HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/1967 ()7-L+C_l 6~UV~-2 67-hC-3 6'7_4C_l[ 67_LC_') h7_ltC_6 67-4c-7 67_4c_8 rS7_L+~:~_9 HAIPTOc,.'\PRTT. ?O. 191;7. D~lrltnrrt0n Tr)1"l1shi.f\ Council mA, in the Hunicinal BU.ildino- on thi. s dat9 ~ Heevp I.Iuir ~rE3siding., DRDutv Hp8ve DOHn Councillors Gl bbs and DO'id R t tendi. n,'<. Ivloved bv Dpouty;'{eeve Dcn'ln Rnd CiolJncil1or D01.,v t.h8.t the mtnllt.es of the mAPtinqs hpld A~riJ_ ~~ qnrl Anril 17, 19~7~ be ~donted as read. Boved by Councillo:e Gibbs and Deputy I{eeve D01m that tenders submitted on Foley Crossin~, Contract 6'))9, and McGill Culvert, Contract 6113, be received and opened. Moved by Comcillors DOH and Gibbs that Hr. Totten and I'Ir. Short retire and analyse tRndRrs, amI. report Inck to this meeting. MovRd by DeDuty .c(eeve Dmm ".nd Councillor Dm, that the Clerk- '\C!ministr'ltor i""quthori:ced to attend tile :\nmB.l Confo"'ence I)f the }'Iunicipal Clerks qnd f]:rp.':lsurers of Ontario j.n June. El)vp.d lw CC'l'lncillor CHboJS and DRnuty Reeve DOlm that the 'rRnder submitted bv G3na Pp Sk3 13ri dr-e Cr,. 0n Contra.ct 6113, l<cGill culvert is 8ccepted at unit nri.cRs as tendered, sub5ect to theQnprov,ql cf the Denartm,,"nt of Hi~h'''av", Oni;-3ri0. Hoved bv COlmci llors DOH "nd Gibhs th3t, the T"nder submitted by H3.rndRD & Kin" Constl"l1cti.on on r:ont1"8ct 6<0:>9. Folev Crossin?" is R.ccRPted at unit, oricRs AS i:,r,nderen. SUbjRct to the3.nnrOv'1.1 of the Department of Hic-tMClvs, Ont-grio. Noved bv De0utv 3eeve Do.,m'lnd Co'mci.llor DOlv tha t the resi,"nation of i"r.W. G. D'1.11as, 'n'm"nshi..'J Treasurer, j.s accented" \-lith ~pgret, this to tqke effect Mqy 31, 1967. Moved by Deputy RReve for the month of j(qrch 1967, 2.S Salaries DOHn ond Councillor DOH that Qccounts listed herewith, be paid. 1 - 15 $ 2,lll.?7 1, ~l ~ 2~' ~ o _~ L, JO.?O 1,939.'78 2,1'79.53 1G,389.92 :-;. '7(,0 71 ". ,.,0... 2'1?05..[:j'r;. ~\Jelfare General Roads Hoads P"y List 1 _ 1'1 1 '1 _ .'1 TOTAL $ 2.9,791.?7 Hoved bv [lepu tv ,;eeve DOlm and Councillor Gibbs thl'! t thi s meeting adj Durn. f..{C, ~ . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . ~ .. .. .. .. . .. . . /) '7".if:;; . /7 ./ev+ ct. 'l --e:.~,,'.L~ . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. ~ . .. .. . ... ~"'". ~ '" .. R~.~Vl:: CLtGRY.. HAMPTON, APRIL 20, 1967. CQM.!"1IT_T,~~~_,,~O:F' IT;i~ ;.'I)j~10L'~~ CO -i-li;:~IL 1. l'10ver1 by CO'ln~nJ or DOH nnd Def)lJ.ty lieeve BOloIn '~h" t. t.he Clerk ~nntn~t. Mr. D, Rit.~hie of Thedford, Ont.qrio, and offer him trlR D'Jsittnn_ o-r rrolJl:1shtn TY'P,'-1surer :l,t. ,!)7nOO.00 ner 8. -lnum, nnrl renuest ;In lmrnecLtnt.e rnnlv. '1 c . !vloV0(1 bv CntJnctllors Dnv"-:_nc1 Giths th,'Jt ttll() resoluttons 1 I' . t t f t' . ~h 1'" . ] " . '1 10/'7 nass'?!_ j.n vOP1J::ll ~ee 0_ _,ne :j'L~C1 e vonne} _ on l':,3.rcn c_, 70, are herpby rescinded. 3. Hoven. by Gou_neillors Gj hbs ~,nd DOl,' th:l t Hrs. dh8il,'l~ S~huddeboom is '1'J)')oint.en Dem1ty Treasurer C't a lnsj<. 8Cl131'Y of .4000.00 ner ,"nnum.. 3nd that Fm in~rease in sCl.18.rv of ,,'\OG,OO b8 F'rg,nten t.o the follm,rinr: Gfficers: Cle1'k- '\n_'I1i. ,i str,q_t,nT'~ j)POllty Cle:rk ;'i{ l!ij,?lf3rp L\.6mtnt~t."(,^ltrtx. Treasurer D8p1lty TrA~surer. ~11.J~(~in~ Insnp~tnr ~ndissess0r, and ~hat 8.11 hOll rl\T r~,t.en. pmDlovees bp s'i. vnn p.n inCr8tlSe of <'$ .10 Der h01Jr. )" " Hewed bv G01F\f.'t llor Gibbs 'Qnc1 D"")ll tv Rp8V8 Down t.h" t Committee ad~ourn. ..UC.!,:h~~~...... ..t/. ' ?,? " ,.... .'1-::.: ,1~~~:-::-:-:-,. TI ~"""Tf-r., nM...t--'JV.t:J CLEiili.