HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-024-07 CJNiQgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: PSD-024-07 File #: PLN 7.12 ePil-IIC -07 . By-law #: Date: Monday, February 19, 2007 Subject: ANNUAL REPORT ON SITE PLAN ACTIVITY FOR 2006 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-024-07 be received for information. Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~~~ vi Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CP /DJC/SA2/df 14 February 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide an update on information regarding site plan application activity during 2006. 1.2 The Site Plan Control By-law requires that plans and drawings for any building or structure be approved by the Municipality prior to issuance of a building permit except for those exceptions stated in By-law 90-130. By-law 90-130 delegates the approval authority of site plan applications to the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services. 1.3 Except for additions or minor expansions, a site plan approval is generally required for a proposed development to ensure a comprehensive design review of the location of all buildings and structures, landscaping, access locations, grading, servicing, parking areas, signage and lighting etc., by all regulatory authorities. In addition, it is through the site plan approval process that the Municipality applies conditions of approval including requirements such as; cash- in-lieu of parkland dedications, road widenings, and performance guarantees, etc. Land owners are usually required to execute a development agreement with the Municipality which is registered on title and is enforceable against present and future owners. 2.0 SITE PLAN ACTIVITY 2.1 Attachment 1 to this report outlines all site plan applications received during the period of January 1, 2006, and December 31,2006. The summary table includes the following information: site plan application file number, the nature of the application, location, and current status. Attachment 2 outlines all site plan applications approved during the same time period. Approval may be conditional on agreements being signed by the applicant, executed by the Mayor and Municipal Clerk and then registered against title. Until registration occurs, a building permit is not usually available. 2.2 Site Plan activity through 2006 was as follows: Table 1: Site Plan Activit , 2006 Application Files Remaining Open at end of 2005 Applications Received Applications Approved Applications Withdrawn Applications Appealed to OMS Applications Denied to OMS A lication Files Remainin 0 en at end of 2006 66 44 38 1 o o 74 REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 3 Site Plan Applications Received, 1998-2006 'C G) > '; u G) a: ! o :l:l III .~ i c( 'It 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Figure 1: Site Plan Applications Received, 1998-2006 Recent site plan application trends suggest a slight overall decline in the number of applications received by the Municipality over the past few years. 2.3 A breakdown of site plan applications submitted in 2006 by land use type is shown in the pie chart below. Site Plan Applications Received by Type, 2006 Residential 23% Commercial 33% Industrial 28% Figure 2: Site Plan Applications Received by Type, 2006 REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 4 The Municipality has exhibited strong commercial and industrial growth in 2006, accounting for 33% and 28% respectively, of all site plan applications received. Residential growth has remained steady with 23% of all site plan applications. 2.4 Site plans approved in 2006 by type are shown in Figure 3. These figures also include site plans received in years previous to 2006. Site Plan Applications Approved By Type, 2006 Residential 11% Commercial 44% Industrial 24% In stitutio n a I 21% Figure 3: Site Plan Applications Approved by Type, 2006 Site plan approval in 2006 was dominated by commercial site plan applications which comprised close to half of all those approved. This trend is expected to continue during the coming year with the recent Ontario Municipal Board approval of Official Plan Amendments 43 and 44, and related zoning for development in the West Bowmanville Town Centre and other commercially designated property. 