HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-036If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2018-036 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) — Ontario's Main Street Revitalization Initiative Whereas the Municipality wishes to enter into an agreement in order to participate in Ontario's Main Streets Revitalization Initiative; And Whereas the Municipality acknowledges that funds received through the Agreement must be invested in an interest bearing reserve account until the earliest of expenditure or March 31, 2020; Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and seal with the Corporation seal, a funding Municipal Funding Agreement for the transfer of Main Streets Revitalization Initiatives funds between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Municipality of Clarington as in Schedule A attached hereto. That Schedule A shall form part of this by-law. Passed in Open Council this 30th day of April, 2018. Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk A M •AssadaBanoll Municipalities Ontario MUNICIPAL FUNDING AGREEMENT ONTARIO'S MAIN STREET REVITALIZATION INITIATIVE This Agreement made as of 1 st day of April, 2018. BETWEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") AND: THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON (a municipal corporation pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS the Province of Ontario is making $26 million available for allocation for the purposes of supporting municipal Main Street Revitalization Initiatives in Ontario; WHEREAS the Province of Ontario, Ontario municipalities as represented by AMO are signatories to Ontario's Main Street Revitalization Initiative Transfer Payment Agreement on March 12, 2018 (the "OMAFRA-AMO Agreement"), whereby AMO agreed to administer Main Street Revitalization funds made available to all Ontario municipalities, excluding Toronto; WHEREAS the OMAFRA-AMO Transfer Payment Agreement contains a framework for the transfer of provincial funds to Ontario lower -tier and single -tier municipalities represented by AMO; WHEREAS the Recipient wishes to enter into this Agreement in order to participate in Ontario's Main Street Revitalization Initiative; WHEREAS AMO is carrying out the fund administration in accordance with its obligations set out in the OMAFRA-AMO Agreement and it will accordingly undertake certain activities and require Recipients to undertake activities as set out in this Agreement. THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions. When used in this Agreement (including the cover and execution pages and all of the schedules), the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below unless the subject matter or context is inconsistent therewith: 200 University Ave. Suite 801 www.amo.on.ca Tel 416. 971.9856 Toll Free in Ontario Toronto, ON, M5H 3C6 amo@amo.on.ca Fax 416, 971.6191 877.426.6527 "Agreement" means this Agreement, including the cover and execution pages and all of the schedules hereto, and all amendments made hereto in accordance with the provisions hereof. "Annual Report" means the duly completed report to be prepared and delivered to AMO as described in Section 7.2 and Section 2 of Schedule D. "Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)" means a legally incorporated entity under the Corporations Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, Chapter c.38. "Communication Report" means the duly completed report to be prepared and delivered to AMO as described in Section 7.1 and Section 1 of Schedule D. "Community Improvement Plan" has the meaning as defined under section 28(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. "Contract" means an agreement between the Recipient and a Third Party whereby the latter agrees to supply a product or service to an Eligible Project in return for financial consideration. "Effective Date" is April 1, 2018. "Eligible Costs" means those expenditures described as eligible in Schedule C. "Eligible Projects" means projects as described in Schedule B. "Eligible Recipient" means a a. Municipality or its agent (including its wholly owned corporation); and b. Non -municipal entity, including for profit, non-governmental and not -for profit organizations, on the condition that the Municipality(ies) has (have) indicated support for the Eligible Project through a formal grant agreement between the Municipality and the non -municipal entity. "Event of Default" has the meaning given to it in Section 11.1 of this Agreement. "Funds" mean the Funds made available to the Recipient through the Main Street Revitalization Initiative, a program established by the Government of Ontario. Funds are made available pursuant to this Agreement and includes any interest earned on the said Funds. For greater certainty: (i) Funds transferred to another Municipality in accordance with Section 6.2 of this Agreement, other than as set out in Sections 7.1(a), (c) and (f), are to be treated as Funds by the Municipality to which the Funds are transferred and are not to be treated as Funds by the Recipient; and (ii) any Funds transferred to a non -municipal entity in accordance with Section 6.3 of this Agreement shall remain as Funds under this Agreement for all purposes and the Recipient shall continue to be bound by all provisions of this