HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/1967 -,- ~ (,'7-3B-l (,7-3B-? h7-3B-3 f" rj _ ':r~.:~_L\- (,'7-8B-S :')7-~B-6 Hi\.HPTON, HilYGR 16, 1967. Dor1in"ton Tmmship Council met in the Nunicip8.1 Building on this dote, all Members present, Reeve ~tlr nresiding. Moved by Councillors Do\-! 8.nd Bro',m t.il'l t the minutes of the meeting held March ? 19(,'7. be adonted RS read. Noved bv Deputv Reeve Down and Gouncillor Brown that accounts fnr the m()nt.~i of 14-'pbrn~r:r~ 19:-;7~ as listed h'~rp\'Jith; be Di-lid: S.11:=tries 1 lr.)' 1,69'7.82 ?,l-:n.S'7 1.'788."? U,?17.'J9 h.c;-:n.04 1(, ?o, \r,[olf!:1.re Gener'll Roads Roa.ds P~'! L;st 1 1, ? LtG;'; 16 , --. ? )'l~ ~() .,-,' . -'-~ 16 ~g Total $ 30,187.06 Hoved by Gounci1lors Gibbs and Dow that, subject to the ,uproval of the 'bad Superintendent, R'v,oton United Church be [':i ven pel-mission to use Hill Street fro'" :5cugoG' to Hill Pond on Hey h, 191)7 from 1 to 6 P.!>'. !>iover1 bv '::o'lUcil1or Dmr 8Qd Gibbs that this Council hereby enrtnrses the nrnnQq~l of t.hA Townshtn of Sqst Whithv. th~t thA seventh '.i_ne nf~~'lct \'Jhtthv 8~.qt fronJ G()11J.rnhl1~ ~ ~ 0t,St~_nr.A of ,'Clnnroxi.m.qt.plv ?A mil_ps bp desiqn8ted ~ dRvelonnpnt ro~d. l"o'18d by Counci llors Bwm-m !lnd DOl,! th'1 t Ud s Council endorses !l resolution of tlw Coun0.i 1 of the TO'4nsh5D or GhinMnro1Jsy, sUDDortin>, the continlle~ use of orfici,,-l PIqns "s the nriQc1pal instrument in Pl,nnnin'?: . Hoved by Co'm0.i.110"s Dowand Gibbs tent Clifford Pethick be R0nointed W~-ble WIy IQsnector for lq~7 at ..?1l ner h.o'}Y'. ;l.nd tb'1_th.:i_s trn~k n"U1 ciriver b8 (:::.nfJ't-l.O'en for 'N'Plri~,J'-::J T;'l.:7" snr?vinr~ 'It, ;:;" "'::'.r::;'() "pr hOlJ1". :1.11,(1 t.hn.t onA m!"jD b(~ sl}n'-~1.i8d bv !:llP '~Po~".rnshj_p;;it 1...60 nAY' .t1,0llI'. ~7-)B-7 Hoved by Councillors Gihhs 8n~ brown tlillt the Clerk order b.no lbs", of ',"h1rble Fl'lv Pn'\TnAr frorn .ll.. I-T" Bro-';'ln. S7-.3B-8 Hoved b';r COUDcillryr's Gibbs nnd Bro~,-Jn th.qt the Ct.~ntr,9.1 Lr:tke Ont'uio Conser'1'ltion 'iuthoritv b," noti[;!'d trl'1t it is this COI~nri1's intention to r~ise t.he rpn~_'Tnshj.D'c:, shnre of the cost of S~h8me f:-- 8 fr'om CUI'rent t~X'1tj_f')n. Hoved b'l Denutv Reeve Dm1n and Counrillor now th'1.t Orval Grills ~7-8B-9 b!' 8npoint!'d Weed InsDRctnr for 19~7. {'7-3B-IO Hoved by Cnunci llQr Gibbs qf!ll DeDl1ty l1eeve DOlm that Finle 0.< be suspendpcJ for the rluratinn of -f-:.his mep.ttncr. 67-3B-l1,1? On motions as filed 8 By-lal,r to nrovide for Fm exnendi ture & 1< nf1H70,OOO.OO on Townsilip ro'"ds ~n 1967, 1.>i'lS f'iven i.ts severql re,3.dinvs , sif'ned, sealed 2nd numbered 2351..J ~ "'-'11 . --- H'lPJpton, l1a.rctl 1:;, 19h7. Cant. P8_P'8 2. h'7_ClB_1'; l'loved by Coun~illor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve DOlffi that the Clerk i.s inst.rlJ~t.ed to 8.C101y to the BO__erd of T"c8nsport. Commissioners for Cc.nada.. for '1.')orov~l of ~rossin" Drot.ection '1t the intersection of the C.P.R. with B~se LinA road 8t Lots ?6 8nd 27 ~nd also ~t -the intersection of th_8 G.P.I:..'. "t-Tith t,hR 1:~O,'H~ bet-hTppn Lots ?,~ 2.nd :~4" Concession 1. Hoved by Counr.i1lors BraIn! ~.nd Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed tn '.-Jrit.e ta:-he Bogrd 0(1 TransDort Co'tmissionprs for Gn'lda, agreein~ to the ornoosols and est.im?tes supplipd for ~ltomatic prot.ect.ion P. t thp lnte r'se'-:~ tion of trl? C. N. r<.. 1Ft t~1 BpiJDett r~:()~rJ~lDd ,'-11so :"i.t Hetcalf ('7 "1:3 1" '~J,-j _~L~ l08d. (Hile ?9?cn. gild mile ?89.o8.\. h7-3B-lS Hoved ;\11 D"putv Reeve Dmm. 'lnd Councillor DOl, that the Road Slloerintendent i." 'l'lthfJri:ced to cell tenders on c,ll i teos in the road DT'or-rnm 8S 8oproved by this {~nuncil. 6'7_'B_17. 18 On motions as filed a Bv-law to authori:cp the pxecution of & 19. nn '\mbul~_nc0 :\p'reement 1,J,q S gi V8n its seve-c'al reA.dinp;s, si rtned ~ 888.1ed and rl1lmberp6 2'1"'? On mot,ion of Councillors Do'" a.nd Br01ifTI t.ilis meeting ad,iolllrned. ,~?- <B-?O ,'f(;, . n1LA. ( /-' /.t . /J ~) ;,... -< _~ct~d- ........... -.............................".... . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . Reeve Clerk.