HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-29-99 Ol-li.~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Ge~ral Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, March 29,1999 Res. # ~Pf\~ 133-'1'1 Report #: PD-29-99 File #: PLN 1.1.7 By-law # Subject: DURHAM PLANNING SYSTEM REVIEW: PHASE 1 REPORT FILE NO.: PLN 1.1.7 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-29.99 and the Durham Planning System Review: Phase 1 Report be received; 2. THAT the recommendations contained within the Durham Planning System Review: Phase 1 Report be endorsed; 3. THAT the Municipality of C1arington indicate to the Region of Durham that it isa .willing host" for the delegation of authority to approve plans <>f subdivisionlcondominium; 4. THAT the Region of Durham, the local area municipalities within Durham Region, the Urban Development Institute and the Durham Home Builders be advised of Council's decision. 1. In 1998, Planning Directors within the Regi<>n of Durham initiated a comprehensive process to review the current planning system in Durham. The revi.ew team, with the assistance of an outside facilitator, examined opportunities to improve the planning process, particularly in areas of overlap of service delivery. Decisions were based <>n the analysis, judgements and consensus of the review team. The goals established by the review team are to: . create an adaptive planning system . streamline the planning system .;_~~,f~~e/c~inuOl.lsly impr()Ving , - -'-"-',,-~~i:'7:!#'-/';~~("//;;:;,~:::i ':)i~i;~i;:"/, '.--'''' :;. > - -\::'i,-'''':;,:-::0~~~\. 608 ~w~. .'..'": REPORT PD..29..99 PAGE 2 2. Within two broad categories, five planning service areas were identified as providing the best opportunity for system improvement: a} Planning Approval Processes . official plan amendments; and . subdivision of lands. b} Policy and Research . data collection and analysis; . studies; and . policy formulation 3. The attached report "Durham Planning System Review: Phase 1 ReportH examines the planning approval process. Various types of planning applications were examined for either exemption from or delegation of the Region's statutory approval powers and for improvements to the current process. The recommended actions are contained in Section 7 of the Report. In summary, the recommend<\tions provide for: i} enhancements to the processing of Regional Official Plan Amendments should be examined; ii} local Official Plan Amendments should be exempted from Regional approval in accordance with guidelines to be established; iii) consents should be retained with the Regional land Division Committee but opportunities should be examined for enhancing.the current processes; iv) the approval function for Part lot Control should be delegated to local municipalities; and v} the approval function of plans of subdivision and condominium should be delegated to "willing host" local municipalities. 609 ~..:- REPORT P0-29.99 PAGf 3 4. If this framework is approved by the Councils of the Region and local municipalities, planning staff from all municipalities would work through the balance of 1999 to develop procedures, guidelines and train their staff to assume these new responsibilities. Phase 1 of the Review also identified areas of Data Collection, Studies and Policy Formation as areas of overlap and duplication that could be enhanced through changes to the planning system. However, these areas require more time, additional input from stakeholders and the involvement of other staff reSOurces. These issues will be addressed in Phase 2 of the Review. 6. The delegation of the subdivision approval powers was requested by a number of municipalities within the Region prior to the initiation of this Review. The concept of the "willing host" was established in recognition of the varying planning staff resources available to local municipalities. The three northern municipalities do not wish to assume this additional responsibility. Many of the lakeshore municipalities west of Clarington wish to assume subdivision approval as soon as possible. It is recommended that Clarington indicate that it is a "willing host" to assume subdivision approval powers. However, given staff resources and other priorities, such as the zoning by-law review and the implementation of the MAP development tracking system, it is recommended that delegation not proceed immediately. At such time as the Director of Planning and Development determines staff are ready to assume this delegated function, a report will be forwarded to Council for approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Region. 610 ... r--" . REPORT PD-29-99 PAGE 4 .. 7. If Council endorses the recommendations of the Phase 1 Report of the Durham Planning System Review, staff will proceed with: · the Phase 1 implementation steps identified in the Report; and · an examination of service delivery improvements for Data Collection and Analysis, Studies and Policy Formulation culminating in a Phase 2 Report. 8. CONCLUSION The Durham Planning System Review has led to cooperative approach to rationalize the delivery of planning services in Durham. In this current phase, the recommendations will lead to an improved customer service and less confusing planning approval process. The Municipality would be delegated or exempted from certain development approval functions currently undertaken by the Region. Similar exercises undertaken in Halton and York Regions, have led to similar recommendations. It is recommended that Council endorse the recommendations of the Phase 1 Report. Staff would initially work on procedures for the exemption of Local Official Plan Amendments and the delegation of Part Lot Control. It is also recommended that Council indicate that Clarington is a .willing host. for the delegation subdivision approval but that implementation proceed subsequent to the above matters and at such time that the Director of Planning and Development confirms staff readiness to assume this function. At such time, a Memorandum of Understanding on subdivision delegation will be forwarded for Council's approval. 