Agreement with respect to such transferred Funds. "Ineligible Costs" means those expenditures described as ineligible in Schedule C. 2 "Lower -tier Municipality" means a Municipality that forms part of an Upper - tier Municipality for municipal purposes, as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25. "Municipal Fiscal Year" means the period beginning January 1st of a year and ending December 31st of the same year. "Municipality" and "Municipalities" means every municipality as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001 c.25. "Municipal Physical Infrastructure" means municipal or regional, publicly or privately owned, tangible capital assets primarily for public use or benefit in Ontario. "Ontario" means Her Majesty in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "Parties" means AMO and the Recipient. "Project Completion Date" means the Recipient must complete its Project under this Agreement by March 31, 2020. "Recipient" has the meaning given to it on the first page of this Agreement. "Results Report" means the report prepared and delivered to AMO by the Recipient by which reports on how Funds are supporting progress towards achieving the program objective, more specifically described in Section 3 of Schedule D. "Single -tier Municipality" means a municipality, other than an upper -tier municipality, that does not form part of an upper -tier municipality for municipal purposes as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25. "Third Party" means any person or legal entity, other than the Parties to this Agreement who participates in the implementation of an Eligible Project by means of a Contract. "Transfer By-law" means a by-law passed by Council of the Recipient pursuant to Section 6.2 and delivered to AMO in accordance with that section. "Unspent Funds" means the amount reported as unspent by the Recipient as of December 31, as submitted in the Recipient's Annual Report. 1.2 Interpretations: Herein, etc. The words "herein", "hereof' and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not any particular schedule, article, section, paragraph or other subdivision of this Agreement. 3 Currency. Any reference to currency is to Canadian currency and any amount advanced, paid or calculated is to be advanced, paid or calculated in Canadian currency. Statutes. Any reference to a federal or provincial statute is to such statute and to the regulations made pursuant to such statute as such statute and regulations may at any time be amended or modified and in effect and to any statute or regulations that may be passed that have the effect of supplementing or superseding such statute or regulations. Gender, singular, etc. Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine or neuter gender and words in the singular include the plural, and vice versa. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT 2.1 Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agreement shall be in effect from the date set out on the first page of this Agreement, up to and including March 31, 2020. 2.2 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time in writing as agreed to by AMO and the Recipient. 2.3 Notice. Any of the Parties may terminate this Agreement on written notice. 3. RECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Communications. The Recipient will comply with all requirements outlined, including providing upfront project information on an annual basis, or until all Funds are expended for communications purposes in the form described in Section 7.1 and Section 1 of Schedule D. a) Unless otherwise directed by Ontario, the Recipient will acknowledge the support of Ontario for Eligible Projects in the following manner: 'The Project is funded [if it is partly funded the Recipient should use "in part'] by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs." b) The Recipient shall notify Ontario within five (5) business days of planned media events or announcements related to the Project, organized by the Recipient to facilitate the attendance of Ontario. Media events and announcements include, but are not limited to, news conferences, public announcements, official events or ceremonies, and news releases. 3.2 Contracts. The Recipient will award and manage all Contracts in accordance with its relevant policies and procedures and, if applicable, in accordance with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and applicable international trade agreements, and all other applicable laws. a) The Recipient will ensure any of its Contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilities under this Agreement will be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. 4. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS 4.1 Eligible Projects. Costs directly and reasonably incurred by the Recipient for construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement activities funded under existing Community Improvement Plan financial incentive programs or activities funded under the Municipal Physical Infrastructure category, including projects in downtown or main street areas, as defined through an existing Community Improvement Plan or other municipal land use planning policy that will support the role of small businesses in main street areas as more specifically described in Schedule B and Schedule C 4.2 Recipient Fully Responsible. The Recipient is fully responsible for the completion of each Eligible Project in accordance with Schedule B and Schedule C. 5. ELIGIBLE COSTS 5.1 Eligible Costs. Schedule C sets out specific requirements for Eligible and Ineligible Costs. 