HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-34-99 '-.-, J;- ,. . DN: PD-34-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #C\2 .JA Res. #GP P - .;;:2Gl-/ -1'7' Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 Report #: PD-34 -99 file #: By-law # Subject: APPOINTMENTS TO THE SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Re<;:ommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-34 -99 be received; 2. THAT Mr.Terry Hutchinson, Mr. David lawson, Mr. Dick Lovekin, Mr. Guy Morey, Mr. Carl Schenk, Mr. Robert Wilsher, Mr. William Woo, Mr. Mark Wright and Mr. Tim Rance from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mr. Warren Coulter .or Mr. Mark Peacock from Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and Ms. Cynthia Strike or her alternate from the Municipality of Clarington be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing Council, FORTHWITH; 3. THAT a member of Council be appointed to sit on the Management Advisory Committee for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area; and 4. THAT all applicants be advised of Council's decision. 644 ~ ~;;-< ? REPORT P0-34-99 PAGE. 2 .- 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In June 1998, Council authorized the formation of a Management Advisory Committee for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area. A copy of the Committee's mandate and structure are attached hereto, Attachment #1. The Management Advisory Committee will assist the Municipality and the Ministry of Natural Resources in managing the site. It will consist of twelve (12) individuals, eight (8) from the publiC;- at- large, three (3) from public agencies and one (1) member of Council. 1.2 The positions for the committee were advertised the weeks of November 2 and November 9111, 1998 and again the weeks of January 25111 and February 1 s~ 1999. 2. CANDIDATE SELECTION PROCESS 2.1 There were a total of 14 applicants, one however was from outside of the Municipality and therefore not eligible for a position on the Committee. All applicants had excellent resumes and each would fulfil the positions on the committee adequately. Staff reviewed each applicant's resume on the basis of technical skills, public relations skills, fund-raising skills, organizational skills, leadership skills and the ability to work as part of a team. The information provided by each candidate is confidential, however, the resumes are available in the Planning Department for Council's viewing. 2.2 Based on staff's evaluation, the following candidates are recommended for positions on the Management Advisory Committee: Community at large Mr. Terry Hutchison Mr. David Lawson Mr. Richard Lovekin Mr. Guy Morey Mr. Carl Schenk Mr. Robert Willsher Mr. William Woo Mr. Mark Wright 645 ..~ REPORT PD-34.99 PAGE 3 Mr. Tim Rance, Biologist from the Ministry of Natural Resources has been appointed by his Ministry to sit as an advisor on the Committee. Mr. Warren Coulter, Engineering Technician from Ganarska Region Conservation Authority has been appointed by the Authority to sit as an advisor. Mr. Mark Peacock, Engineer will be Mr. Coulter's alternative. Ms. Cynthia Strike, of the Planning and Development has been assigned to sit as the Municipality's advisor to the Committee. Council is required to appointment one member of Council to sit on the Management Advisory Committee. 3. Recommendations 3.1 The candidates recommended to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory will fulfil the positions of the Committee adequately. The applicants that were not recommended for a position on the committee will be encouraged to participate in future activities in the Nature Area. 3.2 On April 24, 1999 the Second Annual Spring Hike will be held in the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area. The hike was held the same time last year and was a success. In order for the new members to become jCqUainted with site, it would be useful for each one to attend the Spring Hike As such, Staff recommend that the Committee endorse the recommendations contained in this report and forward them to Council FORTHWITH. 646 ! . . REPORT PD-34-99 Davi J rome, M.C.I.P., R.R.P. Acting Director of Planning & Development D]C*CS*jip AprH13, 1999 Mr. Terry Hutchison R.R. #5 BowmanvHle, Ontario LlC 3K6 Mr. David Lawson 111 Cedarcrest Beach Road Box 44 Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3K3 Mr. Dick Lovekin 196 Lovekin Road Newcastle, Ontario LlB 1L9 Mr. Guy Morey 20 Rutherford Drive Newcastle, Ontario L1B1G7 PAGE 4 Reviewed by, d~~---6~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Carl Schenk 190 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 119 Mr. Robert Wilsher 323 Church Street Newcastle, Ontario 11 B 1 L6 Mr. William Woo 20 Foster Creek Drive Newcastle, Ontario LlB 1G2 Mr. Mark Wright 6170 Clemens Road Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3K6 647 t > SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1. THE MANDATE The Management Advisory Committee for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area is established by the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Natural Resources with the responsibilities for the following issues; . Implementing the recommendations in the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Environmental Management Plan; . Raising public awareness; . Encouraging volunteerism to undertake capital projects and educational activities; . Fund-raising; and . Monitoring changes in the ecosystem. 2. THE COMMITTEE 2.1 The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of the following; . The Chair shall report to the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Natural Resources. This individual shall provide leadership and be responsible for carrying out the mandate of the Advisory Committee. This individual shall be chosen by the Committee members. . The Secretary shall be responsible for correspondence and minutes. . Other Committee Members comprising approximately six individuals who possess various skills and will participate in the implementation of the EMP. The skills required are as follows: Technical (2) - shall interpret the EMP, recommend the work plan on a yearly basis and provide leadership during implementation of projects and monitoring. Public Relations (2) - shall create a public relations strategy focusing on public awareness, education and promoting the site. Fund-raising - shall create a fund-raising strategy aimed at soliciting private funds, donations-in-kind and investigating charitable status. Volunteer Support - shall be responsible for soliciting volunteers and organizing work programs. 64d f .. . Staff Members - shall be from the Municipality of Clarington, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority . Council Member - one member of Clarington Council shall be appointed to sit on the Committee. 2.2 Sulx:ommittees Sulx:ommittees may be struck from time to time to undertake special projects, including monitoring, fund-raising, promotions etc. 2.3 Other Volunteers The Committee will be supported by volunteers, who can be any individuals from the general public who possess various skills or who have an interest in the site and are willing to participate in protection/enhancement projects or other aspects such as fund-raising, writing, leading walking tours, tree planting, collecting litter, trail blazing etc. 2.4 Appointment of Committee Members The Members of the Committee shall be appointed by Council. The term shall coincide with the term of Council. 3. Budgeting The Committee, in consultation with the Municipality and the Ministry, will recommend to Council an annual capital budget for improvements in the Nature Area. The Committee shall also be responsible for applying for grants from various private sources and senior levels of government. The Clarington Public Works Department will budget for annual operating expenses. There is no operating budget for the Advisory Committee as all members are volunteers. Administrative and clerical assistance will be provided by municipal Staff. ( photocopying, mailing etc.) 4. Meetings and Reporting Meetings shall be held regularly. Minutes of meetings shall be recorded and distributed to the Committee members, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Municipality of Clarington. The minutes will be placed on the Council agenda for information. The Chair shall appear before the Ministry and the Municipality to inform them of the Committee's progress on an annual basis. May 13, 1998 649 (( " SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA AGENCY I COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE - MUNICIPALllY of CLARINGTON MINISTRY of NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITIEE Chair Secretary - SUB-COMMITTEES Committee Members (6) Agency Members (3) Council Representative (1) VOLUNTEERS 98~011 6Sn ~ l