HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-014-07 Cl!Jlpn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, January 22,2007 Report #: PSD-014-07 File #: PLN 2.5.3 Gpr-\ - C:3b ~ (7 By-law #: Subject: DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW - APPEALS TO AMENDMENT 114 TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-014-07 be received for information. Submitted by: vi Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. irector, Planning Services ~ C Jr> Reviewed bye ~---JLA::J ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer DJC/df 15 January 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-014-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On September 13, 2006, Regional Council adopted Amendment 114 to Durham Regional Official Plan incorporating the results of the Durham Regional Official Plan Review. This review addressed five key areas: transportation, commercial, rural, environmental and population/employment growth. Amendments addressing the first four components were approved. The Population, Employment and Urban Land component was largely deferred because the Province's Growth Plan pre-empted the adoption of major components of this section. 1.2 In accordance with the Planning Act, notice of decision was given and there was the statutory appeal period. In total there were 23 appeals registered, including an appeal by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The attached Regional Commissioner's Report 2006-P-86 (Attachment 1) provides an overview of the appeals. 1.3 There are two site-specific appeals in Clarington related to urban-boundary expansions as follows: . Uxbridgegate Developments Inc. and Holloway Developments Inc. (Tribute Homes) wanting an expansion to the Courtice urban area boundary to be shown on Schedule 'F' - Future Growth Area. . 3736 Highway 2 Ltd. and 1596464 Ontario Inc. appealing the designation of Prime Agricultural Area for lands just east of the Newcastle Urban Area boundary. The site specific appeals areas are identified on Attachments 2 and 3 respectively. 1.4 There are a few other appeals that are of interest to Clarington, particularly those of the aggregate industry. It is also noted that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appealed several issues related to Greenbelt Plan conformity and decisions by Regional Council to convert lands in Oshawa and Whitby from Employment Areas to Living Areas. 1.5 We will keep Council apprised as the appeals are further processed and considered. In a number of instances, clarification of the appeal is required. They may be resolved with agreed upon modifications or may proceed to a hearing. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - Commissioner's Report 2006-P-85 Lands owned by Uxbridgegate Developments Inc. and Holloway Developments Inc. Lands owned by 3736 Highway 2 Ltd. and 1596464 Ontario Inc. Attachment 1 To Report PSD-014-07 The Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Planning Committee From: Commissioner of Planning Report No.: 2006-P-86 Date: December 12, 2006 SUBJECT: Durham Region Official Plan (ROP) Review - Appeals to Amendment 114 to the Regional Official Plan, File: 012-01 RECOMMENDATION: THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-86 be received for information. REPORT: 1. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the appeals received to Amendment 114 to the Regional Official Plan (ROP), and to outline the steps that will be followed to address the appeals. 2. On September 13, 2006, Regional Council adopted Amendment 114 to the ROP incorporating the transportation, commercial, rural, environmental and certain aspects of the population and urban land components of the ROP Review. 3. A total of 23 appeals, raising over 120 issues, were registered with the Regional Clerk by the deadline of October 18. 2006. Attachment 1 provides a list of the appellants (in no specific order or category of importance) and the general nature of their appeal. Key policy areas that have been identified in the appeals include: . Greenbelt Plan related issues (Appeals 2, 4, 6, 16, 17 and 18 - Attachment 1 ); . Employment land conversion policies (Appeals 3, 5 and 20 - Attachment 1); . Hamlet expansion policies (Appeals 4 and 20 - Attachment 1); . Aggregates policies (Appeals 12, 13, 14 and 15 - Attachment 1 ); . the designation of Prime Agricultural Areas (Appeal 11 - Attachment 1); . the redesignation of Employment Areas to Living Areas (Appeals 4 and 23 - Attachment 1); 31 Report No.: 2006-P-86 Page No.2 . Future Growth Areas (Appeals 6 and 10 - Attachment 1); . the designation of Regional Corridors (Appeals 6, 19 - Attachment 1 ); and . Transportation system designations (Appeals 1, 6, 9 and 22 - Attachment 1). The Regional Clerk forwarded the Notices of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Soard (OMS) on November 1, 2006, as required by the Planning Act. The appeals are now in the hands of the OMB. 4. Regional Council Policy PL-OFF-2, approved on November 14, 1979, authorizes the Regional Solicitor to make representation before the OMB in supporting Council decisions related to the ROP, and authorizes staff to appear as witnesses with respect to OMB appeals. 