HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/2007 Special CICJ!!l1.gtnn SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MARCH 2, 2007 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. DELEGATIONS (a) Sally Barrie, Community Care Durham, Clarington - 2007 Budget Request (b) Ron Bailey, Richard Toms and Jean-Michel Komarnicki, Visual Arts Centre- 2007 Budget Request (c) Gail Rickard, Clarington Public Library Board - 2007 Budget Request (d) Martha Rutherford-Conrad, Clarington Museum and Archives - 2007 Budget Request 4. REPORTS (a) Confidential Report PSD-026-07 - Property Matter (Distributed under separate cover) (b) 2007 Current and Capital Budget 401 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905.623-3379 ~ REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: FRIDAY MARCH 2, 2007 Resolution #: Report #: FND-004-07 File#: By-law #: Subject: 2007 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THATReport FND-004-07 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the base 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets as outlined in Schedule "A", Part 1, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.86% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-004~07; 3. THAT Council approve the uncontrollable items due to new services previously approved and new legislative requirements as outlined in Schedule "A", Part 2, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.84%; 4. THAT Council approve the major priorities related to growth or new services as outlined in Schedule "A", Part 3, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.51 %; 5. THAT Council approve the uncontrollable budget increase submission from the external agencies as outlined in Schedule "A", Part 4, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.66%; 6. THAT Council approve the phase-in impact for new 2008 facilities as outlined on Schedule "A", Part 5, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.24%; 7. THAT the Schedules "B", "C" and "D" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions be approved; 8. THAT approximately $1 ,000,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; . 401 FND-004-Q7 2 9. THAT the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the attached document be approved; . 10.THAT the capital forecast be received for information; 11. THAT the external agencies, referred to in this report be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request, including their priority requests; 12. THAT Council provide direction regarding the Visual Arts Centre request for $5,000 for the Visual Arts Centre fundraising project for Silken Laumann to speak; 13. THAT 2007 staffing changes be approved, as identified in this report; and 14. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2007 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Submitted by: ~~~. Reviewed b~ -~ tZ. Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/nma 402 - FND-004-07 3 OVERVIEW: 1.0 The 2007 budget is outlined in detail in the draft budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report. The approximate 2007 impact is detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 1.1 The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.2 This impact is after assessment growth, which is estimated at 2.12%. Every 1 % increase in the budget generally results in a tax increase of approximately $8.28 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on assessed value of $231 ,000). This does not include the impact of tax policy . changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.3 Based on the 2007 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits remain at 91 % for residential, farm and multi-residential and 9% for commercial and industrial properties. 1.4 Clarington continues to rely strongly on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts. For 2007, the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds (less the portion to be debentured) is $10 million and this does not include $1,000,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes capital and current (operating). The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the attached schedules B, C and D. 1.5 Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Port Granby Trust monies were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. Revenue increases for many departments have been factored in including, transfer station royalties, planning fees and miscellaneous revenues. Also, dividends from Veridian have been increased and Community Reinvestment Funding (CRF) will be received from the province and directly applied to offset the tax levy increase. 