5.2 Discretion of Ontario. Subject to Section 5.1, the eligibility of any items not listed in Schedule B and/or Schedule C to this Agreement is solely at the discretion of Ontario. 5.3 Unspent Funds. Any Unspent Funds, and any interest earned thereon, will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 5.4 Reasonable Access. The Recipient shall allow AMO and Ontario reasonable and timely access to all documentation, records and accounts and those of their respective agents or Third Parties related to the receipt, deposit and use of Funds and Unspent Funds, and any interest earned thereon, and all other relevant information and documentation requested by AMO or Ontario or their respective designated representatives for the purposes of audit, evaluation, and ensuring compliance with this Agreement. 5.5 Retention of Receipts. The Recipient will keep proper and accurate accounts and records of all Eligible Projects including invoices and receipts for Eligible Expenditures in accordance with the Recipient's municipal records retention by- law and, upon reasonable notice, make them available to AMO and Ontario. 6. FUNDS 6.1 Allocation of Funds. AMO will allocate and transfer Funds on the basis of the formula determined by Ontario. 6.2 Transfer of Funds to a Municipality. Where a Recipient decides to allocate and transfer Funds to another Municipality (the 'Transferee Municipality"): 5 a) The allocation and transfer shall be authorized by by-law (a "Transfer By- law"). The Transfer By-law shall be passed by the Recipient's council and submitted to AMO as soon thereafter as practicable. The Transfer By-law shall identify the Transferee Municipality and the amount of Funds the Transferee Municipality is to receive for the Municipal Fiscal Year specified in the Transfer By-law. b) The Recipient is still required to submit an Annual Report in accordance with Sections 7.1 (a), (c) and (f) hereof with respect to the Funds transferred. c) No transfer of Funds pursuant to this Section 6.2 shall be effected unless and until the Transferee Municipality has either (i) entered into an agreement with AMO on substantially the same terms as this Agreement, or (ii) has executed and delivered to AMO a written undertaking to assume all of the Recipient's obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Funds transferred; in a form satisfactory to AMO. 6.3 Transfer of Funds to a non -municipal entity. Where a Recipient decides to support an Eligible Project undertaken by an Eligible Recipient that is not a Municipality: a) The provision of such support shall be authorized by a grant agreement between the Municipality and the Eligible Recipient in support of a Community Improvement Plan. The grant agreement shall identify the Eligible Recipient, and the amount of Funds the Eligible Recipient is to receive for that Eligible Project. b) The Recipient shall continue to be bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement notwithstanding any such transfer including the submission of an Annual Report in accordance with Section 7.2. c) No transfer of Funds pursuant to this Section 6.3 shall be effected unless and until the non -municipal entity receiving the Funds has executed and delivered to the Municipality the grant agreement. 6.4 Use of Funds. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees the Funds are intended for and shall be used only for Eligible Expenditures in respect of Eligible Projects. 6.5 Payout of Funds. The Recipient agrees that all Funds will be transferred by AMO to the Recipient upon full execution of this Agreement. 6.6 Use of Funds. The Recipient will deposit the Funds in a dedicated reserve fund or other separate distinct interest bearing account and shall retain the Funds in such reserve fund, or account until the Funds are expended or transferred in accordance with this Agreement. The Recipient shall ensure that: a) any investment of unexpended Funds will be in accordance with Ontario law and the Recipient's investment policy; and, 9 b) any interest earned on Funds will only be applied to Eligible Costs for Eligible Projects, more specifically on the basis set out in Schedule B and Schedule C. 6.7 Funds advanced. Funds transferred by AMO to the Recipient shall be expended by the Recipient in respect of Eligible Costs. AMO reserves the right to declare that Unspent Funds after March 31, 2020 become a debt to Ontario which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith on demand to AMO for transmission to Ontario. 6.8 Expenditure of Funds. The Recipient shall expend all Funds by March 31, 2020. 6.9 GST & HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient net of any applicable tax rebates. 6.10 Limit on Ontario's Financial Commitments. The Recipient may use Funds to pay up to one hundred percent (100%) of Eligible Expenditures of an Eligible Project. 6.11 Stacking. If the Recipient is receiving funds under other programs in respect of an Eligible Project to which the Recipient wishes to apply Funds, the maximum contribution limitation set out in any other program agreement made in respect of that Eligible Project shall continue to apply. 