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Report #:
MOnday, JliIntIary 29, 1996
PD-13--96 FIle #:
File # ]yJ5.
By.J8W #.
>\' -<
It is. ~ recommended that the . General Purpos$ and. Administratlon
Con'imlttee recommend to Council the fOllowing:
TK\T.RepQrt PD-13-96 and PubHc consultation Report # . 91)e rec8jvedfpr
THAT the Recommended Official Plan for the M~ClfClarif'lgton.
p~ on f\lOYember 7, 1995 be approved fOr acI<.1ptil3n~EICt to the
Revi&loQScont2llned In Attachment #1 and the T~ Re\I'lSilIltl$ 8rld ~
contained In Attachment #2;
THAT the rfNision$ contained in Attachment #2 are minor and_ a.MW PuI:JIiC
Meeting to conslder the technicalrtWislon$ not be neoesslllry;
T~Tthe~ by-law to adoptthe.Officia Plan be P.'.liId.thatthe 0ffieiaI.
P\lVl be fQn:'.llI'ded to the Regional Municipality of DurhamfOr~;
~~=:::a1~f~ ~~~~iaN~:-#~::Jd~~
THAT the. . NejghbQurhOod DevelopJnen. .... t Plan.. for COUl'tiOe.We$t, ...th.. e
Nej.ghbOurhood .[)ev(IIoprnent PIan..fOr.CourtIce SOUth and1:he .N$ighbOl..lrhQ,llld
0eveI0pment Plan fOr Courtice North. be repealed;
THATupp" adoption by Council. the Clarington OffIcial Plan be:f.tementedbY
staff as Council's policy on all land use and planning matttlr'S; .,
THATthe'Clerk shall. not later than 15 days after thed~ wtlichtheQlarinQfOn
0ftl0jalP\lVl ~adopted, Qive written notice of its adoPtJonin~~. .
~.. t1'(17) of the Planrnng Act and RefJuIatiC)n042/95. .
The staff ROOOInmended 0ffIciaI.PW1 was rel~<on November 7, 1995. This
of ~.technical work~Qystaffand
~puI)tltconsultatiQn with residents, developers and other ~
tWi!Ilf". tt'lrelt". It also. incorporates directions. given to _by Council on
v.-lous i"'vover recent years, including the clisposltion by CoIJI!ldI onvlM'iOl.l$
subrnlslli..thespecial meetings held on September 14,1Sand25,1995.
On 'December 7, .1995. COlJOci' hek:l the statutory PuI:llicUUtingon the
~QfficiaI Plan. At that time 28 deplJb!,tions were ~.on behalf of
vanCl\.lS ,~ or groups. In addition, a number of aubmi*.",. have been
r~ved on the Recommended OfIlclal Plan. The PubIiCMeetillQ$ and
SubmissionS Mil contained in Public ContulfallOn,..CltC t- lb.
Recommended OItIeIaI Plan. A (lOpy has beEln. forwarded. to m$f'tlbers of
Council .under sepilI'ate cover.
Thlt purpose.of this report is Ia present the staff recommendedOflloialP/an for
oonskfer8Iion and adoption by Council. This report ~ of three main
. Section 2 of this report addt.ues new 's"ralsedby 'I8riOus. parties
subnquent to the release of theRecommend4ld OfIleialPta'l.
. Section 3 of this report addt.8sseagency COITIments<<lQlllt~ up lathe
time of the preparation of this r4lPOf'l
. Section 4 of this report outlines technical revisions proposed by staff
through further review of the. Plan.
2.1 ReI........, 1 to Durhem Plan, Cour1Ice
St.lbmIs8Ion W 266 K/ngsberry Properties
~ f:Qtltt6
R"'l nil #1 tQ 1he Regional Official Plan dld not proceed to . hUl'iftg ..befOr$ ..the
Ontario ~ BoIIrd as a result of a settlement betweEln the ~tQ ..
hearing. BIeet .. the Municipality was not a party to the hearing, 1M MunlclpaIity
w...l'\CI!t a party to the eetIIernent. The settIernent WOUld ~ Ref$rNl
,.".. #1 (south of Pebblestone Road and east of TAllis Road).. part of the
Courtice Ufban Area boundary but the lands would be d8$lgnattld.asaSpecjat
StUdy. ANa.
As a result of thls settlement, the Recommended Ofllclal Plan~to bereviselJ
toincclrpor_the AM.... #1 laAclsintothe COUl1iOliI UrbenAle8....~
Stl,Idy ANa. 1t8hould be noted that stllIIf do not supporttheinClu$loi}of th",
Iand$ in the COUl'ti<:e Urban Area However, the recomm8f'ld.4lld I1!lVIsiotII$
necessary to ensure conformity With the settlement and modiIcationtothe
Durham ~ 0fllclaI Plan.
1. TlUltfhe CoUffice Urban Area~ be revi$ld OI'JaIl.... -_.tIre
,.. ,. designeted $S a SpeciIiIJ Study Ar.. OI'J _ A2 ..$ltflWnQtf.
2. That a new Section 17.6 be added to the OfticiIflPIan as~!8;
'17.6 $peoJa/ Study Area No.6 - Farewell Heights (East)
17.8.1 The Durham RegJoneI OfficifJI PIII1t. ~ -.....kIncJs..
a Special Study ArM. Council has ~..SpecItJ.Study
Area No.5 as lends which are not required for ~
rJtNelopment in Courtice within the timeIrame of this Platt.
I'rior to any t:J$veIopment or conttIdenItiOn of. ~.
for official plarJamendment, plan of $~ ~or.
.,. plan, a ~ p/arIniIJQ study for the F......--.II and
Bleck Creeks shall becomplet8dand apptOlI/Idby ..thct
~IJiQ. P1H~
Min/$tty of Natural Resources, Ministry oftheErMrontnent anci
ErHIIfIY, Conservation Authority, Region ofDfJtham and the
17.6.2 In addition to thetequirements ofthete(JUlatory~for
the broader ~ 8IN, the watersIHId ~..$IUdy
slNlJl address the following specific ISSU88forSptIIOiaI Study.
Area No.5:
a) ItIIJds which cannot be developed;
b) density _ type of dewJopment;
c) alignment and standard of roads;
d) open space corridor and buffer area ~;
e) location of schools, parks, storm water management
facilities and other detailfJd land uses; anci
f) any ~ measures and special duign
considerBlions Including, . if reqlJ/qJfJ, fJlterat1onto
municipal engineering and planning ~.
17.6.3 Upon completion of the watershed studt, aUlte ..neKt 5 yfNJr
review of this Plan, the Municipality wNl reviffW.ifs land area
tequirements and, if appropriattl, consider the inclusion of
these lands for utban uses. DetaiIed/aff4 ~may be
irIcI>>porated byamenciment to this Plan. untItthen;cthe only
permitted uses in Special Study Area No.6 ~ thostIler18IIY
existing uses as of the date of adqption of lJW Plan..
2.2 SpecIal Policy Area G, FareweU HeIghts (West)
Deferral Area' (Referral 39) to the Durham Regional OffIcial Plan
Submission W309 Kerry Meydam
Ms. Kerry Meydam made a deputation to the General PuIpo$e. and Aciminisbation
Committee on January 8, 1996. The contents of her deputation,.. refteQted in
Submission W 309 0 and is brieflysurnmarized as follows:
fj:~m:.tQ. ~1M6
P.ylE 5
. ..~.fundlng for a waterlhedstudy have beeIl ~.by..recent
budgtt cuts and the two d8Yftlopers caMOt contribute thefl.lll ~..ftlr
a ~e study.
. There 18 no requirement for a watershed study in the Oumam ~
Officla Plan Md. therefore, the Municipality's poIiey foraW:QB shed stLldy.
18 In jeopardy.
. Deferral /!Itea 6 has bElElll referred to the OntarIo ~ EkN!rd.. for a
hearing commencing In March. It 1$ premature to ~. theSe fands.
as a "SpecIal Policy Area" with underlying rEl$identillt cIeSigrlatiOn$.1n the
Clarlngton OfficIal Pian. A men. appropriate design;diol'lln boththlJ
C~ Offici8iPtan and the Durham Regionllt Offici8iPlani18 "SpecIal.
Stuqy /!Itea",
. Council sf:louid reconsider its.deeision to puttheQ6lar1d$within the 20
year boundary.
Commlttee 1"'" "that the delegation of Kerry Meydam~~to her
request that the 06 Area be redesignated as a "SpecIaiStwdy Area" be
~ and referred to the 0ffl0iaI Pian ReviEIWmeetiflg$~ for
January 29, 1996.....
StaffprepaA/ld the Recommended OfficIal Pian In light of the direction given by
CounoiI during the eonsideratlon of the submissions on the Draft 0ffici8i .Pi$n..()fl
September .25, 1995. At that time. Council decided to Include Oeklrral Area 6 as
a SpeoiaI Policy Area with underlying Residential and EnvironmemaJ P.rotectlon
ArM designations. Slnc:e that time, Deferral Area 6 was ~edtotheOntario
Munieipal $Qardand is now known as Referral Area #39. ....6
BEPPJl!JQ. fP-1~
Bo1h RlfUiIl At8Il #1 and Referral Area #39 were designated "I..lvk1gArea' by
Durtwam ~Oounoil. As noted in Section 2.1 of this report,:a~on
Referral #1.,.. .reaehed prior to a heerlng. On November 14. l~i'Aeglonaf
Councif ~ a modlfication Which reclesign$ted the Referral Area #1 lands
as a. 'Sp8Cfal Study Area. The modification referenC$S the preparation of a
'J. I ~'8hed study to determine the appropriate land uses.
While theMLlniclpallty would like to ensure that the devtlopeI'$ in Referra\Area#1
andAeferral Area #39 both participate in the watershed study, there Is an
inconsistency in the approach in both the Durham and ClarlngtanOffioial Pl8ns
as a result of the aetttement on Referral #1.
Stat are not aware of any proposals to reach a settlement on Re,..., #39. If the
Ontario MUniciPal Board were to approve the Regional Plan designation. Uving
Area, there may be the potential for the proponents to argue that the
i~ in treatment under the Durham Official Plan is indicative that the
watelshed plan requirement should be applied differently for their kinds. Even the
~of the current owner or owners may change OVer tim, or WOUld not
be binding ona suooessive owner or owners.
Staffs advice to CounclI on this matter would be that the de$ignation of both
areas as Special Study Atea in both the Regional and local Officlat.PIMs provides
the best policy protection to ensure that a watershed study Is undertaken prior to
development. It would be possible. however. to inclicate the Referral #39 lands
as lands withl&'t.~ 20 year timefrarne based on land budget requirements.
Option A
If Council wishes to pUrsue this direction. the following recommendation <>>uld be
adopted: ....7
6JiPQfJttlQ, pp.l~
3. 1MtM"""" Identified as SpeciIIJ Policy AnN!IG be ~.. SpecillJ.
ThlIla,tIfIW Se<<ion 17.7 be added to the ~iaI Plan -.frJ/IIJtNs:
"17.7SpM:iaI Study AnN!I No.6 - Farewell ~ights (We$t)
11.7.1 The Durham RegioIMII ~iBi PIarl designates .....iantJII.
a SPfICiaJ Study Area. . Council has ~Special $IUdy
AnN!I No.6 as .. Nquired for ~ ,~',/r,
Couttice before 2tJ16.
Prior to any development.or consideration of..Jn ~
for official plan amendment, plan of subdiltiBki1q, ~ or
site plan, a watershed planning stUdy for theFareweIIasd
Black Creeks shBiI be cornp/tted and ~ b,ttIe
Mini$try of NatutaI ReJOurces, Ministlyofthe.El'NironIf1entand
Energy, Consewat/Ot1 Authority, Regioo of 'Durir!MfI' and the
17.7.2 In addition to the ~ofthe reguiatol'yagenciesfor
the broader IA'llterShed MIa, theWltt~pMnning.8Wdy
$hall address thel()}low/ng specific issues. torSplIOiBi Study
Area No.6:
a) lands which cannot be developed;
b) density _type of development;
c) alignment end standard of road$;
d) open space corridor and buffer ..r8qui~;
e) location of $Choo/s, paIk$, storm., rnanagemMIt
(acUities and other detailed land IJH$; IIfId
f) any. fTfIt/tJIItJon mMSU19S and spnjal cJe$/grJ
~ including, if Nquired, tlite:Jation to
municipI/IJ .engirleering end pJann/ng ~
17.7.3 Upon comp/etio(l O(the watershedSludy" the ~ity WiIJ
Incotporate dfItIMlediand uses by ~to tIJit Plan.
Until then, the only pennilteduses in SpeciaI$tudyAtMNo.'
MI those legally ~ uses as of the datf!1of~. of
this Plan.' ....B
Thlt ~."",Id 8/so be carried forward in the consideration of Report PO-
144l6regerding~ Am~totheDurham RegillntlllQIII<,'"Plan.
In this ~.1he following recommendation 4 should be added:
"ThC the Flegion of Durham " requested to amend the Durham. RfIfIiontf/
0IIi0iII/ Plan tocl6signate ReIenaJ Area #39.. Special SludyMta."
NO Change
Option C
Any other dlreclion provided by Council.
