HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-49-06 ClfJlpn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday October 2, 2006 6PH ~ 37l.( ~ 06 . Report #: EGD-49-06 File #: By-law #: Subject: COURTICE MillENNIUM TRAilS -COllABORATIVE AGREEMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-49-06 be received; 2. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Collaborative Agreement; and 3. THAT all partners in the Collaborative Agreement be advised of Council's action. Respectfully by, o ~~~'It.. Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/PW/dv September 26, 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-49-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND The Courtice Lions Club will be applying for an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant to make improvements to the Courtice Millennium trail project. The original Courtice Millennium trail project was constructed in 2000 and included woodchip walkways, interpretive signs, benches and boardwalk. The project is located primarily on municipal land. The trails link the Courtice High School, the Courtice Recreation Complex and North Courtice Public School to surrounding residential areas. 2.0 ONTARIO TRILLIUM GRANT APPLICATION The grant application is focused on the following improvements; -improve the accessibility of trails by converting all trails to a limestone surface -create a bridge over the Black Creek to make a direct connection to Highway 2 -construct additional boardwalk and move the trail away from wet areas -install additional interpretive signage and benches As part of the Trillium Grant application the Lions are forming a collaborative agreement with other organizations that have an interest in the project. Most of the work will occur on Municipal property and the largest single element of the project is the construction of a pedestrian bridge over the Black Creek. Since it will be constructed on municipal property it must be tendered through the municipality’s Purchasing and Supply Services Division. The municipality will also provide assistance with the overall project direction, design, and ordering of materials. REPORT NO.: EGD-49-06 PAGE 3 3.0 COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT The collaborative agreement prepared by the Courtice Lions Club is attachment No.1 to this report. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of the collaborative partners as well as the process for making decisions. The Municipality will be responsible for all aspects of bridge planning and construction using funds from the Trillium Grant. A small entry feature at the Highway 2 trail access point will also be part of the project and would also be eligible for Trillium funding. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Collaborative Agreement Courtice Lions Millennium Trail Project COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT Between The Courtice Lions Club (lions) Friends of Second Marsh ("Friends") Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Clarington Accessibility Committee Courtice High School Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority (ClOCA) Durham land Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council) Municipality of Clarington Project Background Millennium Trail incorporates approximately 4.8 acres of early successional meadow, a mature woodlot, a valley and floodplain associated with the Black Creek and 1.5 to 2 kilometers of trails. It is located in the Municipality of Clarington, between Nash Road and Highway #2 to the north and south and Courtice and Trulls Roads to the east and west. Refer to Location Map, Figure 1 in the proposal. Within this block are the Courtice High School, Courtice North Public School, the Courtice Community Complex which includes a library, pool, fitness centre and dance academy, Parkwood Village and Nantucket Condominiums of an estimated 300 residential units. There are more than 1500 students attending the schools. A skateboard park may be added to the Courtice Community Complex in 2007. There have been significant impacts to the trails and the natural heritage features of this area from vandalism and misuse by some members of the community. This has reduced confidence of the local community in using this important resource for walking, wildlife viewing and passive recreational purposes. Improved amenities, accessibility, environmental enhancement and education, community stewardship and safety issues will be addressed through the Courtice Lions Millennium Trail Project. Name of Collaborative The Courtice Lions Millennium Trail Project Collaborative Names of Member Groups 1. The Courtice Lions Club (Lions) 2. Friends of Second Marsh ("Friends") 3. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) 4. Clarington Accessibility Committee 5. Courtice Secondary High School 6. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) 7. Durham Land Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council) 8. Municipality of Clarington Purpose The Collaborative was formed to assist the Lions with the implementation of The Courtice Lions Millennium Trail Project to enhance the existing trails for; - improved accessibility by an additional entrance and pedestrian bridge over Black Creek linking an existing parkette on Highway #2 to the trail system, improved access to public transit on Hwy 2 - enhance the health of Black Creek and its surrounding landscape through an environmental community stewardship program, provide opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices that reduce the use of cars to access community facilities. incorporate environmental interpretive signage and trail amenities like benches and garbage receptacles. Improve surface of trails to make wheel chair accessible. A new bridge, well defined entrances and improved accessibility of the trail to wheelchairs, strollers and the general public will encourage community residents to use this area to access existing facilities as well as provide passive recreational opportunities. The interpretive signs will present a variety of environmental messages, incorporating the curriculum requirements of adjacent schools and involving the students in their creation and installation. Students, families and youth groups will also be involved in trail, creek and restoration activities in the area, including cleanups, plantings, habitat creation, trail construction and the incorporation of trail amenities. By engaging the community in hands-on activities, we will develop a stronger stewardship ethic and ownership of this area to reduce vandalism activities. Outcomes of this project will result in a dramatic increase in the public enjoyment of the environmental and recreational features of the trail and the surrounding area. Decision Making Process The total project could encompass multiple years. This first Trillium Application will be for a single year 2007 and the collaborative agreement will be revisited after the first grant is completed and all reporting requirements have been met by the Courtice Lions Club. Eight organizations make up the committee, the quorum number is five. In order to assure that a quorum is always at a meeting the regular attendees will arrange for a substitute from their organization if they are unable to attend. If this is not possible they will call the Courtice Lions Club. If any decision cannot be made with a "consensus process: it will be necessary to reach a decision by a majority vote. In order to reduce meetings the Courtice Lions Club may poll the members or the Collaborative Committee, by internet, on any item that requires authorization of the Collaborative Committee. If a unanimous vote cannot be recorded a meeting will be called. The Courtice Lions Club will only apply for grants if so directed by the majority of the Collaborative Committee. Roles and Responsibilities of Collaborative Members 1. The Courtice Lions Club will be the lead applicant, taking responsibility for the management of the project and speak publicly on behalf of the committee. The Lions Club will sign the letter of Agreement, accept the funds and assume responsibility for fiscal accountability and all reporting. . All expenditures and revenues will be recorded and invoices paid only if authorized by another organization of the Collaborative. Cheques written on the Lions Trillium Account will require two signatures, designated by the Lions Club. . Monthly progress reports will be issued. . To actively assist Courtice High School to achieve their documented responsibilities. . . To form a committee with Courtice High School, Durham land Stewardship Council, C.L.O.C.A. to enhance Black Creek water flow and bank improvements. 2. Friends of Second Marsh will be responsible for the direction of the programs. 3. Ontario Power Generation will be responsible for the direction of the programs. 4. Clarington Accessibility Committee will ensure all possible steps are taken to improve handicap accessibility. 5. The Courtice High School will be responsible for all aspects of the Trail improvement, signs, benches', material purchasing, equipment rental, etc. as authorized by the Committee. Serve on Black Creek Enhancement Committee. 6. Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority (ClOCA) - will ensure all regulatory and permit requirements under the Conservation Authorities Act are met for projects related to creek restoration and the bridge installation. Additional technical advice will be provided to support terrestrial and aquatic enhancement projects and designated staff will participate on the Black Creek Environmental Enhancement Committee. 7. Durham land Stewardship Council will chair Black Creek Enhancement Committee and will assist in local publicity for community events and provide supportive educational materials. 8. The Municipality of Clarington will be responsible for bridge planning and construction plus the entrance from Hwy 2 as authorized by the Committee. Signatures of authorized members of each group and Municipality: ~~---- The Courtice lions Club (lions) ~~~~ '7 / ...,L-; --~------2----4-~_________________ Friends of<S'~cond Marsh ("Friends") ;) ", ' 1)1 ! 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