6.12 Insufficient funds provided by Ontario. If Ontario does not provide sufficient funds to AMO for this Agreement, AMO may terminate this Agreement. 7. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Communication Report. Immediately upon execution of this Agreement the Recipient shall report to AMO any Eligible Project being undertaken in the current Municipal Fiscal Year in the form described in Schedule D. 7.2 Annual Report. The Recipient shall report in theform in Schedule D due by May 15th following the Municipal Fiscal Year on: a) the amounts received from AMO under this Agreement; b) the amounts received from another Eligible Recipient; c) the amounts transferred to another Eligible Recipient; d) amounts paid by the Recipient in aggregate for Eligible Projects; e) amounts held at year end by the Recipient in aggregate, including interest, to pay for Eligible Projects; f) indicate in a narrative the progress that the Recipient has made in meeting its commitments and contributions; and, 7 g) a listing of all Eligible Projects that have been funded, indicating the Eligible Project category, project description, amount of Funds, total project cost, start date, end date and completion status. 7.3 Results Report. The Recipient shall account in writing for results achieved by the Funds through a Results Report to be submitted to AMO. Specifically the Results Report shall document performance measures achieved through the investments in Eligible Projects in the form described in Section 3 of Schedule D. 8. RECORDS AND AUDIT 8.1 Accounting Principles. All accounting terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned to them; all calculations will be made and all financial data to be submitted will be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in effect in Ontario. GAAP will include, without limitation, those principles approved or recommended for local governments from time to time by the Public Sector Accounting Board or the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants or any successor institute, applied on a consistent basis. 8.2 Separate Records. The Recipient shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts and vouchers in respect of Funds expended on Eligible Projects in accordance with the Recipient's municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice, the Recipient shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds to AMO and Ontario for inspection or audit. 8.3 External Auditor. AMO and/or Ontario may request, upon written notification, an audit of Eligible Project or an Annual Report. AMO shall retain an external auditor to carry out an audit of the material referred to in Sections 5.4 and 5.5 of this Agreement. AMO shall ensure that any auditor who conducts an audit pursuant to this Section of this Agreement or otherwise, provides a copy of the audit report to the Recipient and Ontario at the same time that the audit report is given to AMO. 9. INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY 9.1 Insurance. The Recipient shall put in effect and maintain in full force and effect or cause to be put into effect and maintained for the term of this Agreement all the necessary insurance with respect to each Eligible Project, including any Eligible Projects with respect to which the Recipient has transferred Funds pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement, that would be considered appropriate for a prudent Municipality undertaking Eligible Projects, including, where appropriate and without limitation, property, construction and liability insurance, which insurance coverage shall identify Ontario and AMO as additional insureds for the purposes of the Eligible Projects. 9.2 Certificates of Insurance. Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Recipient shall provide AMO with a valid certificate of insurance that confirms compliance with the requirements of Section 9.1. No Funds shall be expended (✓a or transferred pursuant to this Agreement until such certificate has been delivered to AMO. 9.3 AMO not liable. In no event shall Ontario or AMO be liable for: (a) any bodily injury, death or property damages to the Recipient, its employees, agents or consultants or for any claim, demand or action by any Third Party against the Recipient, its employees, agents or consultants, arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement; or (b) any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit to the Recipient, its employees, agents or consultants arising out of any or in any way related to this Agreement. 9.4 Recipient to Compensate Ontario. The Recipient will ensure that it will not, at anytime, hold Ontario, its officers, servants, employees or agents responsible for any claims or losses of any kind that the Recipient, Third Parties or any other person or entity may suffer in relation to any matter related to the Funds or an Eligible Project and that the Recipient will, at all times, compensate Ontario, its officers, servants, employees and agents for any claims or losses of any kind that any of them may suffer in relation to any matter related to the Funds or an Eligible Project. The Recipient's obligation to compensate as set out in this section does not apply to the extent to which such claims or losses relate to the negligence of an officer, servant, employee, or agent of Ontario in the performance of his or her duties. 