HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-096-06 Clw:inglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 Report #: PSD-096-06 File #: PLN 2.5.3 By-law #: GPA.313.0f:, . Subject: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT 114 TO THE DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-096-06 be received; 2. THAT Council request the Region to delete Supplemental Attachment 1 - Requested Changes to the Greenbelt; 3. THAT in the event that Regional Council resolves to incorporate a Supplemental Attachment on the Greenbelt, any changes proposed in the Municipality of Clarington be deleted; 4. THAT Council request the Region to postpone any decision on Future Growth Areas either by Supplemental Attachment 2 or new policies on Future Growth Areas, until the implementation and conformity exercise on the Growth Plan in order to allow the Region and area municipalities the opportunity to assess the impacts of the Growth Plan on land requirements, urban form, and the opportunities for creating transit supportive, complete communities; and 5. THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham, area municipalities in Durham Region, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Renewal and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and any interested party listed in this report. S,bm"'" by c~.:r... ~Davi J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. . y- Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: o~-:= ClYk Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer COS'DJC'sn August 28, 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to provide staff comments in respect of the Region's proposed Amendment 114 to the Regional Official Plan. This amendment is the culmination of the process undertaken by the Region to review the Regional Plan. Council has been providing comments on the different policy changes proposed by the Region since 2000. ft is being considered by Regional Planning Committee on August 29th, 2006 and subsequently by Regional Council on September 13, 2006. The Regional Planning Commissioner's report also contains the response by the Region to the different comments provided by the Municipality as part of the Regional Official Plan Review Process (see Attachment 3). Many of the Region's policy options and the municipality's recommendations dealing with Population, Employment, and Urban land will be considered during the Places to Grow Plan implementation process. However, Amendment 114 contains options dealing with Changes to the Greenbelt and Future Growth Areas that are not consistent with Council's resolutions. The proposed Amendment 114 also includes two supplemental attachments to the Regional Official Plan (See Attachment 1 and Attachment 2): . Supplemental Attachment 1 - Requested Changes to the Greenbelt; and . Supplemental Attachment 2 - Future Growth Areas. The supplemental attachments were developed as a means of stating Regional policy but the attachments would not be formally adopted as part of the Regional Official Plan. By remaining as separate attachments and not being approved under the Planning Act, they would not contravene Provincial policy. The Regional Solicitor concurred that this approach would not violate either the Growth Plan or the Greenbelt Plan. More recently, the Region issued an Addendum Report 2006-P-61 which recommended a further option for future growth areas. This option would go further by incorporating new policies and a map into the Plan to identify Future Growth Areas. The policies would recognize the "Future Growth Areas" as the priority areas for future Urban Area boundary expansions. However, they would "not represent land use designations or actual boundary expansions." This would only occur subsequent to the Growth Plan conformity exercise. The Regional Solicitor has also indicated that this option would not be in conflict with the Growth Plan. Clarington's Council advertised and held public meetings on these two issues. Council has passed specific resolutions dealing with both supplemental attachments. The comments and position of Clarington's Municipal Council on the changes to the Greenbelt and the Future Growth Areas are neither considered, nor mentioned in the reports, nor in the proposed amendment. REPORT NO.: PSD-096-06 PAGE 3 2.0 CLARINGTON COUNCil POSITION ON CHANGES TO THE GREENBELT On Monday May 29, 2006 Council passed the following resolution: Resolution # C-275-06 THA T Report PSD-061-06 be received; THA T the Municipality of Clarington advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Greenbelt Council and the Region of Durham that it does not support amendments to the boundaries of the Greenbelt Plan, at this time; THA T the Greenbelt Council be requested to review issues related to rural employment uses in the Greenbelt; THAT a copy of