HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-053-06 . " · ClN.pn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE September 18, 2006 Report #: COD-053-06 File#_ By-law # ~. (J{J to -' I ~0 6PA - 35;;)- - Ob Subject: CL2006-50, ASPHALT RESURFACING, VARIOUS STREETS, CONTRACT 2 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-053-06 be received; 2. THAT Miller Paving Limited, Whitby, Ontario with a total revised bid in the amount of $664,460.23 (Plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2006-50, be awarded the contract for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Locations, Contract 2, as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $767,000.02 ($745,856.05 less Ken Hooper Fire Hall Parking Expansion, plus contract administration, contingencies and soils) be provided from the following 2006 Capital Budget Accounts: Station Street Top Lift, Orono Asphalt Resurfacing, Contract 2 110-32-330-83260-7401 110-32-330-83212-7401 $ 74,000.00 $693,000.00; 4. THAT the remaining funds from Parts A, C and D of Tender CL2006-50, be re-allocated to Part E (Station Street Top Lift, Orono); and 5. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the nece sary agreement be approved. Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~-~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer A. . Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services M M\NT\ASC\LAB\km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: COD-053-06 PAGE 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Streets, Contract 2, as required by the Engineering Department. Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule “B” attached. As the price received for Part B, Ken Hooper Fire Hall Parking Lot Expansion exceeded the budget allocation for this portion it is recommended that it be deleted from the tender. The low bidder has agreed to hold their pricing for the balance of the work with the removal of this item. Further, as the price for Part E (Station Street Top Lift, Orono) exceeds the budget allocation of $35,000.00 for this portion, it is recommended that the remaining funds from Parts A, C and D be re-allocated to Part E. The total project cost, including Project Administration, and costing allocation is detailed in the memo from Engineering Services and the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule “B” and will be provided from the 2006 Capital Accounts #110-32-331-83212-7401 ($693,000.00) and 110-32-330-83260-7401 ($74,000.00) from which there is $767,000.00 available. The low bidder has previously performed satisfactory work to the Municipality of Clarington. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering. After further review and analysis of the bids by the Engineering Department, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Miller Paving Limited, Whitby, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Streets, Contract 2. ______________________________________________________________________ Attachments: Attachment 1 – Schedule “A”, By-law Attachment 2 – Schedule “B”, Memo from Engineering Department and Letter from TSH Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW 2006- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Miller Paving Limited, Whitby Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Streets, Contract 2. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Miller Paving Limited, Whitby, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2006. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2006. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Cl~pn SCHEDULE "B" MEMO TO: Louann Birkett, Purchasing Manager RECEIVED FROM: Bruno Bianco, P. Eng., Design Engineer DATE: September 6, 2006 SEP 0 7 2006 SUBJECT: ASPHALT RESURFACING - CONTRACT 2 VARIOUS STREETS - 2006 OUR FILE; Pvr 2006.1 - B YOUR FILE; CL2006-50 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the recommendation provided by TSH and offers the following comments. We have discussed Section B of the Tender document (works included in this contract at the request of the Fire Department) with the Director of Emergency & Fire Services. As this section of the tender has exceeded the budget of Emergency and Fire Services, their Director has indicated that the works can be removed from the tender and a separate quotation will be required through Emergency and Fire Services. Therefore Section B will not be included in the scope of works. The funds allocated to tender CL2006-50 for the remaining works have been previously approved by Council from various budgets. These include Station Street road reconstruction, Move Ontario provincial funding, and the remaining Pavement Rehabilitation Program funds. The apportionments and details provided by TSH indicate the Station Street works are over budget. However, the remaining works have closed lower than previously estimated. Therefore, we are requesting that Move Ontario funds be transferred to the Station St. project and be utilized for our transportation network as approved by council. Including design and tender fees as well as contract administration and investigation fees, the Engineering Department advises the following breakdown for the above referenced project with the elimination of Section B; SCHEDULE ".s" ''') p . t c rOlec ost Construction Costs Contract CL2006-50 Part A CONCESSION ROAD 6 - $ 350 083.82 TOWNLlNE ROAD TO RR 34 Part B KEN HOOPER FIREHALL PARKING EXPANSION $ 0.00 Part C MEARNS AVENUE SOUTH - BASELINE ROAD TO $ 126977.26 NORTH LIMIT Part D SIMPSON AVENUE - BASELINE ROAD TO $ 122243.81 SOUTHWAY DRIVE Part E STATION STREET TOPLlFT, ORONO $ 65155.34 Sub-Total Construction $ 664 460.23 TSH Consulting Fees Design & Tendering to August 19, 2006 $ 8 874.35 Construction Administration & Inspection $ 53 500.00 Other Costs Geotechnical Investigation $ 1 000.00 Sub-Total Estimated Project Costs $ 727 834.58 Contingencies $ 39 518.60 Total Estimated Project Costs $ 767 000.02 Estimated Budget Amount $ 774000.00 All Values Exclusive of GST p' B kd rOlect rea own Accounts Asphalt Resurfacing Contract 2 Station Street Top Lift, Orono 11032331832127401 11032330832607401 $98000.00 $35000.00 Carried forward from Contract 1 Approved Budget Value Breakdown $595000.00 $39 000 .00 Move Ontario Fund Transfer Move Ontario Fund Transfer $693 000.00 $74 000.00 Total Total Total Project $693000.00 $74000.00 Value Estimated $0.00 $0.00 Surplus All Values Exclusive of GST CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 SCHEDULE "B" 3 2006 We concur with the recommendation to award the contract to Miller Paving Limited in the amount of $664,460.23 exclusive of G.S.T. for the Asphalt Resurfacing (Contract 2) project for 2006. We recommend the report to Council move forward based on the above apportionments and the appropriate funds be transferred as shown. Attached for your files is the recommendation provided by TSH. Should you have any further question, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Regards, Bruno M. Bianco, P. Eng. Design Engineer BB/sc Attachment cc William McCrae, P. Eng., Totten Sims Hubicki Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Conuact2, \!di'Strts.Of3, P\jG-:2oon _ ,8 ~oLuu:) nl"! 8irr,au CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 .. . TIll SCHEDULE "B" Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 (905) 372-2121 Fax: (905) 372.3621 E-mail: cobourg@tsh.ca www.tsh.ca engineers architects planners September 6, 2006 Mr. A. S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 Dear Mr. Cannella: Re: Asphalt Resurfacing, Pbase 2, Various Streets Contract CL2006-S0 Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the aboveproject were opened at the Municipal Offices on Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 2:15 p.m. A list of the bids received is provided in the table below. All numbers are exclusive ofGST. BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Miller Paving Limited $745,856.05 Whitbv. ON Lafarge Paving & Construction Limited $747,260.31 Oshawa, ON TSH has reviewed all bids accepted by the Clarington Purchasing Department and have confirmed the bid values noted above. As requested by the Purchasing Department references have been checked for the low bidder Miller Paving Limited. Staff from the Region of Durham and the Township ofUxbridge were contacted and have confirmed the contractor's performance on projects of similar scope to be satisfactory . Estimated costs for various project components, based on Miller Paving Limited's bid, are summarized on the attached cost apportionment. Parts A, C and D of the project are estimated to be on budget while Parts B and E are over budget when compared to the total amount allocated for these locations in the Municipality's budget. . The reasons for Part B - Ken Hooper Fire Hall Parking Lot being over the original budget estimate can be attributed to the original estimate being based on a concept drawing without detailed design being completed and using construction pricing from last year at which time asphalt prices were substantially lower. For Part E - Station Street the budget overage can be attributed to the increase in construction pricing, especially the cost of asphalt cement, from when the budget estimate was originally prepared last year. It is recommended that all components of the project be completed with the exception of Part B. Mr. A.S. Cannella. C.E.T. September 6, 2006 SCHEDULE "B" 2 Part B should be reviewed with the Fire Chief to confinn if the project can be completed at a reduced scope to meet the project budget or request additional funding to complete the original scope of work. We have discussed the removal of Part B, which represents approximately 10.9% of the total bid, with the low bidder and they have agreed to hold their pricing for the balance of the work. Based on the above it is recommended that the tender in the revised amount of $664,460.23 (exclusive of a.S.T.) be awarded to Miller Paving Limited, Whitby, Ontario. Deposit cheques or bid bonds should be retained for the low and second low bids until the Contract has been executed. Should you require any further infonnation, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, ~ Ro~.Eng. Project Engineer RAlcg P/12-296IJ1CorrespI2IIJ7.doc Encl. pc: Mr. Bruno Bianco, P.Eng., Design Engineer Mr. Gord Weir, Director of Emergency and Fire Services/Fire Chief VH Munlclp.11ty of Clarlngton Asphalt Resurfacing, Ph... 2 V.rIoua Streets Coat Appoltionmenl Bued on \he low Bid Submitted by Miller Paving Umi\e( Conlr8ct C12006-50 Augus128,2008 TSH Projed" 12-211613 Clarlngton Description Total ....rns Avenue Simpson Ave., Station Street, Top CommenCS Cone. Rd. 6 South Buellne to lift, OlOno Ken Hooper FlreHaIl Southway Account Number 11032330 83212 7401 11032 330 83280 7401 1102837082830 7401 Construction Costs Contrllc:t cuooe.so Part A CONCESSION ROAD 6 - S 350,083.82 S 350,083.82 TOWNUNE ROAD TO RR 34 Pall B KEN HOOPER FIREHALl PARKING EXPANSION S 81 ,395.82 S 81,395.82 Part C MEARNS AVENUE SOUTH - BASEliNE ROAD TO S 126,977.26 S 126,977.26 NORTH LIMIT Part 0 SIMPSON AVENUE - BASEUNE ROAD TO S 122,243.81 $ 122,243.81 SOUTHWAYDRIVE Part E STATION STREET TOPUFT, ORONO S 65,155.34 S 65,155.34 Sub-TotalConsbuction $ 745,858.05 $ 350,083.82 $ 126,977.26 $ 122,243.81 $ 65,155.34 S 81,395.82 TSH Project Number 12-29613 Design & Tendering 10 Auguat 19,2008 S 8,874.35 $ 5,133.83 $ 1,510.80 $ 1,454.48 $ 775.23 Construc:lIon Admlnlslrlltlon & lnspec:lIon $ 80,000.00 $ 25,000.00 S 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Other Costs Gcotc:c:hnical Investigation $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Wor1l: c:ompletad by Golder and AsIodates Sub-Total Other Costs $ 1,000.00 $ - $ 1,000.00 $ - Sub-Total &lIma1lld Project Costs S 815,730.40 S 380,217.65 S 141,488.06 $ 135,698.29 S 70,430.57 S 87,8115.82 Conllngenc:_ $ 43,740.49 S 19,782.35 S 8,629.66 $ 7,419.43 S 3,667.15 $ 4,221.90 Estimated Total Esllm.tad Project Costs $ 151,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 143,000.00 $ 74,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $113,000.00 Budget Amount $ 774,080.00 $693,000.00 $35,000.00 $48,080.00 Oftr1Under Bud"et Amount S (84,940.00) $0.00 -$39,000.00 $ (45,940.00) AI c:osI5 exctude G.S. 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