9.5 Recipient to Indemnify AMO. The Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AMO, its officers, servants, employees or agents (each of which is called an "Indemnitee"), from and against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and related expenses including the fees, charges and disbursements of any counsel for any Indemnitee incurred by any Indemnitee or asserted against any Indemnitee by whomsoever brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon, or occasioned by, any injury to persons, damage to or loss or destruction of property, economic loss or infringement of rights caused by or arising directly or indirectly from: (a) the Funds; (b) the Recipient's Eligible Projects, including the design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of any part or all of the Eligible Projects; (c) the performance of this Agreement or the breach of any term or condition of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, servants, employees and agents, or by a Third Party, its officers, servants, employees, or agents; and (d) any omission or other wilful or negligent act of the Recipient or Third Party and their respective officers, servants, employees or agents. 10. DISPOSAL 10.1 Disposal. The Recipient will not, without Ontario's prior written consent, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any asset purchased or created with the Funds or 9 for which Funds were provided, the cost of which exceed $50,000 at the time of sale, lease or disposal prior to March 31, 2021. 11. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 11.1 Event of Default. AMO may declare in writing that an event of default has occurred when the Recipient has not complied with any condition, undertaking or term in this Agreement. AMO will not declare in writing that an event of default has occurred unless it has first consulted with the Recipient. Each and every one of the following events is an "Event of Default": (a) failure by the Recipient to deliver in a timely manner an Annual Report or Results Report. (b) delivery of an Annual Report that discloses non-compliance with any condition, undertaking or material term in this Agreement. (c) failure by the Recipient to co-operate in an external audit undertaken by AMO or its agents. (d) delivery of an external audit report that discloses non-compliance with any condition, undertaking or term in this Agreement. (e) failure by the Recipient to expend Funds in accordance with Sections 4.1 and 6.8. 11.2 Waiver. AMO may withdraw its notice of an Event of Default if the Recipient, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice, either corrects the default or demonstrates, to the satisfaction of AMO in its sole discretion that it has taken such steps as are necessary to correct the default. 11.3 Remedies on default. If AMO declares that an Event of Default has occurred under Section 11.1, after thirty (30) calendar days from the Recipient's receipt of the notice of an Event of Default, it may immediately terminate this Agreement. 11.4 Repayment of Funds. If AMO declares that an Event of Default has not been cured to its satisfaction, AMO reserves the right to declare that prior payments of Funds become a debt to Ontario which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith on demand to AMO for transmission to Ontario. 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 12.1 No conflict of interest. The Recipient will ensure that no current member of the AMO Board of Directors and no current or former public servant or office holder to whom any post -employment, ethics and conflict of interest legislation, guidelines, codes or policies of Ontario applies will derive direct benefit from the Funds, the Unspent Funds, and interest earned thereon, unless the provision of receipt of such benefits is in compliance with such legislation, guidelines, policies or codes. 13. NOTICE 10 14. 13.1 Notice. Any notice, information or document provided for under this Agreement will be effectively given if in writing and if delivered by hand, or overnight courier, mailed, postage or other charges prepaid, or sent by facsimile or email to the addresses, the facsimile numbers or email addresses set out in Section 13.3. Any notice that is sent by hand or overnight courier service shall be deemed to have been given when received; any notice mailed shall be deemed to have been received on the eighth (8) calendar day following the day on which it was mailed; any notice sent by facsimile shall be deemed to have been given when sent; any notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been received on the sender's receipt of an acknowledgment from the intended recipient (such as by the "return receipt requested" function, as available, return email or other written acknowledgment), provided that in the case of a notice sent by facsimile or email, if it is not given on a business day before 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, it shall be deemed to have been given at 8:30 a.m. on the next business day for the recipient. 