1.6 For 2007, Clarington will experience reductions in provincial offenses act revenue. TAX RATE STABILIZATION: 2.0 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Accumulated SurpluslWorking Funds Reserve approximately $1,000,000 per year, on average. This is proposed to continue for 2007. However, ideally, the Municipality should start to reduce it's reliance on these funds. It should be a priority in future years' budgets to make some inroads into our reliance on this surplus or begin replenishing the balance in the Rate Stabilization Reserve. It was initially proposed that this be reduced by $200,000 for 2007. However, in light of the overall impact for 2007, this proposal has been removed. 403 FND-004-07 4 TAX POLICY CHANGES: 3.0 A long term strategic tax policy plan was approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham that will have an impact on the final tax rates. The 2007 update of the plan will be presented to Regional Council in April 2007. The tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. A particular additional impact to Clarington relates to the education retained portion of payment-in-Iieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. As a result of reductions in the Large Industrial tax ratio, as well as the provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate, Clarington will continue to experience a loss of revenue in this area. For 2007, the estimated reduction in revenue will be included as a tax policy adjustment in the calculation of the final tax rates. STAFFING REQUESTS: 4.0 Staffing costs represent a significant portion of any municipal operating budget. As the Municipality grows, so does the need to provide for the necessary staff resources to ensure the standards and levels of services do not deteriorate. In the deliberation of all the staffing requests from all departments, the CAO is very mindful of the budgetary constraints and therefore has deferred most staffing requests to subsequent years save and except for those very few positions that were either committed by previous Council or absolutely necessary to maintain current service standards. The entire staffing request for 2007 is as follows: a) Previously committed: In an effort to lessen the 2006 tax impact, Council approved only partial funding for the following positions. Thus the balance of the staffing cost (salary and benefits) was deferred to the 2007 budget. POSITIONS 4 firefighters Health and Safety Officer Internal Auditor (to be hired in'07) 2006 Budget $28,750 $28,000 $30,000 2007 Budget $172,600 $ 40,000* $ 35,000 ~247.600 Sub-total from previous committments *plus workplace accommodation Issue b) Positions recommended for 2007: The following positions are recommended for 2007 for a variety of reasons explained under each position category. Positions 2007 Budget Impact Finance Dept. - Financial Analyst- required for asset Management and accounting mandated by legislation $70,000 404 FND-004-07 5 Clerks Dept. - 1 part-time Clerk 1- required to alleviate very busy counter activities Operations Dept. - 3 summer students to keep up with maintenance of additional parks Planning Dept. - 1 crossing guard required for new school location Community Services Dept. - a) Part-time programmer for Total Hockey b) Newcastle Aquatic Facility (all positions at 50% cost) -1 facility supervisor -1 concession supervisor (Pff) -4 facility operators -10 cashierlreceptionists (Pff) -1 clerk 1 -9 maintenance staff (Pff) -6 concession attendants (Pff) -1 aquatic programmer (Pff) -lifeguards (Pff) -recreation program staff (Pff) -fitness program staff (Pff) Total for Newcastle Aquatic Subtotal for positions recommended in 2007 GRAND TOTAL c) Looking ahead $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $8,000 $21,000 $34,000 $ 8,000 $98,000 $54,000 $15,000 $32,000 $13,000 $13,000 $123,000 $28,200 ~ 5.600 ~423.800 ~582.800 ~830,400 As stated previously, there are many new positions requested by various department heads that have been deferred by the CAO and therefore are not presented here. Suffice it to say, as the Municipality continues to experience rapid growth, so does the need to keep pace with the services in order to meet the