HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1967 67 -4-1 67-4-2. / , . ..~., 't '3. '.J/ - - 67_';_4 ~ 67-1+-'1 h~}_Lt-6 67_~-_7 /:;7_1+_8 H\HP'rON, April 6, 1967. Darlington TOI-rDship Counr:il met in the MuniciQ8.1 Building on this elate, Reeve Muir presidinp;, Councillors Gibbs, Brm.m and Dovl !1ttendinp;. Hoved bv Councillors Gibhs and Brovm that the minutes of the meetings held March 16, ~nd March 21, 1967, be adopted as read. DAlep-ati.ons N!ferring to thB proposed Green Roed imnrovement and damage to mink hv dORs, 8ddressed Council. Hoved by Coundllors Brmm and Gibbs that Hiss Ni.ddery, W"1..f:1re Administrqtrix, is hAreby :mthorizecl to'1.tj"md the Ontario vielf!1.re Officers' Convention in Kitchener, June 5',6 & 7, 1967. Moved by Councillors Gibhs 8nd Dow that Road Accounts for March 1967. in the "'.mo'mt of $ 21,30'+.19, as approved by the Ro.'1.d Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Brovll1 and Dow tll!'! t the Clerk is instructed to reply to a letter from the Board of Transport Commissioners (File No. 267;)'7.339) to the effect tint the Tmmship '1.grees to the pronosal in princi pIe, hll t. 8 s the TovlTIshi n is now involved i.n crossinp: Drotection 8t five (~) other lOCAtions 8S Dart of its 196'7 roads program, it wo~ld be preferable to consider this proposal as e 1968 project. Hoved by Councillors DoC{ and Gibbs that the Tovlllship of Darlington has no objection to the closing of the road allowance between Lot 35 in the First Concession of the Tovmship of Cle.:pke and Lot 1 in the Broken Front Goncession of the Tmwshin of Darlington, "i thi n the limi ts of the Kinp:ston sub-division of C':nfldian N,e.tional R'lilways. (Hileave 288.03 Ktrwston Sub-division.) Hoved by Councillors DOl{ and Gibbs th'l.t this Council will give consideration to the re-zoning of the property of Ven Belle Gardens, Lot 24, Con. 2. 'loci that in the meantimp this Council Hl of the ooinion th'lt "'II structures Dresently loc"ted on thet pronerty shou16 bp considered to be permisseble. Noved bv Counci.llors Bro1'lr]3.nd Gibbs that A. p-rant of $';0.00 bp made tQ1.!',rd costs of ;,n indip:ent funera.l. Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown tha j' Rule 33 be suspended for the duraUon of this meeting. 67-4-} ,10\' 11. On motions as filed, a By-law to close Flnd convey to abuttinF' ocmers. D'1 rts of 8 n "b8ndoned road aJlowance in Lots 32 8c 33, Con. 3, wa.s p'iven its sevprFl.l readinp:s, siC"n"'c1, sealeel and numh8red 2353. 67-',-1), 13 : 14 67-4-15, 16 17 h'7-4-18 On motions as filed,". By-laH tD nrovide for the pxnronriation of ~0rt8jn l~lnds for rO,q.d imnI'ovement was f!i ven its sever8.1 readine:s, sip;ned., sBFl.led end numbered ~..A~::\'1 ~ j On 1'10tions as filpG., .'1. 13y-l1:Hv to appoint a Road Superintendent HRS giveJl its several reRdings, sivned, see.led and numbered ~.'})!:~~ Moved by Councillors Brown end Dow that this meeting adjourn. . l{t,~ ...... ...,......... .... .... ...oo.oo 1/., ., /) . ~". //1 C. W--vvv "'-.' ..oo. ..-...'r .... ..... .... ..~........ REEVE CLERK.