2.3 AppIIcatlQn Of Waterehed Study to Other COUruce Nelghbol.tl'lloods
$ubmi8siOn W294 W 312 Friends of the Farewell
In various submissions (including the tubmission referred to stliffatthe General
Purp6se and Administration Committee on JaFl\J8l'Y 22. 1996) related to the
Courtice Height. OeveIopments applications in Hancock. _tl~ Md on
the Official Plan, the Friends of the Farewell have raised eoneerns that the
watersnedstwdy should apply to.the otherundeveloped..IandS~ the northerty
part of COLI'lIca Unlike the lands, referred to in Sections 2.1 and 2,2, thesetands
in Glenview and Hancock Neighbourhoods are currently part of the Urban Area.
Although certain lands are not developed, master drainflge p1Ms. ..Ilavebeen
prepared lot the area.
In essen.. theM submissions are requesting that prior to approvatOf any further
development, the comprehensive watershed plan should be~..8<)thatthe
results can be incorporated into these further approvals. The~ tothi$ls that
BePOm HQ, ~Q-1~
itWQUld ....1hatup.to-date environmental standards ar8 used.and,'broacIen
the base Oftundlng partners to enable the study to be uncler't$keA. The~
is that these proponents have made their appIlcationsonthe bailliSOfl)e.$XistIr\g
ma$ter drainage plans. These land have been included in the .Courtice. Urban
Area since the 1976 Durham Regional Official Plan.
If envlrol'".rnental COASiderations are paramount, the~ ~ ~to ,~
with the requeat and require all vacant lands to besubj<<:t. ~th$~C!lf
the FareweIII Black Creek watershed study. However, ~
considerations should be balanced With other considerationsSUClh._~ $l(l
economic hardship. Although the Recommended .OfficialPJan d_not require
the p~on of a watershed study for those vaoant lands wIttlinthe .Courtk':t'. . ..
Urban Nee.. there are some stringent environmental ~tbat gQV8mth$
development of thsU lands. Staff respect the request of the.FrlendsOf tpe
Farewell but are most reluctant to Iilgf'ee with its request
Recom~ Revision
No. Change
2.4 SpecIal Policy Area F, CourUce
Submission V 161 S. Mathar'w for Otto Provenzano
Mr. Prov~ owns a parcel of land on the north side of HighWeyNo. 2, east
of TruIIs Road in Courtlce. He had requested his land be incIuckId in the Main
Central Area. In a meeting, with staff, held on December 18, 1$95, Mr.
PI'c:>veN:ano verbally requested his property be allowed to be used 'for miXed
~ development
PA~{; 10
The Recommended Official Plan designates his property, along with other
properties fJ'ofltlng on Highway No.2, as Special Policy Area F. The policies
(Section 16.8) aQows land to be used for a variety of PI,IfpOS8S including medium
and high density residentlal, recreation, community facilities, institutional uses,
and limited office uses. This policy recognizes the need to intensify land uses
along Highway No. 2 in support of future transit, and represents a major
imprevement to the residential designation in the existing offk:Ia1 plan.
Staff cannot support Mr Provenzano's request as it would set a precedent for
undesirable strip commercial development along Highway 2. Currently, there is
36,021 square metres (387,700 square feet) of unbuilt approved comtTIerclaI floor
space in the CourIlce Urban Area and th$l'e is no justification to add more retail
commercial ftoor space. The approved and unbuilt floor space combined with
developments currently being constructed will more than meet the need of
CourIlce resident8 for the next 10 years. In the long term, there are designated
Central Areas in Courtic8 that will provide sufficient commercial floor space for
Courtice in the next 20 years.
Recommended Revision
No change
2.5 Glenabbey DrIve, South-weat Courtlce
Delegation of Mr. John Stezik at the November 27, 1995 Councif Meeting
Mr. Stezik appeared before Council in November of 1995 requesting G1enabbey
Drive east of Prestonvale Road not be connected to Glenabbey Drive west of
PrestonvaIe Road.
ln1heprepalllpn of the CourticeSouth Neighbourt1ood.~ P\8n,
Glenabbey. ..Dtive Is shown as a coIlec:tor road from ~ ..00000to
Townline Road. As a result, two ~ns of Glenabbey Drive were bwldwith the
intention for connection in accordance to the Neighbouftlood Plan.
"file. .Courtice.~on network has limited capacity due to thlt.. taPk of
COl'lfltIuity. in the . road system. Gfenebbey Drive and other .1'OllIds.... partlouh.ty
erteri8IroadS. are reqUred to provide for anticipated tnafIIcVOlun'llNlln.CouniQe.
Staff believe this east - west connection must be.rnaintaIned.
If the twosec:tions of G1enabbey did not proceed to be conneoted:, one. of the
sections would need to be renamed to avoid confusion, particularly for <<nergeney
vehicles. In addition to the cost Incurred by the MunicIpaIlty,. wry streetn8llle
~ for either section of Glenabbey Drive would likely meet $tiff oppositiOn.
from residents.
Recommended RevIsion
No Change
2.6 Pr..tonYaIe Road
DeIegatiohof Mr. Hugh Neil at the November 27,1995 CounclIMteting
MrNell suggEISted shifting PrestonvaIe Road south of Bloor Street (a . Type C
arterial road)wutMIy In order to minimize through traffic on P~>Road
north of BIdorStreet (See Attac:hrnfK1t (I 3). AlternatiVely. PrtJstonvale Road
should bedo8ed with a cul-de-sac.
PAGe 12
Mr. Neil's suggestion to re-align Prestonvale Road was not substantiated by any
traffic analysis. Although the Municipality could retain a traffic COI1SUItant to
examine the suggestion, this would not be warranted due to the cost and the
following reasons.
The Recommended Plan designates Prestonvale Road south of Bloor Street as
the Type C arterial road. In this location it provides good access to the fUture
Community Pari(, accommodates both future industrial and residential traffic and
was planned as an Integral part of the overall transportation network developed
through various studies In south Courtice over the past few yeat'$. IfPrestonvale
Road were to be realigned westerly, it would put a Type C arterial road In the
middle of a residential neighbourhood in close proximity to schOOls and parks.
Therefore the suggestion cannot be supported from both a land use and traffic
planning perspectives. Furthermore, south-west Courtice and Its transportation
network is an issue currently before the O.M.B. Staff felt that this is best
addressed by the Board.
With respect to the proposal to dead-end Prestonvale Road north of Bloor Street,
this would appear to be consistent with Council's desire to maintain PrestonVlille
Road (north of Bloor Street) as a local road. However, the timing must be further
examined and determined as the need arises in future years to justify the
construction of the cul-de-sac. We suggest that this Issue be best left to future
Councils to determine the need, the timing and the cost .
R890fTlmended Revision
No Change
2.7 Type C Arterial Road, Emily Stowe Ne/ghbourhoocl, Courtlce
Submissions 251 A and B Nick Mensink and Bryce Jordan for Penwest
Development Corporation Ltd. ....13
PenwBltDevelopJilal'lt Corp. object to the alignment of the "'..WlIst, type C
arterMllroact between Pfestonvale Road and Trulls RQad, nOrfhd BloOr. Street
(Street A on.Attachment # 3). This road serves as an east-west alter'l'la'tiv$to
G1ennabbey, Drive and Intersects with Bloor Street In Penfoundt\kIlghbolJrhood,
Ther0e6a1temetive was tabled at the "round-table" meeting otCouncil,tesident8
Md. staff frOm the. Municipality and the Region,
This east ;.. west type C arterial road serves as the sOlAhern limit fQr Emily Stowe
neighbourhood and defines the 20 Y8I1t Iands.for development. .(1. M.s.m.&
AIIsociate$indk:ates that the prefen'ed alignment of this road ShO\.IId be$Outh of
the existing storm water detention pond whiCh would. ~ the 20 V"
~to Include allot their clients. lands.
The Recommended OfIIcial Plan indi~ a generalallgnm.e/'ItfGl'thearteriEll road
north ot1hepond. This location ispr8ferrecl for bothland~and,transportation
planning ~. It is desirable to have the road as farnonn as possibie for
tl'afflcdistributiOn and to 8ll$UI'e thet there are suffiCient landa southdthe roal:l
to be a WlbIe neighbourhood with pert<s and schoolS. Althqhtiwe_o.
S<ml8 engineering reasons which favour an alignment south Clfthe pond, on
baIanoe both Planning. and Public Works staff favQur an a/ignrl'lent which go8ls
north of the storm detention pond.
Recommended: ~
No Change
2;8 Collector. Road. Glenvtew Netgh~, CoUl1lce
SubmItleICn W253 Bryce Jordan behalf for ~1 O~.lnc.
.~ NO, eliH~
SiBB01 0ntarj0 Jnc. obj.as to the desIgr\ation of a cotleotol' roadtletlllSI'l Tl'Ulta
Road and COU'tice Road, north of Nash Road. The designatiOn ofcotleCtotroad
ia oppc!l.d .It wiD lmpac:t his c1\entsproperty, which isa DraftApptOyeOPIan
of SUbdMlIiOn,. well. the Trulla Road Woods, which haVe beIIt)~.
.,lIkOlIlMlltIlDy Mn8itiYity'.
Ttle.Ot8ftl,pproved Plan of subdivlsion.is lce.eel just."- of TNlIS RQad, The
ptOpOAdQ)llector would provide for an extension to CeciIF()UndCrescent The
amendment to Dt8ft Approval, to acoommodate the collector road; .result$ il'fthe.
loss . of ol'Ie lot. In November the Region of Durham, at the .request of the
Municipality, amended conditions ofOraft Approval for _ Plan of SUbdivision
allow a ~ fora future road allowance to accommodate the proposed cotlector
The 18i'lds ... of the. above referenced plan of subdivision contan theTI\IIt$
RQad Woods. This area was subject to previous approvals for. high . density
dEr_'l!'llPR'108rlt, I\OlNever more recent studies of the area hav&~.the h1nds
as being environrnentaII sensltive. In consideration of ~. .'fadorS. the
Recommended 0ftk:laI Plan designates some of the lanc:I$ as ~tiaI at a
reduced density. East. west road connections arerequlred to. accommodate
traffic movements, The collector road facilitates this functiOr'l, providing
connecttons to adjacent neighbourhoodswest of Trulls.Road and east ofCourtictl
bet. The,exact alignment of the road east of the subdivislonwiH bedet$lTnined
in ~ with development applications for those lands.
~1MI'\deQ ~
No Ohange
~P9FE!iQ. ...eQ1~
PA,Gi 1~
2.9 ~~,Courtlc. and Oak Ridges MoraIne
Submission W260 Stan RacanskylFriends ottheF8I'8W'!lIl
Submission V 144 and W 275 SAGA
On NovefJ\ber 27, 1995, Mr. Racansky appeared before Council with reepectto
groundwaterprotec:tion issues. His delegation and written ~ were
referred to steff for review. A related submission.OI'l .gr(IUI'Idwater ~
issues was also received by SAGA. These submissions requested \hat the Official
Plan inOOl'pOf'ate stronger provisions regarding ground water proteetiOl'l, in
particular on the Lake Iroquois ShoreIlne and the Oak Ridges ~
Mr. Racansky's submission req1le&l8d the addition of a new policy .whI<:h. would
reqtlirethe.proponent of new development to be responsible for mWlielpal water
and sewer hookups for 10 years should ground water quality or <Jl,l8I1titybe
affected. Staff note that the implementation of such. policy Ya,)Uldrequirethat
a comprehensive analysis be undertaken to document ground Water'conditions,
exI$tlng wells and ground water consumption pattemswlthin thE! relevant
Sl..lbwatershsd. These are matt8I'8 which would be addrmed~gh j\e
prElparatioA of. a watershed or subwatershed plan prior to draft ~. of a p/an
of subdivf$ion, as required by Section 20.2.3 of the Platl.As$tJQh, Staff
recommend that no revision be made to the Plan's existing polieies.
Mr. Racansky'uubmission requested that specific conditions of draft approval to
address ground water impacts be imposed for plans of subdivision on the Lake
Iroquois ShorelIne. Staff note that Section 4.5.2 of the Plan requires the
preparat!onan Environmental Impact Study for development on the~lroquols
Shoreline which is to examine, among other matters, the cumulaliveimpactof
developrntmt on ground water functions. In addition, Section 4<5.3 indicates that
BEP9RT~. ~1~
alternative storm water management techniques may be required for plans of
subdivision in the Lake Iroquois Beach. Staff recommend that 1his prOllision be
revised to broaden the requirement which may be impOsed on plans of
subdivision to Implement an environmental impact study or watershed study.
SAGA indicated a concern that the Plan did not specifically address the
cumulative impact of development on ground water functions. Staff note that the
requirements of the Environmental Impact Study as set 0l,It in Section 4.3.8
addresa development on the Lake Iroquois Shoreline. Section 14.6.2 also
requires that any application for Offielal Plan Amendment on the Oak Ridges
Moraine be evaltJated for its potential impact on the Moraine's features and
functions. Staff recommend that this section be modified to specifically reference
the Moraine's ground water functions and natural heritage system.
~ Revision
4. ThItt Section 4.5.3 be replaced with the following:
"4.5.3 As a condition of draft approval, pians of subdivision located
within the Lake Iroquois Beach shall contain provisions to
implement the recommendations of any Environmental Impact
Study or WBtershed study to maintain groundwater functions,
including but not limited to, special house and infrastructure
de$ign requirements, storm water management or
constn.Iction techniques.'
5. That Section 14.6.2 be revised by adding the words 'including the natural
heritage, water resources and landform conservation systems. after the
words .ecological integrity of the Moraine'.
2.10 Internal Lan.way - Courtlce Sub-Central Area
SubmissiOn V 152 and W 256 Valiant Property Management
BEPQRI.NO. P,O-1:}96
Mr. Hann made a submission on behalf of Valiant Property ManagemElnt with
respect to the internallaneway requirements of the Secondary Plan. Mr. Hann's
concerns were:
. the intemallaneway with its required width of 8 metres and the provision
of easements to abutting owners was an onerous requirement.
