noted that this is purely a scientific project and that the scientists have agreed that it is gong to work but they haven't proven it. . Council Minutes - 5 - April 25, 2003 INVITED DELEGATES Mr. Macklin noted that when things changed, things changed substantially to billions of dollars. When the project received Federal approval, there was no $2.3 billion requested. In order to succeed, every cabinet minister must be lobbied hard and it must be done quickly. Dan McTeague, MP, PickeringlAjaxlUxbridge, 1020 Brock Road South, Suite 1005, Pickering, L 1W 3H2, noted that he is in support of the project. He is concerned with the target for funding and the uncertainty of the cost. ITER can say it will cost $2.3 billion today but what about the future. Mr. McTeague noted that there are many long term, competing priorities for funding. He stated that ITER would put Durham on the map and that we must find safe alternative forms of energy. Mr. McTeauge supports ITER and he is looking forward to the aggressive campaign in Ottawa. . John O'Reilly, MP, Haliburton-Victoria-Brock, Kent Place Mall, Suite 200, 189 Kent Street, Lindsay, K9V 5G6, provided Council with a letter of support, which was circulated prior to the meeting, Peter Adams, MP, Peterborough, 313 Water Street, Peterborough, K9J 7W7, sent his regrets. The Honourable Paul DeVillers, MP, Simcoe North, Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, 55 Nottawasaga Street, Orillia, L3V 3J5, sent his regrets. . Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, L 1 N 6A3, advised Council that he met with all the ITER partners last Wednesday. The problem that he is hearing today is that the Federal government will not help fund ITER because the scientist are not involved. The Federal Government cancelled the fusion project. Over the last 10 years the Durham Region has been a major supportor of ITER and it is crunch time, He noted that we have the best site and stated that all the scientists working on the project agree, The Province of Ontario gives the Federal Government $60 billion a year in taxes. Mr. Anderson stated that the Province of Ontario and the Federal Government could come to terms on a partnership. The Region of Durham, Province of Ontario, and Canada are asking the Federal Government to give 2% of their gross revenue. He noted that the Prime Minister recently granted Toronto $10 million towards tourism. This $12 billion project will generate $9.4 billion in revenues. It is a winlwin situation. Mr. Anderson stated that we need an answer by May 5 or 6, 2003. . Council Minutes - 6- April 25, 2003 INVITED DELEGATES The Cabinet is going to be in Toronto on Tuesday, April 29, 2003, and we would like to meet with all the Members of Cabinet and explain the benefits of ITER to this country. Mr. Anderson questioned if a yes from the University of Toronto would be sufficient scientist approval. New technology and the possibility of new jobs should be here instead of Europe. Mr. Anderson stated to the Members of the Government - why not take a chance and be a part of the international community, for our children and our grandchildren. Be leaders and get us ITER; it's not that hard. . The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MPP, Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation, 114 Dundas Street East, Whitby, L 1 N 2H7, noted that this is the most important scientific initiative in our lifetime. It is important for our lives and growth for the world. It requires a vision about jobs, technology and sophistication. Mr. Flaherty stated that support for ITER started in 1996 and that he is concerned to hear comments regarding science at this time. A meeting should be arranged with lead scientists and bring in the University of Toronto. ITER is too important for Canada to have Members of Parliament not be supportive. He stated that our bid would be impeded if we didn't support it if it wasn't on our turf. We should support the project financial whether it is in Ontario or not. We are close but we have to take the last steps that are significant obligations to the Government of Ontario. Mr. Flaherty stated to Council that he has a signed letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Canada requesting Canada to recognize the bid and support ITER. He is recommending the Province support the project whether or not it is sited in Ontario. Mr. Flaherty states that the $2.3 billion should be shared equally and if ITER is not sited here than the $1 billion should also be shared equally. . The Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP, Minister of Finance, 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 213, Pickering, L 1 V 1 C3, congratulated Council for placing the ITER issue on the public agenda. She thanked and praised John O'Toole for fighting for what he believes in. She stated that the Ontario Caucus supports this project and that it is not easy making decisions at every level. Mrs. Ecker stated that we need to step back from day to day pressures and look at the future, where we are going and where we want to go. She noted that we can't afford to loose the project and that we should put Durham, the Province, and the Country on the map. ITER will make a difference for our children and our grandchildren, . Council Minutes - 7 - April 25, 2003 INVITED DELEGATES John O'Toole, MPP, 75 King Street East, Bowmanville, L 1 C 1 N4, noted that he is not surprised of the Federal attack today and advised that personal issues should be dealt with at another venue, Mr. O'Toole states that the reporting efforts of the media are excellent and that he has distributed every piece of correspondence to the Caucus. The only