5. An initial review revealed that a number of the appeals provide limited information on the basis for appeal. Five appear to appeal Amendment 114 in its entirety. Each appeal is being reviewed for potential resolution of issues, without the need for a full hearing. Preliminary assessment suggests that there are opportunities for resolution on many of the appeal issues. 6. As of the preparation of this Report, no instructions have been received from the OMS on how the appeals will be considered. In the interim, the Legal and Planning Departments' are examining the over 120 issues raised in the appeals. Opportunities to resolve as many appeals as possible are being identified, while still maintaining the policy objectives of Amendment 114, as adopted by Regional Council. Any changes to Amendment 114, that may be required to resolve an appeal, will be presented to Planning Committee and Council for approval. Any settlement is subject to OMS consideration and decision. 7. Once the OMS is engaged, it is anticipated that each of the appeals will be scoped. This will hopefully result in the unaffected parts of Amendment 114 being approved and in full force. Once the opportunities for resolution have been exhausted, the appeals that will be the subject of actual OMB hearings will be known. At this point, the matter is being addressed with available Regional Planning and Legal resources. The matter of resources will be 32 Report No.: 2006-P-86 Page No.3 addressed further with Planning Committee and Council, when the matters that will be the subject of a hearing are known. 1/ A.L. Georgieff, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE Attachment: 1. Summary of Appeals H:\ 1-2\agendas\2006\ 12-12-06\ROP Appeals.doc 33' Attachment 1 Summary of Appeals to ReQional Official Plan Amendment 114 1. Davies Howe Partners on behalf of Stelar Properties Ltd.: . Lands located at northwest corner of Harris St. and Beech St. in Whitby. . Appeals: _ addition of new Type C Arterial Road between Brock and Cochrane Streets; and _ general transportation policies related thereto. 2. Malone Given Parsons Ltd. on behalf of Brooklin Golf Course: . Lands generally located north of Brawley Rd., south of Reg. Rd. 5, west of Hwy. 12 and east of Ashburn Rd. in Whitby. . Appeal related to Greenbelt Plan conformity. . Appeals on the basis that the subject lands be designated "Major Open Space Areas" rather than "Prime Agricultural Areas", to permit consideration of golf course use. 3. Fogler, Rubinoff on behalf of Trinity Development Group: . Appeals policies related to employment activity rate (1 job for 2 persons) and employment land conversion. 4. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing: . Appeals policies related to: _ Greenbelt Plan conformity as it relates to consideration of expansions of northern urban areas; _ Greenbelt Plan conformity to as it relates to hamlet expansion policies; and _ Growth Plan conformity as it relates to the redesignation of lands in Whitby and Oshawa from Employment Areas to Living Areas. 5. McCarthy Tetrault on behalf of Caveson Developments Inc. and Croftport Developments Ltd.: . Appeals policies related to employment land conversion policies. . Appeals on the basis that the employment land conversion policies would impair the ability of any planning exercise to appropriately consider the locational and other attributes of existing urban lands in determining future . designations. 34 Page 2 6. Polack, McKay and Hawkshaw on behalf of the Town of-Ajax: . Appeals policies related to: _ deletion of Highway 401/407 links on the basis that the links should not be changed until the Environmental Assessment is completed; - Greenbelt Plan conformity (various policies); _ Future Growth Areas (schedule and policies) on the basis that they are inconsistent with the Growth Plan and are premature until the conformity exercise has been completed; and _ the designation of Regional Corridors on Taunton Rd. and Bayly St. 7. MHBC on behalf of Mason Homes: . Lands located within Special Study Area 6 in Uxbridge. . Appeals on the basis that servicing capacity should be directed to Special Study Areas prior to consideration of urban area expansions and that secondary plans should not be mandatory in all circumstances. 8. Fourteen Estates: . Appeals on the basis that Country Residential subdivision development policies be retained and that a specific property in Pickering be recognized for such use. 9. Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP on behalf of Kingsway Meadows and Estates: . Lands located at the west side of Townline Rd. in the area of the proposed extension of Rossland Rd. in Oshawa. . Appeals: _ Schedule C - Map C2, as it relates to how future road symbol has been shown on Plan and Schedule B - Map B1d, as it relates to how Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features are shown in the area of subject lands; _ general transportation policies related to the designation of roads; - Implementation policies; - Area municipal Official Plan conformity; and - land acquisition policies. 