. provision should be made for the laneway to connect to Nash rather than
Townline Road.
WIth respect to the first concern, the requirement for the internal laneway is not
a new policy. This policy was added as part of Amendment #41 to the Official
Plan and AmandmElnt # 10 to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan (See
Attachment #4).
The pwpose of the east-west internal laneway is to allow internal movements
between developments without requiring shoppers to use Highway 2. It creates
a safer condition and improves the flow of traffic through an area which will
become more congested with commercial development. Staff believe that the
provision of this internal laneway continuously onto T ownline Road must be
secured by easements to ensure that no one owner can block traffic through their
At the time that the lands of Valiant Property ManagemElnt were added as part of
the Sub-CentraI /vea, the internallaneway requirement was included. Mr. Hann
concurred with the contents of the above-reference Amendments which was
subsequently approved by Council. Staff reviewed the feasibility of the laneway
within the context of the preliminary site plan submitted by Mr. Hann and are of
the opinion that it's feasible (See Attachment #5).
~.t'Q.. ~13.11S
p~~ "
\Wh.ru~ to_1SS4J8 of lhe width of thelaneway, Planning staff havetevlewed
this matter with PubUe Works staff. Provided that there is a landsCape strip. or
sidewalk abutting the Janeway, staff... prepared to teducethe required width.
Mr.Henn's second ooncem was riJg$'dlng access onto Nash Road. Staffhave
~ this laCCur and have no objection. Thlsaccesswould be primarily
for service vehic:Ies and a rear service lane is proposed for thi$purpose. ~
In S!M1'll1l8fy, IN policy on lntemallaneways was recently approved as. part of an
officlaI planamendrnent with no objection from VaIlant Proper\y~.
There is a oMd for such an inter-conneoted system of laneways withmultipk!l
"'opeI'$ alOng. the c;on1dor. Staff recommend that the ~~f:h8
InteINI ~,be retained but that themlnirnum width be redtlceto 7metr..
In additlorl, it is noted that there was an error on the map which vnti.M.oorret:ted .
so that is more closely reflects the existing nelghbourhoodplan map (See
AppendIx No. 3 to TechniCal Revlsiorls).
6. Revise Section 9.1 of Couftice SUb-CentnJl ArM~Pl8nby~
the number "S" and T!tp/acing it with the number "r.
2.11 SeparateElem8lllary SchOol In Worden Nelghbourhood. CourtIce
Submissions V146 and W 279 Clifford Curtis
Mr. Curtis Objctcl$ to the proposed Separate Elementary School.1Iite in.Worden
neIghDourhood {Tooley Road. north of Nash Road). It is argued that the
m;~'[lfQ. ~tH~
.~. Of II school in this 10C4ti00 will require acquisitioI'.lOf at least 4
1'tISldentUII.~, demolition of8ldeting housing stock.. and the/oQetiOnOf_
schoOl. will impede the orderly extension of muniCipal serv.Ices.~,.it
was sugg rtld that the location of the school was not$UPPOltedbythe~
Sc:h()oI Bberd.
In response to MrCurtis' submission of December 7, 1995, Tt\e.P~
Viotc:lIia NorthumbetIanc: and CIarington Separate SchooIao.oa.dvisectby
oorrespondenoe dated JanuaIY 3, 1996, that although they are aware this site'-
COIltrOtf8I8i8I, they beIkwe the site is required and have. no~altemative.
FurtI1ermoAI. they actdsl:Id that they had considered a location .lr\ ~ .PoIk;y
Ate8.G, but.smc:. that area is not CUI1'ently in the ~utUI\ ..it is not .
a viable alterh8tive.
2.12 >~ .........,vIIIe M8in CentralAfN
~W299 G.R. Easton Mlll'X'latfi Ud. for Schleie$. ~ Ccl..
Easton A8e<>0i&l~1S Ud. made a submlasIon with regard to theSilY!ilr ShetP8l'kirlg
Lot,.W1ds owned bySchleisll Developtrtent Co. Ud. The$e~"epropclll8(J
fordeslgnation for Commercial in. the BowmanvUie East ....... CemI'aI ~
Secondary. Plan.
The submiuiQn notes that the existing 0ffieiaJ P~ alicws "oYeI'aIt 8\fliltflQ6.
ITNllClrnurrt tIooI'$paCe index of 2.50". The existing zoning $IIowSfor 7$ %:slte
ec..........r;ht of 12 metres (approximately 3 storie$).Mr.l!'IF~on
It.... ".WQUld convert to a floor space Index of 2.25. _ ~i*eion.
objects. to the new OfIIcial Plan policies which allow a maximum ilqorspaceirldex
.-.- -. . .-,
for any sio;le .. of 1.50. He notes that this policy would effec:ltively toWer the
development rights for these lands.
The _CentnII Area has been comprehen$ively reviEiwed. .untikIl the.ooSflog
0fficl4II PleIn. whidt contemplated large scale redevelopment s/mll4!Ir. to the Veltri
CQmpIex.: ....recommended OfficialPlan is proposing "JhIiIt ~
within the Downtown be compatible with the scale and m~ng. of existing
bullcilIngs. Staff recommend that no change be made to theprofXl'.fpoli<:i.es,
No Change
2.13 Port ~ Nelghbourhooci. BowtNnviUe
SubmissiOn V 153 Gail Waisglass
Submis8ionW 252 Kevin Tunney on behalf of Royal Bank
Ms. WaisglaSt and Mr. Tunney have indicated objections toprtlvisions in the Port
Oartington. Seconc:lary Plan with respect to the policies on the.. width of .....
WaterfrontGreemvay, being a minimum of 40 metres of deVelopable land beyOn<I
the Regulatory ShorllIine Area. This provision is intended to recogni~.tI"\e
. oneneighbourhood park has.P8endeleted and the landareUdGad to the
Waterlront Greenway
. .....provlaIon of a District Park at the foot of Lambs Road
. thetlability the Municipality assumes with wat!Wfr'ont Iand8whlctl would
require costly erosion contrOl to retain parkland in the area within the
RegI'~ Shoreline. ....21
REPORT NO. PD-13--96 PAGE 21
The purpose of adding that the width would generally be 40 metres was to give
provide some indication of the general extent of the additional lands required. The
precise limits are intended to be determined throughout the review of site specific
development applications. However, staff are prepared to revise the policy by
deleting the specific reference to 40 metres which would allow greater flexibility
for the determination of the limits of the Waterfront Greenway through the review
of plan of subdivision.
7. That the last sentence of Section 8.1 of the Polt DarUngton Secondary Plan
be revised as follows:
'.. The Municipality will seek to secure parkland for an appropriate distance
beyond the Regulatory Shore/ine as determined through the review of
development applications.'
2.14 Highway COftIm.rclal at Baseline and Uberty, Bowmanvllle
Submission 120 608607 Ontario Umited
Durham Capital Management Inc. (John Winter)
The lands owned by 608607 Ontario Umited and various landowners ar~ located
at the south-east corner of Uberty Str. and Baseline Road. In dealing with the
submissions on September 25, 1995. staff recommended and Council approved
the retention of the residential designation for the existing houses on these lands
on the basis that there was insufficient tablelands for Highway Commercial uses.
The majority of the lands are within the floodplain of the Soper Creek.
Since that time, Mr. John Winters, on behalf of the landowners, made
submissions to CLOCA with respect to two alternative schemes for cut and fill
which would increase the tableland area at the southeast corner of Uberty Str.
and Baseline Road while cutting material from lands to the south adjacent to the
aEl:081 ~ rQ::13-S8
fon'ntr$oper.CrlNkwater Pollution CclntroI Plant. ClOCA is prepetedto~l
the proposaIWi'Ji<lh would result in the creation of 10,000 sq. ft.Qttai)lelefl(l. '1'l1is
would al/Qwfor some very limited fQml$Of Highway. ComrnerCIfit. u_sU<::I'l aSa .
rElStaulJl'lt or gas station.
onlhetlUlllOf CLOOA's review, staff.. not opposed to ther~of._
CClI'I'fef' property for Highway. Commercial uses.
Recommended RfY,jsi90
8. TlWMapA3 bel8Vi$ed by Redesignate the "ResidentitiP AtelI-onthf ,..
N8fcomer of Liberty StANt ud BasIIIine Road in<J*t to ~.
C~1Ciaf ud in patt to"EnvironmentaJ Prot.ectJOtr'.lIS sholWI. <RJ
Appentibc 2 to AttacIJmttt7t No.1.
2.15 Pt..uge lnduWIa' at Lambe Road, Sowmarwllle
~. waoo G.R. Easton .Associates Ud. For 64&tOl OntarIo Ltd.
and SchleiSs Development Co. Ltd.
The ~ objects to the Prestige Industrial designatior\ on hisotientslal'lQ,
stating this is ac:leparture from the policies of the existing OfticiatPl8n and Z~
&v-, Which were relied on when the property was purchased. In a(ldition;.the
Prestige. ~ment Area designation is viewed as an en~ to...the
marketing Of the property.
Prestige Employment Area designations aretypicalty located to take Ildvantage
of high trafliccorridor:s such as Highway 401 and roads providing., ~
thereto. UImbI Road Is designated in both the RegiooaI Offichlt~~,. weIJ<as
the ~ Official Plan as providing a future inter~ wltt\HighWay
BeE?Oar NO... .E!I>J~
4()1.1n~. l..aI'nb$ Road is~ to become the~tayto1he future
WIUrfJ"QOtcommunity. south of the railway.
Prestige EmpIoymcmt Area uses require high visibility and easy f.\Q(:ess to high
capacity roads. Prestige Employment Area uses ~y hf,lVe..hiQher design
standar<laproviding an attractive streetscape for passing rnotortsts. 'TtKilse uses
g8flAIlnate much higher volumes of traffic than other types. of inc:MtrW. uses.
The subject lands have been included in the Prestige Emp~. Ar-.
de8ignatiQn because of its location near Highway 401 and the Mure status ot
Lambe Road. FuI1hermore, this property represents a large par.oef;,of land.~
can provide Ol'\e of the few opportunities for larger prestige d4MIlopment in the
MunlcipaIlty wlthowtneed for land assembly.
No Change
2.16 P,etUge InduatrIaI at eouth aide of B....1Ine and 61.... RolKI.<~nvl"
SubmIsIlona. V139 and W295 John BoIahood for GinaeI Hok:IIng$Ud.
GinaeI HoIdirIga Inc. own approximately 24 ha (60 acres) of lands on the south
side of Baseline Road. The lands are largely designated Industrial Area in the
existingOffioial Plan. The balance are located outside of thewrrent (19~) urbIIn
boundary. The reoommended Official Plan proposes to designatetheentlre.1ar'1Q$
asPJe&tlge Employment Area.
GIn_Holdings Inc. requests that the ~ abutting Baseline Roaid (lit a ckJpth.
of approximately 300 feet) be redesignated as Highway COI1Vller<llal Area. The
REppRTtQ, ~l~
..P,Ap~ ~4
baIlIfar thla.......st is that there.is a better market opportUIliI.y faroommerclal
It/ is staff's opinlon that sufficient lands have been designated for verious //
~ pur'pOSes within the timeframe of the Official Plan. . The site is vtJry
prominent wiV1exposure to both Highway 401 and access fl'OmBaeline Road.
It is ideally sitl~ for prestige employment uses. The .~.forPrestip
Employment.,.,... allow for commeroiaI uses which are limited. in scaie. end
provideSllFVices for employees. This would include banks. r~"'ant$..athletie
clubs and .othw U$f:lS. In addition, motels are permitted by site$p8clfic toning.
~~ 8tMsion
No Change
2.17 Deferral ArM NO. 5 In Durham Plan, NewcaaUe Vflfage .
Submissiei18 V 160 8I'Id W306 John Genest On behalf of~family arid... .
Amberglen Developments
In its approval of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Mirlistfy of MunIcipal
AffalI\S deferred the designation of lands in the north portion of N.-castle Vi".
(OeferraI No.5). The deferral was based on two coocems:
. Q maintaining the Minimum SeparatIon Distance from the Uv/Ag Area and a
large hog farm operation to the north;
II) ju8IIfic8tlOn for inclusion of these lands within the NewcastleVHlaoe urban
The MinlstJy.issatisfied with the inclusion of these lands in the DuIt'Iam. ~a1
0fficlaI Plan on the basis of the land budget and proposed densitie& in the
recoR'lmended CJatington Official Plan. ....25
BEP9AI NQ. PQ-1s.9$
In onterto ~ the remaining concern of the Ministry of AgriCl;llttJr&.FOOd and
Aurat NfaQ, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs proposed theinCkJSionof .,...
policy in the.Clarington Official Plan. Staff are prepared to rllCCllJlmelld the.
rec:ogI'IitiI:) of the North Newcastle ViMage Aiea as a Special PoHey Area in order'
to reeoIve1hismalter.
R~ Rtyl.wn
9. -Add a.1l(IW Special Policy AreaH on Map A4 .. $hownooAtts.chment#1
and a new Section 16.10 as below:
. "1410 SptlCiaI Policy Area H - North Newcastle Vii.