13.2 Representatives. The individuals identified in Section 13.3 of this Agreement, in the first instance, act as AMO's or the Recipient's, as the case may be, representative for the purpose of implementing this Agreement. 13.3 Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 13.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: a) If to AMO: Executive Director Main Streets Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M51-1 3C6 Telephone: 416-971-9856 Email: mainstreets(@amo.on.ca b) If to the Recipient: Director of Finance/Treasurer Nancy Taylor MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 (905)623-3379 x2601 ntaylor@clarington.net MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 Counterpart Signature. This Agreement may be signed in counterpart, and the signed copies will, when attached, constitute an original Agreement. 14.2 Severability. If for any reason a provision of this Agreement that is not a fundamental term is found to be or becomes invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it will be deemed to be severable and will be deleted from this 11 Agreement, but all the other terms and conditions of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 14.3 Waiver. AMO may waive any right in this Agreement only in writing, and any tolerance or indulgence demonstrated by AMO will not constitute waiver of rights in this Agreement. Unless a waiver is executed in writing, AMO will be entitled to seek any remedy that it may have under this Agreement or under the law. 14.4 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 14.5 Survival. The Recipient agrees that the following sections and provisions of this Agreement shall extend for seven (7) years beyond the expiration or termination of this Agreement: Sections 5, 6.7, 6.8, 7, 9.4, 9.5, 11.4 and 14.8. 14.6 AMO, Ontario and Recipient independent. The Recipient will ensure its actions do not establish or will not be deemed to establish a partnership, joint venture, principal -agent relationship or employer-employee relationship in any way or for any purpose whatsoever between Ontario and the Recipient, between AMO and the Recipient, between Ontario and a Third Party or between AMO and a Third Party. 14.7 No Authority to Represent. The Recipient will ensure that it does not represent itself, including in any agreement with a Third Party, as a partner, employee or agent of Ontario or AMO. 14.8 Debts Due to AMO. Any amount owed under this Agreement will constitute a debt due to AMO, which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith, on demand, to AMO. 14.9 Priority. In the event of a conflict, the part of this Agreement that precedes the signature of the Parties will take precedence over the Schedules. 15. SCHEDULES 15.1 This Agreement, including: Schedule A Municipal Allocation Schedule B Eligible Projects Schedule C Eligible and Ineligible Costs Schedule D Reporting constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements. 12 16. SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMO and the Recipient have respectively executed, sealed and delivered this Agreement on the date set out on the front page. RECIPIENT'S NAME: Mayor Name Name MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO By Title In the presence of: Witness Title 13 Signature Signature Signature Signature SCHEDULE MUNICPAL ALLOCATION RECIPIENT'S NAME: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ALLOCATION: $110988.0242 The Recipient acknowledges this is a one time payment for Eligible Projects with Eligible Costs. 14 SCHEDULE B ELIGIBLE PROJECTS Funding is to be directed to Eligible Projects to support revitalization activities within main street areas, as defined through an existing Community Improvement Plan or any other municipal land use planning policy. Funding can be used in one or both of the following categories: 1. Community Improvement Plan - construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement activities that implement priority financial incentives in existing Community Improvement Plans such as: a. Commercial buildingfa4ade improvements b. Preservation and adaptive reuse of heritage and industrial buildings c. Provision of affordable housing d. Space conversion for residential and commercial uses e. Structural improvements to buildings (e.g. Building Code upgrades) f. Improvement of community energy efficiency g. Accessibility enhancements 2. Other Municipal Land Use Planning Policy - construction, renewal or material enhancement activities to fund strategic Municipal Physical Infrastructure and promotional projects such as: a. Signage - wayfinding/directional, and gateway. b. Streetscaping and landscape improvements - lighting, banners, murals, street furniture, interpretive elements, public art, urban forestation, accessibility, telecommunications/broadband equipment, parking, active transportation infrastructure (e.g. bike racks/storage, cycling lanes and paths) and pedestrian walkways/trails. c. Marketing plan implementation - business attraction and promotion activities, special events. 