611 REPORT PD-29-99 PACE 5 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, a~~0,-- Davi Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P, Acting Director of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer DJC*cc March 23,1999 Attachment #1: Durham Planning System Review: Phase 1 Report Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Kelvin Whalen Urban Development Institute Durham Region Area 1100 fglinton Ave. E. Toronto On M3C 1 H8 Richard Tranquada Oshawa and District HomebuHders King Street Postal Outlet P.O. Box 26064 206 Ki ng Street East Oshawa, On L1 H lCO 612 " DURHAM PLANNING SYSTEM REVIEW PHASE 1 REPORT Prepared by Planning System Review Team of Region and Local Municipalities '.. .. "I _~ _ ' "" .. .. \ .. ~ , . , ,,- - \...." . , ... - - \ 1\> ":~"'~::f'~~~ :..~~>~~; ,";:'.. ,.. .."," ,.,. 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"" - , ""'" , ... - .. . .." ,- ' ~ ~ , ' -,:, ':: ~- -,': ~', '-,;, .~ ~, ',:: February 11, 1999 613 TABLE OF CONTENTS Recommended Actions ....................................... 1 1.0 Introduction............................................ 2 2.0 Goals................................................. 2 3.0 Objectives............................................. 3 4.0 Team Composition ...................................... 3 5.0 Review Process ........................................ 4 6.0 Identification of Planning Services .......................... 4 7.0 Recommended Phase 1 Actions Regarding Planning Approval Process Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 7.1 Regional Official Plan Amendments .................... 5 7.2 Local Official Plan Amendments ....................... 6 7.2.1 Guidelines for Exemption of Local Official Plan Amendments 6 7.3 Subdivision/Condominium Approvals ................... 8 7.3.1 Guidelines for Delegation of Subdivision Approvals ........ 8 7.4 Part-Lot Control Approvals .......................... 10 7.5 Consent Approval by Regional Land Division Committee. .. 11 8.0 Recommended Phase 2 Actions Regarding Data Collection and Analysis, Studies, and Policy Formulation ................... 13 9.0 Next Steps and Implementation ........................... 14 10.0 Conclusion ........................................... 14 614 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 TECHNICAL COMPENDIUM Planning System Review Work Plan Types of Planning Service Service Delivery OPTIONS and PRO/CON Analysis 615 Recommended ActiQM In the area of Planning Approval Processes, it is recommended: (i) that opportunities to enhance the current Regional Official Plan Amendment process, as identified in Section 7.1 of this Report, be examined by a sub-committee consisting of representation from the Region and local municipalities; (ii) that the exemption of Local Official Plan Amendments be implemented in accordance with the guidelines and process identified in Section 7.2 of this Report; (iii) that the approval function for subdivision/condominium applications be delegated to willing host local municipalities, in accordance with the delegation principles and guidelines identified in Section 7.3 ofthis Report; (iv) that the approval function for part-lot control by-laws be delegated to local municipalities, subject to conditions in the Regional Council delegation by-law and agreement on detailed procedures; (v) that the existing approval function for consents remain with the Regional Land Division Committee, with an examination of potential enhancements to the current system; and (vi) that the implementation steps outlined in Sections 7.0 and 8.0 and 9.0 of this Report be carried out by the Planning System Review Team as part of Phase 2 of the Review. In the area of Data Collection and Analysis, Studies, and Policy Formulation, it is recommended that, as part of Phase 2 of the Review, a sub-committee with representation from the Region, the area municipalities and other stakeholders should review these planning services, in accordance with the guidelines set out in Section 8.0 of this Report. 616 Page 2 1.0 Introduction The context of planning in Durham is changing rapidly and the planning system must respond in a sound and proactive fashion. With this in mind during 1998, the leaders of the Durham Planning System undertook a comprehensive planning system review. This initiative was in recognition that opportunities existed to seek efficiencies and streamline the planning system in areas of overlap and duplication of service delivery. Some municipal Councils in Durham had previously passed resolutions requesting that the delegation of plan approval and review functions from the Region to the local municipalities be investigated. The need for a review was also identified in the 1997 Regional "Who Does What" Committee Report prepared by the CAO's of the Region and local municipalities. 