1'.10. 1
Special Policy Area H are lands within ht ,..,./imit of tIKt
Newcastle VHIage UrbanAree which have".,,(J~as
Future Urban Residential Area. There is a linfltation on f/OIJo
8(/IicultJJraI usea within the area influenced by.thfJ hog ,..".
operation In Lot 27, Concession 3. to"."",TOWJfShlp of CIBmJ,
The area of lnIluence shall bedeflt'red by. thfJ. Minimum
Distance Separtlllon Formulae. Until suolt _ as the hog .
farm operation or SlmHlU agricultural use cUU.,theareaot,<
influence shall remain deslgnatBd FIJIUrtJ.1Jrt;1en Residentla# .
Area. .
2.18 Port of Newc..1IeD4Hl8lU.., Ne~nr'" Village
Submission V 154 Bill Daniell for the Kaitlin Group
Submission W 313 Esther Allin
Mr. DaniCII.verbaI submission requested that Counc.lI increase thecMtnslty of
proposed develoPfTMlOt for the Port of Newcastle Neighbourhood to a gf'O$S
density to permit approximately 1,075 Units as opposecHo the staff recommen~
density of 6 units per acre yielding a maximum of 875 units.
The _mission of Mrs. Allin is that Increasing the density is Inappropriate and,
in .fect,.. it Should be reduced to be more compatible. with the ~ _
hi8torioaI slgrIJ1lcaf'Ice of the area. She noted the burden of provIdingteMcies
and improving roads for this area.
The 8ld.,.rtg OffIcial Plan i~eates a planned population of 1.100 per$Oll$ for ttw.
PortN_~.. Staff have recognized ~ this population a11oCttion i$too.1OW
and, Ill..... recommend a population target of 2,300 ..pet'SOI'I$. The Kal!fiA
(formedy Bramalea) proposal is for 3,100 persons.
It it. noted.1hat staff Recommended Official Plan uses a lower density than the the
Draft .0Ii0iaI Plan. This is to due to more acourate assessment of the 1_ area
&Ad to COI1'\p/y. with the requirements of the Oul'hamRegional 0fIi0iaI Planot
17,500 persons. It 8Iso enables thelncorporation of both the entire Foster
NeIg~ (west) and a portion of the North ~Neighbourhood.
Council'spDsltion on the Regional OffKlial Plan was 1hat NewcastleVilktge.shoI:.dd
dlMllop at a .Iower density than Courtice or BowmarMHeand. therefore
~.. grQSS denSity of 5 units per acre. However. staff.recommeoded
. .. . . .. - ',- - - '-.,
that the U 1 . 'h.Ht.,.. should be allowed to develOp at a h1Mden8ity thart
otMr parts of Newcastle V1Uage and therefore recommenduq6Uf\itll per acre
for the Port otNewcastle Neighbourbood. The request fromKaillil't Group WOlJId
raise thisderlsltytO a units per acre, whlcil. staff find difficult to suPportDt justify.
No 0Mnge
2..18 WIlmot. er.. RetIrement Community
SUbmissIons V 158 and W2.74 OavidRlce on behalf of Ridge Pine Part< Inc.
Mr. Alee's submission identified fOur points which affected th&>WIlmot Creek
Retirement Community (WCRe) project ..;.26
pAGE 27
a} 1ype.of ."8idential units
RIdQltI:li9ll P8lt< Inc. propO$eS a \Wiety of hOUSIng units_~ 6 of the
pnljed..induding single detached, seml-detactJed and towrmtwse units.
Staffdkfnot support the expansion of WCRC at higher ckln8ities/InPubIlc
~ Report #7. On September 25, 1995, Council resolved to
increaM the density to allow tor. "960 single detached residential units",
Ridge Pifle. Park has subsequently met with .lItaff.llI'Idr~1t1et ttle
,efet'ence to "detached" resldentlal units be d~. This would allow for
any.fI:ll:rn of tesiclential units, including townhouSes, apart/'l'HInt8 ornursil)g
home UAits. Given Council's decision to inorease the den&ity forwcac.
staff do not object to providing tor .8 variety of hc)usjng forme provided they
dooot exceed 960 units.
b) ~ of lands north of Retifement Community
Mr. ....Aice noted thIt. the Oftlcial Plan appears to incllcatethllt:thel8t\d$to
the.nGrth of WCRC are designated Prime Agriculture Anta. Th$se I8t\d$
.... within the urban boundeIy andpredominantlyincludt.thofMt landS
within the Ontario Hydro conidor. For the purpos8liof ~~, staff
concur that these lands sI'louId be designatfKI GreltnSpace. This is
consiStent with the.designation of hydro tranemlssiol'l conidorsln Urban
Mr.Rice also indicated that erosion problems along ttleb", were req\!lirirlg
him to relocate four holes of theWCRC golf course to lands whiCh he
ProPosed to licence from Ontario Hydro. The policies oftheP/enpEll'mlt
the use of Hydro corridors tor recreational purposes. HQwevet. for ttIe
purpose of clarity and to rec:ognlze the potential tor other u..- such as the
maintenance shop, staff are recommending a new poIk:ly 1a4.4~
Rl;PORT~. PQ-l~ PAGl; ~
10. In s.ction 16.4.1, revise the second sentence by defflting the wottis
"detached' tmd by adding the words "including a ret/rfHnent tmdlor nursing
home" after the words "reskJentitJJ units".
11. Add a new Section 16.4.4 as follows:
"16.4.4 Notwithstanding Section 14.5.1, the area cteai(Jnated Green
Space within the Urban Boundary north of WHmot Creek
Retirement Community may be lnI<<J for rectNliotNlJpurposes
tmd other acceSSOl)' uses to theresidentieJ community."
12. Redesignate the /tmds south of eN Railway, being pt8dominant/y the
Ontario Hydro transmission corridor, as Green Space, as shown on
Appendix #4 to Attachment # 1.
2.20 Aggregete PolIcies
Submission V 160 and W 306 James Parkin on behalf of Aggregate Proc:Iuctn
Association of Ontario
Aggregate Producers' Association of Ontario (APAO) identified four (4) new issues
which would affect the sections containing policies on Aggregate Resources,
Natural Environment and Resource Management, and the Open Space System.
a) Reference the importance of aggregate resources in the General Policies
(4.4) and the Specific Policies (14.6)
The objectives of the Plan recognize geological resources in the Oak
Ridges Mcnlne. The APAO requested that further reference to the
aggregate resources located within the Oak Ridges Moraine be
inoorporaIed into the policies for the Oak Ridges Moraine in Section 4.4.
and 14.6. ....29
Staftnaveno ~on to further recognition of. aggregate~inlhe
strategic policy sections for the Oak Ridges Moraine. In this regard,. it is
recommended that Section 4.4.1 be revised to recognize $ignlficant
ge010gicai resources in the Oak Ridges Morain& and that s.ctlOn 4.4.3 be
revised to cross-reference Section 15.
The APNJ also suggested that a new policy be addedlO,SEIC;Iion 14;6
identifying that the Oak Ridges Moraine provides an e.. ..1tIaI.~of
sand and gravel to the Greater Toronto Area, and that 1\fJW...agg<<tgate
extraction operations will proceed by amendment in a(lCOI'dat1ce with
Section 15 of the Plan. They believe that this. will ~., further
cl8rification that aggregate 8ldraCtion is permitted within the Oak .RidgfM
Moraine provided an ameodment application is made. staff ~the
8ldSUng policies are suflicieflt and no change should be made.
b) Cfarlfication as to when a tree preservation study Is r~.
The APAO note that an Envitonmentallmpact StuQy shall ~.the
slgRlficance of a woodlot. They nete that Section.4.7.4OflheP4$'treqwlres
the,,.-eparatlon of a tree pluervation plan r&garc:lles$ of. WOOdlOt's
signlfic8nce. The APAO propoee that Section 4.7.4 refll....$IIcliQn4.~.8
basjngthe need for the submistion of a tree preservatlQn_uponthe
rilStJltS of the Environmental Impact Study. Staff havedarifieEl.the policy
to deal with this concern.
c) A polley requiring aggregate operations to be appropriat$ly.ZQned.
The APNJ request that a policy be included which expIlCitIyl~lIl1lSthat
1i<*l8ed aggregate extractions areas and their ongoing operat/or:is be
RE.:PORT NO. PD-13-96
zOlled as a permitted use in our Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Staff
believe that this is unnecessary. The Implementation Section of the Official
Plan states that the Official Plan is to be implemented by the zoning by-
d) Regulation of matters covered under the Aggregate Resources Act.
The APAO state that it may be misleading to regulate matters which are
already regulated under the Aggregate Resources Act. They question
whether the Municipality can regulate accessory uses according to
Municipal standards as Section 15.3.2 of the Plan states. They are also
concerned with our requirement for the submission of studies.and reports
which may have already been conducted for the Ministry of Natural
Resources. They want to avoid duplication.
While the Municipality should not require unnecessary duplication, the
Municipality is the primary agency responsible for land use regulation. Staff
believe the policies appropriately address Municipal concerns and allow for
comment on the application for extraction licences.
Recommended Revisions
13. That Section 4.4.1 be revised by adding the words "its significant geQ/ogical
resources" after the words "ground water discharge and recharge,".
14. ThBt Section 4.4.3 be revised by replacing the words 'Section 14" with the
words "Sections 12, 14 and 15."
15. ThBt Section 4.7.4 be revised by replacing the second sentence with the
....31 .
Re:PO~1... eAGU1
"PtiOTfO.... .tIPPTfJV8J of tJI1y ~ment PfOpo$ffJ _~the
~.".PM or all of a woodlot, the $ignlllt:1I/ICfI of the.~shall be
allllull.Jn eccordance with Seotion 4.3.8 of this Plan,. ~il~,
a .woodItIt ~ plan shtJII be Pf8pt118d IIIrd ~ to.M
".'.otlon of the municipality IIIId other review agenciea."
2.1' DufferlnAtlF.~ Pit ExpanaIon
~., W311 Sarah Lowe for Dufferin Aggntgates
DufhN'In Aggregates/St, Lawrence Cement own lands located. In part. Of Lot 27,
Cortcession 10, former Township of Clarke. A rezoning appli<:ationand aOWham
Region 0ffIcjaI Plan Amendment application proposing to expamttl'lelr aggregate
opeI1ltioA Into a 10 acre parcel of land located at the SOUth_~ofl.ot 27
~reQ'ntIy ~ submitted.
Their.lLIbn'lis$lOnrequests that the 0fIIeia/ Plan recogflize .the$e. appUcat\on$ and
designate thek'. entire land holdings. In Lot 27 ConcEl$Sion 10. "AggreQflte
Extraction Area",
These~ applications required site-$J)8CjfiCdetailed,r~andapublic
~ en .. proposal. It is premature to dealwithttlis ~at ttlls time.
An apprcIptiate ~tion or, if necessary, offlcialplan~t,can be
~ at the time a decision ls.rendered on the other. applioatiQns.
RecornrnendeQ R~
No Change
Municipatltafl' cir<:Ulated the staff RecornrnendeQ Official Plan onNovernber 7,
1995 to enable agencies to provide eatIy comment to the Re.gio<<tof Dw'IJam for
~ in the approval proc.... SeveraJ agencieshaver~altOwing
staff to n:UIke recx>mmendatlon (In changes prior to acIOpt/Ptl. The ag~
comt"lMlntlettels... Attachments Nos. 6 to 9. These matters.. 19I.ie\.ad beloW:
3.1 County of VIctoria
The County of YietorIa Indicated concema with respect to thefallur.to desigI'llM
theHlghway 407 corridor across CIarIngton to H'lghway 3511)$. Staff...
impIementirlg Council's direction In the new 0fIiciaI Plan With~ to the
aHgnrnentof Highway 407.
3.2 CNRaliway
CN RalIway requested a number of ch8l'lges, inciuding severaiminor WOI'dinQ
charlges. Staff concur with the proposed changes identified .88 ..tterns .1 to "In
theil' letter dated December 12, 1995.
In addition, CN requested that the railway right-of-way be ~. 88
Transportation Corridor or Industrial. ThIs level of detail is not appropriate In the
0fllclaI Plan but could be considered in the Zoning 6yIaw.
R{;PORT NO. pp-13-96
Lastly, CN requested that the policies regarding railways in the Official Plan also
be included in the Secondary Plan. This is unduly repetitious. The polices of the
Secondary Plans indicate that they should be read in conjunction with the Official
Plan and that the Official Plan policies apply unless otherwise specified.
Recommended Revision
16. Revise Section 19.11.1 (b) by adding the word 'impact' BIter the word
17. Delete and replace Section 19.11.2 with the following policy:
'19.11.2 The followings studies are required for development near a
railway corridor:
a) a noise study shall be undertaken for any residential or
other noise sensitive development proposed within 300
metres of a railway corridor; and
b) a vibration study shall be undertaken for any
development within 75 metres of a railway corridor. '
18. Add a new policy Section 19.11.3 as follows:
'19.11.3 All proposed development adjacent to railway corridors shall
ensure that appropriate safety measures such as setbacks,
berms and security fencing are provided, to the satisfaction
of the Municipality in consultation with the appropriate rail
authority. .
3.3 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Attachment #8
The Ministry noted that if found the Official Plan to be a progressive document
and generally consistent with provincial policies. It requested a number of minor
wording changes to policies, including the definition of Affordable Housing,
6EPORI NO. PD-1~ PAyE ~4
Garden Suite and Group Home. The Ministry suggested revislol'ls to recognize
the Claringtonis part of a larger housing market area They were concerned that
affordable hou$ing policies did not meet provincial policies which strive to achieve
to provide for one half of "affordable housing" to address the needs of low income
households. They also noted concerns that the 10 year residential land supply
target was qualified by the financial capability of the Municipality to provide
services. Staff's recommended revisions address most, but not all, of the
Ministry's concerns.