thing missing from the preferred site is the passion and leadership. He stated that he has heard a lot of positive feedback and that we can heal many things today by supporting this project. Dave Shier, Power Workers Union, Member of ITER Canada, 244 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, M4P 1 K2, advised Council that he hopes to see the ITER project come to Clarington. He stated that the Province of Ontario Power Workers Union, the Canadian Labour Workers Council and the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council are all supportive of this project. Mr. Shier believes that the project is excellent. . Bill Harford, President, Durham Region Labour Council, Member of ITER Community Council, 185 Duke Street, Bowmanville, L1C 3K3, advised Council that he has been aware of the ITER project for many years. Mr. Harford is retired and he was shocked to read in the paper that the project was in jeopardy. He is here today to represent 6000 workers from 55 unions, most of whom are in the service and manufacturing field. He noted that everyone was excited to hear that this international project had a very good chance in coming to Clarington. This project has immeasurable benefits. ITER is a long-term construction project that would hire skilled labourers. Many young men and women will learn the arts of the trade. Canada has an opportunity to be a leader in the field. Various manufacturers will gain the skills and experiences, which can be applied to other projects. Canada will be known for skill and ability to build a Toma. Mr. Harford is asking the Governments of Canada and Ontario to take positive action and demonstrate that support to all stakeholders for their support. . Larry Cann, Business Manager, UA Local 463, Plumbers and Steamfitters, Member of ITER Community Council, 26 Caristrap Street, Unit 3, Bowmanville, L 1C 3Y7, advised Council that a project like this will demand workers from all over the world. It will create a huge amount of jobs for youths. People don't understand that it takes four or five years to gain the skills of a tradesman, Mr. Cann doesn't understand why the Federal and Provincial Governments cannot see the spin offs for years to come, There might be failures but there will be a lot of positives, . . . Council Minutes - 8- April 25, 2003 INVITED DELEGATES COMMUNICATIONS I - 1 1-2 The future is ours to create and Mr. Cann requests that a legacy be created for Canada, Ontario and for our kids and grandchildren. Ron Hooper, President, Clarington Board of Trade, 181 Liberty Street South, P.O. Box 434, Bowmanville, L 1C 3Z2, stated that he has been a key partner of the ITER project since the initial stages, ITER will generate new products and build stronger and healthier communities around the globe. Our time has come. Mr. Hooper is requesting that the Federal Government unite their differences. John F, O'Reilly, Member of Parliament, Haliburton-Victoria-Brock- Support for ITER Resolution #C-231-03 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 1 be received and copied to all Durham Regional MPs, all individuals copied on the Mayor's letter dated April 22, 2003, and to our community partners. "CARRIED" Gary Polonsky, President, University of Ontario Institute of Technology - Support for ITER Resolution #C-232-03 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie THAT Correspondence Item 1-2 be received and copied to all Durham Regional MPs, all individuals copied on the Mayor's letter dated April 22, 2003, and to our community partners. "CARRIED" Councillor MacArthur advised Council that John OToole, MPP, Durham, has submitted letters of support from Doug Galt, MPP, Northumberland, R. Gary Stewart, MPP, Peterborough S, Gilchrist, MPP, Scarborough East and Jerry Ouellette, MPP, Oshawa. . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS REPORT - 9- April 25, 2003 Resolution #C-233-03 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the letters submitted by John O'Toole, MPP, be copied to all Durham Regional MPs, all individuals copied on the Mayor's letter dated April 22, 2003, and to our community partners. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-234-03 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell WHEREAS the ITER project is an international collaborative effort to demonstrate the technological feasibility of fusion as an energy source for the planet; WHEREAS fusion technology is recognized as one key solution to the long term energy need of the planet to produce a commercial source of energy without hazardous fuel waste or greenhouse gas emissions; WHEREAS ITER will be the world's largest research and development project after the International Space Station with a global investment of billions of dollars and providing many thousands of person years of employment over its 30 year life expectancy; WHEREAS Canada has offered to host the ITER project at a site in the Municipality of Clarington on the east side of the Greater Toronto Area; WHEREAS if Canada is selected to host ITER at its proposed Clarington site, it has the potential to bring $9.4 billion of foreign investment as well as additional economic spin-offs across the country and more particularly to the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding municipalities; . . . Council Minutes REPORT - 10- April 25, 2003 WHEREAS ITER will provide for a "brain-gain" attracting highly skilled scientists and researchers from around the world, it will employ Canadian scientists and high technology workers and it will attract investment in related technologies and industries; WHEREAS during the construction phase of ITER, there will be over a thousand