2.0 Goals. The following three broad goals for the planning system review were established: Goal 1 - Create an Adaptive Planning System Considerable downward delegation of responsibilities has recently occurred between the various Provincial ministries and the Region. Accompanying this is new enabling legislation that allows the further delegation/exemption of approval responsibility from the Region to the local municipalities. The new Durham Planning System should take full advantage of these opportunities. Goal 2 - Streamline tbe..EJanning System To develop a streamlined planning system where the activities of all participants improve and speed up the decision making process. A one window system provides a focal point for the receipt of applications, processing of information, and analysis. This benefits all of the participants in the planning system, including the public, developers and various agencies. Increased effectiveness, timeliness and certainty will be hallmarks of the new system. Goal 3 - Design a Elexible. Continuously Improving Planning System There is every indication that our operating environment will continue to 617 Page 3 change rapidly. Our planning system must be able to anticipate change and proactively adjust to it before the change occurs. 3.0 Objectives The objective of the review was to identify opportunities to transfer, share or otherwise partner the delivery of planning services, in order to improve the value and effectiveness of these services. This review and appropriate follow-up should achieve one or more of the following benefits: · improved service delivery; · enhanced service accessibility for the public; · clarified local govemment service responsibilities for the public; · improved/enhanced quality of service; · enhanced recognition of the input of various stakeholders in the planning system; · improved efficiency of service delivery; and/or · improved planning decisions. The result should be a more effective Planning System. 4.0 Team Composition The review Team was composed of one member with planning responsibility from the Region of Durham and each of the eight local municipalities, as well as a facilitator working outside the planning area. 5.0 Review Process The Team worked together using a collaborative approach. Decisions were based on analysis, judgement and consensus. Consensus meant that any recommendations were to be generally acceptable to all participants, in the sense that everyone was prepared to "live with them" and support them back in their home jurisdiction. The use of an outside facilitator fostered openness, ensured the process was run efficiently, recognized and 618 Page 4 respected the diverse interests of the participants, and helped drive the discussions toward a package of implementable recommendations. The review began in early 1998 with the organization of the r.eview, the development of the terms of reference, and the hiring of the facilitator. The facilitated review started in April 1998 and included 13 half-day meetings (approximately every 2-3 weeks with the exception of July and August) and finished in November 1998. The Work Plan for each of the meetings is included as Appendix I of the Technical Compendium to this Report. A number of subsequent meetings were held to finalize the Report. At a special meeting of the Team held on December 17, 1998, a number of stakeholders were invited to provide input on how to make the planning system more effective and efficient Those stakeholders invited included: school boards, conservation authorities, police services, Urban Development Institute, Durham Homebuilders and Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 6.0 Identification of Planning Services Initially the Team generated a list of ten Planning Service Areas in which both the Region and the local municipalities are involved in varying degrees (refer to Appendix 2 of the Technical Compendium). The Team recognized five of these Planning Service Areas as candidates for initial review, and that, if examined in detail, would provide the best opportunity for early system improvement These five areas fall in to two basic catergories: a) Elanning Approval Processes which includes: · Official Plan Amendments which involves Regional Official Plan Amendments; and Local Official Plan Amendments; and · Subdivision of Land which involves subdivision/condominium approval, Part-Lot Control Approval, and Consent Approval by Land Division Committee (LDC). b) fQlicy and_Researcl1 which includes: · Data Collection and Analysis; · Studies; and · Policy Formulation. 619 Page 5 It was agreed that the Phase 1 topic areas would include the planning approval processes as noted above. These provided the best opportunities to streamline the process, thereby promoting an effective and efficient planning system. The other types of planning services involving Policy and Research also provide similar opportunities, but would require more time, additional input from stakeholders, and involvement of other staff resources to develop recommendations. These areas will be addressed in Phase 2 of the review. 7.0 RECOMM~DED PHASE 1 ACTIONs..REGARDING PLANNING AffROVAL PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS. The following is a general outline of the process used to examine each Planning Approval Process: · identified macro process; · examined strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to improve for each macro step; · identified various service delivery options; · examined the pros and cons for each option; · arrived at a preferred vision for the process; and · agreed on a recommended approach for preferred option. The Work Plan outlined in Appendix 1 of the Technical Compendium further details the process and highlights the major outcomes of the process. 7.1 Regional Official ~Ian Amendments Since delegation was not an option, the focus of discussion was on potential improvements in the current system. The Team identified a number of areas of potential process improvement as follows: · overcome public meeting overlap between site-specific regional and local official plan amendments by either having joint public 620 Page 6 meetings/notices/minutes or some form of consolidation of all statutory public meetings; · review duplication of application forms by having joint regional and local forms; · avoid overlap in circulation with other applications by consolidating circulation; and · clarify roles and responsibilities regarding coordination and sign-off on technical studies (eg: environmental impact studies). Opportunities such as the above require careful examination. The Team recommends that a sub-committee, with representatives from the Region and local municipalities, should review opportunities in this area and recommend process improvements. 7.2 LocalQfficial Plan Amendments. Regional Council, on January 29,1997, agreed to the principle of exempting certain types of Local Official Plan Amendments from Region approval. As a result, the Team did not undertake a review of options. The Team discussed the principle and guidelines for granting exemption. The Team also agreed that a general list of matters that reflect Regional interests to guide the process should be developed. The Team felt it was important that all Local Official Plan Amendments that are locally significant should be exempt. The local municipality would be notified of such exemption near the beginning of the process by the Regional Planning Commissioner, after consultation. The Team agreed on the following as a general guide to matters of Regional interest. 7.2.1 GuidEllines for Exemption olLocal Official ~an Amendments The Region shall exempt all local official plan amendments except where a Regional interest is identified. The Region may have an interest in amendments that: - are not conformity with the Regional Official Plan or have a concurrent Regional Official Plan Amendment; 621 Page 7 - substantially impact on Regional servicing and road infrastructure; - substantially change Regional capital forecasts; - substantially impact regional traffic flows; - involve major secondary plans; - propose large retail facilities with a regional draw; - involve significant environmental issues; - are located in or impact on the Oak Ridges Moraine; - are in proximity to major mineral aggregate resources; - are in proximity to or including contaminated sites; - are in proximity to sewage treatment plants and landfill sites; - have major cross boundary impacts; and - propose non-farm development in the rural area. The process to implement exemptions will include the following. Local municipalities will submit amendment applications and any necessary supporting information to the Region in sufficient time to allow review and preparation of comments on the applications. The Region's written response (within 30 days) will include a written notice that the amendment application is or is not exempt, using the criteria above as a general guide. A decision not to exempt will be made in consultation with the local municipality. With this overall direction set, the next steps would include: · preparation of detailed procedures in consultation with local municipal staff; · approval of an exemption by-law by Regional Council; and · request from Regional Council to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs 622 Page 8 and Housing for authorization to implement the exemption process. 7.3 SWllIiYision/Condominium ApprovalJ:! Five options were considered by the Team: (a) maintain status quo; (b) delegate entire process to local municipalities; (c) partial delegation to local municipalities by part of macro process (eg. application receipt and circulation); (d) partial delegation to local municipalities by type of application (e.g. rural/urban, standard/complex etc.); and (e) delegate entire process to willing host local municipalities. The pros and cons of each option were examined. Refer to Appendix 3 for a ' list of pros and cons of each option. It was agreed that Option (e), delegate entire process to willing host local municipalities, was the recommended option. The delegation of subdivision approval could improve customer service by simplifying the process and potentially result in a faster process. The Team agreed on the following delegation principles/guidelines to address/protect Regional financial and policy interests. 7.3.1 Guidelines for Delegation of Subdivision Approvals Delegation of all authority to approve plans of subdivision would be offered to willing local municipalities. A specified effective date would be mutually agreed to by various parties. The local municipality, in considering applications for plans of subdivision, would agree to ensure: conformity with Durham Official Plan policies on the basis of the opinion of the Regional Commissioner of Planning; and 623 Page 9 conformity with the local Official Plan on the basis of the opinion of the chief local planning official. Local municipalities that opt to assume subdivision approval authority, would execute a Memorandum of Understanding, (MOU) with the Region prior to assuming delegation. This would outline how matters of Regional interest would be addressed, define procedures and requirements, define roles of the Region, the municipality, the Conservation Authority and other agencies in the process, and clarify a dispute resolution mechanism, all modelled as a partnership. The following conditions and matters, amongst others, would form the basis for the MOU: to initially assume delegation for all existing files that have not progressed to draft approval and to review