HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-115-99 .i,#. / - ..,~. ... , ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Pr I fc, . Res. #6111-- 1t7-71 Date: Monday, October 18,1999 By-law # Report #: PD-115-99 File #: MILLENNIUM PROJECTS MAIN STREET ONTARIO FUNDING PROGRAM Subject: Reconnnendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-115-99 be received; 2. THAT staff be authorized to submit the application to Main Street Ontario for the six Millennium Projects discussed in Section 3.3 to Section 3.6 of this report; 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation regarding the Main Street Funding Program; and 4. THAT the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation and all other persons listed on the interested parties list attached to this report be forwarded to a copy of this report and be advised of Council's decision. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 On March 8,1999, Report PD-20-99, Council approved the allocations of funds under the Ontario Main Street Program for millennium projects. Funding is based on matching funds of 50 cents per resident. The Municipality of Clarington is eligible for $36,000.00. The funds were distributed by Council as follows: Bowmanville BIA Newcastle Village BIA Orono BIA Courtice Proj ect Valleys 2000 TOTAL $12,000.00. $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $10,000.00 $36,000.00 609 ',' , REPORT P1).115-99 PAGE 2 The Municipality agreed to fund the remaining SO percent for the three BIA projects, and the Courtice project totalling $26,000.00 from the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund. Valleys 2000 is required to match their funding allocation from other sources. The Lions Club of Bowmanvil1e has committed the matching funds for Val1eys 2000. 1.2 In addition, in September 1998, Mark Jackman, curator of the Clarke Mnseurn and Archives forwarded a request from the Board of Directors to establish a Clarington Wall of Fame, in partnership with the Municipality of Clarington. Council referred the matter to the Chief Administrative Officer for review and report. This matter was subsequently referred for consideration with the other mil1ennium projects. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to: . provide an overview of the funding program under Main Street Ontario Funding Program; . provide an overview of the six projects recommended for submission for funding under this program; and . discuss the Municipality's obligations under the funding program. 2. MAIN STREET ONTARIO FUNDING 2.1 The Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation administers the Main Street Ontario Funding program. It is for one-time community-oriented millennium activities taking place between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000. 2.2 Eligible community mi11ennium projects must fal1 under one or more of the fol1owing themes: The Homecoming- Tourism and other community initiatives designed to attract visitors to Ontario and encourage Ontarians to explore their home province in the mil1ennium year. Beautify Ontario -Projects such as the beautification of communities; mi11ennium gardens; river, creek and lake improvements; historical restorations; and other improvement initiatives. 610 >, ,~ REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 3 . , Land of Opportunity- Ontario's accomplishments provide opportunity to showcase our rich past, vibrant present and bright and confident future. We Are Ontario- Local heritage programs, projects and initiatives and cultural shows and festivals designed to highlight all that is Ontario. 2.3 The projects must meet the following community objectives: . Builds pride in Ontario communities by showcasing local achievements, such as heritage, culture, commerce and vitality. . Strengthens local economies. . Encourages the development of new partnerships through local, public and private sector groups working together. . Strengthens volunteer sector by providing opportunities to learn new leadership and event management skills. . Provides community events for people of all ages and abilities. The application also requires that each proposal provide project deadline, critical path to achieving that deadline, list of partners, project management, project evaluation and budget. 2.4 Eligible project costs are those that go to capital costs for approved projects, that will be completed between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000. Operating costs are not eligible for funding. 3. THE PROJECTS 3.1 Through this report, staff are proposing two changes from the distribution of funds and projects approved by Council on March 8, 1999. These are as follows: . the funds for a Courtice project were initially allocated to streetscape improvements along the Highway. Given the limited amount of funding available, this would be a relatively small project with limited tangible benefits that could be perceived by residents. After discussions with the Friends of Second Marsh, there was the possibility of a much larger project that could mobilize volunteer labour and utilize other grant programs. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Courtice project be awarded to Friends of Second Marsh to undertake improvements to the Black Creek and develop pedestrian trails on the land adjoining the Courtice Community Complex. 611 ','- ' . . REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 4 . the Orono BIA has determined that it wants to support the efforts of the Clarington Concert Band in their project to recreate a bandsheU which wiU provide a venue for a Millennium Band Festival. Fifty percent of the Orono BIA funds would be used for this project. It is identified separately for ease of administration. 