2.5 The total floor space and residential units approved in 2006 is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 below. 2.5.1 Figure 4 illustrates the total floor space approved by land use type. In 2006 there has been 20,059 square metres of commercial floor space approved in the development of 11 sites. A sample of the commercial uses for which floor space was approved through the site plan process include new retail, expansion of REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 5 existing retail and commercial storage. Industrial floor space was approved primarily for additions to existing facilities through 6 site plans. Institutional floor space increased as a result of the approval of school additions, a place of worship and two community clubhouses on 6 sites. Total Floor Space Approved by land Use, 2006 25000 20000 'i' l!! .. Gl 15000 e l!! !!I a' 10000 .!. II .2 ::::) 5000 0 Commercial Industrial Institutional Land Use Figure 4: Total Floor Space Approved by Land Use, 2006 2.5.2 A summary of the residential units approved by dwelling type suggests that Clarington's housing stock is becoming more diversified. As can be seen, the number of apartment units continue to grow, as compared to a few years back when few, if any apartments were being approved in Clarington. The single- detached dwellings approved were in Wilmot Creek Retirement Community. REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 6 Residential Units Approved by Dwelling Type, 2006 180 160 140 120 ~ 100 III - 'S 80 ::l 60 40 20 0 Single Detached Townhouse Apartment Dwelling Type Figure 5: Residential Units Approved by Dwelling Type, 2006 2.6 Site plans approved in 2006 by geographical area are shown in Figure 6 below. As expected, most the site plan activity is occurring within urban areas. The rural areas of Darlington and Clarke account for the remaining 21 % of approved site plan applications in 2006, which include telecommunications towers, small stand alone commercial and residential uses and institutional renovations. 2.6.1 Bowmanville continues to be the centre of Clarington's urban development activity: 39% of the site plan applications approved in 2006 and 43% of those received were in the Bowmanville urban area. There is an increase in the medium and high density residential site plan applications, primarily proposing residential forms such as townhouses and low-rise apartment developments. Commercial site plan approval continues to be strong with both new retail and the expansion of existing commercial/retail uses. There have also been site plans received for site redevelopment within the Bowmanville urban area, which is expected to increase as the area matures. Some of the site plans received in 2006 propose higher value commercial uses such as professional offices, hotels and convention centres which have the potential to enhance Clarington's employment and tourism opportunities. Finally, a number of site plans were received and/or approved for school and institutional expansion, as services and infrastructure keep pace with the growing residential population. REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 7 Site Plan Applications Approved and Received by Geographic Area, 2006 .- ~ Gl Cl .! c Gl t,) .. Gl Q. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o New castle Darlington Oarke Village Courtice Bow rranville Orono Wilmot Creek Geographic Area . Received . Approved Figure 6: Site Plan Applications Approved by Community, 2006 2.6.2 Newcastle Village had 24% of the approved site plans and 18% of the new site plans received in 2006. This urban area is also seeing site plan proposals for higher density residential developments and rejuvenation of the downtown through small scale commercial proposals for uses including gas stations and restaurants. Site plan applications were received for further residential growth with proposals for a 64 unit condominium for seniors, and 8 low-rise residential buildings. 