the balance of the existing files with a view to further delegation; to assign file numbers in a particular manner, as set out by the Region in consultation with local municipal staff; to use a common form for all applications as set out by the Region in consultation with local municipal staff; to collect all of the Region's application fees; to have regard for Provincial interests and the Provincial Policy Statement as identified by the Regional Commissioner of Planning in all decisions; to address the Regional policy and interests as required by the Regional Commissioner of Planning in all decisions; to review and evaluate delegation within one year in conjunCtion with the Region, with a view to continuous improvement of the planning system; to provide a notice of application receipt and draft/final approval decisions, on a timely basis including statistical information; to provide an annual statistical report by March of each year, on the number and status of plans and the number and type of units 624 Page 10 approved in the previous year (using receipt, draft approval, . registration and building permit issue as the categorization of data); to inform the Region if the authority to approve has been further delegated to a committee or an appointed officer; and With the overall direction set, the next steps would include: · completion of a Memorandum of Understanding that reflects the guidelines for delegation above and clearly defines the redesigned process; and · adoption of delegation by-law by Regional Council. 7.4 ~Lot Control Approval.&. Four options were considered by the Team: (a) maintain status quo; (b) delegate entire approval process to local municipalities; (c) delegate to the entire approval process to Region; and (d) partial delegation of approval process to local municipalities by type of application (e.g. within a registered plan of subdivision and frontage on a local road). The pros and cons of each option were examined. Refer to Appendix 3 of the Technical Compendium for a list of pros and cons of each option. It was agreed that Option (b), delegate entire approval process to local municipalities, was the recommended option. This delegation administratively streamlines the process. Use of part-lot control implements a predictable lot arrangement and does not affect any feature of the subdivision to which the public or the other agencies have an interest (e.g. walkways/street layout, public lands, water and sewer services or capacities). The Region's interests have been adequately addressed in the subdivision approval. With this overall direction set, the next steps would include: , 625 Page 11 · adoption of a delegation by-law by Regional Council, which would establish conditions defining the scope of its use and how Regional interests would continue to be satisfied; and · preparation of detailed procedures in consultation with local municipal staff. 7.5 Consent Approvat-aRegional Land Division Committee Four options were considered by the Team: (a) maintain status quo; (b) delegate entire process to local municipalities; (c) partial delegation to local municipality by type of application (e.g. leases, easements, farm-related etc.); and (d) delegate entire process to willing host local municipality. The pros and cons of each option were examined. Refer to Appendix 3 of Technical Compendium for a list of pros and cons for each option. It was agreed that Option (a), maintain status quo was the recommended option, with a goal to analyze the current system, to further enhance it. This recognized that the existing system is effective and efficient, results in consistencies across the Region, and there are no significant service delivery advantages of delegating this function, at this time. 8.0 Recommended Phase 2 Actions Regarding Data Collection and AmlIysis, Studies. and Policy Formulation The recommendations outlined in the Phase 1 - Review of Planning Approval Processes, have laid a good foundation for the consideration of improvements in the other Planning Services Areas. With the direction and the identification of next steps for the Phase 1 agenda complete, the Team turned its attention to the Planning Service Areas of Data Collection and Analysis, Studies, and Policy Formulation. 626 Page 12 The importance of Data Collection and Analysis, Studies, and POlicy Formulation, is the role they play in assisting the decision making process. These Planning Service Areas provide the necessary information or framework to guide appropriate and informed decisions, from support staff to Council, at both the local municipalities and the Region. The availability or ease of access to these items also affects the timeliness of decisions. Consistency of approach is also important. The review of these three Planning Service Areas should identify opportunities to improve the value and effectiveness of service delivery, in terms of the benefits listed in Section 3 - Objectives, of this Report. In reviewing the manner in which Data Collection and Analysis, Studies and Policy Formulation are dealt with and by whom, the following parameters should be considered to improve the value of these planning services: · the importance of these items for decision making; · the ability and ease of using information; · the efficient communication of information; · the cost efficieocy of generating and updating information and analysis; · who can best generate and/or maintain particular items; · integration/coordination of existing and new data collection efforts; and · the collection and sharing of data for needs not currently met. A review of these Planning Service Areas should