residents' expectation that Clarington is a desirable place to live, work and play. The pressure areas will be subject to a more critical review this year in advance of the 2008 budget. One such pressure area that will be reviewed is to determine whether there is any need to hire additional firefighters as the current Master Fire Plan suggests. Since the preparation of the last Master Fire Plan, the Municipality has hired a total of 13 new firefighters which has obviously changed the level of service. While we know the level of service has improved, the extent of improvement is not known. As a result, the Director of Fire and Emergency Services has recommended a review of the Master Fire Plan, the cost of which is included in the departmental budget. 405 , FND-004-07 6 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMENTARY: 5.0 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is a change from last year of $125,078. Details of capital projects, by department, are included in the Draft Capital Budget. 5.1 Federal fuel tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $907,711. 5.2 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. CURRENT BUDGET IMPACTS: 6.0 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing costs increases in areas such as wage increases, extended health benefit cost increases, OMERS impact, fuel cost increases, utilities and facility maintenance costs. DEBT STATUS: 7.0 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2007 budget purposes total $3,161,034.58. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena, the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility ,the MAC/Main Library, the Newcastle Aquatic facility, Total Hockey and estimated debenture for the Newcastle branch library. 7.1 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2007 is $19,421,640. New debentures will be required in 2007/2008 for the Newcastle Library, Green Road Grade Separation/ Stevens Road extension, and the Mill Street Grade Separation. The Newcastle Aquatic Facility debenture is being finalized at the time of writing this report. As a result of the approval of Report EGD-024-07 pertaining to the Mill Street Subway and pending the outcome of the public meeting and Environmental Study Report, there is a reduction in the projected total debt of $4,250,000. Should circumstances change pertaining to this project, the projects included in the capital forecast for 2008 funded from the roads and related development charges reserve fund would have to be revised. 7.2 Total debt is now projected to be $44,600,000 most of which is growth-related through development charges. The projected debt may be reduced further subject to the amount of collections occurring in the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund between now and when the debentures will be issued. 406 FND-004-07 7 MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM: 8.0 The Municipal grant program is administered through the Community Services Department. The budget presented via this report includes a total of $80,000 for the grant program. Of that $80,000, traditionally $15,000 relates to three extemal agencies whereby their first $5,000 is budgeted through the municipal grant program with the balance through the normal budget process. The remaining $65,000 is allocated based on Council direction when the grant report is brought forward. Should Council change the practice pertaining to the three external agencies (Clarington Older Adults Association, Clarington Community Care and the Newcastle Community Hall), there will be an impact on the budget presented in this report. INSURANCE: 9.0 I nsurance costs for 2007 appear to be stabilizing at this point. A budget increase of $50,000 has been incorporated into the draft current budget as a estimate. RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: 10.0 Consistent with past practice, as a matter of housekeeping, some Reserve Funds are recommended for closing to other funds as projects are complete or the funds are more appropriately consolidated. Also, transfers between reserve funds are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds. All proposed changes are included on the Reserve and Reserve Fund summaries in the attached schedules Band C. EXTERNAL AGENCIES: 11.0 The requests from the external agencies, including the Museum, Library, Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Older Adults Board, etc. are detailed in the Community Services- Grants section of the Draft Current Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis. The additional items included under priority #1 included in the grant section are $39,800 for the Museum and $19,100 for library services priority #1. The external agencies tab in the Draft Current Budget also provides additional background information pertaining to the requests by the external agencies. This increase in budget requests for the external agencies (excluding priority requests) total $178,641 for 2007, which is a 0.66% total municipal levy increase. 