HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-013-06 Cl~mgton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,2006 Resolution #: 6fA - 3;).9 - 0 b Date: Report #: FND-013-06 File#: By-law #: Subject: ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2005 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-013-06 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of this report be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Submitted by: Nancy M. Director 0 Reviewed O~--=. ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/hjl REPORT NO.: FND.013.06 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND 1.0 In accordance with Bill 98, an Act to promote job creation and increased municipal accountability while providing for the reoovery of development costs related to new growth, Schedule "A" attached shows the activity in the Development Charges Reserve Funds for the year ended December 31, 2005. 2.0 For the year ended December 31, 2005, a total of 802 residential building permits were issued. Approximately 770 units were anticipated for 2005 in the development charge study review and update. Also, a total of 34 capital projects have been financed by the Development Charges Reserve funds. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Development Charges Study Review and Update Schedule "B" - Committed Amounts from Prior Years' Budgets/Council Approvals Schedule "C" - Capital Expenditures I nterested Parties: Municipal Finance Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 13th floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 " w ~ => o w :r " '" .... Z W " W .... ;:! '" '" o Z => ~ ~ ZW 0'" ....w oa: z'" a:~ "a: do:tD:: ~:r" o"W ....> ~Z~ :::i~~ "..w Ggi: -w Z>a: =>wo "o~ . " " o ~ i li:~ g . z , o. ~ ;;;;;; ro ~~ '" ~ 0; ro 0 ~m 0 ~ill ;; m 0 ~ ~ ro~ '" ro. m m " '" crieD ~. '"'::j' '" ~ <> " .... ~ N~ ro 0 <0 ~ 0 ro ~~ ro $~ ro ro M .... " e'- '" <"'ir-i '" " .. e ::: ::: o::W~ ~C)W """, ~Z~ :E~~ g5Q~ ....~o '" " Olf!) ~ ~ '" .... M~ ~ ~ ~ M - M M M in :!. .. :!. .. 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E o.co. o , 0 ~~l wo~a b ~ ~ ~ Z t- _Jl- ~ o o N ;; " ~ E g o 1ij c o .~ a: . ;; DN:DCRF 2005 Prepared: R8fJuna27,2006 SCHEDULE B MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND STATEMENT FOR THE 2005 YEAR COMMITTED AMOUNTS FROM PRIOR YEARS' BUDGETS/COUNCIL APPROVALS YEAR PROJECT I DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COMMITTED RESERVE FUND: D/C - GENERAL GOVERNME~T 2004 Operating Planning Study - Brookhill Secondary Plan 32,092 2005 Canital Enoineerina/Parks - Port Darlinnton Waterfront Park/desinn 2,250 Total 34,342 RESERVE FUND: D/C - FIRE PROTECfJON SERVICES 2003 Capital Courtice Fire Station 1,293 2005 Capital Rescue vehicle/Stn #1, Bowmanville 136,000 2005 Caoital Trainina room addition/Stn #5, Enniskillen 66,416 Total 203,709 RESERVE FUND: ole - PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED F ACIUTIES 2003 Capital Bowmanville Waterfront Redevelopment Feasibility Study 53,763 2003 Capital South Courtice Community Park. . Soccer Field 1 44,438 2004 Capital Parkland Development Implementation Plan 8,613 2004 Capital Park Development - Pearce Farm Park, Newcastle 81,556 2005 Capital Park Development - Brookhouse Parkette, Newcastle 9,003 Total 197,373 RESERVE FUND: D/C - OPERA nONS 2004 Capital Transfer station dome rehabilitation 72,990 2005 Capital Transfer station dome rehabilitation 68,641 2004 Capital Oper/Fleet - New equipment 138,680 2005 Capital Oper/Fleet - New equipment 8,573 2005 Caoital Enaineerina/Parks - Bowmanville