follow similar steps as the Phase 1 Planning System Review; · who are the players involved; · what data, studies, policy activities currently exist; · who produces which type of data, studies, and policy; · analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current system; 627 Page 13 · where appropriate, determine optional procedures; · assess the pros and cons of each option; · make recommendations; and · address sharing of costs and confidentiality. With this basic direction set, the next step would include: · the establishment of a sub-committee to investigate improvements to Data Collection and Analysis, Studies and Policy Formulation planning activities. The sub-committee would be composed of planning representatives from each local municipality and the Region, and other stakeholders (ie. School Boards, Conservation Authorities, etc.). Findings would be reported to the Team. This sets the direction for the Phase 2 examination of Data Collection and Analysis, Studies and Policy Formulation. It is also important to clearly set out the recommended next steps and implementation measures for Phase 1 planning approval process initiatives. 9.0 ~ Steps and Implementation The Team has outlined some initial shifts in service delivery for some of the planning system services. The next steps in the process is to move from idea to implementation. This requires four action steps: · presentation of a Report to Regional Planning Committee recommending that the Planning System Review Phase 1 Report, be received for information and forwarded to local municipalities for endorsement; · endorsement of the Phase 1 directions by local Councils and subsequent approval by Regional Council; 628 Page 14 · implementation of Phase 1 directions by the Planning System Review Team by the end of 1999. This would include any approvals of Regional or local Councils (eg. memorandum of agreements, by-laws, etc.); and · co-ordination by Planning System Review Team of an examination of service delivery improvements for Data Collection and Analysis, Studies, and Policy Formulation. This would involve preparation of a Planning System Review Phase 2 Report with appropriate recommendations to Regional and Local Councils. 10.0 Conclusions The proposed changes will alter and improve the overall planning system. Resources will have to be adjusted to account for these changed functions. Detailed costing of the recommended system changes was not investigated, as the Team felt that the effort required to investigate and analyse the cost implications of the adjustments recommended was not warranted. Any shift in administrative costs were judged by the Team to be minimal. Benefits will come from the rationalization of functions/responsibilities and a re-designed system that is simpler and less confusing to the development industry and the public. This can have positive economic development implications. The various stakeholders consulted generally support the directions set out in this Report. They are very interested in working with the Team on the details of implementation. The direction set for the redesigned and improved planning approval process meets the Goals and Objectives set out in Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this Report. There will be a need to continuously monitor the changes implemented to determine further improvements and to make any adjustments deemed necessary. Durham Planning Directors support the recommendations of the Planning Systems Review Phase 1 Report. We appreciate all of the assistance received from the various stakeholders in this review. With the adoption of 629 Page IS the recommendations set out in this Report, the Planning System Review Team will initiate the necessary action plan to bring about implementation. 630 DURHAM PLANNING SYSTEM REVIEW TEAM PLANNING TEAM NAMEfTlTLElMUNICI PALlTY Neil Carroll, Director of Planning, Town of Pickering Nestor Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning, Region of Durham Jim Blair, Director, Current Operations, Region of Durham David Crome, Director of Planning & Development, Municipality of Clarington Earl Cuddie, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of Scugog Leo DeLoyde, Director of Planning, Town of Ajax Thomas Gettinby, Director of Planning, Township of Brock Bruce Hunt, Director, Planning Branch, City of Oshawa Robert Short, Director of Planning, Town of Whitby Walter Taylor, Town Clerk, Township of Uxbrid e SIGNATURE '~ , //~~~~ 631 Appendix 1 M VIEW 1) Agreed to concept of collaborative Initiative Meeting # 1 and defined parameters of process, Including use of an outside facilitator. January 29, 1998 2) Reviewed and agreed to terms of reference Meeting # 2 and established ground rules. February 12,1998 Established sub-group to select facilitator. 3) Initial meeting with facilitator. Meeting # 3 Established foundation issues ie. role of April 3, 1998 facilitator, minutes/agendas, objectives, time lines, givens, deliverables, roles, ground rules, communication channels, schedule of meetings, etc. 4) Prepared chart of types of planning services Meeting # 4 and discussed Halton Region Process. April 16, 1998 5) Revised chart of types of planning services. Meeting # 5 Agreed on need to map out macro April 23, 1998 processes involved in certain types of planning services. 632 2 1) Agreed to concept of collaborative Initiative Meeting # 1 and defined parameters of process, including use of an outside facilitator. January 29,1998 2) Reviewed and agreed to terms of reference Meeting # 2 and established ground rules. February 12, 1998 Established sub-group to select facilitator. 