HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-128-99 "",,-,'>> ~ '" " -. . , DN: PDl28-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAlUNGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 Res. tClfJ - 6;)7-19 Report #: PD-128-99 FILE #: PLN 17.9.4 By-law # Subject: MUNICIPAL ROSTER OF CONSULTANTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES FILE: PLN 17.9.4 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-128-99 be received; 2. THAT the termination date for the Roster of Consultants for the Preparation of EnviroIimental Impact Studies, as indicated in Section 2.3 of Report PD-163-96, be extended to June 30, 2000. 1. BACKGROUND Section 4.3.8 of the Clarington Official Plan requires that an Environmental Impact Study be prepared for any development application located on ,or adjacent to a Natural Feature identified on Map C of the Plan. The Municipality is to retain qualified professional expertise to undertake the Study, with the cost of the study to be borne by the developer. On October 15, 19%, Council approved Gnidelines to implement Section 4.3.8 of the Official Plan. The Guidelines indicate that the Planning Department will develop and maintain a roster of consulting firms qualified to prepare Environmental Impact Studies, and that Staff will seek Council's authorization to renew the roster every three (3) years. ., On December 9, 1996, Council considered Staff Report PD-163-96 and appm"ed the following Roster for the Preparation of Enviromnental Impact Studies: 639 , .. , , REPORT NO.: PD-128-99 PAGE 2 IJ Aquafor Beech Ltd. in association with Beak International Inc. and Geometrics International IJ Bird and Hale Ltd. in association with Hough Woodland Naylor Dance Ltd., G.M. Semas and Associates, Azimuth Environmental Consulting Inc. and Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. IJ Ecological Services for Planning Ltd. in association with Tehllplobe Ltd., Cosburn Patterson Mather and !MC Consulting Ltd. IJ Gartner Lee Limited in association with R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd., Baird and Associates Ltd. and PMA Landscape Architects. The effective period for this Roster, as approved by Council, is December 2, 1996 to December 1, 1999. The existing Roster of Consultants is due to expire shortly. 2. REQUEST TO EXTEND PERIOD OF ROSTER For reasons outlined below, Committee is being requested to extend the period of the Roster by an additional seven (7) months. (i) The process to renew the Consultant Roster is fairly time consuming, requiring staff time to review Expressions of Interest from ,several consulting firms and to conduct interviews with a number of the firms. Because of the commitment of Planning Department resources to other higher priority projects, insufficient time is available to properly undertake the process to renew the Roster of Consultants. Staff from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are also involved in the consultant selection process. (ii) The consultants on the existing Roster have consistently provided very good services. To date, a total of six (6) Environmental Impact Studies have been undertaken. As well, one (1) Peer Review of an independently-prepared study was undertaken. In every case, the Planning Department has been pleased with the quality of service and product provided by the consultants on the existing Roster. 640 ~ ... . REPOR.T NO.: PD-128-99 PAGE 3 3. CONCLUSIONS An extension of seven (7) months for the current Roster of Consultants for the Preparation of Environmental hnpact Studies will provide more time for Planning Department staff to complete several high priority projects. This extension would bring the termination date for the current Roster to June 30, 2000. Reviewed by, e, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. lanning & Development OV-.~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. JAS*BN*DC*df 2 November 1999 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. D. E. Maunder Aquafor Beech Limited 14 Abacus Road BRAMPTON, Ontario L6T 5B7 Mr. Steven Usher Gartner Lee Ltd. Suite 102 140 Renfrew Drive MARKHAM, Ontario L3R 6B3 Ms. Linda Hellas Bird and Hale Ltd. Suite 1002 2 Carlton Street TORONTO, Ontario M5R 2Cl Mr. Don Wright Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue OSHA W A, Ontario LlH 3T3 Mr. David Charlton Ecological Services Group 361 Southgate Drive GUELPH, Ontario NIG3M5 Mr. Rob Franklin Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.O. Box 328 PORT HOPE, Ontario LlA 3W3 641