Report PSD-061-06 be forwarded to John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Municipal Affairs and Housing, Greenbelt Group; the Greenbelt Council; the Region of Durham Planning Department and area municipalities; and THA T all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. As stated in the report, the Greenbelt Plan supports many of the goals and objectives of the Clarington Official Plan and provides further support for the protection of agricultural lands and the natural system helping to maintain the rural atmosphere of Clarington and preserve agriculture as a key economic force within the Municipality. Staff also mentioned to Council that the necessary background studies to provide any new arguments for the removal of the Courtice lands from the Greenbelt have not been carried out, nor have they been requested by Council. The sub-watershed plans and environmental studies necessary to determine the development potential of the lands have not been undertaken either. There is good evidence that the areas partially act as shallow aquifers within the lake Iroquois Shoreline and therefore any such development would be questionable. The staff recommendation of the Durham Region Official Plan Review is to provide sufficient land without encroaching on the Greenbelt to the year 2031 and beyond. We also concluded that it would not be appropriate for the Region to request the inclusion of additional lands in the "urban separator" between Courtice and Bowmanville, south of Highway 2 within the Greenbelt Area. The area recommended for inclusion in the greenbelt by the Region may have the future Highway 407 corridor within it. This would potentially be an area for future employment lands in subsequent planning periods. At the public meeting held by Clarington Council on the changes to the greenbelt, the majority of speakers opposed any changes to the Greenbelt boundaries in Clarington. The Minister of Municipal Affairs has responded to the Region's submission on changes to the Greenbelt boundaries. He advised that there would be no changes to the Greenbelt boundary prior to the 10 year review. REPORT NO.: PSD-096-06 PAGE 4 As a piece of advocacy with the Province, the further incorporation of a Supplemental Amendment 1 serves no useful purpose. The Minister has responded. If it is adopted by Council, it is not likely to stand the Ministry's approval process. In the event that it does remain, it can only serve to hinder future considerations at great prejudice to Clarington. As Council well knows, the Region's proposal was to add approximately 753.57 has. of land in Clarington to the Greenbelt, largely to compensate for lands being removed in other parts of the Region. It is recommended that Council resolve to request the Region to delete Supplemental Attachment 1. Failing the complete removal of the Supplemental Attachment 1, the alternative would to amend it to remove any changes affecting Clarington. 3.0 CLARINGTON COUNCIL POSITION ON THE FUTURE GROWTH AREAS On Monday, June 192006 Council passed the following resolution: Resolution # GPA-299-06 THA T Report PSD-084-06 be received; THA T the Region of Durham be requested to coordinate the Growth Management Studies to implement the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe with the area municipalities; and THA T a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the interested parties list in Report PSD- 084-06 and any delegation. In our report to Council, we clearly indicated that the Places to Grow Plan was to be announced at the time Regional Council was trying to make a decision on the expansion of urban boundaries. Council adopted the position that any changes to the urban boundaries be postponed as part of the implementation of the Province's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The Provincial Plan was unveiled on June 16, 2006 and came into effect the same day. Regional Planning population projections had indicated the need for additional future growth areas. However, the Provincial Plan as enacted contains population forecasts that are lower than Regional projections. As the Places to Grow Plan projections and policies are mandatory, the Region has now been forced to revise the proposed changes to the Regional Official Plan to conform to the Provincial Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-096-06 PAGE 5 Even though, the Provincial analysis on the additional residential lands to serve the legislated population projects has not been initiated, the Region, in similar fashion to the Greenbelt recommendations, are attaching the proposed Future Growth Areas to the Regional Official Plan as a Supplemental Attachment. In an addendum to the Regional Commissioner's report 2006-P-60 on the Regional Official Plan Review, regional staff puts forward another option: to add policies and a map (Future Growth Area Policy Option) to the Regional Official Plan to "recognize Council's long term vision for the future growth of the Official Plan, as context for future planning decisions." Both alternatives for Future Growth Areas - the Supplemental Attachment and the Future Growth Areas Policy Option - seem to be more designed to "lock-in" certain lands as priorities for future development. This would reduce any flexibility of both the Local and Regional Councils to work with the Province in the implementation of the Places to Grow Plan. Moreover, the Region has failed to consider Council's resolution that if they are to proceed to identify Future Growth Areas, changes were requested to reduce the proposed westerly expansion of the Bowmanville Urban Area. In Section 8.6.4 of the report, referenced in Council's resolution, the Municipality requested amendments to the westerly expansion area to reduce the proposed expansion to Maple Grove Road. This would provide a rounding out of the Bowmanville Urban Area to a boundary which helps to mitigate the potential impacts on the agricultural operations at the urban/rural interface. This position would apply to both the Supplementary Attachment Option and the Future Growth Area Policy Option. It is recommended that Council advise the Region of its position that Amendment 114 should not identify Future Growth Areas by either technique at this time. Until the Growth Plan conformity exercise is completed, the Region should not be formally adopting a policy on priorities for expansion to urban areas. It pre-judges the outcome, creates uncertainty due to semi-official/partially approved status and does not represent good planning policy. Moreover, it does not consider the input by Clarington Council on this issue. 4.0 CONCLUSION Clarington Council after public consultation has resolved that future expansion of urban boundaries would be considered only as part of the implementation of the Places to Grow Plan and that no changes should made to the Greenbelt boundaries. The Supplemental Attachments and policy options for Future Growth Areas and the Greenbelt should not be part of the Regional Official Plan as they do not reflect good planning principles, are inconsistent with provincial legislation, and do not reflect the representations by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 - Supplemental Attachment 1 - Requested Changes to the Greenbelt - Supplemental Attachment 2 - Future Growth Areas - Regional Staff response to Clarington's comments on the proposed Amendment REPORT NO.: PSD-096-06 PAGE 6 List of Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Linda Gasser Libby Racansky Adam Brown Bryce Jordan Tony Biglieri Peter Walker Walter Kranzl Richard Ward David Rice Aleksandr Bolentenko Michael Montgomery Jason Swartz John Gerretson, Minister of Municipal Affairs Greenbelt Council Victor Doyle, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Nash Road Developments Inc. Dunbury Homes Joanne Bruno Victor Humphreys Regional Planning Department Kevin Tunney Attachment 1 To Report PSD-096-06 Attachment 6 Supplemental Attachment 1 (Not part of the Reaional Official Plan\ ReQuested Chanaes to the Greenbelt Plan This Supplemental Attachment is included with the Regional Official Plan for information purposes only and does not form part of the Plan. This Attachment confirms Regional Council's intent to pursue specific changes to the Greenbelt Plan necessary for the effective implementation of the Plan by the Region of Durham, expressed in the following resolution adopted on May 10, 2006: "a) THAT staff be directed to forward a submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Greenbelt Council that incorporates the Region's issues with the Greenbelt Plan, as identified in Report #2006-P-33 of the Commissioner of Planning, and the following issues as set out in parts b) through e); b) THAT the lands located between Audley Road/Lakeridge Road from Highway 401 to Taunton Road, in the Town of Ajax be designated future development area subject to the final alignment of the 401/407 Link and subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; c) THAT the lands located in the Townline Road area of the Municipality of Clarington which are bounded by Townline Road, Pebblestone Road and the existing Courtice Urban Area Boundary also be designated future development area subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; d) THAT the lands located on the north east corner of Nash Road and Hancock Road, in the Municipality of Clarington also be designated future development area subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; and e) THAT the lands located north of Brawley Road, in the Town of Whitby, be removed from the Greenbelt Plan to reflect the draft Greenbelt Plan area as shown in Attachment #5 to Report #2006-P-38 of the Commissioner of Planning." If and when the Province makes the necessary amendments to the Greenbelt Plan, it is Regional Council's intent to initiate amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan to give effect to the above resolution. Regional Council's requested changes to the Greenbelt Plan are further detailed as follows: i) Lands to be Removed from the Greenbelt Plan Area Regional Council is concerned that the extent of the Greenbelt in Durham Region had increased in area by some 4,000+ hectares (10,000+ acres) with approval of the final Plan. In total the Greenbelt covers over 80% of the Region's land base. In particular, Regional Council has identified five areas that should not have been included in the Greenbelt: 1. Pickering - Cherrywood Community the subject of a Growth Management Study undertaken by the City of Pickering and identified as suitable for future urban expansion in Pickering. This is consistent with Regional Council's April 13,2005 submission to the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal on the Draft Growth Plan requesting that the Province remove this area from the Greenbelt and identify it as a "Designated Growth Area"; 2. Ajax - Audley and Lakeridge Road area added in the Final Plan. This area is no longer considered a viable agricultural area by the farmers owning the land as a result of the advancement of nearby urban development, the diminished agricultural land base in the area and the potential impacts from the future alignment of the Highway 401/407 link currently the subject of an Environmental Assessment; 3. Whitby - north of Brawley Road area added in the Final Plan. This area is the subject of an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit a golf course and a resort/conference centre; 4. Clarington - Townline and Pebblestone Road area. These lands are located immediately adjacent to full municipal services in the City of Oshawa that can be easily extended to support urban development in the Courtice urban area; and 5. Clarington - Nash and Hancock Road area added to the Final Plan. This area is the subject of a request to expand the Courtice Urban Area Boundary as part of the Regional Official Plan Review. (Refer to Illustrations 1 and 2 attached for specific locations.) These lands should continue to be governed by the municipal official plans. ii) Settlement Area Expansions In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, the Region requested that the Plan be sensitive to the need for growth in our TownsNillages (ie Uxbridge, Port Perry, Sunderland, Cannington and Beaverton) located within the Greenbelt. This is particularly crucial when considering expansions to accommodate employment uses in a timely fashion. The Greenbelt Plan is unnecessarily restrictive in limiting the opportunity for expansions to the 10 year review or the conformity exercise opportunity provided by policy for these settlements. The Greenbelt Plan must be amended to provide opportunity for expansions to Towns and Villages when the need and opportunity arises. iii) Rural Employment Areas Planned rural employment areas are focal points for the rural economy. The approved Greenbelt Plan does not allow for the designation of new or expansions to existing rural employment areas. To allow for more diverse employment opportunities in rural communities, the Greenbelt Plan must be amended to permit the designation of new Rural Employment Areas or the expansion of existing Rural Employment Areas, in accordance with policies contained in upper-tier official plans. iv) Servicing of Orono In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, the Region raised a concern with the policy prohibiting the extension or expansion of Great Lakes based water and sewer systems to settlement areas within the Protected Countryside, particularly Orono. The Region requested that the Plan allow the opportunity to provide lake-based services to Orono. This is consistent with the policies of the Regional Official Plan, approved by the Province in 1993, that express a long-term intent to investigate the provision of full, lake based, municipal services to that relatively large rural community. The absence of this opportunity in the Greenbelt Plan severely restricts the servicing options for that settlement area. The Greenbelt Plan must be amended to permit the further consideration of extending full, lake based, municipal services to Orono. v) Urban Separator In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, Regional Council requested that Plan recognize an open space separator between the Courtice and Bowmanville urban areas including lands that have not been identified for future settlement expansion. Unlike the other Greenbelt Plan issues discussed above, the inclusion of this area within the Greenbelt would have the effect of increasing the total Greenbelt Plan area by 750 hectares (1,860 acres) (see Illustration 2). Regional Council intends to pursue the above changes the Greenbelt Plan immediately and through subsequent reviews of the Greenbelt Plan by the Province, or other means. 