HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-20 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting March 20, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Mark Stanisz, Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Robert Malone, Councillor Hooper REGRETS: Tracey Ali STAFF: David Addington and Faye Langmaid, Planning Services DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 18.11 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the agenda for March 20, 2018 be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 18.12 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by S. Conway THAT the minutes of the Meeting of February 20, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Robert McNamara regarding 210 King Avenue West, Newcastle x R. McNamara outlined the proposed alterations to his designated heritage home at 210 King Ave W, Newcastle (the Hollows); x The proposal is to remove an existing room at the rear of the home built in the 1970's and to replace it with two storey addition to function as a bedroom and great room, hoping to have the front of the home function as a bed and breakfast; x The addition would not be visible from the street and would have an architectural siding with a full grain appearance like wood siding but not the maintenance; x Detailed drawings have not been undertaken, wanted to consult with Heritage Committee first; and x In principle Committee was in favour of the proposal but will need to see architectural drawings to be able to make a recommendation to Council. 1 1 P a g e BUSINESS ARISING Potential Designations: 156 Church St. (Edna Thomson daycare) — Staff met with Regional staff, the daycare will be moving. Regional facilities staff have always consulted with any work they were doing. The CHC passed a resolution in 2012 recommending designation, Report will go forward recommending designation. Municipal Register Evaluations x 26 Concession Street: Members suggested that staff meet with the property owners. x 3347 Liberty St, the Nurses Residence (11 Mabel Bruce Way) and the former Goodyear property (45 Raynes), staff have met with the owners of each property — report will be going forward to the April 3rd Planning & Development meeting with recommendations. 2018 Durham Heritage Committee Meeting — Scugog has volunteered to host in June. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES x No meetings to report for Bowmanville, Orono or Newcastle CIP groups. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — Next meeting is on Monday, April 16 at the NVDHS history room at 7pm. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: xAGM scheduled for Tuesday, March 27 at 7pm and all are welcome to attend; xNVDHS attended the Sports & Leisure Show where they had a booth; xWalking tours will take place again this year including tours of the Community Hall; xThe historical room can be made available for CHC meetings if needed. Museum; xAccessibility audit on Sarah Jane Centre and Waverley House; will look at improvements at the front door entrance and wheelchair accessible ramps at the rear of the building; applying for a federal accessibility grant; should have the audit report by next CHC meeting; xThe local history exhibit will move to Sarah Jane building; Jury family history exhibit to be at Waverley House; xA Mother's Day historical walk and tea on the verandah is planned; and xAfternoon teas will occur on Wednesdays and Saturdays beginning on July 4th. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) —Upcoming workshop with consultant DTAH, Jury Lands Foundation and municipal staff. Anticipate a public meeting sometime this spring. 21 Page PROJECT REPORTS Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: xThe Heritage Resource List needs to be updated, looking for a method of adding properties with heritage value to the list; best method to add new properties to the list before a complete assessment is done may be to add those that the CHC consider to having potential value to GIS mapping as `candidates' to flag them for planning staff; photos of six properties in Courtice to be considered for the list and identify for further study during the secondary plan review were circulated and discussed; and 18.13 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R. Malone THAT six properties in Courtice identified by municipal addresses: 1798 Highway 2, 2433 Courtice Road, 1593 Bloor Street, 1604 Bloor Street, 1678 Bloor Street and 2894 Hancock Road be added to the municipal Cultural Heritage Resource List as `candidate' heritage resources. "CARRIED" Public Outreach and Education Committee — Report for next meeting. NEW BUSINESS xMuseum would be willing to partner with CHC and Municipality to hire a student to assist with property research; this would be an idea for 2019, there are various funding grants that could be explored. Foster Northwest subdivision/Belmont House: xV. Suppan email captures the groups concerns and comments, this has been forwarded to the Planner working on the subdivision application; xPowerPoint presentation has been created by Myno VanDyke outlining the history, will be shown at the next meeting of the CHC, for use at a future public meeting; xV. Suppan summarized the proposed Wilmot heritage park concept, concerns for water troughs to west of house, and for First Nations artifacts. These comments will also be passed along to staff addressing the subdivision proposal. 18.14 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends the establishment of a Wilmot Creek Heritage park to be included in the development plans for the Foster Northwest neighbourhood. Next meeting: April 17, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1 C 31 Page