The Ministry's comments also indicated that the apartments-in-houses provisions
will be changing and the Municipality may wish to review this policy. In this
regard, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has indicated that changes
to the Planning Act will restore the ability for Municipalities to regulate second
units in houses and not be subject to the override provisions of Section 16 (2) of
the current Planning Act.
While staff are supportive in principle of apartments-in-houses, we have not been
in agreement with all of the provisions under the existing legislation.n light of this
pending change, staff will bring forward revisions to the Plan which would:
. indicate that the second units are accessory to the main use;
. not permit apartment-in-houses in townhouses; and
. reference the need to register houses with two units.
Recommepded Revisions
19. That Section 6.1.1 be revised by adding the words "current and future"
before the word "residents".
20. That Section 6.3.6 be revised by adding the following sentence to the end
of the fi1st sentence:
.Where feasible, housing opportunities which are affordable to low
income households wHI be provided." ....35
p~e 35
21. TMt the existing Section 6.3.7 be deleted and replaced with the following:
"6.3.7 One apartment-in-house is permitted in any detached or semi-
detached house in urban residential areas subject to the
a) one parking space per apartment
b) structu18l suitability of building to accommodate
alterations for an additional unit; and
c) compliance with building and fire regulations and other
municipal regulations, including registration."
22. TMt Section 6.3.11 be revised by replacing the words "In Submitting a
rezoning application" with the words " In applying for a temporaIy use by-
23. TMt the definition of 'Affordable Housing" in Section 24.12 be. revised by
replacing the word 'Municipality" with the words "housing market area".
24. That the definition of "Garden Suite' be revised by replacing the words 'of
family members' with the words ' of an elderly, sick or disabled person".
25. That the definition of 'Group Home be revised by deleting the words 'as a
single housekeeping unit '.
3.4 Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair.
Attachment :# 9
The Ministry requested a number of minor wording changes and the addition of
new definitions. These include definitions for High Capability Agricultural Lands,
REP9F!tBO, ~:t_FAGe.
FIIt'I'n Produ(:eO!Jl:klt. and Seasonal FarmProduc:eStands. AsweJl;, tt\ef4lferencle
tQ~ qode of Practice should be replaced by a ref.encleto.MlrlimUm
~ _r'atWn.FormuIae. The MinIstry also reoommendedtheack:tltion of
a new polIor lo.acldrts. the size of new lots created for.agricuJturliIl purpO$ft
Staff concur wltll these requested changes.
TheJtllnistly suggested that the 0fIicIaI Plan permit home Indl.Mdry I.I1es asa
~ agricultural use. Such UI8$ would be small scaI.and~entaltothe
farmepEll'atiQn Induding such uses as weIdlng. small engineerr..,. ~. cottage..
scale food processing (honey, cider,eto) , It is felt thai: these smaller scale uses
would. not. detract from the principIfJ. agricultural use of the property.8Ad assiat
with farm incomes. Staff agree with the requested chaI1~, and are
t~ the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the ~ and
GteElI't Space potlcies, as well as a definition for home industry.
ReCQ1nm8r)ded Revisions
26. That the following new seotiOns be added and the ~ ..~
IfHtIJmbered accordingly:
"6.2.5 Tominimize conflicts between land~toclut:Jingbut
not limited to conflicts between ~ and ".,..
agriculturBl uses. "
"6.3. 12
New Jand uses. including the cf'fllltioltd lots, and new
or expanding Hvestock facilities. shallc:omply with the
Minimum ~e Separation Formulae."
27. That the phrase "Agricultural Code 9f Practice" in Section$ .12.4.6 I). 12.5.2
b).12.f.3 c), 13.3.3 d), 13.3.4 c), and 13.3.10 c) be ~. with the
phrase. "Minimum Distance Separation Formulae".
28. Tht1tt Section 13.3.2 be rnodifiWIby adding the following afttH'the ,,_
"HonJe..based occupations and limited home il'Jt:/uetry uses 8I1J
peIlfJl'tM d..... .31
f2AGE 37
29. Th8l the second sentence of Section 13.3.3 be modified by deltJting the
wonts "non-ffUm uses such u" and by adding the words "home-based
ocoupations, limited home industry uses," after the words "farm-related
industrialloommeroiaJ uses in accordance with Section 13.3.6,".
30. That Section 13.3.4 be modified by as follows:
i) in subsection a), by deleting the words "on lower capability soils",
and inserting thereto the words "in the Green Space or Waterfront
Greenway designations";
ii) in subsection b), by replaoing the words "C/us 1 to 4 soils u
defined by the Canada Land Inventory of Soil capability for
Agriculture", and inserting thereto the words "high oapability
agricultural lands".
31. Th8l the following new sections be added:
"13.3.11 New land uses, including the oreation of lots, and new
or expanding livestock facUities, shall comply with the
Minimum Distance Separation Formulae."
New agriculturallats will be permitted only where the
severed and retained lots are intended for agricultural
use, are sufficiently large to maintain flexibility forfuture
changes in type or size of agricultural operation and
are a minimum of 40 heotares in size. "
New land uses, including the creation of Iots,and new
or expanding livestock facl7ities, shall comply with the
Minimum Distance Separation Formulae."
32. That Section 13.3.7 be modified by deleting the words "or as recommended
by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs".
33. Thtlltthe HCOnd sentence ofSeotion14.5. 1 be deleted tmd".platJ$dwJth
the following new sentence:
"Agricultuie, farm-r&Iated uses t/ome-bas{KI 04cupllt/on$end limitfJd
/tome industty uses am. also permitted. ·
34. TltIIt in Section 24.12, the definition of Home-balled OccupfItion .'-.revisf!Jd
by adding the words "or fa""..tdtfIr the words "Use of a residfJntiBl'.
36. ThfIt the following definitions be added to Section 24.12:
Farm Produce OUtlets - means a building in which fannproduoe,
exc/u$ive of meat or poultty, is offered for sale, and.nn.y inolude the
limlted sale of farm produce. which has been re{J/'QCll$sed,.
HIgtt c.pablllty AfII'lcullurel UncI. - Lands.. .,..~
Class 1 to 3 according to the Canada Land lnventoty/br~.
Home Indu.uy - A small scale industtiaJ use sllCh 8$ftJmlture
rutoration, small engine repair, welding, craflS,orpr&ducing value-
adt:I<<I agricultural products such as cidflr, honey Or wine, whiCh is
8CC88SOIy1o a single detached dwelling. It shall not include .0IJtsJci&
storage of materials or the stonJge of cOmmercial motOr vehicles. A
home industry may be conducted in whole or in part in an acces$ol}'
or farm building.
MInImum DI*nce Separation Formulae. . means formulae
developed by the Province to separate land uses so as to reduce
Incompatibility concerns about odour from livest04k facilities.
REflOAT NO. f'O-13-ge
PAG(: 89
4.1 A IlIJl'llbtr of <<Msions are proposed to clarify poIieles In the Recommended
0ffiqIaI Plan. These revisions dO not alter the intent of the pofk:ie$. .They. are
oulined tn Attachment #2 and referred to as Technical Revisions. Other revisions
invc)lve some errata that have corne to light through the further revi4Jwand use of
the.AeoommendecI OffiCIal Plan.
4.2 SIrIce the re/slUe of the Official Plan, there have bean a number of..pendlng
changes announced by the provincial government. Staff win monitor theSe
pending changes and will recommend to Council to QOnsider anymodifk:ationto
the Official Plan where necessary.
5.1 Upon adoption of the new Official Plan by by-law (AtIachment No. 10), inclu.g
any.. changes that Council may direct, staff will publish the Counci\.adopted
version of the Official Plan. The adopted Official Plan and au StlPportlng
documEll'ltation will be forwarded to the Region fOr approval.
5.2 The Region's ,..new of the Plan will likely take 6 to 12 months. Munfcipal staff..e
hopeful thai the review period wiN be- shOrter due to the cirlilUlation of the staff
recommended Official Plan in November'1995, effectively advanoing the ~
process by 3 months.
TheRegiof'l's review lncIudes circulation to agencies for comment, consideration
of modifications through a post-circulatlon letter, and written notice to all parties
of their intent to approve, modify or refuse the Official Plan. The latter notice
provides the fineI date fOr any party to request referral of portions of the 0fflciaI
REf,'ORTNQ.eo-1~ PAGE~
5.3 Upon COlJI'lCliI'a edOptIon of the C1arington 0fII0IaI Plan, it will represent C<Rlncil's
polICies.~ growth and development. Staff ia rElCOl'l'll1t8l' thaf~
.spedflCaIly..8uthorlze staff to apply SUCh policies to all land ......an(t_nIfl9
5.4 It ls staffs Intention to deal with outstanding official plan ~and related
d8\lelopment applications shortly after Council's adoption of then..w~P1l11"l.
5.5 During the_1hat the R43glon is nwiewlng the MunidpaJity's IllIIWQMclatPktlR.
~mav be th4il need to initiate SOftMl fYIOdIflOatlonsto ack:tnts$>SUChI$Sue8"
the decisions from refel'rals to the Regional Official Plan or consIderatIc:>r of.
~~plicallons. These modifications will be brought forward fot':C<luocit'a
oonaideratfon prior to the Region's approval.
5.6 As the publicconsuttatlon of the 0fftciaJ Plan Review proceas.now.dtaws tOa
oondualon after a four year exercise, any further comments, objeqtlQl)sorreq~
for chMges. to the Clarington 0fII0IaI Plan should be dtrectedw.1he .Regionof
Outhatnasthe approvaJ authority for the Clarington Official Plan.
Aespecttulty~, Reviewed by,
Franklin WO, M.P.J.P., R.P.P., .
Director of Pfanning
and Development
Attachment 1.
Attaehment 2.
Attachment 4.
AttaChment 5.
Attachment 6.
Attachment 7.
Attachment 8.
Attachment 9.
Attachment 10.
January 24, 1991
W. H. Stockw I .... .............
Chief Administl'llne
Revisions in Response to Submissions and Agency COfl'lI1'lIiM'1t
Technical Revisions
South Courtice Transportation
Amendment :# 10 to Courtice West NeighbourhoodPlan
Preliminary Site Plan . Valiant Property Management
ComA'Ients from County of Victoria
COmments from CN Rail
Comments from Ministry of Housing
Comments from Ministry of Agric:ulture, Food and Rural ~
NJoption By-law
Attachment #1 to Report PD-13-96
1. That the Courtice lJrba'l Alea boundary be revised on all Maps and that the /arI(fS
be designeted as a Special Study ArMon Map A2. as shown on Appendix 1.
2. That a new Section 17.6 be addecIto the Offlcial Plan as follows:
"17.6 Special Stucly Area No.5 - Farewell Heights (East)
17.6.1 The Durtlam Regional Official Plan designates these..Jands .as.a
Special Study Area. Council has r8CClQl'liz8d. Special Study Area.
No.5 as lands which are not required for residentIlIl.dElvelqpmentin
Courtice within the ~ of this Plan.
Prior to any development or consideration of. fItl apprtcation for
official plan amendment, plan of subdivision, rezoning or site plan,
a watershed planning study tor the Farewell and ~ Creeks shall
be completed and approved by the
MInistry of Natural Resources, Ministry of the EnY\ronrnent and
Energy, Conservation Authority, Region ofOUrharn and the
17.6.2 In addition to the requirements of the regulatory egeneiestor.tt'Ie
broader watershed area, the watershed planning study shall address
the foUowing specific Issues for Special Study ~No. 5:
a) lands which cannot be developed;
b) density and type of development;
c) alignment and starlCklrd of roads;
d) open space corridor and buffer ar. requirements;
e) location of schools, parks, storm water management facilities
and other detailed land uses; and
f) any mitigation measures and special design. COI')Si<.t$ratiOnS
including, if required, alteration to municipal engineEllingand
planning standards.
17.6.3 Upon completion of the watershed study, at the ~$ V.review
of.thi8 Plan, the Municipality win review its land area.reqUltemerltS
aad, if appropriate, C<lflSider the incIU$ion ofthese,-<fQr urban
uses. DetaiJed land use may be irlCOl'pOl'8ted by ~tothis
Plan. Untit then, the only permitted uses in $p9oiW. Study~ea No.5
are those legally existing uses as of the date of~ of this
Plan." .
3. Council to provide direction WIth reapect to eltherQptlon.A, 801'~('" Page
6 of .RePOrt.
4. That SectiOl'1 4.5.3 be replaced with the following:
'4.5.3 A$ a condition of draft approval, plans of subdivi$ionlocated withirI
the Lake Iroquois Beach shall contain provisions toimpl<<nent the
recommendations of any EnvironmentaIlmpac:t Study. or watershed
study to maintain ground water functions, including butnotlimitEld
to, special house and infrastructure deeignrequitflments, storm
water management or construction techniques."
5. That Section 14.6.2 be revised by adding the words "including the natural
heritage, water resources and landform conservatiqn systems" after the word$
"eCQIoglcaI integrity of the Moraine".
6. ReviSe Section 9.1 of Courtice Sub-C.-.tr$I Area Secondary Plan by deIElting the.
number "8"and replacing it with the number ..,..
7. That the.tast sentence of Section 8.1 of the Port Darlington ~Plan be
revised_ follows:
'.. The Municipality will $eek to secure parkland for an app~
distance beyond the Regulatory Shoreline as cJet~ through the
review of development applications.'