2.6.3 Courtice urban area accounted for 11 % of the approved site plan activity and approximately 14% of received site plans. The site plan activity in the Courtice area consists of an industrial storage facility, an organic compost facility and an institutional application for a church. There was no residential or commercial site plan application in 2006 in the Courtice urban area. 2.6.4 Two site plan applications were approved in 2006 within the Wilmot Creek Lifestyle Community. One was the 66 detached residential dwellings in Phase 7 and a community clubhouse addition. 2.6.5 There are 74 files open at year end 2006. Some have been recently received and are in circulation for comments from other departments and external agencies. Others have been open for longer periods. As these applications tend to be more complex, they often require more time for potential zone changes and REPORT NO.: PSD-024-07 PAGE 8 resolving related issues. Site plan files awaiting further information are monitored regularly by the assigned planner and a letter is sent to inform the applicant of the status of the file. In 2006, overall development activity and staff workload has led to delays in processing some applications. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Site plan activity in 2006 has followed recent trends with strong growth in the commercial and industrial sectors. In the last few years, higher density residential proposals such as townhouse and apartment projects have become a more significant component of site plan review activities. Of the 10 residential site plans received in 2006, 70% proposed medium to high residential uses. This figure has increased from 57% in 2005. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Plan Applications (January 1,2006 to December 31,2006) Attachment 2 - Approved Site Plans (January 1,2006 to December 31,2006) Site Plan Applications Received (January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006) / /#~ #~ ~O~ / ~x: ~ f'V z-Q ~ ";)-i>0 ";)-i>0 0(:' r,V /'C <:;'l' c; Q0 / SPA2006-0001 20-Jan-06 410 TORONTO ST 489445 ONTARIO LTD. (JAMES NEWCASTLE ADDITION TO INDUSTRIAL BUILDING FOR MARSHALL) VILLAGE STORAGE SPA2006-0002 31-Jan-06 BENNETT RD RIDGE PINE PARK INC. WILMOT CREEK 66 DETACHED DWELLINGS AND RELATED ROADS SPA2006-0003 07 -Feb-06 3005 HIGHWAY 1098431 ONTARIO LTD CLARKE PROPANE TANK AND PAD 35/115 N. SPA2006-0004 08-Feb-06 216 KING AVE EASTMAN HOLDING L TO NEWCASTLE GAS BAR, RETAIL SALES AND CONVENIENCE VILLAGE STORE SPA2006-0005 10-Feb-06 57 MILL ST 1664312 ONTARIO LTD NEWCASTLE CONVERT A HOUSE INTO A RESTAURANT VILLAGE SPA2006-0006 20-Feb-06 2349 HIGHWAY 2 DUNBURY DEVELOPMENTS DARLINGTON 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM I(GREEN) SPA2006-0007 07-Mar-06 1987 BASELINE RD 1278902 ONTARIO LTD COURTICE STORAGE FACILITY, OFFICE, AND PARKING AREA SPA2006-0008 30-Mar-06 275 TORONTO ST SYVAN DEVELPMENTS LIMITED NEWCASTLE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL VILLAGE PARKING FOR A NEW MEZZANINE CONCESSION ACCESSORY BUILDING PROPOSED IN THE SPA2006-0009 13-Apr -06 1760 10 JEFFERY R BRADLEY DARLINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL HOLDING SYMBOL ON THE OAK RIDGES MORAINE SPA2006-0010 21-Apr-06 194 COURTICE RD DURHAM RADIO INC. COURTICE INSTALLATION OF A 60 M TALL COMMUNICATIONS TOWER SPA2006-0011 27-Apr-06 3180 CONCESSION JOHN SIMIANA CLARKE SINGLE DETACHED HOUSE 10 SPA2006-0012 16-May-06 2038 NASH RD DURHAM CHRSTIAN ACADEMY BOWMANVILLE ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING SPA2006-0013 17-May-06 43 ORMISTON ST KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DARLINGTON RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITY SHED DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SPA2006-0014 24-May-06 2735 HANCOCK RD GERTRUD TOMINA DARLINGTON TEMPORARY GOLF DOME BUBBLE AND CLUB HOUSE SPA2006-0015 02-Jun-06 1700 BASELINE RD MIKE KONOPACKI COURTICE ADDITION TO AN INDUSTRAIL BUILDING SPA2006-0016 21-Jun-06 SHIPWAY AVE PORT OF NEWCASTLE MARINA NEWCASTLE FOUR STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING VILLAGE SPA2006-0017 28-J un-06 120 QUEEN ST KENNETH JAMES LYNCH BOWMANVILLE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE WEST DIAMOND PROPERTIES SPA2006-0018 28-Jun-06 HIGHWAY 2 INC & PLAYERS BUSINESS BOWMANVILLE RETAIL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PARK L TO ..., o ;0 CD -0 o ::l. \J~ Cf)- O~ I ::r ~3 .t>,CD I ::l 0- ~ -" Site Plan Applications Received (January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006) /#~ #~~ #O~ ~x: ~.;) .