HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1968 Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that a vote on the proposed debenture issue be recorded. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that this Council hereby approves the issue of debentures in the principle amount of $120,000.00 for the purpose of building and equipping a four-room addition to the public school at Enniskillen. For the motion: Gibbs, Down. Against the motion: Muir, Dow. Reeve Muir declared the motion lost. Moved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that this Council agrees to participate in a proposed area conference to be held in thisdistr~ct in the near future. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. & 13 On motions as filed, a by-law to re-appoint the Road Supt. was given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2377. 68-2B-14, 15 & 16. On motions a s filed a by-law to re-divide the Township into polling sub-divisions was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2378. 63-213-], 68~213-2 68-213-3 68-28-4 68-213-5 68-2B-6 68-213-7 68-213-8 68';'213-9 68-2B-IO 68-213-11, 12 .:";..~ HAMPTON, FSBRUAHY 15, 1968. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all ".embers present except Councillor Brown, Reeve Muir presiding. I-loved by Deputy lieeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held February 1, 1968, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that accounts for the month of January, 1968, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 ~ 1 486.81. 16 - 31 1,930.34, 3,441.80 11,913.89. 3,137.26 2,567.32 2,235.11 -.----.---.- 26,712.53 Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that Peter McCormick, R.H.3, 13owmanville, be appointed Superintendent of the Maple t;rove dump for the month of February, 1968, on a trial basis at $3.00 per day. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that the Road Superintendent is instructed to prepare a profile for improvement to the road to John Liptay's property from Haydon. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that a grant of ~150.00 be made to the Salvation Army for the year 1968. Moved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that Reeve Nuir or his appointee be authorized to attend the 1968 Convention of Mayors and Reeve at Fort William. \tlelfare General Roads Roads P,'\Y List 1 - 15 16 - 31 TOTAL Page 2. ~c _ - ,~ Hampton February 1), 1968. 68-2B-16 Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that this Council now adjourn to the call of the Chair, to meet as a Court of lIevision. 68-2B-17 Council re-conv'clned at 6.10 P.N., Reeve Huir in the Chair. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that the Treasurer is instructed to rebate or cancel 1967 taxes as directed by a Resolution of the Court of devision for this Township dated February 1), 1968. 68-2B-18 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that this meeting adj ourn. ; I , .. .?n~.~~i.. .1...l:2.('~!~(~(1... Clerk. :b'-t"cLj , q . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . Reeve