HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1967
The Inaugural Heeting of the 1967 Council of the Township of
Darlington was held in the Hunicipal Building on this date, Heeve H.C.
Hui r presidin'!, Deputy Reeve C3.rl Down and Councillors Richard Gibbs,
R. Ben Brown and1ussell Dow attending.
Rev. Chas. Catto of Hamoton addressed Council and offered prayer,
and was thanked for his services by Deputy Eeeve Down.
Reeve Huir addressed Cocmcil, reviewing matters being dealt 1,vi th
by Co"mcil and suggesting others which l'llll come up during the coming
Year, Other Members of COimcil snoke bripfly and hr. 11m. HcAdams of the
Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, and Mr. George Totten, of Totten,
Sims, Hubicki Associates, also addressed Council.
Hoved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy {eeve Down that the minutes
of the meeting hpld December 15, 1966, be adopted as read.
Hoved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that the Reeve and Deputy
Reeve be a Commi ttee to bring in asIa te of Stanrling Commi ttees of
Council for 196'7.
Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that the Clerk is directed
to advise thp Ban} of Hontreal of the acceptance of a dinner invi tatton
wi th thenks.
Hrwed by Gounci llors Gibbs a,nd Do,} that Totten, Sims, HUbicki,
and Associates Ltd., be appointed Sngineering Consultants for the
To~nship for the year 1967.
'Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that accounts for the
month of December 1966, as listed herewith, be paid:
~ .
67-1-9 -10
1 1)
16 - 31
;;p 1,617.79
Roads PacT
List 1 - 15
16 - 31
-""--.- 0- _4 -_ ~ __ _~"_ T_ ~ .~. __ _~ _R'"'.
Hoved by Deputy Heeve Down Il.nd Councillor Do,J that Hembership fee
be paid to Association of Ontario Hayors and Beeves (';4'>.00) and that
the'Reeve be delegated to attend the Annual ConfereilCe in Niagara Falls
Hay ll+-17, 1967.
Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Drown that the Hembership fee
to the Ontari 0 Association of Rural Hunicipali ties C~l:). 00) be paid,
and that two (2) Hembers be delegated to attend the Association's
Annual Convention in Toronto on February 13 & Ilt, 1967.
Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Drown that Rule 33 be suspended
for the duration of this meeting.
On motions as filed, a By-lal" to provide for the borrowing
of amounts not over <:r40n,000.00 was ;:iven its several readings, Signed,
sealed and numbered 2346.
Moved by Councillors Brown and Dow it was resolved as follows:
That all cheoues of the Corporation drawn on all accounts be
signed on it~ behalf by Reeve or Deputy Reeve ~nd countersigned
by Treasurer.
That Treasurer of the Corporation be and is hereby authorized
for and on behalf of the Corporation to negotiate with, deposit
wi th or transfer to the BarL].;: of NontrealC but for credi t of the
said Corporation account only) all or any Bills of Exchange,
Promissory Hotes, Cheques and Orders for the payment of money and
other ne~otiable paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the
same or any of them on behalf of the said Corporation, either
in writing or by rubber stamp.
That Treasurer be and is hereby i'llthorized for and on behalf of
thesaid Corporation from time to time to arrange, settle,
balance and certify all books and accounts between the said
Corporation and the Bank; and to receive all paid cheques and
Vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of exchange and other
negotiable instruments and to sign the Bank's form of settlement
of balance and release.
I' '")
PAGf!: 2.
Township of Dnrlinqton.
January 5', 1967.
4. That Treasurer be nnd is hereby authorized for and on behalf of
thp said Corporation to obtain delivery from the said Bank of all
or any stocks, bonds and other securities held by the said Bank
in safekeeoin!! or otherwi se for the account of the Corporation
and to give valid and binding receipts therefor.
5'. That thi.s resolution be communicated to the sa:td Bank and remain
in force until written notice to the contrary shall have been
gi ven to the M.'lllager for the time being at the Branch of the
Bank at which the accounts of the said Corporation is kept
and receipt of such notice duly acknowledged in writing.
Certified a true copy.
(1) H.C.Huir
(2) \~.8.ltund1e Clerk.
Hoved by Deputy 3eeve Down and Councillor Dmv that Standing
Commi heels of'C011nc!l for 1967 are appointed as follows:
FINANCE Down, Brown, Muir.
ROADS Gibbs, Down, Muir
AGRICULTUH8 Dow, Gibbs, Nuir.
Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that Reeve H.C.~lir be j
appointed to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board for 1967.
J,loved by Councillors Brown and Gibbs that Deputy Heeve C. Down, 1/
Councillor R. Dow and A.L.Blanchard be appointed to the Lake Ontario
Development Association.
Noved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that Councillor v
Dow be appointed to the Durham County Federation of Agriculture.
Moved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that Councillor Brown and
Deputy Reeve Down are hereby appointed to D,q.rlington Planning Board
for 1967, and that W.H.Brown and Harry Oyler are appointed to that Board
for a three year term, to expire Jan. 1, 1970.
Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that Mrs. R.
Clemens be appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for a three-year
term, to expire Jan. 1, 1970.
Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Dow that fees for attendance
at meetings of Darlington Planning Board be increased to $10.00 per
Moved by Councillors DOlv and BrmVJ1 that lJepu ty Reeve Down and
Councillor Gibbs be added to the Centennial Committee. .
Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that A.L.Blanchard
be added to the Darlington Cemetery Committee.
Hoved by Deputy Reeve Dm,n and Councillor Dow that Councillor
Brown be appointed to the Bowmanvi11e Area Ambulance Committee.
Moved by Councillor DO.l and Deputy Reeve Down that H.A.Barron
be re-appointed to the Board of BovJmanville Memorial Hospi tal for 1967. v
Ho-ged by Deputy Reeve DOIVJ1 and COllllci110r Dow
that Richard Gibbs is hereby appointed as this Tmmship's representative t/
on the Board of the Central L::tke Ontario Conservation Authority.
Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that the Reeve and Treasurer
are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the second and seventeenth of
each month in payment of wages and salaries, at rates as approved by
Council, also for welfare accounts as certified by the Welfare Administratri
for road accounts as approved by the [{oad Committee, and for debenture
payments as due, and special account funds for school construction
when properly authorized.
Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Brmm that the second meeting of
Council in the month of January 1967, be held on Wednesday, January 11,
at 1.30 P.E.
Noved by COllJ1cillors Do\-! and Gibbs that thi s meeting adj ourn.
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