~ 4' c,<:' <:)'1> C:J~3 C:J~3 cP~ 0<; / 'C Q SPA2006-0019 03-Jul-06 1660 HIGHWAY 2 COURTICE BAPTIST CHURCH COURTICE ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING SPA2006-0020 04-Jul-06 21 BROOKHOUSE DR 1319164 ONTARIO LTD. NEWCASTLE 64 UNITE RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM FOR VILLAGE SENIORS SPA2006-0021 11-Jul-06 181 KING ST BARBARA HANC BOWMANVILLE REFRESHMENT VEHICLE AMENDMENT TO ENTRANCE AND LANDSCAPE SPA2006-0022 18-Jul-06 243 KING ST FIRST CAPITAL BOWMANVILLE FEATURES AND RELOACTION OF GARBAGE ENCLOSURE SPA2006-0023 19-Jul-06 45 WEST SIDE DR KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE BOWMANVILLE FOUR ADDITIONAL PORTABLES DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SPA2006-0024 19-Jul-06 1780 RUDELL RD MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY CENTRE VILLAGE SPA2006-0025 20-Jul-06 40 PORT RD 1494263 ONTARIO LTD BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITY DARLINGTON SPA2006-0026 21-Jul-06 2151 SOUTH RD ONTARIO POWER GENERATION DARLINGTON PROCESSING AND STORAGE FACILITY SERVICE SPA2006-0027 21-Jul-06 SHIPWAY AVE CCCC DURHAM WEST LTD. NEWCASTLE SEVEN THREE STOREY RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE BUILDINGS SPA2006-0028 10-Aug-06 571 LONGWORTH AVE HALMINEN URBAN BOWMANVILLE 27 CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSES COMMUNITIES INC. SPA2006-0029 18-Aug-06 680 LONGWORTH AVE HALMINEN URBAN BOWMANVILLE 60 CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSES COMMUNITIES INC. SPA2006-0030 21-Aug-06 90 PARKWAY CR PVNC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE ADDITION OF 2 PORTABLE CLASSROOMS BOARD SPA2006-0031 28-AuQ-06 37 SPICER sa BOWMANVILLE HOTELS INC BOWMANVILLE HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTRE SPA2006-0032 08-Sep-06 3086 REGIONAL RD KOVACS SAND AND GRAVEL DARLINGTON EXPANSION TO EXISTING AGGREGATE 20 EXTRACTION AREA SPA2006-0033 25-Seo-06 1848 BASELINE RD MILLER PAVING LIMITED COURTICE ORGANIC COMPOSTING FACILITY SPA2006-0034 25-Seo-06 35 SPICER sa BOWMANVILLE HOTELS INC BOWMANVILLE CONVENTION CENTRE SPA2006-0035 29-Sep-06 125 PORT RD ANDRE WIGGERS BOWMANVILLE WAREHOUSE STORAGE BUILDING DARLINGTON CONTRUCTION SPA2006-0036 02-0ct-06 40 BRITTON CT 921954 ONTARIO LTD. BOWMANVILLE ATHLETIC CONDITIONING AND WELLNESS CENTRE SPA2006-0037 02-0ct-06 125 PORT RD ANDRE WIGGERS BOWMANVILLE STURCTURE FOR BOAT CONSTRUCTION AND DARLINGTON CONTRUCTION STORAGE SPA2006-0038 04-0ct-06 100 OSBOURNE RD REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF COURTICE WEIR CHAMBER DURHAM SPA2006-0039 07-Nov-06 18 BROWN ST COWAN PONTIAC BUICK BOWMANVILLE TEMPORARY PARKING LOT SPA2006-0040 13-Nov-06 ORONO SPA2006-0041 16-Nov-06 312 LIBERTY ST 2044356 ONTARIO LTD. BOWMANVILLE 48 CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSES SPA2006-0043 12-Dec-06 ROYAL VISTA HOMES COMMERCIAL PLAZA SPA2006-0044 20-Dec-06 215 BASELINE RD MOOLCA INVESTMENTS INC. BOWMANVILLE 4 UNIT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SPA2006-0045 22-Dec-06 55 TEMPERANCE ST JANICE SETO BOWMANVILLE COMMERCIAL CONVERSION OF A HOUSE Approved Site Plans (January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006) / 4' /# #~~ ~~ ~~ ..:,0 ~.s v~<I /<c 0~fli 0~fli o<$' 0'" () <:! SPA2005-006 6-Jan-06 243 KING ST FIRST CAPITAL BOWMANVILLE EXPANSION TO A&P SPA2004-022 23-Jan-06 ASPEN SPRINGS DR KAITLlN GROUP BOWMANVILLE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION SPA2005-0037 30-Jan-06 400 WAVERLEY RD ST. MARY'S CEMENT BOWMANVILLE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ENVIROTECH STORAGE BUILDING SPA2004-041 17-Feb-06 KING AVE TDL GROUP