Community Park/baseball fields 68,349 Total 357,233 RESERVE FI;ND: Die - ROADS AND RELATED 2002 Capital Road reconstruction - Concession St, Bowmanville 15,448 2002 Capital Road reconstruction - Longworth Ave, Bowmanville 40,968 2004 Capital Road reconstruction - Longworth Ave/Liberty to Scugog, Bowmanville 44,175 2004 Capital Street lights - Longworth Ave @ Hwy #57, Bowmanvifle 71,265 2005 Capital Surface asphalt - Longworth Ave/Hwy #57 to Middle Road, Bowmanville 42,250 2002 Capital Road reconstruction - Prestonvale Road, Courtice 49,887 2004 Capital Road reconstruction - Prestonvale Road, Courtice 2,172 2004 Capital Road reconstruction - Scugog SVMiddle Road, Bowmanville 126,350 2005 Capital Road reconstruction + Scugog SVMiddle Road, Bowmanville 75,194 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Middle Road, Bowmanville 8,114 2004 Capital Road reconstruction - Fourth Ave, Courtice 19,781 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Hunt Street, Bowmanville 152,043 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Mill Street, Newcastle 1,001,204 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Baldwin Street, Newcastle 488,452 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Clarington Blvd. Bow.lreimb. of construction costs 36,400 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Brownsville Road, Newcastle 75,166 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Jane Ave, Courtice 171,963 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Westmore St, Courtice 331,930 2005 Capital Road reconstruction + Jane StlWestmore StJFourth Ave, Courtice 171,138 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - North Street, Newcastle 2,318 2005 Capital Road reconstruction - Green Road, Bowmanville 169,547 2005 Capital CPR level crossing improvements. Mearns Ave" Bowmanville 199,707 2004 Capital Eng/Roads - Works associated with development 9,710 2005 Capital Eng/Roads - Works associated with development 10,000 2004 Capital Street trees - Prestonvale Road, Courtice 6,045 2003 Capital Traffic signals - Roenigk. Drive, Bowmanville 84,097 2004 Capital Traffic signals - NashfTrulls Road, Courtice 50,688 2005 Capital Traffic signals - Bowmanville Mall, King S1. Bowmanvilfe 211,029 2004 Capital Transportation study, Courtice 44,175 2005 Capital EngfSidewalks. Hwy #2/Centerfield to Trulls, Courtice 82,010 2004 Ca~ital Sooer Creek Erosion Protection Studv 25,110 Total 3,818,333 TOTAL COMMITTED TO DEVEWPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUNDS 4,610,991 DN:DCRF2005 Prepared:RB/June27,2006 RevisedRB/August21,2006 SCHEDULE C MUNJCIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND STATEMENT FOR THE 2005 YEAR D/C RIF NON D/C KIF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT FI"KANCING FINANCING DESCRIPTIOS D/C - GENERAL GOVERNMENT Port Darlington Waterfront Park 27,254 22,332 4.922 p~ Parks Capital RtF Newcastla Village Library Branch Study 15,907 14,316 1.591 Tax levy 43,161 36,648 6,513 D/C - FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Courlice Fire Station 897,112 173,042 715,263 Municipal Caprtal Works RtF 8,80B Region contribution Addition - Enniskillen Stn #5 4,000 3,496 504 Tax levy Hurst Extraction Tool 71.750 30.587 4,413 Tax levy 36,750 Province contribution 972862 207,124 765,738 D/C - PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACILITIES Park Development - Fenwick Park 257,578 219,370 24,374 Public Works & Parks Capital RtF 13,833 Developer contribution Park Development- Brookhouse Parkette 216,551 194,B96 21,655 Public Works & Parks Capital RlF Park Development - Soper Creak Trail 222,163 199,946 22,216 Public Works & Parks Capital RlF Parkland Development Implementation Plan 33,475 30,462 3,013 Tax Levy Park Development - Pearce Farm Park 514,858 445,919 68,939 Developer contribution Bowmanville Waterfront Redevelopment 20,476 18,633 1,843 Tax Levy Sooth Courlice Community Park - Soccer Field 38,221 33,103 5,118 Tax Levy 1,303.322 1,142330 160,992 DIe - OPERATIONS New Equipment Purchases 71,838 57,765 14,073 Muni~pal Capital Works RtF Transfer Station 14,636 11,769 2,667 Municipal Capital Works RtF 66,474 69,534 16.940 DIe _ ROADS AND RELATED Road reconstruction - Longworth Avenue Bridge, Bowmanville 392,916 332,014 12,972 Roads Contribution R/F 47,930 Municipal Caprtal Works Street Lighting - Longworth Avenue, Bowmanville 7,186 6,072 1,114 Tax Levy Road reconstruction - Scugog Street, Bowmanvilie 1,762,507 818,434 124,897 Municipal Capital Works 819,176 Developer contribution Road reconstruction - Hunt Street, Bowmanville 1,384.311 416258 773,053 Tax LellY 195,000 Dellelopercontribution Road reconstruction - Mill Street. Newcastle 57.360 57,360 Road reconstruction - Baldwin Stree!, Newcastle 19,407 16,909 2,498 Municipal Capital Works Road reconstruction - Jane Avenue, Courtice 2,425 2,110 314 Municipal Capital Works Road reconstruction - Wes!more Street. Court ice 22,249 19,550 2.699 Municipal Capital Works Road reconstruction - Fourlh Allenue Courtice 197,589 174,432 14,792 Tax Levy 8,366 Roads Contribution RtF Road reconstruction - Green Road_ Bowmanville 13,685 12,453 1,232 Roads Contribution RtF Road reconstruction - Prestonvale Road, Courtice (2004) 258 203 56 Tax Levy Road reconstruction - Prestonvale Road. Court ice (2002) 1,547 1.213 206 Ra!eStabilization RtF 127 Gen. Canital Reserve Page 1 of2 DN:DCRF 2005 Prepared: RBlJune27,2006 Re~sed: RBlAugusl21,2006 SCHEDULE C MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND STATEMENT FOR THE 2005 YEAR DIC RIF NON DIC HIF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT F1NAKCING FlKANCING DESCRIPTION DIC - ROADS AKD RELATED - com'd Road reconstruction - Concession Street Bowmanville 11,118 3,541 2,152 Rate StabiliUltion R/F 4,662 Roads Contribution R/F 763 Gen, Capital Reserve Road reconstruction - CPR CrossinglMearns Ave, Bowmanville 542 493 49 Municipal Capital Works Traffic Signals - NashrTrulis Road, Courtice 41,387 37.662 3,725 Tax Levy Traffic Signals - King SVBowmanvilie Mall, Bowmanville 18.100 16.471 1,629 Roads Contribution RlF Traffic Signals - Roenigk Drive, Bowmanville 4,801 4,369 432 Tax Levy Sidewalk construction - Hwy #2/Centerfield to Trulls, Courtice 222,186 200,090 19,789 Municipal Capital Works 2.307 Developer contribution Sidewalkconslruction" Enniskillen 76,195 27,017 25.798 Tax Levy 23,380 Pils& Quarries Reserve Walkway construction - Foxhunt Walkway, Courtice 87,607 59,168 5,852 Tax Levy 22.587 Roads Contribution R/F 4.323,375 2.205,819 2,117.555 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6.729,193 3,661,455 3,067,738 SUMMARY OF FINASCING: 36,648 DIG - General Government RIF 207,124 DIG - Fire Protection Services R/F 1,142.330 DIG - Park Dev, & Related Facilities R/F 69,534 DIG - Operations R/F 2,205,819 DIG - Roads and Related R/F 930,379 Municipal Capital Works RIF 73,168 Pubiic Works & Parks Capital RIF 51,448 Roads Gontribution RIF 2,358 Rate StabilizationRIF 841.302 Tax Levy 890 General Capital Reserve 23.380 Pits & Quarries Reserve 36,750 Provinceconlribution 8,808 Region contribution 1,099,256 Developer contribution TOTAL FINANCING 6,729,193 3.661,455 3,067,738 Page20f2