8. That Map N3ber$'ised by Redesignate the 'Residential Area" OI'Jthe SOl.Ith..-st
corner of Uberty Street and6aseline Road in part to "Highway Cot1l~a1"and
in part to -Environmental Protection'as shown on AppendIx 2. ....3
9. Add a new Special Policy Area H on Map A4 as shown on Appendix #3 and a
new Section 16.10 as below:
"16.10 Special Policy Area H - North Newcastle Village
Special Policy Area H are lands within the north limit of the
Newcastle Village Urban Area which have been designated as
Future Urban Residential Area. There is a limitation on non-
agricultural uses within the area influenced by the hog farm
operation in Lot 27, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke. The
area of influence shall be defined by the Minimum Distance
Separation Formulae. Until such time as the hog farm operation or
similar agricultural use ceases, the area of influence shall remain
designated Future Urban Residential Area."
10. In SectIon 16.4.1, revise the second sentence by deleting the words "detached"
and by adding the words "including a retirement and/Or nursing home" after the
words "residential units".
11. Add a new Section 16.4.4 as follows:
"16.4.4 Notwithstanding SectIon 14.5.1, the area designated Green
Space within the Urban Boundary north of Wilmot Creek
Retirement Community may be used for recreational
purposes and other accessory uses to the residential
community. "
12. Redesignate the lands south of CN Railway, being predominantly the Ontario
Hydro transmission corridor, as Green Space, as shown on Appendix #4.
13. That Section 4.4.1 be revised by adding the words "its significant geological
resources" after the words "ground water discharge and recharge,".
14. That Section 4.4.3 be revised by replacing the words "Section 14" with the words
"Sections 12, 14 and 15." ....4
15. That Section 4.1.4 b. revised by replacing the second sern.nce' with the
foIloWlng: .
"Prior to the approval of any development pl'QpOS8l1hat lneIudes.th......-novalof
part or all of a woodlot, the significance of the woodlot shall. beaOll.sed II'l
llCCOl'danQe with SectIon 4.3.8 of this Plan, and if appropriate,a woodlot
preservatIOn plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Slltisfactlon of the
municipality and other review agencies."
16. Revise Section 19.11.1 (b) by adding the word "impact" after the .word "safetY".
17. Delete and replace Section 19.1't.2 with the following poliCy:
"19.11.2 The followings studies are required for development near a railway
a) a noise study shall be undertaken for any r~. or other
noise sensitive development proposed within300.metresOf
a railway corridor; and
b) a vibration study shall be undertaken for any ~
within 75 rnetr_ ofa railway corridor."
18. Add a new policy Section 19.11.3 as follows:
"19.11.3 All proposed development adjacent to railway c:onidOfS shall ensure
1hatappropriate safety. measures .such as _~,. bermll and
security fencing are provided, to the Satisfaction of the Municlp~
II'l consultation with the appropriate rail authority."
19. That Sec:tIon6.1.1 be revised by adding the words "CUIT8Ilt and futUre" before the
word "residentS".
20. That Section 8.3.8 be revised by adding the following sentence to the end of the
first sentence:
"Where feasible, housing opportunities which are affordable to loW income
households will be provided."
21. That the .~Seclion 6.3.7 be deleted and replaced with.the fQIlQwing:
~,7 .Of'le spartment-in-hou8e is permitted In any d~or semi-
c:hIt8ched house In urban residential areas subjectto1he toIlOWIng:
one parking apace per apartment
structural suitabilitY of blJitdlng to aocommodale..8Jterations
for an additional unit; and
~ with building and fire ~I~and. either
municipal regu/8tk,)ns. including regl$tration."
22, That SecIJcn IU.11 be revised by r~ the WOI'(S "In submitting a rezoning
application" with the words" In applying for a temporaty use by-Jaw"
23. That the deftnition of "Affordable Houting" in SeCtion 24.12 be l'lIWiaedby
rep/acing the word "Municipality" wlth the words "housing market area" .
24. That th4t'de(inltion of "Garden Suite" be revised by replacing thewc:ll'da!()fr.mtV
members" with the words" of an eIderty, sick or disabled pel'SOn!,
25. That the.dlilfiIlition of "Group Home" revised by deleting the~ "as a 81.
hou$flkeep/ng unit,",
26. That the fOllowing new sections be added and the existing sections renumbered
"5.2.$ To minimize conflicts between land uses, Including\')Ut not
limited to conlllcts between agricUltural andnon-agricultural
uses. .
New land uses, Including thecnation of Iotsi and<new or
expanding livestock facilities, $haIlcomplywjthttle.Minimum
Distance SeparatIon Formulae."
- 6 -
27. .,... the ~ "Agricultural Code of Practice" in Sections 12.4.5 i), 12,J),2 b),
12.6.3 C), 13,3..S d), 13.3.4 e), and 13.3.10 c) be replaced Wl1tl..th$ phr-.
"Mir'lIl'm.lm 0lStance 8eparation Formulae".
28. That .S8QIIon. 13.3.2 be modified by adding the following after thelirst aenter:l.Ce:
"Home-based occupations and limited homeinc.lustry uaes.eJ)lilmlitted."
29. Tbat the second sentence of Section .13.:3.3 be I'TlOdlfied bydeletingthewordl
anon-farm uses such as" and by adding the words "home-based ~
limited home inc.Iustry uses," after the words "farm-related industrial/commercial
uses inaccordanc$ with Section 13.3.e,". .
30. That.Section 13.3,4 be modified by asfolJows:
i) . in substation a), by deleting the words "on lower capabllity$(lil$", and
in1U.1I.1Q thereto the words ."In the Green Space or ~4.Hlt~
ii) in subsection b), by replacing the word$ "Class 1 to 4soil$8$deftned.by
the Cenada Land Inventory ofSotl Capability for AgriclJltute";..aridln$ertlrlg .
thereto the words "high capability agricultural lands",
31. That the following new sections be added:
"13.3.11 New land uses, including the creation of. lots. .and. new or .
expanding livestock facilities, shaJI.comply .,..,the Minimum
Oi$tance Separation Formulae."
New agricultural lots will be permitted ontywilefe the..~
and retained lots are intended for ag~....., are
suffic:lently large to maintain flexibility for future Changes.in
type or size of agricultural operation and are>aminlmum of
40 hectares in size."
- 7 -
"14.3.3 .
Newland uses, including the creatlon.ot Iot$, .atld.!')eW or
expanding livestoCk facilities, shall comply wlth.U..MIrIImum.
Distance Separation Formulae."
32. That Section 13.3.7 be modified by deleting the words "or as d~ by the
Ontario MInistry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs as a IegltinlatefanniOg
33. That the second sentence of Section 14.5.1 be del".d and ~wlthth$
folfowingnew sentence:
"Agriculture, farm-related uses hOr\1&-ba$ed occupations afId limited home
industty uses are also ~."
34. That in Section 24.12, the definition of Home-based Occupation.be rtMsed~V
adding the words "or farm" after thfI words .Use of aresic:lentNd".
35. That the fo/loWlog definitions be ack:Ied to Section 24.12:
Fwm Produce Outlets - means a building in which farm produce,
excItlsIveof meat or poultry, is offered for sale, andmay~...Hmited
sale. of farm produce which has been reprocessed.
... C8p8b111ty AgrIcultural L.anca - L.ancl8 ttMU arelpr~C18S$
1 to 3 according to the Canada Land Inventory for AgricuJttKe.
Home Industry. A small scale industrial use such .. fu!'rlltui'er~,
small enGine repair, welding, crafts, or producing value.ed<ledagricultural
products such as cider, honey or wine, whiOh is ~ .t(:l. a single
~. dwelling. It shall not inclLlde outside &torage of materltfs or the
storageotcommercial motor vehicles. Ahome industty ma.y~eoI'lducted
in whole or in part in an accessory or farm building. ....8
Minimum Distance Separation Formulae - means formulae developed by
the Province to separate land uses so as to reduce incompatibility
concerns about odour from livestock facilities.
-I !
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~#2 to Report PO-13-9G
Section 2
Section 2
Section 3.2;3
Section 4.7.2
Section 4.7.4
In the.second paragraph, replace the WOlds "underthe~emer1t8
of' wItt1 the words "In accordance wlth". and delete the .worcIs "is
conllltllflt with".
In the third paragraph, ninth bullet, delete the words "r8Iine and".
In the fifth bullet, replace the words "occur within the context of" with
the word 'complement".
In the sixth bullet, replace the words "with an. emphasis on the
achievement of" with the words "in order to encourage".
Replace the words 'new conservation area" with the words "nature
rtlSeI'Ve' .
Add a sentence at the end of the section as fOllows:
"Where a significant natural feature is not identified on Map C, it
does not necessarily mean that the feature or part thereof may be
developed or altered in any way."
Delete the first sentence beginning with ~e words "Where a
woodlot..... Replace the words "tree preservation pian" with
"w()OdIot preservation and management plan',
SectioA 4.7.7
section 4.7.8
Section 4.8.5
section 4.8.$
. "tilt word wmitted". CIdd the worcls"in accordance. gOod
fovM)' practices and the UunicIpality'sTree PresemIIIOnBy..."
~ the numeral "14" with the numeral "14.4".
Replace the entire policy with the following:
"The expansion or alteration of any etdsting building. or. sttuclUre
located within an ideAtilled hazard land may be permIlted provided
a) the building or structure is not located within the f100dway
portion of the floodplain;
b) new or existing hazards or environmental .impactllere not
created or aggravated;
c) the Municipality and the Conservation AuIhoI'ity have
approved a floodpl'oofingand/or erosion control plan;
d) the developmentc:loes not pose a threat to.pubfic~,
safety or property; and
e) the Municipality. has adopted a site-specificamendment to
the zoning by"aw."
Replace the words "Environment Protection Acr with the words
"f5nvlronmental Protection Acf'.
Section 4.8. 11(b) Replace the words "hydrology and" wlththe words "Hydrogeology"
Section 4.9.2
N. the end of the sentence, add the words 'without an amendm_
to thi$P/an." ....3
Section 5.2.4
Section 5.3.6
Section 5.3.7
Section 5.3.9
.Aeplace the word "ratio" with the word,.." andlr.l$ert the words
"of total_ailment" after the words "of 25"'",
Aeplace the entire policy with the following:
'n considering an application for app~ ..-rd phasing of
fBsidential development in urban areas, including draft plans of
SlJbdiviSion, the Municipality shall seek to ensure:
a) the sequential deVelopment of neigt'Ibourhoc: and the
prevention of "fe8p-fr'ogging" of vacant /,andS;
b) deVelopment in or adJacent to Main or SuIrCenttaI Areas;
c) the economic use and extensiOn of all i~eand
d) intensification to implement Sections 6.3.4, 6.3;5 and lM.$;
e) increased density. for new neighbourhoods having regard for
proposed measures to integrate existing residential areas
with such neighbourhOods."
Replace the word "impose" with "recommend",
Before the words "plan of sutJdivision" add the word "draft"; after the
word "premature" and the words " and recornmen<:t ttIat it not be
approved"; and replace the word "conditions" with the word
Section 5.3.9 (a) Replace the word 'meet' with 'implement'.
SectIon 5.3.9 (b) Delete the word 'ratio' and at the end of the sentence add the
words 'of total assessment".
Section 5.3.9 (c) Before the words '10 year capital works forecast" add the words
'Municipality's current capital budget or" and delete the words 'as
identified in the development charges study'.
Section 5.3.9 (d) Replace subsection d) with the following:
"Council is of the opinion that the Municipality's administrative and
financial resources are not sufficient to provide an adequate level of
services for those residents who would be accommodated in the
proposed plan of subdivision as well as to provide and maintain an
adequate level of services for existing residents and residents who
will live in developments which have been approved by the
Municipality. .
Section 5.3.10 Replace 'employment area' with 'Employment Area'
Section 5.3.11 Replace the word 'the' with the word .its' after the word 'utilize'.
SectIon 5.3.12 Replace the word "policies of' with the words "the implementation of
the policies contained in'.
SectIon 10.3.6 After the words 'Any application' add the words "for rezoning'.
Delete the last sentence beginning with the words 'Such retail
Section 10.3.7
Section 10.15.3
SectiOn 10.8.4
Section 10.9.5
Sectioh 1 t.6.5
Section 14.4.3
Section 14.5.1
Replace the words "site design criteria" with the words "site
ckMlIopment criteria".
In Table 1 ()'1, for the Local Central Area at Nashrrruus, repJacethe
nwneral "100" with the numeral "110", being the number of
permitted medium density units.
Add a new raw to Table 1().2 as follows:
~ Bowmanville
Reptace.the words"Retall warehouse stores 01' aretallw.ehou.
campus" with the WOI'ds "A retail warehOUSe "01' a retail
warehouse precinct gtlNlter than 4,000 $qUare metres."
Replace the words "recycling of materials. with the words "waste
processing facilities fOl' non-toxic materials.; add the words "by site
specific zoning. after the words "may be permitted"; and repface.ttIe
words "Structure and outside storage is in accorcl~with section
11.6.3" with the words "Structure. Waste transfer stations may be
permitted by site-specific zoning provided it is integrated and part
of a waste processing facility. Outside storage may be permitted in
accordance with Section 11.6.3, provided that proc Bssed 01'
unprocessed waste is wholly enclosed. "
Replace the words "slope stability" with the words "a stable slope".
Replace the words "Section 13.3.4" with the wOl'ds"Section13.3,4
(c) to (g).
Section 14.6.2
Mer the words "shall be prepared" add the words "at the expense
of the proponent".
Section 14.7.1
Replace the words "Section 13.3.4" with the words "Section 13.3..4
(c) to (g).