L TO NEWCASTLE RESTAURANT VILLAGE SPA 2005-026 7-Apr-06 90 SHIPWAY AVE KAITLlN GROUP NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE VILLAGE SPA2005-016 28-Apr-06 2401 HIGHWAY 2 CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE LTD BOWMANVILLE 1000 SQ.M. EXPANSION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING SPA2005-0039 12-May-06 ASPEN SPRINGS DR WEST BOWMANVILLE TEMPORARY RESIDENTIAL SALES CENTRE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SPA2005-023 17-May-06 SOUTH SERVICE RD W. E. ROTH CONSTRUCTION BOWMANVILLE FIVE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SPA2005-0040 18-May-06 87 MILL ST NEWCASTLE MEDICAL NEWCASTLE ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES VILLAGE SPA 2005-009 30-May-06 253 SPRUCEWOOD CR ST. STEPHENS ESTATES INC. BOWMANVILLE 40 TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS SPA2003-015 6-Jun-06 131 LAKE RD GB LEASING BOWMANVILLE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SPA2006-0008 22-Jun-06 275 TORONTO ST SYVAN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED NEWCASTLE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL VILLAGE PARKING FOR A NEW MEZZANINE SPA2006-0011 22-Jun-06 3180 CONCESSION 10 SIMIANA CLARKE HOUSE ON THE OAK RIDGES MORAINE SPA2006-0012 22-Jun-06 2038 NASH RD DURHAM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY BOWMANVILLE ADDITION TO THE EXISTING SCHOOL SPA2005-0021 23-Jun-06 181 KING AVE MOOLCO CAR WASH NEWCASTLE CAR AND DOG WASH VILLAGE SPA2001-028 28-Jun-06 1287 ADAMS RD MICROCELL CONNEXIONS CLARKE TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER SPA2001-039 28-Jun-06 4709 HOLT RD ROGERS WIRELESS DARLINGTON TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER SPA2005-029 3-Jul-06 6065 HIGHWAY 35/115 1638351 ONTARIO LTD. CLARKE ADDITION TO THE DUTCH OVEN SPA 2006-013 3-Jul-06 43 ORMISTON ST KPR SCHOOL BOARD DARLINGTON SCHOOL RENOVATIONS -f o :::0 CD l:l o ::4- -U;e 00- O~ , :r 03 N co f':::J 0- -....JI\J Approved Site Plans (January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006) / /# #~~ ~~ " ~~ ~o ~.:s (:.<:1 ~ ~~rz; ~~rz; o~ ~G '1(' <:)'Ii c; <:)'3 ,/ SPA 2006-015 10-Jul-06 1700 BASELINE RD KONOPACKI COURTICE EXPANSION TO INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SPA2006-0003 12-Jul-06 3005 HIGHWAY 35/115 1098431 ONTARIO LTD CLARKE PROPANE TANK AND PAD SPS 2003-042 27 -Jul-06 175 LAKE RD 1419190 ONTARIO INC. BOWMANVILLE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SPA 2006-001 1-Aug-06 410 TORONTO ST IMS NEWCASTLE ADDITION TO AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING VILLAGE SPA 2005-034 21-Aug-06 114 LIBERTY ST SHELL CANADA BOWMANVILLE GAS STATION RE-DEVELOPMENT SPA 2005-032 22-Aug-06 166 KING ST COWAN BOWMANVILLE CAR DEALERSHIP SPA 2006-023 14-Sep-06 45 WESTSIDE DR KPR SCHOOL BOARD BOWMANVILLE ADDITION OF PORTABLES TO ROSS TILLEY SPA 2003-058 18-Sep-06 1731 BLOOR ST COURTICE FAMILY WORSHIP COURTICE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW CHURCH CENTRE SPA 2006-004 20-Sep-06 216 KING AVE EASTMAN HOLDINGS LTD. NEWCASTLE GAS STATION RE-DEVELOPMENT AND VILLAGE CONVENIENCE STORE SPA 2005-030 25-Sep-06 2836 HOLT RD SUPERDOG CENTRAL INC. DARLINGTON DOG KENNEL SPA 2006-010 26-Sep-06 194 COURTICE RD DURHAM RADIO INC. COURTICE COMMUNICATIONS TOWER SPA 2006-026 24-0ct-06 OPG DARLINGTON DRY FUEL STORAGE SPA2003-036 25-0ct-06 355 WAVERLEY RD BOWMANVILLE CREEK BOWMANVILLE RING ROAD FOR RONA DEVELOPMENTS SPA 2006-002 25-0ct-06 RIDGE PINE PARK WILMOT CREEK 66 DETACHED DWELLINGS AND ASSOCIATED ROADS SPA 2005-045 2-Nov-06 205 BASELINE RD RONA BOWMANVILLE NEW RETAIL STORE SPA 2005-0043 9-Nov-06 1 WHEELHOUSE DR RIDGE PINE PARK WILMOT CREEK COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE SPA 2006-0038 15-Nov-06 100 OSBOURNE RD REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF COURTICE WEIR CHAMBER DURHAM SPA 2006-0005 23-Nov-06 57 MILL ST KIMBALL NEWCASTLE CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING HOUSE TO A VILLAGE RESTAURANT SPA 2006-024 5-Dec-06 1780 Rudell Rd MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE ACQUATIC CENTRE VILLAGE