HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1968 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Muir presiding, all Members present. The Reeve expressed his appreciation for the co-operation given him in the past year and extended best_wishes for 1968. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and flrown that the minutes of the meeting held December 19, 1967, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy deeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that a letter from theDarlington Township Area School Board be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that the Membership Fee for Darlington Township in the Ontario Good Hoads Association be paid. HANP1'ON, JAlWAdY 4, 1968. 68-1-1 68-1-2 68-1-3 After hearing various delegations Council proceeded to deal with business in the Agenda. 68-1-L Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Brown that Membership fee to the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities be 68-1-5 paid. Moved by Councillors Brown and G1bbS that application be made to the Ontario Development Corporation f1r grants under the "Equalization of Industrial Opportunity PrograrJi' . A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs re the Central Ontario Joint Planning Area 'was received and filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that Mr. Ernest Bradley be appointed appraiser for the 5% valuation re- Rodesky- part Lot 311, Con. 2 sub-division. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that Clerk write a letter of approval to the operation of Ebenezer-Courtice Kindergarten and forward same to Mrs. ~na Pamment, d.R.2, Bowmanville. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that Allan Dickie be paid for maintenance of Hampton Street Light System at the rate of $80.00 per annum. Moved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that the Clerk prepare a by-law to rezone part of the lands of R. Fraser, part Lot 24, Con.5, as recommended by Planning Board. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that E.G.McNee1y, Solicitor for James Kamstra, be informed that this Council agrees with the recommendation of Darlington Planning Board, and does not intend to re-zone the Kamstra property. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Dow that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. On motions as filed a Bank By-ii1awtoa1b.thorizetne bOl'rowing for current purposes during 1968, was given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2373. On motions as filed a BY-law to authorize an amendment to the Agreement with the City of Oshawa for Townline maintenance was given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2374. 68-1-6 68-1-7 67-1-8 6S-1-9 68-1-10 8-1-11 68-1-12-13-14 68...1-15-16-17 Page 2. Ha::Jpton, January 4, 1968. 68-1-18 Moved by Deputy rieeve Down and Councillor Dow that Harold Balson is hereby appointed to the Central Lake Ontario Planning Board for a 3 year term, to expire January 1, 1971, and that Reeve H.C.Muir is appointed to that Board for the year 1968. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Dow that Carl Down and R.B.Brown are hereby appointed to Darlington Planning Board for 1968. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that S.E.white and R.W.Pascoe are hereby appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for a 3 year term to expire January 1, 1971. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that Lloyd Ayre is hereby appointed to Darlington Planning Board for a 3 year term to expire January 1, 1971. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that Councillor Dow be re-appointed to the Durham Federation of Agriculture. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that Councillor R.B.Brown be appointed to the Bowmanville Area Ambulance Commi ttee. 68-1-19 68-1-20 68-1-21 68-1-22 68-1-23 68-1-24 Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that A.L.Blanchard, R.B.Brown and R. Gibbs be appointed to the Lake Ontario Development Association for 1968. Moved by Councillors Brown and Gibbs that the next meeting of this Council shall be held on Monday, January 22, 1968, at 1.P.M. 68-1-25 68-1-26 Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that this meeting adjourn. 1Ie,~ .....~.1:~~--:-... . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RZL!:VE CLEHK.