HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-16 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD January 16, 2018 Main Hall 7:00 pm Present Were: Kevin Symak, Chair Dave Eastman Sierd DeJong Peter Hazelton Councilor Partner Councilor Woo Regrets From: Cathy Abraham Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, secretary 1. ELECTION Councilor Woo chaired the election: At this time we have 2 positions available on the board. The term is Jan 2018 —Jan 2020 The following candidates have registered — Kevin Symak, Peter Hazelton and David Fletcher There were no nominations from the floor. Councilor Woo and Councilor Partner tallied the votes. Peter Hazelton and Kevin Symak were elected for the 2 year term. 2. Election of Chair for 2018 P. Hazelton nominated K. Symak W. Partner nominated D. Eastman — declined to stand K. Symak elected chair by acclamation. 3. CHAIR OF FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE 2018 W. Partner nominated K. Symak K.Symak elected chair by acclamation. 4. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Woo That the minutes of November 212017 are accepted as presented. "Carried 5. BUSINESS ARISING a) Bulletin Board — board discussed where we should place contact information i.e. upper portion or a section of lower portion. Upper portion is 10" high — we will do mock up for upper portion to see if it's too busy. 6. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by S. DeJong That the financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" 7. INVOICES No invoices presented. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a) Thank you note from BIA Parade Committee — appreciated use of hall to prepare for parade, received for information b) CBOT Membership Motion by W. Partner, seconded by D. Eastman That we continue membership with CBOT at a cost of $259.90 "Carried" c) Historical Society has asked for their lighting to be improved. This has been referred to Operations Department; we are presently awaiting a quote from electrician on cost of doing this. Will let Mr. Malone know that we are investigating the cost of upgrading lighting. d) Chamber of Commerce membership and AGM Dinner Motion by W. Partner, seconded S. DeJong That we continue membership with Newcastle Chamber of Commerce at a cost of $150.00 "Carried" The following board members will attend dinner K. Symak, D. Eastman, S. DeJong and Hall Coordinator G. Bell. If C. Abraham is available to attend we will add her to the list of attendees. Fee is $20.00 each to be paid by board. e) Received for information — Newcastle Village Community Hall was voted 2017 Readers Choice for Banquet facility. 9. FUNDRAISING - Currently 280 tickets sold - Working on volunteers for the evening - New hoist has been installed for the ceiling treatment, drapery has been ordered. - First decorating install will be Feb 24 wedding. - Fee set at $450.00 for one color ceiling treatment - Will discuss further pricing when we have pictures available in February. 10. KITCHEN RENOVATION a) Pricing for sale of tables — tables $250.00 each b) Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by W. Partner That warming table be sold for $20.00 "Carried" c) Donation of $5000.00 was received from Lions Club of Newcastle towards the kitchen renovation. d) Updated financial report attached. e) Timing is tight for January 26 event — we have been assured work will be completed by Jan 24. We may need board members to help out on Jan 25 to put kitchen back in order for event. f) D. Eastman wanted it noted that Municipal staff from Operations Department has been outstanding with their assistance. Discussed ways to thank them. Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by P. Hazelton That discussion goes in camera. "Carried" 11. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT - Tabled to February 2018 12. NEW BUSINESS a) Chair requested board members and staff read the Workplace Harassment policy for next meeting. We will be setting up checklist of items that have been covered in Municipal Policy Manual. b) Parking Signs — D. Eastman suggested parking signs be installed in parking lot as non- users are becoming an issue. Refer to Municipality for direction on having these installed. c) G. Bell noted BIA is considering a tree lighting ceremony for 2018 Christmas season. No details at this time as to location. d) Christmas lights are presently on sale at Home Hardware for 75%. As our current lights are not enough for the building discussed purchase of additional lights for next season. Motion by P Hazelton, seconded by W. Woo That we approve a budget of $150.00 to purchase outdoor Christmas lights. "Carried" e) Presentation to Council on Budget request scheduled for January 26 — Chair K. Symak will present. f) Discussed two upright pianos — one on stage of main hall. This has not been used since the 75th anniversary of the hall in 1998. The other belongs to the Lions Club stored in Centennial Room and has also not been used in many years. Lions Club had agreed they no longer had a use for it. Some years ago the board agreed both pianos could be sold or given away. We did not have any luck attempting to sell. We had interest from Doc Ville to take both pianos, but after numerous attempts to arrange for them to pick up they still remain. There has been no further interest. Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by W. Partner That P. Hazelton will list both pianos on auction site. "Carried" g) Stove Exhaust cleaning is being scheduled by Operations Dept. in 2018. It does not need to be done on a yearly basis as we do not have that much usage. We do need to clean the filters as this is not covered under the scheduled exhaust cleaning. h) S. DeJong will follow up with custodial staff on list of items (see attached) that was created to be covered while kitchen renovation is underway. S. DeJong will continue as liaison between custodial staff and board. J) It was noted that a member of the Historical Society is in the west wing outside of the regular scheduled days that the Society is open. The front doors have been left unlocked while they leave the building. The front door has also been locked when other it has been asked to be left unlocked as scheduled clients will be arriving to view the hall. Chair K. Symak will discuss with Chair of Historical Society Motion to adjourn by D. Eastman 9:00 pm