HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-43-06 CliKiggtnn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 Resolution #: G flll ,31 q , Db Report #: EGD-43-06 File#: By-law #: Subject: PROVISION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES GREEN ROAD - BASELINE ROAD TO ASPEN SPRINGS DRIVE, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EDG-43-06 be received; 2. THAT the engineering services and project construction be provided through The Kaitlin Group and that the construction be tendered in conjunction with the development work in order to take advantage of volume pricing; 3. THAT Purchasing By-law 206-127, paragraph 15.07 be waived for this project; and 4. THAT the award of the construction be subject to satisfactory pricing being received and the approval of the Director of Engineering Services. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EDG-43-06 PAGE 2 O~--LQ.~ Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, CET. Director, Engineering Services Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/BMB/dv August 28, 2006 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-06 PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND In order to facilitate the development of the West Main Central area and proposed residential development south of the CP Railway crossing, the construction of Green Road is required from Baseline Road northerly to Aspen Springs Drive. This project includes the construction of Green Road to a 3 lane cross section with provision for the ultimate 4 lane paved surface in the future. The Municipality, along with TSH, is currently working on the Environmental Assessment for the proposed works. In conjunction with the adjacent residential developments and the need to provide this essential transportation link, the Municipality agreed to take the lead role in the project providing the remaining services through the construction of Green Road. This includes the Regional watermain and sanitary works and all other services necessary as part of our road reconstruction project. The construction of Green Road will require coordination between 5 parties. This includes the Municipality, Durham Region, Hydro One, and each of the Developments east and west of Green Road. The services provided by each are listed below; . Hydro One will be relocating a major feeder line within the Green Road right-of- way; . The Developer's will be installing the required servicing infrastructure and grading in the road allowance to facilitate the subdivisions; . Region will provide the additional servicing with respect to watermains and sanitary sewers along Green Road; . Municipality will be installing the local storm sewers required and construct Green Road completing a portion to the vital link. As further background to the proposed construction, the Municipality is planning to begin the grade separation design and construction in 2007 as specified in the approved 2006 Capital Budget. REPORT NO.: EDG-43-06 PAGE 4 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited are the Engineering Consultants for owners of the developments on the east and west side of Green Road. Since D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited have been actively involved in this area and already have a database of engineering knowledge on the site and road grading, existing drainage proposals, servicing works, road design, and utility locations, it is desirable to retain this Engineering Consultant to carry out the design for the reconstruction of Green Road. This arrangement will eliminate any confusion and delays during the design and construction process. As the owner of both east and west developments, The Kaitlin Group has requested a collective benefit (Attachment #2). The Kaitlin Group will relieve the Municipality of the design and contract administration of the project in order to streamline the process thereby ensuring their development schedule. The Municipality will benefit through reduced fees in eliminating the duplication of services currently being completed by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited for The Kaitlin Group. It is also suggested that the project be tendered in conjunction with the development work in order to take full advantage of pricing based on volume. The tender process will be open to multiple bidders and acceptance of the unit prices will be subject to the Director of Engineering approval. This assures the best interests of the Municipality are considered. The Engineering Department has discussed the process with the Purchasing Division who concur with the ability to waive the Purchasing By-law 2006- 127 in order to take advantage of this proposal. 3.0 CONCLUSION Our staff has dealt extensively with D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited on large residential developments in various areas within the Municipality of Clarington, including Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village. We have found their performance to be reliable and proficient. REPORT NO.: EDG-43-06 PAGE 5 The Municipality has a standard consulting services agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions for their consulting services to the Municipality. The agreement with D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited will be prepared on the same basis as our standard consulting agreement. Consideration of the request made by The Kaitlin Group would be advantageous to the Municipality of several levels. Beyond fiscal compensation, the proposal reduces the possibility of errors through design coordination, delays through construction coordination, liabilities of multiple contractors working within the Municipal right-of-way, and avoids confusion of construction limits and the responsibilities thereof. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Correspondence (The Kaitlin Group) Interested party to be advised of Council's decision: D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street, East Oshawa, ON L1H 1B6 Extent of Works by D.G. Biddle & Associates 1111 "0 a:: c: Ql ~ ~ J\r W~E S DRAWN BY: B.M.B. DATE: Aug. 2006 REPORT EGD-43-06 ATTACHMENT NO.1 G:\Ca ilalP ecls'Baseline GreenIRe rI ;UG-24-06 17:16 FROM-KAITLIN GROUP 416-495-88Z0 ; ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-06 ~. The Kaitlin (JTOuo pu. 1029 McNicoll Avenue Scorborough, ON MJ W 3 fl'6 relephone (4/6) 495-7050 Facsimile (416) 495-8820 FACSlM.1LE TRANSMtTTAL FORM TO: Bruno Bianco COMPANY NAME: Cbu-ington Engineering FAX NO: 1-905-623-9282 DATE: August 24, 2006 FROM: Kelvin Whalen NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AI.l. OF THE PAGES OR FIND THAT THE COpy IS ILLEGIBLE, PLEASE ADVISE US. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION Bruno Following is the revised letter for the Green Road consulting services. I hove added a new paragraph (Paragraph 3) Oil the second page in which I have included !he contract admin and inspection services. If this letter is sunlcient, I have signed it and you can include as official, otherwise if refinements are nlJcded, pleas.e advise end we can discuss. Thanks Kelvin TlilS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INOIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAlNS INFORMA nON TriA T IS PRIVILEGED AND CONP1DENTIAL. tF THE READER OF TIiIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR TIlE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSmLE FOR DalVERlNG THE MESSAOE TO TliE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARb HEREBY No"rII'IED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUN1CATION IS STRICTLY I'ROHIBlTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR. PLIOASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND WE WILL MAI(E ARRANGEMeNTS FOR THE RETURN or TI-lE MESSAGE TO US "T OUR COST. SENT BY' TELEPHONE NO: (416) 495-7050 ENG INEER ING FAX NO: (416) 495-8820 .1\Ub? ~:, '/ DEPAR1MEN1 ,UG-24-06 17:16 FRO~KAITlIN GROUP 416-49S-BBZO T-631 P.00Z/DD3 F-llR ~ . The Kaitlin Group Luf. ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-06 August 24, 2006 Mr. Tony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowrnanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 1029 MeNicoll Menuo ScarborOugh. OnlUClo MIW 3W6 Telephone (416) 495-7OS0 FWl (416) 495-8&20 hup:(fwww.kailUngroup.com e-mail: infD@lkaltUngrotJp.com -----.---.-- Dear Sir Re: Green Road Reconstruction 'Darlinqton Green' Subdivision Servicinq As you are aware, detailed engineering design for the Darlington Green subdivision plan is nearing completion, and we anticipate servicing through the Fall 2006 and Winter 2007 periods with road construction targeted for Spring 2007. We also understand, through meetings with Staff and Totten Sirns HubicKi, who are designjng the Municipality's capital works projects at Baseline Road and Green Road reconstructions, that a similar schedule is anticipated for the design and construction of these projects, and particularly the reconstruction of the new Green Road frorn Baseline Road northerly to the existing intersection with Aspen Springs Drive. At a recent coordination meeting involving ourselves, Staff, and the respective consultants, it was suggested that we consider the collective benefit of undertaking the design of Green Road through our consultants, DG Biddle Associates Ltd., and relieving the Municipality of this responsibility. Upon further consideration, we wish to advise that we would be willing to undertake this responsibility. While there would be some additional engineering cost to do this, we anticipate that there would also be benefits as a result of the coordination and streamlining of the ensuing process. The Green Road works and the Si.lbdivision works are very much interrelated and both processes must be coordinated and rnanaged jointly. In fact, much of the Green road design work has to a large degree, already been reflected in the subdivision drawings. Having two separate clients and two separate consultants and processes, would likely lead to conflicts or oversights to the detriment of all parties. Consequently, we advise of our willingness to undertake the detailed design work of Green Road, through our consultants, DG Biddle Associates Ltd. please consider this suggestion and advise if that would be agreeable with the Municipality. .../2 'UG-14-06 11:16 FROM-KAITLIN GROUP 416-495-BB10 T-631 P.003/003 F-13B , . ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-06 -2- _______~1) Furthermore, we suggest that the Municipality should also consider the advantages of including the Green Road project as part of the tender for the subdivision servicing and roadworks. The advantages would be that combining the projects as one tender would likely result in economies of scale and and a lower cost for both parties, and again the coordination and management of the works would be done jointly and thereby avoid conflict and overlap. If such an arrangement waS preferred, the Green Road works would be partitioned within the tender as a separate section and clearly identified as a 'Provisional' portion of the contract, with the Municipality having full latitude to opt out of the contract award, and tender separately. The tender form would also be structured so that various items would be described identically for both Green Road and the subdivision. In this way, an easy comparison of unit rates can be made. The Municipality would have the ability to review the unit rates and ascertain whether they represent current market conditions. This process is similar to that used by the Regional Municipality of Durham in situations where they have works undertaken through subdivision servicing. In the event that West Diamond Properties were to undertake the Green Road construction works as outlined above, the contract administration and inspection services could likewise bt provided through our consultants, D.G. Siddle Associates, again for simplification and streamlining of the consulting services. In this way, pricing and coordination objectives can be achieved while maintaining maximum flexibility and control by the Municipality. It would be appreciated if Staff could review this proposal and advise if there would be interest in adopting this approach. Should you require further discussion or clarification of this matter, please do not hesitate to. contact the undersigned. Yours ve~ truly ~ Kelvin Whalen, P. Eng., Vice-President, Land Development REPORT NO.: EGD-43-06 INTERESTED PARTIES LIST Name . ComDanv Address City Province PostalCod~ D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street, East Oshawa, ON L1H 1B6