HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1968 (Special) HAMPTON, JANUARY 8, 1968. Darlington To~~ship Council met in Special Session on this dll-te to consider objections to Iy-law 2368 and to transact other business, Reeve Huir presiding, Deputy Reeve DOvln and Councillor Gibbs attending. 68-lD-l Moved oy Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that, having reviewed objections received to the pass~ng of by-1m: 2368 this Council finds thut: 1. Some objections concern ~atters not dealt with in this By -la""T. Other objections refer to matters which have been the su'oject of lengthy dL3cussion by Darlington Planning Foard and by this Council, &nd this Council believes that the pro:9osed chenges 0,r(; in the interest of sound. planning, and the result of careful consideration, therefore the Clerk is instructed to aoply to the Ontario ;'lunicipal },oard for 2. approvbl of the by-law as ~)8.ssed. 68-11-2 "loved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve DO'.m that Road Accounts for December 1967 in the amount of S31,839.73 be apJroved for payment. 6" IT " 0- .L:'- j Moved by Deputy Reeve Down &nd Councillor Gibbs th~t this meeting adjourn. ye,~' ../,.................. .... J~..r.{~~~~.... REEVE CLERK.