15 SCHEDULE C ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE COSTS 1. Eligible Costs include: a. Costs directly and reasonably incurred on or after April 1, 2018 up to and including the Project Completion Date by the Recipient for construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement activities funded under existing Community Improvement Plan financial incentive programs. b. Costs directly and reasonably incurred on or after April 1, 2018 up to and including the Project Completion Date by the Recipient for construction, renewal or material enhancement activities funded under the Municipal Physical Infrastructure category including projects in downtown or main street areas, as defined through an existing Community Improvement Plan or other municipal land use planning policy that will support the success of small businesses in main street areas. 2. Ineligible Costs include: a. Costs incurred prior to Effective Date or after the Project Completion Date; b. Any costs associated with providing the Annual and Results Reports to AMO; c. Any costs associated with lobbying Ontario, including other Ministries, agencies and organizations of the Government of Ontario; d. Costs associated with construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement of all things in the following categories: highways, short -sea shipping, short -line rail, regional or local airports, and brownfield redevelopment; e. Costs of infrastructure construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement that do not improve energy efficiency, accessibility, aesthetics of marketability of small businesses within an Recipient's main street areas; or that do not encourage strategic public investments in municipal and other public infrastructure within main street areas that will benefit small businesses; or that otherwise will likely fail to contribute to the success of main street businesses; f. Costs of infrastructure construction, renewal, renovation or redevelopment or material enhancement outside of the Recipient's main street areas, as defined through an existing Community Improvement Plan or other municipal land use planning policy; g. The cost of leasing of equipment by the Recipient, any overhead costs, including salaries and other employment benefits of any employees of the Recipient, its direct or indirect operating or administrative costs of Recipients, and more specifically its costs related to planning, engineering, architecture, supervision, management and other activities normally carried out by its staff, except in accordance with Eligible Costs above; h. Taxes, to which the Recipient is eligible for a tax rebate; i. Purchase of land or any interest therein, and related costs; and, j. Routine repair and maintenance Municipal Physical Infrastructure. 16 SCHEDULED REPORTING Communication Report Immediately following the Municipality executing this Agreement the Recipient will provide AMO a Communication Report in an electronic format deemed acceptable to AMO, consisting of the following: Project Title Project Description Eligible Project Category (CIP/ Municipal Physical Infrastructure Total Project Cost Estimate of Funds (Main Street) Spent Opening Balance $xxx Received from AMO $xxx $xxx Interest Earned $xxx $xxx Received from An Eligible Recipient $xxx $xxx Transferred to an Eligible Recipient ($xxx) ($xxx) Spent on Eligible Projects (for each Eligible Project category) ($xxx) ($xxx) Closing Balance of Unspent Funds 2. Annual Report The Recipient will provide to AMO an Annual Report in an electronic format deemed acceptable to AMO, consisting of the following: a. Financial Reporting Table: The financial report table will be submitted in accordance with the following template: Annual Report Financial Table Annual Cumulative 20xx 2018-2020 Opening Balance $xxx Received from AMO $xxx $xxx Interest Earned $xxx $xxx Received from An Eligible Recipient $xxx $xxx Transferred to an Eligible Recipient ($xxx) ($xxx) Spent on Eligible Projects (for each Eligible Project category) ($xxx) ($xxx) Closing Balance of Unspent Funds $xxx 17 b. Project List: The Recipient will provide to AMO a project list submitted in accordance with the following template: 3. Project Results. The Results Report shall outline, in a manner to be provided by AMO, the degree to which investments in each project are supporting progress towards achieving revitalization within main street areas: a. Community Improvement Plan Eligible Projects • Number of small businesses supported; • Total value of physical improvements; • Total Main Street Funds provided; • Total Municipal investment; and, • Total private investment. b. Municipal Physical Infrastructure Eligible Projects • Total value of physical improvements; • Total Main Street Funds provided; and • Total municipal investment. in Project Project Eligible Total MainStreet Start & End Completed? Recipient Title Description Project Project Funds Used Date Category Cost Yes/No/ Ongoing 3. Project Results. The Results Report shall outline, in a manner to be provided by AMO, the degree to which investments in each project are supporting progress towards achieving revitalization within main street areas: a. Community Improvement Plan Eligible Projects • Number of small businesses supported; • Total value of physical improvements; • Total Main Street Funds provided; • Total Municipal investment; and, • Total private investment. b. Municipal Physical Infrastructure Eligible Projects • Total value of physical improvements; • Total Main Street Funds provided; and • Total municipal investment. in