HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-014-06 Cl~-fl1gton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 Resolution #: GPA - 35:1 - Db Report #: FND-014-06 File#: By-law #: Subject: CASH ACTIVITY - SECOND QUARTER OF 2006 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-014-06 be received; 2. THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter 25, Section 286 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the second quarter of the year 2006, as shown on the attached schedule; and 3. THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the second quarter of the year be confirmed. Reviewed bY:O~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. NT/AA/na REPORT NO.: FND-014-06 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions for the second quarter of 2006, the cash investment position, the taxes receivable position and the comparative information for the month ending June 30, 2005. Statistical information is for the second quarter of 2006. Attachments: Attachment A - Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures - Second Quarter of 2006 Attachment B - Continuity of Taxes Receivable - As at June 2006 Attachment C - Statistical Information - As at June 2006 Attachment D - Investments Outstanding - As at June 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Second Quarter of the Year 2006 PART"A" Second Quarter Second Quarter 2006 2005 ~~VENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING NO RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: GENERAUTAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED 43,269,235 42,475,563 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUND (CRF) 0 67,000 DURHAM REGION - PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT 59,013 160,708 CANADIAN WASTE - RENT AND ROYALTIES 40,477 12,763 PROVINCE - GAS TAX 138,665 90,999 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-MUNICIPAL 1 ,826,015 1,739,594 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-REGION 2,472,621 2,369,210 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-SCHOOL BOARD 340,025 257,835 INTEREST 1 825 820 828 385 49971 871 48 022 077 USE OF FUNDS: PAYROLL 5,494,950 5,041,826 REGION LEVY 11,093,204 10,691 ,571 SCHOOL BOARD LEVIES 5,717,225 6,924,290 GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP." 12758766 11740608 35064145 34 398 295 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) 14907726 13623782 BANK NET CASH BANK BANK BALANCE PROVIDED BALANCE BALANCE INANCIAL POSITION: MAR. 31 2006 lIUSEO JUNE 2006 JUN. 30 2005 GENERAL FUND 8,858,269 5,569,032 14,427,301 21,576,072 RESERVE FUND 751,109 469,047 1,220,156 633,482 MUNICIPAL BOND INVESTMENTS 2,712,478 27,856 2,740,334 2,630,656 HOST COMMUNITY FUND IN TRUST 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUNDS) 44 447 256 8841791 53289047 50 355 700 TOTALS 66769112 14 907726 81 676 838 85195910 BANK BALANCES AS AT: APR_ 30 2006 APR. 30 2005 MAY 31 2006 MAY31 200 GENERAL FUND RESERVE FUND MUNICIPAL BOND INVESTMENTS 16,472,123 731,273 2 721 571 16,239,638 525,849 2612602 3,888,095 1,037,403 2731 102 8,634,206 535,518 2621728 NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference in receipt of funds. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "B" Continuity of Taxes Receivable or the Second Quarter of the Year 2006 T March 31, 2006 JUNE JUNE BEGINNING BALANCE INTEREST TAXES PA YMENTSI 2006 2005 RECEIVABLE ADDED BILLED BALANCE ADJUSr'" PREPAID TAXES CURRENT YEAR TAXES (3,249,052) 46,348,350 43,099,298 (35,971,730) 7,127,568 7,744,753 PENAL TV AND INTEREST 20 382 122 958 143 340 . {62 884' 80 456 72 506 FIRST PRIOR YEAR TAXES 2,916,343 0 2,916,343 (578,035) 2,338,308 2,269,954 PENAL TV AND INTEREST 204 837 102132 306 969 ' (92148' 214821 184019 SECOND PRIOR YEAR TAXES 1,141,554 0 1,141,554 (183,466) 958,088 969,367 PENALTY AND INTEREST 166081 40 423 206 504 ' '51306 155198 138 872 I.-HIRD & PRIOR YEARS TAXES 976,121 0 976,121 ~~2,745) 883,376 1,106,153 PENALTY AND INTEREST 322 876 33 735 356611 30125 326 486 581 802 L-OTAL 2499142 299 248 46 348 350 49146740 137 062 439 12084301 13067426 ".. Includes refunds, write-effs, 496'5, etc. NOTE 1: 2006 AND 2005 Interim Installment months: February and April 2006 AND 2005 Final Installment months: June and September NOTE 2: Current year taxes open in a negative position because they represent prepaid taxes for the April installment. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "C" STATISTICAL INFORMATION for the Second Quarter of the Year 2006 Year to Date Tax Certificates 195 387 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note 1) 7 .. see Note 2 Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #076502 to #078141 1,640 3,522 Number of Births ReQistered 2 4 Number of Deaths/Stillbirths Reoistered 161 337 Note 1: Only includes those properties whose arrears are greater than $20,000. Note 2: Number of eligible properties for tax registration not applicable 101 year-to-date comparison. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING PART "0" AS AT JUNE 30, 2006 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE GENERAL FUND TD 1,957,803.57 4.25% 14 1,961,000.00 J ul. 6/06 TD 4,995,950.00 4.25% 7 5,000,000.00 Jul. 5/06 SCOTIABANK 4,988,250.00 4.30% 20 5,000,000.00 J ul. 6/06 TOTAL GENERAL FUND RESERVE FUND RBC 776,152.23 4.35% 2059 986,467.00 Dec. 1/11 RBC 1,683,100.32 5.15% 2019 2,221,035.00 Sep1.15/06 RBC . 4,180,000.00 3.80% 365 4,180,000.00 June 30/07 RBC 1,379,343.53 4.65% 2085 1,787,409.00 Dec. 01/08 RBC 739,938.86 3.55% 1704 869,800.00 Oct. 05/09 RBC . 1,500,000.00 4.10% 1827 1,500,000.00 Dec. 06/10 RBC 1,681,851.79 4.35% 1827 2,080,894.41 Mar. 06/11 RBC 500,000.00 4.00% 1827 595,239.37 June 21/08 RBC 481,878.00 4.45% 1827 599,072.41 Mar. 04/08 RBC . 970,000.00 3.50% 1102 970,000.00 Mar. 19/07 RBC . 1,815,962.00 5.00% 1825 1,815,962.00 Feb. 07/07 RBC . 1,480,000.00 4.30% 1096 1,480,000.00 Feb. 10/07 RBC 208,000.00 4.35% 1830 257,351.00 May 12/08 RBC . 550,000.00 4.00% 730 550,000.00 Ocl. 14/06 RBC 1,143,285.67 3.80% 1547 1,338,742.00 Dec. 15/08 RBC 733,772.63 3.85% 1980 900,445.00 Jun. 02/10 RBC 499,999.38 4.00% 1182 567,343.00 J ul. 26/06 RBC . 2,061,000.00 4.00% 730 2,061,000.00 Dec. 03/06 RBC 1,500,000.00 5.50% 1694 1,500,000.00 Dec. 20/07 RBC' 906,000.00 4.10% 730 906,000.00 Sep. 29/06 RBC 372,440.00 4.40% 1826 461,912.00 May 28/09 RBC 1,520,617.00 5.35% 1826 1,973,297.00 Mar. 15/07 RBC 1,000,000.00 4.45% 1827 1,243,203.49 Aug. 09/07 HSBC 1,617,707.94 3.55% 365 1,675,136.57 Ocl. 25/06 RBC 3,796,000.00 3.75% 365 3,796,000.00 Jul. 29/06 RBC 5,094,062.47 4.10% 1578 6,058,590.00 Ocl.l/l0 RBC 1,011,749.34 4.02% 92 1,022,000.00 Jul. 4/06 RBC 659,152.80 4.40% 61 664,000.00 Aug. 28/0 TD 1,485,030.00 4.00% 92 1,500,000.00 Jul. 5/0 TOTAL RESERVE FUND TOTAL INVESTMENTS . Investment interest paid on a monthly/semi-annual/annual basis