HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-015-06 REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 Resolution #:c- 4010- 610 Report #: FND-015-06 File#: By-law #: Subject: MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES PROGRAM - 2005 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-015-06 be received for information. Submitted by: Reviewedb,i)~~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. NT/na REPORT NO.: FND-015-06 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 On November 17, 2005, the Province announced the formal requirements for Year 6 (2005) of the Municipal Performance Measures Program (MPMP). 1.1 The required measures have been filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and are included as Schedule "A". 1.2 The Province has mandated that these measures be published for taxpayers by September 30, 2006. The information will be posted on the Municipality's website. 1.3 The provincial objectives of the MPMP are to enhance accountability to taxpayers, increase taxpayer awareness and share best practices between municipalities. The information is intended to be used as a tool to gauge improvements in service delivery year over year. In 2005, formulas for all efficiency measures were changed by the Ministry to improve the definition of operating costs. External transfers, or external grants have been added to operating costs in the applicable areas. CONCLUSION: 2.0 It is recommended that the Municipal Performance Measures Program results for 2005 be received for information. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Performance Measures for 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Local Government Efficiency Measure Operating costs for governance and corporate management as a percentage of total municipal operating costs. Objective Efficient municipal government. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 0204 13 Financial Information Return. Fire Services Efficiency Measure Operating costs for fire services per $1 ,000 of assessment. Objective Efficient fire services. Notes Formuias for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 110213 Financial Information Return. 1 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Roads Efficiency Measure Operating costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane kilometre. Objective Efficient maintenance of paved roads. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to Improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91210713 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per lane kilometre. Objective Efficient maintenance of unpaved roads. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 210813 Financial Information Retum. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for winter maintenance of roadways per lane kilometre maintained in winter. Objective Efficient winter maintenance of roads. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 2204 13 Financial Information Return. 2 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Percentage of paved lane kilometres where the condition is rated as good to very good. Objective Pavement condition meets municipal objectives. Notes SLC 92 215207 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Percentage of winter events where the response met or exceeded locally determined municipal service levels for road maintenance. Objective Appropriate response to winter storm events. Notes SLC 92 2251 07 Financial Information Return. 3 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RE8UL T8 Conventional Transit Efficiency Measure Operating costs for conventional transit per regular service passenger trip. Objective Efficient conventional transit services. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 2302 13 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Number of conventional transit passenger trips per person in the service area in a year. Objective Maximum utilization of municipal transit services. Notes Based on service area only. New service in September 2002. SLC 92 2351 07 Financial Information Return. 4 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Storm Water Efficiency Measure Operating costs for urban stonm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. Objective Efficient urban storm water management. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. Reported by municipalities with a separate storm water system. SLC 91 320513 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for rural storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. Objective Efficient rural stonm water management. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. Reported by municipalities with a separate storm water system. SLC 91 3206 13 Financiallnfonnation Retum. 5 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RE8UL T8 Parks and Recreation Efficiency Measure Operating costs for parks per person. Objective Efficient operation of parks. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91710213 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation programs per person. Objective Efficient operation of recreation programs. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. This measure is based on total population, not the population participating in recreation programs. SLC 91 720213 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation facilities per person. Objective Efficient operation of recreation facilities. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 7303 13 Financial Information Return. 6 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Efficiency Measure Operating costs for parks, recreation programs and recreation facilities per person (Subtotal). Objective Efficient operation of parks, recreation programs and recreation facilities. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating eosts. This measure represents a subtotal and is automatically completed when a municipality reports one or more efficiency measures for parks and recreation. SLC 91 730413 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Total participant hours for recreation programs per 1,000 persons. Objective Recreation programs serve needs of residents. Notes This measure was redefined in 2005 to exclude special events. The denominator of this measure is total population divided by 1,000 and does not represent the number of participants in recreation programs. SLC 92 7255 07 Financial Information Return. 7 TR-Admin.FIR200S.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Hectares of open space. Objective Open space is adequate for population. SLC 92 7151 05 Financlallnformation Return. 2005 4.627 2004 4.737 Effectiveness Measure Hectares of open space per 1,000 persons. SLC 92 7151 07 Financial Information Return. Notes Effectiveness Measure Total kilometres of trails. Objective Trails provide recreation opportunities. SLC 92 7152 05 Financial Infonmation Return. 2005 .123 2004 .113 Effectiveness Measure Total kilometres of trails per 1,000 persons. SLC 92 7152 07 Financial Information Return. Notes 8 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Square metres of recreation facility space. Objective Recreation facility space is adequate for population. SLC 92 7355 05 Financial Information Return. 2005 318.016 2004 292.878 Effectiveness Measure Square metres of recreation facility space per 1,000 persons. SLC 92 7355 07 Financial Information Return. Notes 9 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Libraries Efficiency Measure Operating costs for libraries per person. Objective Efficient library services. Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 740313 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for libraries per use. Objective Efficient library services Notes Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 7404 13 Financial Information Return. 10 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Library uses per person. Objective Increased use of library services. Notes SLC 92 7460 07 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Electronic library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Increased use of library services. Notes SLC 927461 07 Financiallnfomnation Retum. Effectiveness Measure Non-electronic library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Better information on library usage. Notes SLC 92 7462 07 Financial Information Return. 11 TR-Admin.FIR200S.200SMPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS land Use Planning Effectiveness Measure Percentage of new lots, blocks and/or units with final approval which are located within settlement areas. Objective New lot creation is occurring in settlement areas. Notes SLC 92 815407 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses during the reporting year. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes SLC 92 8163 07 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses relative to the base year of 2000. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes SLC 92 8164 07 Financial Information Return. 12 TR-Admin.FIR200S.200SMPMPReport MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2005 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses during the reporting year. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes SLC 92 8165 07 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses since January 1, 2000. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes SLC 92 8166 07 Financial Information Return. 13 TR-Admin.FIR2005.2005MPMPReport