HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-019-07 Cl~.n REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeti ng: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday February 5,2007 Resolution #: SF If' (jc;,c1- 07 Date: Report #: EGD-019-07 File #: By-law #: Subject: PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, OLD SCUGOG ROAD AND BOUNDARY ROAD, BURKETON Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-019-07 be received; 2. THAT the Register and Comment Sheets from the Public Information Centre of December 5,2006 be received; 3. THAT staff implement the recommended intersection improvements at Old Scugog Road and Boundary Road; 4. THAT the intersection improvement project be included and considered in the 2007 Capital Budget and Forecast at an estimated cost of $42,000; and 5. THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality be informed of this report. RAiLf2 Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services ()~- -~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/LJB/jo January 29, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-019-07 Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In 2002, the Municipality of Clarington received a request from a resident to install all-way stop signs at the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Boundary Road to reduce vehicle speeds at the north end of Burketon (see Attachment 1). The intersection is on the boundary between the Municipality of Clarington and the Township of Scugog. In December, 2002, Clarington Council denied the request for all-way stops based on provincially accepted guidelines. Additional signage and some line painting were placed north of Boundary Road to alert drivers to the change in speed zones as vehicles enter the hamlet of Burketon from the north. The Durham Regional Police Services have said that they would not increase speed patrol in Burketon because it is not cost effective due to the low volume of cars on the road. In 2005, staff modified the provincial warrants to better reflect the Clarington road network. These guidelines, which are less stringent (more permissive), were presented to and adopted by the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee (CTMAC). Even under this new warrant analysis, an all-way stop is far from warranted at this intersection. Another request for all-way stops was made to both Clarington Council and Township of Scugog Council. In March of 2005, Scugog Council denied the request for all-way stops. Although the CTMAC and Durham Region Police Service did not support the installation, in June of 2005, Clarington Council approved the request for all-way stops provided the Township of Scugog was in agreement. Scugog denied the request again in December of 2005. In May of 2006, Scugog Council requested that Township of Scugog staff meet with Clarington staff to review alternatives to deal with the speeding concerns in Burketon. Staff from Scugog and Clarington met to discuss possible options and a preferred alternative was established. The various design alternatives and the preferred alternative was presented at the Public Information Centre in December, 2006. Report #EGD-019-07 Page 3 An all-way stop was not presented as an option, as the use of all-way stops in unwarranted locations presents a safety hazard and is ineffective at reducing mid-block speeds for the following reasons: . Where cross traffic volumes are low, drivers do not expect to meet another vehicle and non-compliance increases. . Pedestrians and other vehicles at the intersection have a false sense of security, believing that the approaching vehicle will stop. . Mid-block speeds are higher as drivers attempt to make up for lost time. 2.0 APPROACH 2.1 In order to obtain local resident input to the design process, a Public Information Centre was held on December 5th, 2006. The public was notified of the meeting by newspaper advertisement and notices were hand delivered to residents close to the intersection. A number of treatments were considered in developing the preferred alternative. Those treatments that required narrowing the road were dismissed due to conflicts with the agricultural traffic that uses Old Scugog Road. The treatments that were included in the preferred alternative become ineffective when used in isolation; however, when multiple treatments are used in combination, they create an effective transition from an open country road to a more confined residential road. 3.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE 3.1 Public Information Centre - December 5. 2006 At the meeting the following documentation and plans were presented for discussion: . Display board of background information; . Two display boards with various design alternatives and brief descriptions; . Display board showing the preferred alternative with before and after visualizations; and Report #EGD-019-07 Page 4 . Traffic survey information, site photographs and design guidelines were on hand for viewing. Members of Clarington staff, Township of Scugog staff, and representatives from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates were on hand to answer questions and present the displays. In all, 15 people signed the register, and another person received the display information via email. The majority of those in attendance were not in favour of the preferred alternative which was comprised of upgraded line painting (dragon's teeth), plantings, rumble strips as one approaches the intersection from the north and upgraded signage (see Attachment 2). The estimated cost of this alternative is $42,000. Five comment sheets were subsequently received. Three of the five wanted an all-way stop, one comment recommended increased police enforcement during peak hours as the best alternative to enforce the existing speed limit and the other comment was in favour of the preferred design. There were concerns about the cost of implementing the preferred design and its effect on local property taxes. 4.0 RECOMMENDA liONS 4.1 Based on accepted engineering practice and Clarington's modified warrant analysis, it is recommended that all-way stops not be installed at this location. The use of unwarranted all-way stop signs presents a safety hazard and has proven to be ineffective at reducing vehicle speeds. Report #EGD-019-07 Page 5 Staff recommend that the suggested alternative be implemented; specifically: . Increased line painting (dragon's teeth). . Three sets of rumble strips leading up to the intersection from the north. . Upgraded signage. . Plantings. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Recommended Alternative Interested Parties: Parties listed in the Public Information Centre Register TWP. OF SCUGOG Boundary Road \ -------- -- +~~..,.,....~ ---" -- lV W~E S DRAWN BY: E.L. DATE: January 29, 2007 REPORT EGD-019-07 ATTACHMENT NO.1 G:\Attachments\OldScugogBndryStop. mxd B URKE TON ).... Q:- Z SCJ' o (]/ CO Q:- / Preferred Alternative Scale 1:300 Visualization ~1IH ,,,,,- .... ;..~~O.,~.., -..,...... ,(, _-1'"1-1'1' ....,...... ,.. ~"1""1' ~1.1I".r. (__ ,_~.... rxist"'q WelC(lme It) Burkorton Si"l/1 Summary of Recommended Measures: · Rumble Strips · Gateway with landscaping · Planting of street trees · Dragon's Teeth · Advance warning signs Estimated Cost: $42000 Burketon Intersection Improvements Preferred Alternative December 5, 2006 ~ :"."", ;e~CE WAftNtNC ~""'" ~~~ ':=:""0 SIGN , , . 'hie Stti!tl$ RVMfJlt~f:;:r F"IRST SET Of '....".. ~m ""..d 11'5 ~..__. r ",dwlt~ N "7 ___"" '", e'9t'bouf"oc>d Ahfl1lld Visualization .il1:l!;I1~Q ",q. ~ ','" (..:& I,' ~;6/ Clar..i!lgtoo '-'" ..,