HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1967 HAHPTON, May 4, 19h/. 6'7-5-1 D"rlinr-ton Tmmshir ';ouncil met in the Hunicip'l.l Building on thi s date, all Members nresent, Reeve Muir tJresidin's. Hoved by Councillors Gibbs 'lnd Brown thElt the minutes of the meetinr-s held "Dril ::'0 a.nd ;1" y 1, 1967, be adopted as read. Hoved by D8putv rteeve Down and Councillor Dmv thnt the minutes of the Committe,,, of tiLe ',iho18 Council d"ted Anril ?O, 19h7, are adontecl. 67 - 5'-lA 67-'7-::' Moved by Councillors G;. bbs ::md Brmm thct t a BY-lR':! to appoint Hr. P.]).i\i tchie Treasurer of this TmVl1s11ip be nreoared for COllncil's June 1, 1967 meeting. ~loved by Deputy Reeve DOloJD and CO'1Dcillor DOli tha t a revi sed account for the Centennial Droiect in the amount of ~77'7.09. be paid. Eoved b;1 COlJ.ncillors Gibbs and Brown that Hoa (1 8 Ccollnts for the month of Aoril 1967. in the pmount oP ~917q.9?, as ""oroved by the l'(oclC1 COMilli ttee. be paid. 1:oved by Conncillors (dbbs ?Dd Brown that HI'. Ncfcdams be consulted as to the time of his proposecl visit and that1.rC'angements be m.,(I" to set" cbtc, satisfa.ctorv to ,311 pg,rties. Moved by Conncillors Gibbs and Drmm tho.t the Public School Bop.rd of the 'Io\mshtp ,School ',rea of rl in",ton be informed that the Connetl will co-opec.te tn c10sinr p"rt of' Simpson j~ve., in H'lmpton, on the comUUon that the School Board will assume res"onsibili ty for all costs involved. Eoved by vepu ty fleeve Dr)1'ir) emd Councillor G-i bbs tila t the 801tci tor for proDerty m.rpers on Dcwelonraent h08d j ";106 be informed that this Council's posi Lion reg3.rdinr; lewd v'lluJ.Uons in that project h9.S not been altered. Hoved hy Councillor DOH,nd Deputy ;'(8eve DO\Tn that the arum'll stand-by chg rp;e paid to the To\m of Boltlm8nville for fi. re orotection be increased to $5'000.00. ,3r1d tint t11i." TO\vnship '.s agreement Vii th t11e Town be pltered accordinrly. Hoved by Gouncillors C,ibbs :Jnd Drourl th'l.t 11u1e :"'~ be suspended f'or the cill:r~ t,ton of thi. S rrl0et.inp'. On motions qS filpd~ ~ ]~y-law to provide for ~ sunolementary road eXp(~ndi ture of ;,p .:?6'7 ~ ~.{OO. 00 In 19::7. 1.J,~')S ui ven 1 ts severn 1 reactings . d 1 -, b -' ~,-'L I SJ.Fll.e , sea 00. RYlO num eret;_ (~.))o. Liov,,,d by Councillors DOH ane! D.'c:n.rn tint the T'encler for supply of a 1967 ni"k-un truck slJbmi tted by Cou.,n':"'.lipmsnt Go. -,t.,;J2i;O.00. be ncceDtA~ 18 tenderpd~ Sllb~ect to tJIA ~0~rovql o~ t~e Do~ar~m8nt of /- 07--'-3 h7-'l-4 67-J-r) 67-:)-6 67-r:;-'7 h7-;-S 67-:,';-9 67- -10, 11 J'r 12 'S7-~:;-13 Hi.r::hTiJays, 'f Ont,?l.ri.o. 67-C:;_lL) 1,'Ioven t:J Connci_llors Drn'! ':-tnd DX'01...rn tha t thi_ s r1eet:i,ng an.i ourno. ./1 r'dL eeL . . .. . .. ~ ~ .. .. .. ~ o.'" . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. ~ ~ .. , fde / f'tvlAA/V ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , h;'~:!;V~ CL'sr~l< ..