35 Page 3 10. Davis and Company LLP on behalf of Uxbridgegate Developments Inc. and Holloway Developments Inc.: . Lands located at the east side of Courtice, Clarington. . Appeals on the basis that the lands were removed from Schedule 'F'. 11. Singh, Tucciarone on behalf of 3736 Highway 2 Ltd. and 1596464 Ontario Inc.: . Lands located at the northeast of Newcastle Village in Clarington. . Appeals designation of "Prime Agricultural Areas" on subject lands on the basis that the lands are no longer viable agricultural lands. 12. Ontario Stone, Sand and Gravel Association: . Specific issues not identified. 13. Lafarge North America: . Appeals policies related to: _ discretion related to the requirement for watershed plans prior to consideration of development applications; potential for establishment of new significant natural heritage features without an amendment to the Plan; identification of aggregate extraction below the water table as a risk to municipal water supply and prohibition of extraction within 100 metres of a municipal well; and the definition of "woodlands" and its applicability within and outside the Greenbelt Plan Area. 14. Miller Paving Ltd.: . Appeals policies relating to: _ the definition of woodlands should distinguish between inside and outside the Greenbelt; - watershed plans; _ the mapping of natural heritage and hydrogeological features; and - wellhead protection areas. 36 Page 4 15. Dufferin Aggregates: . Appeals policies relating to: _ the definition of woodlands should distinguish between inside and outside the Greenbelt; - watershed plans; _ the mapping of natural heritage and hydrogeological features; and - wellhead protection areas. 16. Herta Kuleshnyk: . Lands located at 2133 Audley Rd. North, Ajax. . Appeals on the basis that property is located within the Greenbelt. 17. Peter Landry: . Lands located at 620 Taunton Road East, Ajax. . Appeals on the basis that property is located within the Greenbelt. 18. Tunney Planning Inc. on behalf of Coppa, Guthrie, O'Connor, Picov Farms Inc., Stroud and Faria Farms: . Lands located east of Audley Rd., south of Taunton Rd., north of 401 in Ajax. . Appeals on the basis that lands should be designated "future development" should they be removed from Greenbelt. . Appeals policy related to urban separator. 19. Aird and Berlis LLP on behalf of Runnymede Development Corporation: . Lands located on the south side of Hwy". 2 between Carruthers Creek and Audley Rd., in Ajax. . Appeals on the basis that the lands be designated as a Regional Corridor. 20. Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited on behalf of Runnymede Development Corporation and Tribute Communities: . Appeals policies related to: _ employment land conversions, suggesting that they should refer to "non-employment generating uses"; _ various environmental policies, suggesting revised wording; _ servicing alternatives for rural settlements; - hamlet expansions; and 37 D".....e 5 I a~ - suggested wording to revise certain definitions. 21. Bousfields Inc. on behalf of G8 Oshawa Investments Limited: . Lands located south of Columbus Rd. and north of Reg. Rd. 3. _ Appeals on the basis that a specific policy be added to permit development in Deferral 12 (Oshawa), through a privately or municipally initiated amendment that need not be part of a municipally initiated comprehensive review. 22. Davies Howe Partners on behalf of Beechnut Development Corporation Inc.: . Lands located on the west side of Townline Rd. in area of proposed extension of Rossland Rd. in Oshawa. . Appeals:. _ Schedule C - Map C2, as it relates to how future road symbol has been shown on Plan and Schedule 8 - Map 81d, as it relates to how Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features are shown in the area of subject lands; _ general transportation policies related to the designation of roads; - Implementation policies; _ Area municipal Official Plan conformity; and - land acquisition policies. 23. Davis & Company LLP on behalf of Beechridge Farms Inc. . Appeals decision to approve ROPA 114 as it continues to show lands as "Employment Areas" when recent OMS decision was to redesignate to "Living Areas". ".8 J Attachment 2 To Report PSD-014-07 D IiIGIiI/lI vV-4y o <( o I!: ~ () o () z <( I >- I!: w c5 () Z I- :J I!: o :J a::l 0 () Z <( a::l I!: :J W () l- I!: :J o W~E S Area Subject of Appeal by Uxbridgegate Developments Inc. and Holloway Developments Inc. Attachment 3 To Report PSD-014-07 ~ W W ~ (f) a:: :J I ~ a:: <( ~o\.) ,.~. ~f Ji ~I .::>. .# ~'v<V J ~C::; #.r *u ._.. ~~~ .# ~-..{ ,.~ -n ~,. ~ .;. ~ ~ ~ (t'\ W~E s HIGHWAY 401 Area Subject of Appeal by 3736 Highway 2 Ltd. and 1596464 Ontario Inc. - Q) u c ctl ~ o <( '"0 ctl o 0:: '"0 Q) C Q) a. o c ::) '-'" o <( o a:: z o (f) z w