3.2 Staff requested that each BIA, Valleys 2000 and Friends of Second Marsh (Courtice Project) prepare a proposal that would meet the themes and objectives of the funding program. A meeting was held with aU the groups to answer questions and discuss the application requirements. The information provided by each was compiled and transferred to the one application form. The application form and detailed description of each project was forwarded to members of Council by separate memo. Section 3.3 to 3.6 contains a summary of each project, its cost and timing for implementation are noted below. 3.3 PROJECTS FROM THE THREE BIAS 3.3.1 The BowmanviUe BIA is proposing the installation of 10 "Old English Style" benches, 10 waste receptacles and 10 planters, and a new electrical power centre for their many events. The proposed location for the new electrical power centre is immediately adjacent to the existing utility box on Temperance Street. Funding Project breakdown is as foUow: Municipality ofClarington $12,000. BowmanviUe BIA $ 5,500. Main Street Funding $12,000. TOTAL $29,500. 3.3.2 The Newcastle BIA is proposing the installation of nine "Old English Style" benches and nine planters. Funding breakdown is as foUows: Municipality ofClarington $ 5,000.00 Newcastle BIA $ 120.00 Millennium Funding $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $10,120.00 612 REPORT PO-115-99 PAGE 5 3.3.3 Orono BIA The Orono BIA is proposing 4 "Old English Style" benches. Funding Breakdown is noted below: Municipality of Clarington Millennium Funding Orono BIA TOTAL $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 300.00 $ 2,800.00 3.3.4 In addition, to the Municipality's financial contribution, the Municipality will purchase street furniture on behalf of each BIA and the Public Works Department will install all the street furniture. The new utility box proposed by the Bowmanville BIA will be installed by an electrician under the Municipality's guidance. 3.4 CLARINGTON CONCERT BAND As noted earlier in this report, at the request of the Orono BIA, the funds allocated to the BIA project were split in half giving Clarington Concert Band $ 2,500.00 towards the contribution of a new bandshell. The bandshell will provide a venue for a Millennium Band Festival which will be held on July 1'\ 2000, and continued on an annual basis. The Clarington Concert Band will be required to provide a status of funds and donations collected or committed prior to the Municipality releasing the funds. Funding breakdown is as follows: Municipality of Clarington $ 1,250.00 Donated Materials $10,000.00 Donated labour $16,500.00 Millennium Funding $ 1,250.00 TOTAL $29,000.00 3.5 FRIENDS OF SECOND MARSH It is proposed that Friends of Second Marsh (Friends) undertake the Courtice project. Friends has been working extensively in the Courtice area to protect and restore Black and Farewell Creeks, two major tributaries of the Second Marsh Watershed, and has established several strong community based partnerships. Friends have proposed an interpretative walk and improvements to the ecological health of the Black Creek, in the 613 ,~ ... ~~f" ~-~..~. REPORT PD-l1S-99 REVISED PAGE 6 ~ vicinity of the Courtice Community Complex, on lands currently owned by the Municipality of Clarington. The project will also provide for pedestrian linkages, from neighbourhoods south of Highway 2 to the Courtice Community Complex and Courtice High School. Friends of Second Marsh will consult with Director of Community Services regarding the walkway linking the Community Complex to the neighbourhoods north and west of Nash Road. The sum of $10,000.00 has been set aside by the Community Services Department to do the works in conjunction with the ecological trail. The Environmental Studies class of Courtice High School also use this area as a venue to learn about the local natural environment. The proposal will be supported by many partners including, Friends of Second Marsh, Nantucket Residents Association, Courtice High School and Boy Scouts of Canada. The Municipality of Clarington is requested to assist with construction of trails, installation of bridges and signs, a value of $7,000.00. In order to achieve this proposal, Friends must secure funds from a local service group, the Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment, support from volunteers. Friends of the Second Marsh will be required to provide a status of funds and donation collected or committed prior to the Municipality advancing funds. The proposed budget is as follows: Municipality ofClarington Friends of the Environment & Local Service Clubs Donations of Labour & Materials (including Municipality's contribution) Other Provincial Funding Millennium Funding TOTAL 3.6 VALLEYS 2000 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,000.00 $13,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $35,000.00 The Valleys 2000 initiative is aimed at enhancing the environment and developing trails within the Bowmanville and Soper Creek valleys. Council endorsed the Valleys 2000 initiative in December 1998. A consultant has been retained to design a plan to restore . -< REPORT Po-11S-99 PAGE 7 and rehabilitate the Bowmanville Creek Valley and to provide a naturalized park-like setting. The conceptual plan will be presented at a Public Open House on October 21, 1999, and will be forwarded to Council for approval in November 1999. The estimated cost of the project is estimated at $3.6 million. The funding will come from various sources, including the Federal and Provincial government, and donations from within the cornmunity. The project will take many years to complete. However, in order to