11.1 At a meeting held on January 8, 2007, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed a resolution that the delegation presented by Richard Tom and Jane Eccles concerning the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington Fundraiser- Project for Silken Laumann to speak at Bowmanville High School - October, 2007 and the request for $5,000 be referred to the budget process. 407 . ~ FND-004-07 8 FUTURE YEARS' BUDGETS: 12.0 There are certain known impacts for the 2008 budget year such as staffing, wage settlements, fire master plan implications, insurance costs, normal inflationary impacts, and increased debenture requirements for proposed new facilities. As mentioned above, consideration must be given in 2008 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund ($200,000). Also of concern for 2008, will be the balance of Newcastle Library operating costs and debt as well as the balance of Newcastle Aquatic operating costs estimated at $600,000. 12.1 Other items for future consideration include funding for the proposed Newcastle Community Improvement Plan ($25,000) and increased tax support to roads (estimated at 1 % or $270,000). Attachments: Schedule "A" - 2007 Budget Impact Summary Schedule "B" - Reserve Funds Schedule "C" - Reserves Schedule "D" - 2007 Operating - Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: . Clarington Museum and Archives . Clarington Older Adult Board . Clarington Public Library . Durham Region Community Care Association . Newcastle Community Hall . Orono Cemetery Company . Visual Arts Centre of Clarington CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 408 " . 2007 BUDGET IMPACT SUMMARY SCHEDULE 'A' 2Q-Feb-07 ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCES: IMPACT IN $ IMPACT IN % Veridian Dividends $ (100,000.00) Reserve Confn for Pay Equity $ (40,000.00) CIS- fitness revenue $ (30,000.00) Planning Fees $ (99,700.00) Clerk-Mise revenue $ (5,900.00) Eng-Mlse revenue $ (74,800.00) Transfer Station Royalties $ (50,000.00) CRF Funding $ (116,000.00) Growth at 2.12% $ (575,000.00) SUBTOTAL $ (1,091,400.00) -4.04% REVENUE LOSSES: , Loss of POA $ 100,000.00 Oper-mlsc revenue $ 45,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 145,000.00 0.54% UNCONTROLLABLE/INFLATIONARY IMPACTS Wage Seltiements, ete $ 869,725.00 Firefighters (11 mos.) and PfT Firefighters $ 187,600.00 New Positions approved in 2006 $ 103,279.00 Severance Pay -Elected Officials $ 44,412.00 Pay Equity Impacts $ 37,452.00 Benefits-Statutory deductions $ 174,000.00 Benefits- Extended Health $ 121,000.00 . Hydro- faciltties $ 92,000.00 Streetlight hydro $ 49,000.00 Insurance $ 50,000.00 Official Plen costs $ 80,000.00 Legal (16,000 hlr re: negotiations) $ 37,500.00 Post employment benefits $ 25,000.00 Software Maintenance $ 72,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,942,968.00 7.20% EXPENSE REDUCTIONS: CIS- special events $ (45,000.00) FIre-radio costs $ (20,000.00) Marketing-printing, advert, special events $ (125,500.00) Second round cuts $ (34,000.00) SUBTOTAL $ (224,500.00) -C.63% PART 1: TAX LEVY IMPACT AT STATUS QUO: . 2.86% UNCONTROLLABLE DUE TO NEW SERVICES OR LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Newc. Aquatic Debt $ 140,000.00 Capital Assets $ 200,000.00 New Staff (Intemal Audtt to be seconded to capttal assets) $ 35,000.00 Defibrillators $ 14,000.00 Total Hockey Debenture $ 107,074.68 PART 2 SUBTOTAL $ 496,074.68 1.84% MAJOR PRIORITIES(PRIMARIL Y GROWTH OR NEW SERVICE RELATED): Tax Levy Support to Capital $ 25,078.00 Parks malnt-grass and trees $ 36,000.00 409 .. .4. - , Parks Impr-South Court/Clar fields $ 16,000.00 PART 3 SUBTOTAl $ 408,078.00 1.51% EXTERNAL AGENCIES UNCONTROLLABLE: Community Care- no change Older Adults $ 25,500.00 Visual Arts Centre $ 6,850.00 Clarington Museums $ 10,666.00 Library 2007 request $ 135,625.00 .PART 4 SUBTOTAl $ 178,641.00 0.66% PHASE-IN FOR 2008 NEW FACILITIES: Newcastle Library Operating (50%-2008) $ 100,500.00 Newcastie Aquatic Operating (50%- 2008) $ 404,783.00 Newc. Library Debt $ 100,000.00 PART 5 SUBTOTAl $ 605,283.00 2.24% TOTAL $ 2,460,144.68 9.11% ITEMS DELETED FROM RECOMMENDATIONS DUE TO OVERALL IMPACT: Contribution to Facilities RIf $ 50,000.00 Redn In Draw from Rate Stabilization $ 200,000.00 Pandemic planning $ 10,000,00 . . $ 260,000.00 0.96% NOTABLE ITEMS DELETED FROM BASE BUDGET: Big Brothers Bowl and Golf Sponsorship $ (900.00) Clarington Board of Trade Golf Tournament $ (1,500,00) Concerts in the Park $ (4,000.00) Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament $ (5,000.00) Mosport LeMans VIP $ (21,120.00) Mayo~s Golf Tournament $ 6,000.00 Channel 12 $ (72,000.00) $ (98,520.00) -0.36% . ITEMS NOT iNCLUDED IN RECOMMENDATIONS: Additional Firefighters (4'$63,000)(one month=21 ,000) $ 252,000.00 Priority Requests from external agencies $ 58,900.00 V AC-Silken Laumann request $ 5,000.00 Contribution to Economic Develoment Reserve Fund $ 200,000.00 $ 515,900.00 1.91% 410 2007 BUDGET IMPACT SUMMARY 20-Feb-07 Surface Treatment-Roads Other New Staff Land Acquisition Funding Sidewalk snowclearing Parks-lIghlslplaylng fields Parks irrigatiOn SCHEDULE 'A" $ 115,000.00 $ 89,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 13,500.00 $ 550000 " . ... 0 0 N .L )t III i:;;! 1:. .~ Q).....(I)Cl,...ClIl)IN~ -~ .. ~!'.;:Na8~o"';; i ~~~US U w ~~8~~~:?o :!l." (!; ~"".~~QC'1~;" U gflri'cDlt),....'tiN;5t1 -:8 :8 ~NCOCl)OIt)f8f8. :!! ~~f2~~Cl .ole .... i t!:.~tn..~~t~m !e_ m ~IO~N~ ~ - . -- ;:!; 0 ., -.... ::! ... -- - 0 N I~ ! Q I P ~ L~I !i ! ~ ~ ~ B CI) ~~; ~ d~ ~ ~~~ ~Pi II ~li~l! Ii! o ~~'" ~.. 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Supporting People, Strengthening Community Services Available To Clients Transportation * Local & long distance to medical appointments, shopping, etc. Book at least 72 hours in advance. Meals On Wheels* 12 routes covering all areas of the municipality. Meals are delivered Monday to Friday at noon. Five-day and three-day delivery options available. Frozen meals are available and delivered every 2 weeks. Foot Clinics* Bowmanville - St. Paul's Church, Nelson St. Apartments, Clarington Beech Centre Newcastle - Parkview Apartments, Adult Day Program Orono - Seniors' Lodge Wilmot Creek - Wheelhouse Courtice - Faith United Church Visiting Home Maintenance* Friendly visitors available across the municipality. Grass cutting and snow shovelling, minor odd jobs Brokered Home Help* Telephone Reassurance Vacuuming, dusting, laundry, etc. Daily telephone call. Follow-up with designated contact is done if no answer. Income Tax & Forms Preparation Supplement, Housing, Income Tax, etc. Book Delivery to Shut-Ins Errands* In cooperation with Clarington Public Library (all branches). Shopping service, parcel pickup. (See local transportation rates) Information & Referral Information on other programs and services, and on disabled parking passes. N ewsletler Sent to all clients, volunteers, churches, and interested parties as requested. Special events, fundraisers and other information are listed in our periodic newsletter. Luncheon Out* Held monthly at Rehoboth Church and St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville and Orono United Church, St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle and Faith United Church, Courtice * Client fee applies Revised: 2/11/2006 Data on "Ajax Servern\~o~\Services Available . Fee SchedUle 2006 Application/or 2007 Municipal Grant- Community Care Durham - Clarington 6 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM REPORT ON CLARINGTON HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Period: April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006 # of clients on file 1,679 # of volunteers on file 507 Service Service Numbers Individuals Served Meals On Wheels 17,767 meals 208 (Hot & Frozen) Transportation 20,759 one way trips 546 Luncheon Out 2,403 meals (including 419 entertainment in a social setting) Friendly Visiting 13,168 visits 246 Telephone Reassurance 10,646 contact calls 65 (Security Checks) Home Help 222 matches 193 Home Maintenance 1,474 jobs 218 Foot Care 2,969 appointments 441 ('\. a. -- 0 Q) ~ :t::I: ~ ~ ~~ QJ cJ; o .:: U <'lj QJ ~ S o 8 :t:~ E 0, ~, ~ 0 ~ L:. " .... " ~ co U 0 _E.t Q) ~: '" .... 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