Section 15.3.7
Replace the word "Studies" with the words "An Environmental Impact
Study and other appropriate studies".
Section 15.3.9 b) Replace the subsection with the following:
"b) restoration to landform patterns consistent with the
surrounding landscape."
Section 16.9.2 a) Replace the word "can" with "cannot".
Section 18.5.4 Replace the words "government offices, hospitals and correctional
facilities" with the words "government offices and hospitals"
Section 18.5.6 Mer the words .Section 18.5.2" add the words "and 18.5.4".
Section 18.5.8 Add the words "Notwithstanding Section 18.5.2" at the beginning of
the first sentence.
Section 20.2.3 After the words "and other agencies," add "and shall be" and after
the words "cost-sharing arrangements. add the words "with the
benefitting property owner or owners".
Section 20.2.6 Replace the words "storm water ponds" with the words "storm water
management facilities, including ponds and channels,".
SectIon 23.5.2
Section 23.10.1
- 7-
In the fourth bullet, replace the words "and aesthetics" with the
words "Inducting where possible enhancement of naturalfeatul'es
and the use of natural designs"
Delete and renumber the subsequent sections.
Replace the firSt sentence with the following:
"It Is Council's policy to ~e that, as a condition ofdeVeloprnent
or redevelopment or the approval of a plan of SUbdivIsion of land In
the Municipality, land shall be conveyed or dedicated to the
Municipality for park or other public recreational purposes In
accordance with SectIon 23.10.2." In the second sentence, reptaoe
the word "dedicated" with the word "conveyed or dedicated".
SectiOn 23.10.2 Replace the first and seoond sentence with the foItBWihg:
"The conveyance or dedicliltion of land to theMunidpality for park
or other pubHc recreational purposes shall be In ~ce with
the foIlo\v.ng:
Replace subsection a) with the following:
"a) for residential development, redevelopment or planS of
subdivision providing for low, medium and/or high density
W88S, conveyance or dedication shall be eitIftlr equal to 5%
of the land proposed for development, redeveloPment or
subdivision or 1 hectare per 300 dwelling units, Whichever is
In lIllh.~b) rep/ace the word "developments," wI1h the words
"development, redevelopment or subdivision, a convepnee or", and
delete the words "proposed for deveIopment".
~lubseotion c) replace the words "lhealtel'rlativ$~"withthe
words "conveyance or" ; after the words "d~propotaI" add
the words "In the amount equal to 1 hectare per 300 dwelling units.";
and deI8te thel8st word "and",
In .ubsectiol"l d) replace the ',N with the following '; and'
Add a new subsection. e) as follows:
e) for residential plans of subdivision, thestl!lndard of1
hectare per 300 dwelling units maybe applied to
blocks within the plan of subdIvision, provided such
blocks are excluded from the calculation for the 5 "-
of the land proposed for subdivision.'
Section 23.11.2 Delete the words' ,to implement the 10 year capital WOr1<s. program
identlfIed in the Development Charges rtPOrt".
Section 23.12.4 Replace the words "Capital Works Program. with~. works
Section.24.9 Delete the words 'in effect on the date of Regional approval of thi$
Section 24.12
Revise the definition of "Development Charges" by replacing the
words "OndtMllopment to finance capital works and O#ler seMces"
with the words "on 'development' as defined under'the Act and the
Municipality's by-laW."
Aeviu the definition of "Environmental ~~lli.."by
~ the words "cleveIopment under ~... 01 .~
Ie_.,don." with the words "an undel1aI<ing .under either the
Canadien Environmental Assessment Ad:. .or the Ontario
Environmental Assessment Act. .
Rewi_ the deil'initloo of."Retaif Impact Study. by I'9PlIICing the ~
"viability of both exl$tiog and planned retail deYelOJ;lfliIent" with the
wOlds "ptanned function and future growth of d8$igflated ~.
Revise the definition of "Wetlands" by adding the words", ,-defined
by .either the Ministry of Natural Resources, the COfI&EIMltlOn
AwU'lority, or through a comparable 8WlIuation." after the words "at
or close to the SIJl'face",
Revise the definition of "Wetland Complex. by adding the words
"and are grouped within a common wetland.bOl.lfld$y, The whole
compleX i$ evaluated and classified and not itsindMdUlll wetttnd
area components.' after the words "in a functional manner'.
Add the following definitions:
AdJacent: in relation to natural features identified on'" C, means
COAtigl.lClUS to a natural feature where there is aprobebillty that
development may have a negative imPact on that feature.
Good for...". practicer. means the proper i~.of
haNest, renewal and malntElnanCe activitlesknowntobe ~
for the forest and environmental conditions under Which it i$being
appli$d and which minimize detriments to forest "... iOCJuding: .
- 10-
significant ecosystems, important fish and wildlife habitat, soil and
w.. quality and quantity, forest productivity and heallh; and the
aesthetic and recreational opportunities of the landscape. Good
forestry practices include the cutting and removal of hazardous,
severely damaged, diseased and insect infested trees which must
be removed in order to prevent contamination or infestation of other
trees, or which no longer contribute to the achievement of forest
Significant - In regard to natural features and functions, ecologically
important to the natural environment in terms of the amount,
content, representation, or effect, thereby contributing to the quality
and integrity of an identifiable ecological tegion or natural heritage
system. Significance is based on criteria and guidelines established
by the province or on comparable municipal evaluations..
Stable Slope - means the angle a slope would achieve when
erosion or human activities are absent.
EcologIcal FunctIons: in regards to natural features and functions,
means the natural processes, products or services that plant and
animal species and the non-living environment provide or perform
that are necessary to the maintenance of the integrity of
WeUand functions: means the biological, physical, and SOCii-
economic interactions that occur in an environment because of the
properties of the wetlands that are present, including, but not limited
to: ....11
- 11 -
. gR)Utld water recharge and discharge
. flood damage reduatlon
. shoreline stabilization
. sediment trapping
. nutrient retention.and removal
. food chain suppoIt
. habitat for fish and wildlife
. attenc:fantsocial and,pnomic benefits:.
WIldlife HIlbltat: means areas of the natur$lelWitOnment where
plants, animals, and other organism live, and find adeqlJ8te'
amounts of food, water, Shelter and space nesd", to~'"
populations. SpecificWlldlifehabitats of concerns mav include ar8lilS
where species conoentrate at a vulnerable point in... annuaIQI'
Ilfecycle; and areas which are important to migratory and noIl'"
migratory species.
Map A 1 (Clarke) Redesignate lands shoWn as "Country Resicklntial"to"Envirbrlrnental
Protection Areli' in L.ot 15 Conc.7, Clarke Twp,aS ..shOwn in
Appendix No.1.
Map A3 Replace the Medium OensityResidentialSymbol on the east side of
Uberty Street, south of Concession Street with a ~urhooQ
Commercial Symbol, as shown on Appendix No. 2
Map A4 Correct the Public Secondary Sd100l symbol
Map E1 Renumber Farewell Heights Neigtlbourtlood from "8"to .12". ....12
- 12 -
Section 6.3 (a)
Replace the subsection with the following:
"a) a floor space index for commercial uses on any site shall not
exceed 0.40;"
Section 6.3 (b)
Replace the subsection with the following:
"b) a combined floor space index for mixed use buildings shall
not exceed 1.5 where there are residential uses located
above the ground floor:"
Section 6.2
Add the word "personal' before the word "service" and add a fourth
bullet as follows:
'. community facilities"
Revise the alignment of the Internal Laneway as shown of Appendix
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t~~~6 Francis Street ::
'~~'1'~P.O. Box 9000
, ",UNDSAY. Ontario
K9V 5R8
Decem~8, 1995
MsValene Cranmer
Director{;tIategic Planning Branch
Box 623'';;'
105 coiiSUiners Drive
Whitby, Ontario
UN 6A3
Dear Ms,Cranmer:
. J.,
Te/ephone: (705) 324-94/1 uJ. 244
Far: (705) 324-1750
ill "-R'/1~mIl\V\1ij
~.h';'Lm '
DEe 1 4 1995
~~}'~'~,.'{iNG DEP)\RTMENT
The County has been forwarded a copy of the above refen:nced plan for our review and
comment. By letter of September 26, 1994 we advised the municipality of Clarington of
our concerns with the draft Official Plan. A copy of said letter is enclosed.
The County of Victoria remains concerned that the delineation of Highway 407 does not
extend to Highway 35/115 as shown by the Durham Region Official Plan.
It appears that our second concern, related to trail systems, has been addressed by
revisiollSto Sections 4.4.2 and 19.3.6 and the addition of Section 19.10.2 t).
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.
T.T. EdWllrds, MCIP, RPP
,', -.,\ .':,'-<-~'''':''.';.''
Sei1ior ~lanner
. -.fj"
cc Mr. F. Wu. Municipality ofClarington ~
I ,_.~;.j~?",
Engineering & Environmental Services
Line Operations East
Suite 503, 277 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2X7
12 December 1995
Your File:
Our File: TZ-4500-C-33A
Mr. Franklin Wu
Director of Planning and Development
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
L 1C 3A6
~f~;' "<'"1,~1 ~S~TT~~~'~'D'"
"('" 'I"'\"'~'"
-.. "-'..;,1""'0' '1..- \.", -Wjl.. .
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n~" ' !.'>Q~
~v I 't I.."
Dear Mr. Wu:
Re: Proposed Official Plan
Municipality of Clarington
We have reviewed your submission dated 30 October 1995, regarding the above noted
document, and have the following comments:
1. The word "impact" should be added between "safety" and "mitigation measures"
in Section 19.11.1 (b).
2. Since there are a number of land uses, in addition to residential, which are
sensitive to rail noise and vibration, the policy statement in Section 19.11.2
should be amended to read "All new development within...".
3. Noise sensitive areas generally include lands lying within 300 metres of railway
operations, and for vibration, sensitive areas generally include lands lying within
75 metres. Section 19.11.2 should be revised accordingly.
4. We request that the following policy be added as Section 19.11.13:
"All proposed development adjacent to railways shall ensure that
appropriate safety measures such as setbacks, berms and security
fencing are provided, to the satisfaction of the Municipality in
consultation with the appropriate railways."
5. We also request that the railway right-of-way be designated Transportation
Corridor or Industrial.
6. Provisions supporting the policies within Section 19.11 should be included within
the appropriate Secondary Plans.
We would appreciate the opportunity to comment on any proposed modification prior to
its adoption, and ultimately, we request notice of the Plan being approved.
Should Council decide to approve the Plan without incorporating the above policy, we
have no alternative but to request that the Official Plan be referred to the Ontario
Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.P.13.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
undersigned at (416)217-2466.
Yours truly,
~rtT\ -:ka.:s...V
Karen Fraser
416 585 7455
. (W) ~lnlat'Y
....De.. . c.. lIuIldl....llra....
~OM MlGau
M1nillry of MWliclpal Affatn and Houain.
noO(>",m""',. ?f1. 1 QQ'I
MInlt*tdlNAI$InI m\JIlfcl)llletOI du Loaemont
Memorandum To: Mr. Carlo Penarln
Planning and Development DepM'tmeat
Municipality of Clarm,ton
1l..! ll....nmm.'"t..d n"IIlna'IIR nm...... PIIln . Commentll
Thank you for the brief chat we had last week reaardiQ the... of the
official plan, and how J could holp in dotol'lninina whotbor. dleplan is
"eonaiBtont with" O\l~t provineilll hOllsifts polloi... '
Overall, I found the plan a ptoaressive document whiclt: ia.......y
cClnsistent with the Housing policies in Ooal C. of tM~'Ve Set of
Policy StAtc>monto. Tho M\lnkip~ty is to bG oOIlJl1i"''''1tr1f tor_it fino
Here are my main comments in the order of the Po. In . CSPS:
1he goal in policy 6.1.1. is generally good. It rocopfIos M tile plan
sbould not solely be based on the current housin,needlofrosldintl because
their needs will evolve over time. However. the po&)! COQClOptfttiasing is
that the municipality, and their housing needs, are infJun:ced by tbo, broader
hm,ring market area (i.e. the OTA). This is implied In __3.2.3.:
". "fringe communities of the Greater Toronto Area":_indJfIolly in
Ictcrcncll to \JIll dllfinluuu uf lIftw:dll.bl11 hvu.u... ..... .....I.."'.f." Ill",
Pl~ovincial Government"; but.. it should also be mote. ~y' tIIlIUoned in
Suction 6.
One way to llChieve this: would be to insert "current aDd futDl'e" fit front of
"residents" in 6.1.1.. and by changing the definit1Qn.e~ Housing
by deleting "Municipality" and replacing it with "holnCq '~ area".
. 01-03-1996 11: 59
416 585 7455
::'~ I;
A second option would be to insert at the end of tho flm lORteMOin section
6.:1.1. "...based on an analysis of housing noeds in the Oaacer TorontO (or)
housing market area".
Tfible 6-1 - the targets look appropriate and, to the best of my nwmory,
appear to mirror the results from the MHS. Rogardiq tbc poJJoythat: "The
hculling mix of any ~peciflC neiahbouthood...may vary Oft t'- btltI. of
specific neighbourhood characteristics", the intent of "'~ProvlMtll
"Community Planning Area" policy is to require tho affordabto h(JUll!ng target
(t'll.ntlon~ in 6.:;\.6.) to Rh", "'" m..l \I1h"'l'<!lvM'(\o.mP"l'''-I_'~,... (l A In
each neighbourhood planning unit). However, the "If'oaeh of tMIOting a
MInimum of 30% affordable housing in each of tho uriIII\ at'IUta sufficiently
deta.lled enollgh to be condGtent with the Community PI'IrmIns:."policy
especially given the detailed Urban Area Noiabbo\U'hood tarIOtI provided in
Tnble 9.2. No changes are needed here.
