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05/01/1967 (Special)
Hq\-p'll-)T>J. l'ih-.:! 1~ lC):::''7.. D':1 -rli.ncrr,l"ll1 rr.')FnQhin C"'lnn;l Mr>-r, ;, n STlPC1.'<:>.l S8s~i.nn nn thts r]-:lt,p tn ~nns-jJ:J?-,.... tpn00r(~ SI1_hn-r'it.+r")ri {",.....p:' sl1nr,l'.! ()-F" ,-) -ni~k_nY' tr"-nr>k~ ,~nr] t.n C1i_SCUSS nthpy, i~lilsi_ness.. N"ir~v5 1:,,/ C01.'l1'1C;_1 Tnrs (~:i. hi-,S '-l lJN .,;,.)r0,\.rn. +.~\_~ t. -t_:~ndc"'---'s f0r Sil1'lnly nt"' ., -Il? ton ni.r.k-l'n t"(~n(>l\ be Y"or>oj_v(::-.rlr1'10 o!"(~np.n':::'t:. +.lllc; t-i_me.. TQn0:-'>Y"~ '_~T~re !:'0c~ivpc1 "1." f'0.l_1n"Js: H001{:8Y'~;"")i'l_S ;_;hevr01(~t 14J:;"4 .. 2 t:) l;lhO.On If5?L.:\O Gill.TP n l' 115 ilf'1.r~nt Jnt,>2T'rl': ttr)n~~l SeA.l.'l?y Tin ors l'I0_!:'cury T{nv "J. Ni.~hol s. Ghevrnlet 111-'7n.no r~'"VCill"in H0VP'~ ):rv ~Dr"r 'J.nd Gibbs t.h,l. t. the Roo (; Suoprintpndent chec][ -C'18 onp.c:ific!l ti.oDS on iJ.'endcrs r(~c~pi ir~o n_ S :lbovp ~'::lJ1rl t'P',;()t't to t:_li s ;~o11nci_J on 'rh'lrsrt~v. M~v l~_ 1;~)~? H0VP(j b" C0'll1cillors Do'., "red Gibbs tint the Clerk "Trtte l:r. Don Jones of" tf}8 Dept. of' L.1.bollr'J to tJ:18 pffect t.h_-?t trH~ .~oun(~il is '1T'l3re of' +-~':;p Sttll~li--"j()rl ,~-')-r; 'P"J"ron9 ~'Ft:lp; ~u'-1cl thqt; t~v:~ evldrnce of f:Lre S8An there~ is q result nf nrotpctive burninr~ done 'lnder sure~visj_on and in the nrer;0nC8 of a 1\.L'1t.pr truck. lilnved b~T Conn0.i"lJors DOl) '-1no J3rol,'Jn tJ1<lt fj_v? (~) '!npj_(-~S of 1~1h? 1"hlnicl.tYl.l I')i.~r:'p~tnrv be 0T'(1prpr1 '" J"~()Vi~d bv CO'lnc'illoI's D0'\_" <:j.nd C~i ~ ., "C thi.s mp0d-,tnp' .q_fl_i ourn. . . ./.if!!::. ~~. . . . . . . . . . < ./'> . 'U ~ A.J U ..,,/ c.., I ~_CL_"~_ . . ~ .. . . . . . . ~ ~". . . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ ~ . . R~,':;:;Vii: :~ L:j~<f ..