HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1967 67-2-1 67-2-2 67-2-3 67-2-1+ 67-2-5 67-2-6 67-2-7 67-2-8 67-2-9 67-2-10 67-2-11 67-2-12 67-2-13 67-2-11+ Hampton, February 2nd, 1967. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Muir presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Gibbs that the minutes of the meetings held January 11th and January 26th, 1967, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that the Solicitor for Ronald Dykstra be informed that the Townshipts appraiser has recommended payment of $500.00 in full settlement, and that the report having been adopted, Council will settle on the basis of the report only. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that the Bowmanville Area Ambulance Committee be informed that this Council feels that the opportionment of cost between municipalities should remain on an assessment basis, in view of the fact that the majority of calls originate in urban areas, and also that many Darlington residents use ambulance service from other areas. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that this Township approves the addition of an amount of $5,000.00 to the 1967 Budget of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board to be used for the purpose of an Area Disposal Study. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that Martin Road, that is/the Road between Lots 11+ and 15, be closed between the limits of the Canadian National right-of-way at such time as the Waverly Road overpass is completed and opened to the pUblic. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Dow that the Townshipts Engineering ConSUltant, Totten, Sims,/Hubicki & Associates Ltd., are hereby instructed to make applicatio~the the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada for approval of automatic crossing protection at the C.N.R. and Bennett Rd. (mileage 289.08) and at Metcalfe Rd. (mileage 292.93) and at the C.P.R. crossing at Base Line Rd. and the road between lots 26 & 27, all the above as recommended in Mr. Tottens letter of January 26, 1967. Moved by Councillor Brown and Deputy Reeve Down that this Council petition the Ontario Department of Highways for payment of the balance of 1966 Road Subsidy. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that road accounts for January 1967, in the amount of $3,447.99, asaapproved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that subscriptions to the Municipal World be paid for each member of the Committee of Adjustment. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that the Road Superintendent is authorized to order a Detroit 6V53N Deisel motor,with torque/from Harper Deisel Co. as quoted in the Companyts letter of January 31, 1967.' Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that the Clerk and Road Superintendent are instructed to invite prices for supply of Motor fuels and heating fuels for the Municipal Office and Roads Department . Moved by Councillors Brown and Dow that this Council go on record as wishing to include all of Darlington Township within the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that it be recorded that, pursuant. to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chap. 21+9, Sec. 231+, surety policies, as required by the Act, have been presented to this Council and it is hereby directed that such policies shall be kept in the ~ownshipts office, in the custody of the Clerk-Administrator, where they shall be available for inspection by the T0WTIShip's Auditor. Moved by. Councillors Dow and Gibbs . . .lit.- ~,\~'v\ . . . Reeve . that t~~s ,,",mee~~g adjo~n. ,1;'(/ c /st--<...<:_,-->--<e U .......'....~. Clerk