All well, although it is best that targets in 6.3.2. and 6.3.6. apply across the
Qllmc mUJlicipQlity tllthcr thlUl jUlt the urolUl lU'CIU, odI. poUR" ind.iQatc that
th" vast majority of development is expected to occur in. urban aNaS. There
is no need to change these policies to apply to the' entire municjpality.
n,WOVQl'. tho plAn doc>. not roiQFon~Q the> lIffcmablo INb-WSM lo fOu.:.y
C--2b). At the end of 6.3.6. a sentence speaking to IOnlIIh.inIlito: "Where
fe.lsible, half of all affordable housing opportunities'NiU be IltoNable to low
in,~ome households".
GI,nerally, policies 6.3.3. and 6.3.5. speak to suppordq ~
intensification. However, the support is somewhat wt_r _ (be intent of
f10vlncllU ponclCS. TO Dc conS18ICnt wlm Ulc. polley, tIKI _ "ww be
e,aluated on the basis of the following criteria" in 6.3.5. 8hauld be replaced
w:ith "will be permitted where the following criteria aro mot'" . . WbUe this still
fa Us somewhat Ihon of thQ O'l'll(;t intontion otF'rovlnc1.t ~.. boc<auso the
01-03-1996 11: 59
416 585 7455
onus to prove the criteria is met is not specificaUy on eM mualctpa1ity. the
pollcy could also be interpreted to include more _. ftsruU.oIClIle"
lnlenalflcatlnn and ahnuld he an llJlIlI'OIlI'ia oomp.64IiM..
6.:1.7. is good though tho tonn "townhouse" may be ~. "row
house" to be more consistent with the PlanninJ Act tenIdnoJ:qy. It is also
important to note that Bill 20 which Wll8 introduced atfovtmblr 16
plIlpOseS to repeal lUll UU oy aUOWlng mumClpIWMIlD ault~ wnere
new apartments in houses are to be permitted. Howovw. tho-BUhlso
continues to permit apartrnonts in houses whicb existed oa the .. of the
r...1 ."...u.... Th....." II." ............1 om 1~ ....plN. $0 11M. o~i" pS.lt TO"
ffillY wish to consider these proposed chanaos in your _.ntl_ over this
6.:1.8. is a good policy.
pcUoy 6.3.10 on Garden Suites is 4 propssiye ltop to OMO'_'" this
allomative housing form. However 6.3.11.a) may be pllGNomadl from a land
use perspective because it requires the applicant to ldl'lftdfy 'who' is expected
tn N""t"'t"M' thlt un;; D....hillrt! th. MQt \U41' t^ AAIIlI tulth lid. t'~'- wnn1A ~
to delete 6.3.11.a) and revise the definition to zead: ........., provide
temporary residential accommodation for tho cve of lIulderly,lick or
dillabled nersons." This sneaks to the built fonn bein.ll ftdelll-~i" to meet
thllse needs (eg. wheelchair accessible bungalow) and _ l'OmOWlS the clause
suagesting that the occupant must be a member of tho beat~. If the
ml~nicipality wishes to restrict the occupancy of GudeJl SuilM. iU. best
IIL'lueys;u IlIl'U~lI 1I1e UK Ul "'1> ^lPl:IGlIHRU U"_ ... .~. . . '-"""'ill
(mentioned in 6.3.10.) as opposed to the explicit UN of die .PIInnIIq Act.
Dllder the Planning Act. a chaUonae of such polley coaI4 be jatdfted.
III iWlJ1l1ulI. .111:' plu.1IlIC "III ItU\1ml,l1u" II l.OOl\Qld,,>> ~"K" 1U8P1t11t l.lu..
tb~ property is being rezoned for a now permanent Jaad lie. WIdIe. the same
section of the Planing Act applies. it may be more dIrioIJC to ** "In
appl;y1ns '-en a kion"1pfill"Q.1")'" ~1I'" b7-1Q.-yy,,,", Thl. -wU1 ''''...11.....0-- .....CoCt t.hClo
nllmber of applicants that apply to get a garden .. "..,ned" .. .
permanent. permitted use. A pormanent.rezonina wwN.e1so lIotaDow the
m:llnldJ"Alltv th... J""UIP.l' In ...nt..." lnln An ABNAlftillnt wfllt ... __
01-03-1996 12:00
416 585 7455
. .4 .
Group Home definition: the lcrm "...as a single houlOkwpiq antt.." should
be removed from the definition, as it baa been overriddR by IIllR10ndment
tn tht'l PIAnnlna Act which doeR not permit planina dllDUlllellta IiO dlltinltUish
between different typos of single housekeepiAa umtl.
Finally in this area, section 9.4.~.c) may be problomalkl Im~ tho housing
types. particularly apartmonts in houses are often .........., aad may be
dljf1cult to monitor. Proposed chango. as pan ot BIDm. wGUldi dow tbe
municipality to require a registration of apartments in hlUlel. _ may help
mnnitor this policy and allow a municipality to limit eM number 01 now
apartments in houses in one lltOA on tho bul. of inldoqaato iafratructurc>.
TIds policy is more than adequately addressed by the Neiabboumood Design
puUl.:le~ III 1KlI.>~IUII ~.J. III jJlIlu..ulw '.".0.
E,'en in areas of significant provincial land holdinp. Ihe cancoUadon of the
nen-profit housing program has meant thai thtt. illkcl4"""ct for this type of
PCflicy 6.3.16 generally addresses this area. and polloy (b) iJ pudcularly
in'~ovative and encouraging to see.
Olle issue of potentllu concom is thcll.:ll&ulIl:l "IlUbJ~t to tho th~"ltol.1
capability of both the Region and the Municipality to pavida the"necessary
services" in 6.3.16.c). The reason for the minimum 1&114 lupply.pt is to
Cll ablc thc Rcgion And thc Municipality to plan fM NniMs, .... thiB inol\ldes
pluming for the financial capabi1i~, or financial strata.,. to ahoprovide the
services. This policy is also reflected in section .5.3.5l.b) widcb .. that a
~,,\tdi.....iai.... "''':r .... d...._..d "p...._..n....." II dwo "._""_......1 w,.._-
residential assessment ratio is less than 1.5 porcont". BIIb ~I. could
cause implementation difficultios if they are intolpretcllttGo lfeldy. To
01-03-1996 12:01
416 565 7455
. ~ -
eru:ourage flexibility and at the AaJne time SlNnltMn tilt !!!!d uMf'lt!M!ni-- ___ ____ __ __
ratIonale for those policies. it may be helpful to adcI IlIJL_ dIat tlle
oVI~rall goal is to achieve a Ittolller live/work relatioalhtp II .~ in the
Regional official plan.
C..II AND C..C)l
Nelt applicable.
I bope these comments are useful. Plelle &ive me a call 10 daat '" can
!wther discuss these cormnonts, and addross lIfty queMlou you IUY have.
Rob Gibson
Policy Advisor
O.c.: Ms. Valerie Cramner. Region of Durham
R. IJibsDlllIb.L 6902JInd. &. MUll. LiailonIHDB
Ministry of
and Food
Ministere de
l'Agriculture et
de "Alimentation
~":"':'''~.''~:'''' '''< -."\, t.
~ i ' ":,, \-li. .. \"", .\
\ "~).'>:'> .,~;-"1 '" k!:~
,'" ,~5
322 Kent Street
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 2Z9
(705) 324-6125
Fax (705) 324-1638
January 8, 1996
Valarie Cranmer, Director
Strategic Planning Branch
Region of Durham Planning Department
1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor
Box 623
Whitby, Ontario
LlN 6A3
Dear Ms. Cranmer:
Re: Recommended Draft Official Plan
Municipality of Clarington
Durham Region
Staff of this Ministry have completed a review of the November 1995 Clarington Draft Official
Plan and have the following comments.
The Ministry supports the policy direction of this plan which will direct the major growth to
compact urban areas and greatly reduce scattered rural residential uses in the agricultural
designations. The following are comments on specific sections.
Staff support the changes to policies affecting woodlots in Section 4.7.6 and 4.7.7.
12.5 .2
Country Residential Subdivisions
Subsection (g) references 'lands of high capability for agriculture' without defining the
phrase. Staff recommend an additional definition in Section 24.12:
High Capability Agricultural Lands "Lands that are predominantly Class 1 to
3 according to the Canada Land Inventory for Agriculture..
Ontario, there's no taste like home
Un bon gout de chez nous
This Ministry supports the goal and objective of this section.
The Agricultural Code of Practice has been revised and is now known as The Minimum Distance
Separation Formulae. We recommend all existing references to the Agricultural Code of
Practice be changed to The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formulae. The MDS must
be complied with for all new development, fann and non-farm related. The MDS must also
apply to new or expanding livestock facilities. Rather than refer to the MDS in each subsection,
staff recommend one general policy in the Agricultural Area section as follows:
"New land uses, including the creation oC lots, and new or expanding
livestock Cacilities will comply with the Minimum Distance Separation
Formulae" .
References to the Agricultural Code of Practice can then be deleted in Sections
13.3.3 d), 13.3.4 c), 13.3.10 c).
This policy would be clearer if the phrase "non-Carm uses such as" was
This section permits "farm produce outlets'. It is unclear of the difference
between this use and 'seasonal fann produce stands' of Section 13.3.2. If the
uses are the same, the reference in section 13.3.3 can be deleted. If they are
different, they should be defined.
The present provincial land use policy (CSPS) does not permit non-fann uses such
as golf courses in the agricultural designation. The new draft provincial land use
policy, released January 2, 1996 is proposing to permit non-farm uses (except for
non-farm residential) in an agricultural designation IF there is adequate
justification. Criteria a) of 13.3.4 of this plan indicates a similar provision.
In view of the draft provincial policy, this ministry can accept the principles of
13.3.4 but recommend to following changes:
a) there is demonstrated a need for such a facility in the agricultural
designation and there are no alternative sites in the Green Space or
Waterfront Greenway designations.
b) is not located on high capability agricultural soils.
This section makes provision for fann related commercial/industrial uses. The
plan does not address policy for home occupations as a secondary agricultural
use. Such uses that are secondary and incidental to the farm operation and do not
detract from the principle agricultural use can be permitted. They must be small
in scale. Examples include minor equipment repair and welding shops. They can
provide a source of additional fann income. The provincial policy permitting
these types of uses came into effect since the first draft of this plan. The
municipality should consider adding appropriate policy. The draft Pickering
official Plan addresses this issue in an appropriate manner.
Staff recommend deletion of the phrase "or as determined by the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs as a legitimate farming operation. The
ministry may be available to assist and advise the municipality on specific
operations, but the final decision will lie with the municipality.
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs supports the consent
policies of this plan.
The Ministry does recommend an additional consent policy as Section 13.3.11 to deal with the
creation of new agricultural parcels. A recommended wording is:
"New agricultural parcels will be permitted ouly where the severed and
retained lots are intended for agricultural use, are sufficiently large to
maintain flexibility for future changes in type or size of agricultural operation
and are approximately 40 hectares in size. "
The Open Space System permits agricultural uses along with a number of non-farm uses. Staff
note that this designation does not contain any consent or other types of farm related policies.
Staff recommend that farm related policies similar to Sections 13.3.6 - 10 be permitted in this
New non-farm development must comply with the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae in
this designation as agriculture is a permitted use. Staff recommend an additional policy in
Section 14.3 General Policies:
"New land uses, including the creation of lots, and new or expanding
livestock facilities will comply with the Minimum Distance Separation
Formulae" .
SCHEDULE" AI" Darlington and Clarke
The Ministry supports the location of the rural designations in this draft of the plan. Schedule
"A" now closely mirrors the designation locations of the regional plan.
The Ministry does continue to have concerns regarding that area of Special Study Area #4 that
is -north of Highway #115. Our position remains as outlined in a November 6, 1995 letter to
Frank Wu, copied to Jeff Brooks.
Staff look forward to a response on the above comments. If you wish to meet to discuss these
comments, please contact me at the above address.
Yours truly,
Dale Toombs
Land Use Specialist
cc: Jeannie McNaughton, District Manager /
Frank Wu, Director, Clarington Planning and Development Department
being a By-law to adopt a new Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington, that is the
Clarington Official Plan, and repeal tbe Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle.
WHEREAS Section 17(8) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, autborizes tbe
Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for tbe adoption of or repeal of Official Plans
and Amendments thereto.
WHEREAS tbe Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it
advisable to adopt the Clarington Official Plan and repeal the Official Plan of tbe former
Town of Newcastle.
WHEREAS on January 29, 1996, the Council of tbe Corporation of tbe Municipality of
Clarington approved for adoption tbe Clarington Official Plan subject to the certain
NOW TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of tbe Corporatiou of tbe
Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows:
1. The adoption of the Clarington Official Plan, attacbed as Scbedule "A" to tbis By-
law, as the Official Plan of tbe Municipality of Clarington: and
2. The repeal of the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, as the
Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington.
The Clarington Official Plan, being Scbedule "A' to this By-law, and the repeal of the
Official Plan of tbe former Town of Newcastle, sball come into force and take effect upon
approval of tbe Plan by the Council of tbe Regional Municipality of Durbam.
BY-LAW read a first time this 29tb. day of January, 1996.
BY.LAW read a second time this 29tb. day of January, 1996.
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 29th. day of January, 1996.