HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-11 MinutesGaringwli Museums BOARD MEETING April 11, 2018 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: W. Woo M. Morawetz H. Raj S. Elhajjeh S. Middleton K. Warren (Interim Executive Director) Regrets: H. Ridge (ED) S. Bobka S. Cooke 1. Call to Order: H. Raj, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Minutes: None. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz reminded Board members of two upcoming events. Maplefest is on Saturday May 5" with displays and promotion by the museum staff as well as Doors Open Clarington, ACO Clarington, Jury Lands Foundation, and VAC working together as partners from 9 am to 5 pm. Doors Open Clarington will be held this year featuring the villages of Newtonville and Port Granby. Volunteers are welcome to help with the tour day as hosts and guides. The event is Saturday June 9th and runs from 10 am to 4 pm. 8. Reports: a) Finance: See Appendix A Note that getting the Purchase Card (P Card) has been delayed due to an audit at the bank. It will be set up once the bank is ready. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Finance Report of March 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED. b) Membership (& Fundraising): See Appendix B Clarification regarding membership fees prorated by 1/4 year with memberships based on the calendar year. c) Property: See Appendix C K. Warren added that the pest control presently costs about $90/month and that it would be recommended as an "as needed" service to save on the expense. d) Curatorial: See Appendix D K. Warren reviewed highlights in the report. Discussion followed on second recommendation to consider the temporary position of Curitorial Assistant becoming permanent. K. Warren stated that without help the ongoing work will take longer than 2 years to complete and so was asked to prepare for next meeting, different scenarios to approach or resolve the situation & report back to the Board. e) Programming: See Appendix E Highlighted in this report was the revenue generated by the opportunity to hold an Escape Room adventure this year during renovations and reorganization of Waverley Place. March Break program was well attending with Science Fair day being the most popular of the three days. Discussions are underway with OPG about sponsoring 5 days next year for the March Break program. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the above reports and recommendations there in of April 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED 9. In Camera: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton That: at 7:37 pm in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that deals with b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh That: at 7:57 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED 10. Executive Director's Report: See Appendix F K. Warren reviewed highlights in the report noting that one Grant application made recently was denied by Canada Post. The response advised that we reapply again next year. Other applications are in process including the TD Grant targeting Wild Ontario Programs in Oct for school programming. Policy review for 3.1 Financial Management, 3.2 Financial Signing Authority, 3.3 Criminal Reference Check (including a new statement concerning "statutory declarations"), 3.4 Personnel Records, and 3.6 Gift Acceptance Policies were scrutinized. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the ED report of April 2018 be received, and THAT: the policies noted in the minutes be adopted with changes and updates recommended and reviewed April 11 2018. MOTION CARRIED 11. New Business: a) Canada Day — K. Warren stated that preparations are underway. Menu this year will likely be hamburgers and hotdogs, and ice cream sandwiches as that worked well last year and was easier to do than scooped ice-cream. Discussion followed. Suggestion to ask Grandview fundraisers to do the BBQ this year as it is a focus for Clarington this year. M. Morawetz offered the 4-H Fundraising Club as a second possibility. In 2017 there was a profit from the event for the first time in recent years and a motion was made to divide any profits equally between the Museum and whatever group managed the BBQ for the day. K. Warren will check with Durham Health to make sure all standards are met. b) Union Review — planned near the end of May so K. Warren will report at the June Board meeting. 12. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held Wed. May 9, 2018 at 7 p.m Location: Town Hall, TBA 13. Adjournment: Moved by: S. Middleton THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives