HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-20 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD February 20, 2018 Council Chambers 7 pm Present Were: Kevin Symak, Chair Cathy Abraham Sierd DeJong Peter Hazelton Regrets From: Dave Eastman Wendy Partner Willie Woo Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, secretary 1. Janeen Calder representing Newcastle BIA spoke to board about a tree lighting ceremony centered on the Hall. Light up the hall rather than a tree as we no longer have a Christmas tree on the property. Plans are just starting to be discussed, thoughts of closing the street and have horse drawn carriage rides, competition amongst stores to decorate. Event would be outside just needing use of front foyer washrooms. Date suggested is Friday before Santa Claus parade so hall is lit up for parade. Next BIA meeting is March 8t". We will investigate cost of lights. Board had attempted to purchase lights at 75% off from Home Hardware last month but they did not have enough for our requirements. Janeen will speak with BIA about sharing the cost. Board discussed cost of lights and who should pay for this. It was agreed board would cover electrical and storage. There will be a cost to having lights installed — board will create document specifying that this cost will be covered by the BIA at this time. Will leave it open to discussion for future if needed to assist with this cost up to 50%. 2. MINUTES Motion by P. Hazelton , seconded by S. DeJong That the minutes of January 16 2018 are accepted as presented. "Carried" 3. BUSINESS ARISING a) Historical Society Lighting— received quotes from Moore Electric as attached. Board agreed when we are able to afford we should purchase the LED fixtures. Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by P. Hazelton That Historical Society is sent letter stating due to budgetary concerns we will consider for 2019 budget. "Carried" b) Workplace Harassment Policy has been read by all. We will create binder for next meeting for each member to sign that they have read. c) Piano/s Sale — P. Hazelton had perspective buyers but did not come to fruition. He will advertise again. Feeling positive that he will be able to find a home for both pianos. d) 4. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by P. Hazelton , seconded by C. Abraham That the financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" 5. INVOICES Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by P. Hazelton That the following invoices be paid as presented: S. Fogg $150.00 Geek Girl $725.00 6. CORRESPONDENCE a) Touch of Glass — received check for glass rentals in 2018 $101.07 b) Clarke Prom has been notified that there will be no refund on deposit for cancellation of May 2018 booking. Mrs. Colville has responded that she is not happy with decision and will be moving to another venue in the future — received for information. c) Clarington Tourism forum March 9 —from 9 am to noon. C. Abraham will attempt to attend to see if this could be beneficial to us. d) Historical Society is requesting permission to give up to 4 tours of the hall throughout the year. These will be free of charge and will include the Historical Room, Main Hall, Chamber of Commerce and Bowling Alley. e) Ontario Early Years — request to install floor a/c during May, June, and September. f) Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by S. DeJong That approval is granted for use of stand up a/c in the East Wing during the months of May, June and September if needed. The board will cover cost of electrical usage. "Carried" g) Neptune Technology Groups working with Region of Durham Water has installed outside meter that will send information to their offices rather than having to come out and read meter. h) Planning Services has arranged for a presentation by Geordie Gibbon of Accessibility Directorate of Ontario on April 19 at 7 pm in Council Chambers at the Municipal Offices. He will cover responsibilities for small business owners in the AOD Act. G. Bell will attend. If anyone else is able to attend please let her know so you can be registered. 7. FUNDRAISING - Currently 314 tickets sold - Decor— drapery is ready to be installed this evening. - Kevin thanked Gabrielle for the work put into putting this together. Also thanked the board for their support. 8. KITCHEN RENOVATION - Deficiency list will be created Thursday with Rob Groen, Gabrielle Bell and Dave Eastman. - Overall the kitchen looks great but there are a number of things that need to be addressed. No payments have been made at this point. - Discussed the leadership and work that Dave Eastman put into this project. The board would like to thank Dave for his contribution. 9. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT - S. Fogg performed inspection report, copy will be forwarded to Operations Dept. 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Rental January 26 2018 — new freezer was damaged. Front has two dents and top was dented due to ice being broken on top of it. Secretary has spoken with client and they have viewed damage. She does not feel damage requires keeping damage deposit as this is normal ware and should be expected. Suggested that if we should decide to keep damage deposit she will replace freezer and take ours. D. Eastman checked into having the lid replaced — cost would be more than purchasing new freezer. Board discussed suggestion of replacing freezer it was agreed that damage deposit is collected for this type of occurrence. Letter will be sent to client informing her of decision. Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by P. Hazelton That $200.00 damage deposit would not be returned due the damages. "Carried" a) Router for internet — G. Bell has talked with IT person at Staples regarding problem of not being able to get signal for internet outside of Main Hall. Also not being able to have too many users on at the same time without overloading modem. Suggested router that will boost signal at a cost of $50.00 or router that will boost signal and allow more users at cost of $300.00. P. Hazelton suggested that we contact IT at Municipality for their recommendations for a fix of problem. Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by C. Abraham That approval to spend up to $300.00 is granted to fix issue. "Carried" b) Discussed Bowling Alley rentals outside of normal league times. Some of rentals are interfering with main hall rentals i.e. during a wedding ceremony. Compose a letter stating parties during main hall rentals will need to end by 12 pm. c) S. DeJong suggested damage deposit from caterer. Secretary will call Ganaraska to see how this has been set up. d) S. DeJong feels the hoist box is an eye sore on the stage. Will investigate if this can be rectified. Motion to adjourn by C. Abraham 8:44 pm Kevin Symak, Chair Secretary, Gabrielle Bell