Canadian workers employed in a variety of jobs to build the research facility; WHEREAS ITER will benefit many communities and industries in the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding region and is therefore supported by municipal leaders, businesses, educators and labour; WHEREAS since 2001, the Canadian Government has been participating in formal negotiations on ITER with the European Union, Russia and Japan and such negotiations have recently expanded to include the United States and China; WHEREAS the initial Canadian bid for ITER was premised on publiclprivate partnerships, a willingness by the Ontario Government to invest $300 million only if the Canadian site was selected; WHEREAS of the four sites competing to host the ITER project, the Final Site Assessment Report favours the Canadian site at Clarington with the only negative comments in the Final Site Assessment Report being the lack of support for fusion energy research by the Canadian governments and lack of direct federal government funding for ITER; WHEREAS the Canadian bid has been seriously eroded since its submission by more recent entries from Japan, France and particularly the one from Spain, which has shrunk the Canadian site's cost advantage, and the strong financial backing of these competing bids by their governments; WHEREAS the other countries have made known their view that Canada is not seriously committed to fusion research and that its bid is opportunistic since there is no commitment to ITER if Canada is not the host country; . . . Council Minutes REPORT - 11 - April 25, 2003 WHEREAS regardless of the selection of the Canadian site, there are compelling reasons why Canada should be a non-host Party, including meeting Canada's science and technology priorities, moving to meet the Kyoto Climate Change Protocol, benefits to Canada's high-technology industries; access to Intellectual Properties Rights for fusion technology; opportunity for Canadian universities to collaborate in fusion research and being part of a global international cooperative program to develop a new energy source; WHEREAS all other G8 countries plus other European Union countries and China are ready to embark on ITER and it is critical that Canada amend its bid to host ITER now; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that "CANADA NEEDS ITER" and the Municipality of Clarington calls on the Federal Government and Province of Ontario to pursue vigorously and take all necessary steps to successfully attract ITER to Canada; THAT the Municipality of Clarington requests the Ontario and Federal Governments to: a) internally engage in substantive and cooperative negotiations to reach an equitable sharing of the costs for Canada's participation in ITER; b) join the rest of the G8 countries in committing to fusion as a future energy source and adopt a policy supporting fusion; c) commit to being a party to ITER whether Canada is host or not, by committing ongoing funding and participating in the ITER fusion research and development program; d) submit a new competitive offer to host ITER in Canada at Clarington with a commitment from both Ontario and the federal government to fund an appropriate share of the project costs; THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Right Honourable Jean Chretien, Prime Minister, . . . . , Council Minutes REPORT - 12- April 25, 2003 THAT a copy of this resolution also be forwarded to the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Natural Resources; the Honourable John Manley, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; the Honourable Alan Rock, Minister of Industry; the Honourable David Collenette, Minister of Transportation and Chair of the GTA Caucus; Alex Shepherd, MP for Durham; Paul Macklin, MP for Port Hope; Ivan Grose, MP for Oshawa; Judy Longfield, MP for Whitby- Ajax; Dan McTeague, MP for Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge; John O'Reilly, MP for Haliburton-Victoria-Brock; Peter Adams, MP for Peterborough, the Honourable Paul Devillers, MP for Simcoe North; the Honourable Paul Martin, MP for LaSalle-Emard and the Honourable Sheila Copps, MP for Hamilton East; THAT a copy of this resolution also be forwarded to the Honourable Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Jim Flaherty, the Ontario Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation; the Honourable Janet Ecker, the Ontario Minister of Finance; the Honourable John Baird, the Ontario Minister of Energy; John O'Toole, MPP for Durham; the Honourable Jerry Ouellette, MPP for Oshawa; and the Honourable Doug Galt, MPP for Northumberland; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area, the Municipality of Port Hope, the Town of Cobourg and the County of Northumberland, the City of Peterborough, County of Peterborough and the Municipality of Kawartha Lakes for their endorsement. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Council Member Declaration of Pecuniary Yea Nav Interest Absent Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor Pingle Councillor Robinson Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Mavor Mutton x X X X X X X . . . . , Council Minutes - 13- April 25, 2003 CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-235-03 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2003-041 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 25th day of April 2003, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time, "CARRIED" Resolution #C-236-03 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2003-041 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-237-03 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:20 p.m. "CARRIED"