HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-119-06 CI!!fillgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: PSD-119-06 File #: PLN 26.14 PI-i 305' ob 6 ~ 1- ..- . - "- By-law #: Date: Monday, December 11, 2006 Subject: ENFIELD TRANSFORMER STATION- CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-119-06 be received for information; 2. THAT Hydro One be requested to provide a presentation to Council and meet with affected residents at a location within Clarington prior to finalizing the Notice of Completion of the Environmental Study Report; 3. THAT Hydro One and the Ministry of the Environment be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-119-06; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this Report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Da i rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed bY~~-)~--'~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer FL *DJC*sh November 27, 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-119-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Hydro One initiated an Environmental Assessment for the addition of a transformer station in the Enfield/north Harmony area in May of 2006 (Attachment 1). Prior to that time representatives of Hydro One had met on a preliminary basis with staff to obtain zoning information and identify environmental issues. 1.2 The Environmental Assessment’s purpose was to identify the alternative sites and the potential environment impacts and mitigation, and identify the preferred site. 1.3 Clarington staff have not been consulted on the preferred site selection and the Environmental Study Report does not provide the rating and evaluation of the 12 sites. 1.4 Due to the overlap of the study boundary along the Oshawa/Clarington Townline the two Public Information Centres were held in Oshawa outside the affected area of the study. Clarington residents have indicated that they were not informed of these meetings in the way that the Environmental Study Report indicates they were. 2.0 PROJECT NEED 2.1 Hydro One's Wilson, Thornton, Whitby and Cherrywood Transformer Stations have reached their capacity to reliably supply customers in the Region of Durham. The need for additional transmission capacity was identified in a joint planning study between Hydro One Networks and the Local Distribution Utilities serving Durham Region. The new electrical transmission facilities will accommodate the anticipated electricity load growth in north Oshawa and improve reliability of electricity supply to customers in these areas. 3.0 PREFERRED SITE 3.1 Following a consultation process with members of the public, public interest groups, municipal governments and elected officials, Hydro One has selected a preferred site — north of Concession Road 7 between Langmaid Road and Grandview Street North in the Municipality of Clarington (Attachment 2). The transformer station, will convert the 230 kV transmission voltage to 44 kV for distribution to homes and businesses in Oshawa and Clarington. The transformer station will have some visual impact (Attachment 3). Proposed Transmission Facilities 3.2 The station project involves the construction of a 230 kV transformer in the vicinity of Harmony Road North and Enfield Road, adjacent to the existing 230 kV transmission corridor. The transformer station will convert the 230 kV transmission voltage to 44 kV for distribution to local homes and businesses. The major equipment needed will be: Two 230/44 kV transformers ? REPORT NO.: PSD-119-06 PAGE 3 44 kV switching facilities ? Associated buswork ? Eight 44 kV distribution feeders ? Alternative Sites 3.3 Initially, 12 potential sites were identified in the study area. Following an assessment of technical and environmental constraints, the number of potential sites decreased to seven. Of the seven sites, only Site B was potentially available for acquisition, and Site A was located on the Hydro One property. Only the 2 sites are evaluated in the Environmental Study Report. Assessment of Alternatives 3.4 Site selection was based on: Availability of property ? Proximity to residences ? Location and proximity to existing hydro lines ? Effects on natural features ? Effects on social environment ? Technical and maintenance considerations ? Cost ? 4.0 NEXT STEPS The planning and analysis supporting the preferred site is documented in Hydro One's Draft Environmental Study Report (ESR). The ESR was made available for a 30-day public review period starting from November 6, 2006. Comments to Hydro One are due by December 5, 2006. 5.0 COMMENTS th 5.1 Staff have made preliminary comments to Hydro One to meet the December 5 th deadline and informed them that Council will be receiving this report on December 11, a copy of this report will be sent to Hydro One and the Ministry of Environment. 5.2 Staff have reviewed the contents and methodology set out in the ESR and consulted with the Conservation Authority. Unfortunately, the ongoing consultation between Hydro One, the Municipality and residents was lacking during the process. While in the end the conclusions may be appropriate, due to the inadequate public review process, lack of consultation with the Municipality and the absence of a full discussion on the site selection methodology in the ESR, it is unclear to staff and the public how the site selection moved from 12 possible locations to the two that were evaluated. 5.3 The items of concern that staff have identified with regard to the ESR and heard from the residents are : ? lack of notification by mail to residents that are affected. Attachment 1 To Report PSD-119-06 ns e Ql <( :s ~ 0 "C c::: ;:, 5 I'- - 0 tn "C """ E - "C 8 ~ to) c: G) G) E "C 'J...... .0' en 0 Ql l" ... III ~~ ~ e 8. Q. ~ e .. J: ll. ..... I . ~ N I e I ;:, C) u: Attachment 2 To Report PSD-119-06 Lake Ontario .+ . o 2 4 Kilometers Figure 4.1: Location of the Alternative Proposed Enfield TS Sites Within the Study Area ~ , , \ " , " , t 'u: Q ~ 1> 2 o <:. ~ ~ , \ ","C"'51" Q ~ 1> "Z- o <:. ~ ~ IOII':'~~ ;:.. =}--.~.~::.: ._~.__...........''JIo.'._ _....,...:.~,... __ .. " u."_,~ ~___ _ __~___:~~"~E r 1"\ 1> tI\ .".. ~ !:>... it I~ ~on""'", ..'0_______ ~...__ClliIE......_ o 125 2lIO no__.c~:::-.-toc:... Figure 4.2: Site A and B Locations Relative to Hydro One Property Attachment 3 To Report PSD-119-06 c o :;:; ca - t/) I.. CI) E I.. oS l/) c ca .= > ~ ~ - > ~ I o C"') N fti Co) '0.. ~ - o .c c. ca I.. C) o - o .c a.. ~ "I"" ! ~ .2' u.. REPORT NO.: PSD-119-06 PAGE 4 ? better explanation within the report as to how the Gartner Lee study of 1978 of environmental impacts has been updated and the new findings. ? discussion of how stray voltage may/may not affect breeding livestock. ? updating of the agricultural inventory that was carried out for the ESR. ? Section 4, site selection appears to be predicated on property availability rather than environmental impacts. A chart of all 12 sites and how it was narrowed to the two sites would typically be included in an ESR. 5.4 Due to the lack of communication with both the Municipality and affected residents, we are suggesting Hydro One provide Council with a presentation and hold meeting(s) with the affected residents in the Municipality of Clarington to provide a better understanding of the environmental impacts and answer questions that the residents have before filing the Notice of Completion for this ESR. Attachments: Attachment 1- Figure 2.1: Project Study Area Attachment 2 - Figure 4.1: Location of Alternative Proposed Enfield TS Sites Within the Study Area (page 23 and 24 from the ESR) Attachment 3 - Figure 1.2: Photograph of typical 230-kV/44-kv Transformer Station Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Heather Zhang, Hydro One Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment & Approvals Branch Jim Sullivan Deb Vice Protect the Ridges Libby Racansky Friends of Farewell Creek David J. Spencer