HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-17 MinutesClarington Heritage Committee Minutes of Meeting April 17, 2018 Members Present: Todd Taylor, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Mark Stanisz, Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Robert Malone, Councillor Hooper Regrets: Tracey Ali Staff: David Addington and Faye Langmaid, Planning Services & Rob Maciver, Legal Services Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 18.15 Moved by P. Vogel, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the agenda for April 17, 2018 be adopted as amended. "Carried" Adoption of Minutes 18.16 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by V. Suppan THAT the minutes of the Meeting of March 20, 2018 be accepted. "Carried" Delegations and Presentations xThe scheduled presentation by Myno Van Dyke was postponed to a future meeting. Business Arising Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) xThe commemorative plaque from Parks Canada is anticipated by the end of 2018. The other plaques identifying the six buildings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act will be installed when the buildings are suitably fit for a plaque. Potential Designations: x156 Church St (Edna Thompson daycare): Report recommending the intention to designate the property on the April 23 Planning & Development Committee agenda. 1 1 P a g e Municipal Register: x The report recommending that the properties at 3347 Liberty St, the Nurses Residence (11 Mabel Bruce Way) and the former Goodyear property (45 Raynes) be included on the Municipal Register was approved at the April 9 Council meeting. x Historical information about Goodyear including an article about the blimp landing at Goodyear in 1928 was provided. Reports From Other Committees Bowmanville, Orono or Newcastle CIP: xThe Accessibility Directorate of Ontario presentation scheduled for April 19th at 7pm (Council Chambers) will review the integrated accessibility standards regulation under the AODA and is geared towards BIA and CBOT members. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch: xNo resolutions passed at the April 16 meeting. xB. Malone attended meeting and introduced the Wilmot heritage park concept. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: xAGM was held on Tuesday, March 27; they now have a full Board of ten people. xThe appointment of officers will happen next week; B. Malone's term as President will end, he will remain active with NVDHS as an officer and director. xAt the first general meeting of the year, Peter Klose presented on the Beech family. xThere will be a solid action plan for the year set by May's meeting. xTours of the Community Hall and guided walking tours will continue this year. Museum: xNew archival photo window decals have been installed on Sarah Jane building. xThe old sign in front of Waverley Place will be replaced in the near future. xA group from the Canadiana web series did an episode on Camp 30 and visited the Museum afterwards. They interviewed K. Warren as part of the episode. xThree summer students were hired; they will be able to help with heritage research. Correspondence: xMTCS has forwarded a letter to heritage committees and their assistants stating that fees for property research at Land Registry Offices can be waived until March 2019. Project Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: xThe subcommittee evaluated four homes for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, as follows: 0 61 Liberty St. N: Group 1 score (62); Medland house; good condition. 0 62 Concession St.: Group 1 score (86); Francis McArthur house; great condition. 0 1440 Gord Vinson Ave: Group 1 score (69.6); Gothic & Greek Revival; few Courtice homes remaining with this heritage value. 0 2600 Green Rd: Group 2 score (53); more information about the property's history would be helpful in producing a more comprehensive evaluation. The property's status on the Inventory and Secondary Plan needs to be confirmed by staff. 21 age 18.17 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by R. Malone That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property at 61 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 18.18 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property at 62 Concession Street West, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 18.19 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R. Malone That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property at 1440 Gord Vinson Avenue, Courtice be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 18.20 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R. Malone That the Clarington Heritage Committee continue to research the property at 2600 Green Road to evaluate if it meets the criteria for inclusion on the Municipal Register. "Carried" Public Outreach and Education Committee: xUpcoming meeting on Thursday; will be discussing `On This Spot' app which blends present and past photos of a place and can be used for guided tours; this could be used with an iPad tablet for walking tours in Clarington. xOutreach Committee will have ideas for new website by next heritage meeting. New Business xWebsite: The existing heritage website will be offline as of June 18; new mapping with five heritage -related overlays is expected to be online on the same day. xChanges to OMB: The OMB will become the Local Planning & Appeals Tribunal; no substantive changes to the process for appeals under the Ontario Heritage Act. xWilmot Creek Heritage Park: V. Suppan to continue research Indigenous history in the area of the creek and Belmont House and will be speaking to Mississauga Nation. K. Warren to provide contact info for First Nations Council Next meeting: May 15, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A 31 Page