1r- , t , 11-JORNTONRD '~"',-i'i """.,.-.' ~,..... 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I I Area to be Included in the Greenbelt Plan Area Areas Reques1ed to be Removed from the Greenbelt Plan Area ORM Boundary Urban Area Boundary Urban Area Deferred Boundary o 0.5 2 3 4 5 - Kilometres " '- 4 Munidpal Boundary Greenbelt Boundary Road Y'.\G~"::>";,\{)P\"~""",..lG!)~\.r.mI'tF!r,"\D'~I':f'",,k'kh~,,A""~<;"1~'",on~"f.iA1'ao.~"..rt1._.II;'''';1Ja;,,_,,:1 ,r,'~ Attachment 2 To Report PSD-096-06 Attachment 5 Supplemental Attachment 2 (Not part of the Regional Official Plan) Future Growth Areas This Supplemental Attachment is included with the Regional Official Plan for information purposes only and does not form part of the Plan. The areas shown on the accompanying illustration represent priority areas for future Urban Area boundary expansions. These areas were identified as part of the Regional Official Plan Review and presented to Planning Committee for consideration on April 25, 2006 through Commissioner's Report 2006-P-39. The approval of the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe on June 16, 2006 precluded consideration of the future growth areas pending completion of the Growth Plan conformity exercise. Any expansions to the Urban Area boundaries designated in the Regional Official Plan, may only be achieved through further amendment to the Regional Official Plan in accordance with the applicable Provincial and Regional policy. SUPPLEMENTAL ATTACHMENT 2 FUTURE GROWTH AREAS LEGEND ,~.-, 21 DESIGNATED URBAN AREAS GREENBELT BOUNDARY l1li FUTUREGROWHIAREAS OAKRIDGESIIIORAINE BOUNDARY '" . . . . . ..- , ~....-" .. ~~.. " Attachment 1 Revisions to Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-60 Part A - Future Growth Areas 1. Revise Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-60 to add the following additional sentences to Part S, Actual Amendment, Table A, Item 234: "The areas shown on Schedule 'F' - Future Growth Areas, recognize the priority areas for future Urban Area boundary expansions. These areas were identified in Commissioner's Report 2006-P-39 considered by Regional Planning Committee on April 25, 2006 and authorized for release for public consultation as part of the Regional Official Plan Review. This schedule is a reflection of Councils long- term vision of the Region's urban structure, but is not a land-use designation or actual urban boundary expansion. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2006 provides policy requirements for managing growth, including the conditions for expansion of settlement area boundaries. Any expansions to the Urban Area boundaries designated in the Regional Official Plan, may only be approved through further amendment to the Regional Official Plan, in accordance with applicable provincial plans and policies, including the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2006." 2. Revise Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-60 to add the following new Item to Part S, Actual Amendment, Table A, after Item 903, and renumber all subsequent Items accordingly: "Exhibit 'F' - Future Growth Areas referenced in Section 7.3.3, recognizing "Future Growth Areas", is not permitting any new development of the lands and these areas do not constitute land-use designations within the Regional Official Plan." 3. Revise Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-60 to add the following new Item to Part S, Actual Amendment: "19) Add a new schedule entitled "Schedule 'F' - Future Growth Areas", as shown on Exhibit "F" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment." 4. Revise Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-60 to add a new map entitled "Exhibit F" to Part S, Actual Amendment, as attached hereto. EXHIBIT F TO REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO.114 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM t" SCHEDULE 'F' FUTURE GROWTH AREAS LEGEND " UR811.N AREA BOUNDARY GREENBELT BOUNDARY l1li: FUTuREGROWTHAREAS OAK RIDGES MORAINE .....~ . . . , ~ ~~~ ;/' .." ." .... '" .... ..' rn "0 ~ "'0 .2;-.9-..... -", OJ c "0 0 - ffi ,..;. c .- u.... - c 0 Q) E ~ "J .- E '2: 0 ~ 3 It= .- ...... ,-:J en co (/) _VJ .... ::J 0 CJ .:!::: QJ 'to ~ 0 ...... QJ @ 5g.E:!LLh~:::::J"OC1C@ <IJ~_~m .-.- c _ OJ .... .!:i! en._ d> - > 't:.... - (ij 0>0 0.... o.c,rn en I;;;;.~'(i) O)c(ij f? c::: Q) (J :::::J Co '" h Q.) :J 0 cn (IJ....::, 0)0:: 0 ~.:!::: ro Cf)"'O ~ c:.- CO Ol..a- '~QJ~~a~~m~:J'S~Q).ES~ Q) J:: .- '-"C C c: :.;:: .... ,u 0 Q.) 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