HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1967 :)7-:2C-l ,~7_?G_? 67-2G-3 67_?G_Lr 67-2C-5' 67-2C-6 67 c." 7 -C::::v- 67-2C-8 HAHPTON.. FglnUA,~Y 16, 1967. JFrlino-t.c,n TownshiD C(:mnci.l 'J1Rt in t.hR HllDicip.g.l Bnilc1i.nv on this d~t.e, ,gll Members DrRsent. ~aQVP ~lir nresic1ing. Hoved by Connd.llor BrmofD9.nd ijpnuty ReRve Dmm t.hat the minutes of thp meetine held on l"Rbru,ry 2nd 'ind February 7th. be adopted '1. S rerl.o. Haved bv De'DU ty Reeve Down end Counci llor Brmln that accounts for the month of J.gnn.gry, 1967, as listed herewith, be nnid: S.'>.laries 1-1"; 16-31 1.h74.16 2 ,171. 30 1,794.9? 120,6"0,.60 ",Lf47.99 ?,?OQ.7h 2,660,.1'1 13L"hl5'.14 " '^,plf',.gre Gpner" 1 ~o8ds Hoads P"v I,ist I-IS 16-<1 TotAl hoved b:l Councillors Gibbs And Brolm thqt q erant of SO.OO be made to the S~lvRtion Army for 1967. ~'joved by Councillor Dowqnd Deputy Reeve Down thqt the 1967 Budget of the Central OntArio Joint PIAnninC" BOrlrd, as submitted to t.his meeting is ann roved and ordered received and filed. Moved bv Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that Mr. rue~1 of the Townshifl's Auditors be requested to advertise for applications for the position of Treasurer for the Tmmship of Darlin~t.on. Eoved by Councillors Gibbs qnd Bro1m that. the 1966 Fin'l.ncial Sta tement as presented to thi s meeting by the Township's Auditors be accepted, and received and filed. Moved by Councillor Gibbs Department of Highways of Ontario be fun t.he 1966 road program as folIous: qno D'eputy Reeve Down that the requested to approve transfArs J. ~ . 1. In Supolement<'lry By-law 2327. $7,884.8S from Bri.dges & Culverts to Road H?intenance. Moved bv Councillors DOH ?nd Gibbs t.ha t this meeting adj ourn. >')'-: ,. .:/(7)'1 ",7 , 'u"." ",. "',' ',{ . '!f~ . if.. j. ~.~. . .~.';~ '<<;-:7" .. . ~., ,( 7'[' "--) i Cle 'k . IdY-flN} , v Q /',:.-.L..,;.';" .-h - V. '-' -; ,. z...-?-l.-< /j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve.