HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-12 MinutesNewcastle BIA MINUTES April 12, 2018 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Marni Lewis, Donna Wood, Janeen Calder, Theresa Vanhavebeke, Leslie Ray, Helen Vatandoust, Joanna Bastas, Councillor Wendy Partner, Lina Schmal, Tracy Yates, Catherine Peterson, Linda Woytowich (Gift of Art) Regrets: Greg Lewis, Karen Bastas 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 3. Approval of March Minutes: Motion to accept: Ann Harley Seconded: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: We didn't get any interest from the Chamber of Commerce or the Lions Club at taking on the Canada day Event. 5. Council Report - Wendy Partner n/a 6. President's Report: n/a 7. Treasurer's Report: As of March 31, 2018 the balance is $83,705.00. $50,000 for gateway signs and $22,000 for overhead banner poles will both be invoiced shortly. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Our banners have been used for the past 3 years and are in need of being replaced. Shear Display quoted $6300 including installation and taxes for new ones. The hanging flower baskets and flowers for the new sidewalk planter boxes have been ordered through the Garden Path. We will look into getting the Christmas decor in the planter boxes taken down and stored for next year. Advertising: Our likes on Facebook continue to go up. Please share the page within your friends groups. Top 3 trending posts this month were the LCBO grand opening, Easter Scavenger Hunt, and the Snug's new bar. Newcastle Griddle will be opening in Dee's Harvest Table's old location. They will be serving all day breakfast. Special Events: a) Easter Scavenger Hunt- 300 questionnaires were handed out, 92 were completed. 242 people came through the Gift of Art. This event received an $800 grant from the Municipality. This event was very successful at getting people into all the businesses that participated. For future BIA events the committees will coordinate grant applications for all events. Theresa is planning the meeting if you are interested in attending. b) Christmas Tree Lighting - Janeen Calder has spoken to the Hall Board, they are going to get the exact measurements for the Town Hall to determine how many lights will be needed. More details to follow. If you are interested in helping contact Janeen - janeenrmt@hotmail.com c) Ann is going to speak to Marg at the Orono Times about publishing an article to let the community know that the BIA is no longer organizing the Canada Day festivities. This may get an interested group to step up and organize it this year. 9. CBOT. AGM is April 26th at Mosport 10. Chamber News: n/a 11. CIP: There are grants available for facade and accessibility, please contact Faye Langmaid for more information. 12. New Business: The Gift of Art's Drama program will be presenting their year end show, May 7th at 7pm at Newcastle Public School. The Living Stories Project is a joint venture between seniors and youth to bring stories, memories and experiences to life through the use of multi -media. If you are interested in learning more about this new program at the Gift of Art, please contact the Gallery. 13. Next meeting, Thursday May 10th, 2018 @ 9:00am 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Ann Harley, seconded by Theresa Vanhaverbeke