6) Revised chart of types of planning services. Meeting # 6 Reviewed process for remaining sessions. April 30, 1998 Identified 5 types of planning services where the 2 levels of government are Involved to a significant extent. Used subdivisions to work out process mapping and to identify strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for change. 633 3 7) Reviewed strength and weakness analysis Meeting # 7 for subdivisions, condominiums, part-lot control, local official plan amendments May 7,1998 regional official plan amendments, and consents by land division. Considered chart to examine the data collection and analysis service delivery area. 8) Revised chart of types of planning services. Meeting # 8 Used part-lot control process to identify May 20,1998 service delivery options and list pros and cons for each option. 9) Identified service delivery options for Meeting # 9 consents and pros/cons for each option. June 4, 1998 Introduced "willing host" concept for delegation in recognition of differences in expertise and/or staffing resources 10) Identilied service delivery options for Meeting # 10 plans subdivision/condominium and pros/cons for each option. June 12, 1998 11) Generated a list of issues around the idea Meeting # 11 of subdivision delegation, based on the need to protect Regional interests. June 23, 1998 (no quorum) 12) Agreement on principle of exemption of Meeting # 12 local official plan amendments from Region's approval, subject to guidelines June 30, 1998 for identifying circumstances when the Region would not grant exemption. Identified weaknesses and potential solutions in the Regional Official Plan Amendment process. 634 4 13) Reviewed and revised subdivision Meeting # 13 delegation conditions. - September 24,1998 Reviewed and revised local official plan amendment exemption guidelines. Discussed timing of getting input from stakeholders. . 14) Finalized chart of types of planning Meeting # 14 services. October 22, 1998 Reviewed and revised subdivision delegation conditions. Reviewed and revised local official plan amendment exemption guideline. 15) Consensus on subdivision delegation Meeting #15 conditions. November 12,1998 Revised local official plan amendment exemption guideline. (Last session with Tony White as Determined that review of planning facilitator) services involving data collection and analysis/studies/policy formulation would occur during Phase 2. Reviewed basic report structure and determined follow-up actions. . 635 5 16) Arranged meeting with: Meeting #16 i) consultants working for Regional November, 1998 Goverance Committee; and ii) with other stakeholders to obtain input. Discussed changes to draft report and determined follow-up actions to report preparation. 17) Overviewed progress on Durham Meeting # 16 Planning System Review to consultants for Regional Goverance Committee. December 17, 1998 Obtained input from various stakeholders. Discussed changes to draft report, with late January 1999 as anticipated date for completion. 18) Finalization of Report and discussion of Meeting # 17 implementation steps. January 15,1999 H:\1.2\ADMIN\JWB\PSREVlEW\WORKPlAN.WPO 636 w (,) ~ W tn C) ~ z z .. <t ..J a.. II.. o tn w a.. ~ N >< :s c Gl a. a. <t <Xl Cl Cl ~ :!: - - - - - - U U U U U U ::J - - - - - U U U U U II) E E E E E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E U U U U U l1. - - - - - U U U U U 0 - - - - - - U U U U U U U - - - - - - U U U U U U III E E E E E E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E U U U U U U <t E 'E - - - - - U U U U U U e e e e e - - - - - 0: E s.2 s.2 s.2 s.2 s.2 'E E E E E E E EE E E :to!! ~.!! ~~ :to!! (.l a> U <t_ Cl a> C :fi 'I: 0 ~ - ... '2 .. a> - - III 0 ... IIl~ .. 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"00 C 0 ('ll- E U -- ~O) o .!; O~ U):;:: C C ('ll Gl Gl"O E .;;; E ~ U:l:: <l: Gl (ij diE Gl Ul 648 Page 3-1 Appendix 3 SERVICE DELIVERY OPTIONS AND PRO/CON ANALYSIS 1. REGIONAL PLAN AMENDMENTS WEAKNESS POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS . Public meeting overlap between local official plan amendments and Regional Official Plan Amendments . joint public meeting/notice/minutes held in local municipality . Duplication of forms . strive to coordinate/consolidate all statutory public meetings . Overlap in circulation with other applications . joint Regional/Local form . consolidate circulation . Lack of clarity surrounding leadership . clarify roles and responsibilities and sign-off of technical studies eg: Environmental Impact Studies The_Team agreed that since delegation was not an option that the focus should be on pinpointing current weaknesses in the system and then devising solutions. 649 . Page 3-2 2. Subdivision/Condominium OPTION #1 - STATUS QUO PROS . familiarity with process . one process for all . allows for 3rd party mediation on issues/conditions . public meeting at local municipality expedites the process . implements regional & local policy . any liability rests with approval authority . provides for regional control - capital budget . applications are dealt with by regional CONS . duplication of application (e.g. - fees, forms, staff review) . technical study, review requirements are onerous . provincial interest mapping not immediately available to local municipality . lack of one-window . lack of local knowledge . 