qualify under the Main Street Program, only projects completed between January I, 2000 and December 31, 2000 are eligible for funding. The project proposed by Valleys 2000 will include a trail, signage and plantings in the area from the parking lot off Roenigk Drive to the Goodyear Dam. Valleys 2000 will be required to provide a status of funds and donations collected or committed prior to the Municipality advancing the funds. Valleys 2000 portion contributed by Lions Club Donated Labour Millennium Funding TOTAL $10,000.00 $13,000.00 $10,000.00 $33,000.00 3.7 CLARKE MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES In 1998, the Clarke Museum and Archives developed the idea of a Hall of Fame or similar structure to honour prominent Clarington citizens. It would recognize local citizens, past and present, and their achievements for the community and their country. The structure would be based on politics, medicine, religion, education, music, sports literature, arts and sciences and business. Possible locations for the Wall included existing publicly accessible buildings, such as the Gamet Rickard Complex, Municipal Administrative Building, Libraries, or engraved stones located at intervals along Clarington's portion of the Waterfront Trail. Staff and the curator for the Museum worked together to find an appropriate location for a Clarington Museum Hall or Wall of Fame. The Community Services Department has 615 '.,.. ' REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 8 intentions of developing a Sports Hall of Fame at the Gamet B. Rickard complex. It was determined that there was no appropriate space within the Municipal Administration Centre. Two other locations were discussed one being the building the Wall of Fame in a pocket park on a portion of the old Petro-Can site on King Street in Bowmanville. However, the land could not be secured for this purpose in the immediate future. As an alternative, the Wall of Fame was proposed around the periphery of the Municipal Admiuistrative Centre courtyard. The Legion expressed some concern that people may be honoured on the Wall that fought against war efforts. Subsequently, the Museum Board voted to build the Wall of Fame on the museum grounds. 3.8 For Council's information, the Bowmanville Museum are also undertaking a Millennium project. This project is not part of this funding program. A new Carriage House is proposed on the museum lands, a value of $300,000. The Board has applied for federal millennium funds for $100,000. The balance will be through fundraising efforts. It is not being financially supported by the Municipality of Clarington. 4. COMMENTS 4.1 The Municipality will be submitting one application, with the six separate milleunium projects. As such, the Municipality must commit to all of the Terms and Conditions in the application. Each partner in these projects has been made aware of the Terms and Conditions required under the program and has consented to honouring them where necessary. Funds will be advanced to Valleys 2000, Friends of Second Marsh and Clarington Concert Band upon receipt of a status of their current funds or donations. The Municipality is required to submitted an interim progress report and a final report, both which include a unaudited financial statement which accounts for project revenues plus expenditures to date and in-kinds goods and services. Ontario 2000 logo is required on all advertising. 616 . ,_..,\T REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 9 4.2 The funding for Clarington Concert Band, Valleys 2000 and Friends of Second Marsh projects rely on donated funds, material and labour that have yet to be confirmed. Each group is obligated to solicit the funds and/or donations of material and labour. The Municipality will be obligated to assist with the installation of street furniture for the BIA's and installation of bridge and trail construction for the Friends of Second Marsh. 4.3 The Treasurer, Director of Public Works and Director of Community Services have reviewed this report. They support the proposed projects and will commit the Municipal staff resources necessary to fulfil the Municipality's obligations under these programs. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 The six projects submitted for millennium funding will begin and end in the year 2000. Each one of the participants have made a commitment to raising funds or soliciting donations and volunteer support where required. The projects will be a very visible celebration of our community's traditions across all parts of Clarington. Reviewed by, D vi I Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Direc r of Planning & Development O~_~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer CRS*DJC*cc October 12,1999 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Bowmanville Business Centre c/o Ron Hooper P.O. Box 365 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3L5 Newcastle BIA c/o Ron Hope 20 King Street West Unit #10 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB IH7 Orono BIA c/o Daniel Banting 5331 Main Street, Box 249 ORONO, Ontario LOB IMO 617 j,;;.? , 'c ~_ '"- ", ~ REPORT PD.115.99 PAGE 10 Clarington Concert Band clo David Climenhage R. R. #2 Orono, Ontario LOB lMO Rev. Frank Lockhart Valleys 2000 P.O. Box 364 Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3L1 Mark Jackman, Curator Clarke Museum and Archives 7086 Old Kirby School Road Box 152 Orono, Ontario LOB lMO Friends of Second Marsh 206 King St. E. P.O. Box 26066, RPO King St. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8R4 Ontario 2000 Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation 123 Edward Street, Suite 300 TORONTO, Ontario M5G lE2 618