2 leads 2.2 OPTION #2 DELEGATE ENTIRE SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM PROCESS TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES PROS CONS . improved Customer Service/One Window . faster process (potential for) . simple . increased accountability at the local level . may eliminate overlaps . in-house technical expertise & control , . local knowledge . Municipalities may have to have add itional staff . no opportunity for 3rd party mediation . increased risk that Regional interests would not be implemented . increased administration costs to the Region . . liability of local municipality to opt out of process . reduction in economics of scale . less consistency 650 Page 3-3 2.3 OPTION #3 PARTIAL DELEGATION OF SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES (i.e. by part of macro process) PROS CONS . reduces duplication . keeps strengths of existing system while addresses the weaknesses . allows a more "seamless" process at local municipality . addresses some of the CONS in OPTIONS # 1 & 2 . confusion to applicant . internally complicated (two leads) . doesn't alleviate perception of duplication . "not quite a one-window approach" 2.4 OPTION #4 PARTIAL DELEGATION OF SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM TO - LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (i.e. by type of application eg: urban/rural, standard/complex, condo) PROS CONS . removes Region from process when no regional interests are apparent . certain applications may be expedited (leg. Small in-fill) . single lead . certain condo applications expedited . confusion to applicants, public & staff . economics of scale issues . two-windows . interpretation of standard complex 2.5 OPTION #5 DELEGATION OF SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM TO WILLING HOST PROS CONS . keeps everyone happy . fear of potential for forced delegation Pros and Cons as per Options # 2 & 3 651 Page 3-4 It was agreed by the area municipalities that Option #5 "Delegation of subdivision/condominium by Municipality to Willing Host" is the preferable option. The Region felt that it could agree with this option as long as a number of conditions were met and accepted by the entire group. These conditions will be discussed at the next meeting. 3. PART -LOT CONTROL 3.1 OPTION #1 MAINTAINS STATUS QUO PROS CONS . FasUefficient & achieves Region's objectives . Provides impartial review . Ensures compliance with Act . Ensures compliance with Regional policy . Consistency across Region . Keeping with the "spirit" of original approved application . Duplication of checking the by-law . Confusion for applicanUcustomer . Local impact issue (predominantly) 3.2 OPTION #2 DELEGATE ENTIRE PART-LOT CONTROL PROCESS TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES (Under certain conditions) PROS CONS . Streamline . Less administration . Essentially local administration . Conditions provide opportunities to respect Regional interests . Potential for abuse . Regional interests may not be considered . 652 Page 3-5 3.3 OPTION #3 TRANSFER ENTIRE PROCESS TO REGION PROS CONS . Consistency across the region . Creates one point-of-contact . Would require amendment to Act . Creates inefficiencies for both local municipalities & Region . Inefficient for customer 3.4 OPTION #4 REGION PARTIALLY DELEGATES PART-LOT CONTROL TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (By type of application eg: frontage on a Regional Road) PROS CONS . Streamlining for majority of applicants . Compliance with Planning Act . Regional interests would be addressed . Two points of contact for non- delegated applicants . Creates a 2-stage process for exception . Potential confusion for customers and staff It was agreed by the Team that Option #2 "Delegate Entire Process to local municipalities under certain conditions" would be recommended. The conditions for delegation will need to be defined. 653 Page 3-6 4. CONSENT 4.1 OPTION #1 - STATUS QUO PROS CONS . maintains impartiality (representation) . ensure regional objectives are met . ensure local objectives are met . consistency across the Region . availability of applications . infrastructure knowledge . access to in-house legal . convenience to applicants, agents & agencies . regular schedule of meetings . breadth of knowledge of land Division Committee staff . local - no need to hire extra staff (North) . low cost service . distance to make application (inconvenience) . time * workload for simple application . duplication of fees . lack of coordination with Certificate of Approval and other processes . cost to the consumer . lack of local knowledge . (Urban/Rural) appeals carried by local municipalities 4.2 OPTION #2 DELEGATE ENTIRE CONSENT PROCESS TO LOCAL AREA MUNICIPALITIES PROS CONS . one-window approach to related applications . opportunities to streamline . enhanced customer service re: local office . local knowledge . potential to reduce fees (urban) . local municipalities will require more staffing (Rural) . loss of impartiality . lack of consistency across Region . more regional staff time/work . questionable regard for regional comments . less opportunity for specialized staff . inconvenience to customers making multiple applications . duplication of fees 654 J . Page 3-7 4.3 OPTION #3 PARTIAL DELEGATION TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES (By type of application eg: leases, easements, farm-related, urban area/rural area) PROS CONS . implementation of regional policy . opportunity to expedite simple applications . confusion to customer . administrative duplications . difficult to "clearly" split . economies of scale loss 4.4 OPTION #4 DELEGATE BY MUNICIPALITIES PROS CONS . keeps everyone happy . fear of potential for forced delegation Pros & Cons as per #2 & #3 It was agreed by the Team that Option #1 "Maintain Status Quo" would be recommended the cons of the current system would be investigated to provide greater efficiency. 655