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H,VPTON, M.'1Y 1,'\, 1967. D'1rlinFton COl]n~il met in the M1Jni~i Dill ]3ui.ldtnf' on thi s rjqte, Reeve Nuir Dresi,4ino: '111 J:FHnbprs nresent except Councillor Brown absent due to illness. hr;_:::;':;-~-l l/Iov86 'Y,/ Councillor 0,)':1 and Dennt.y ;-"{88ve D0\-JD th9.t the mirnJtes of thp meetlnC:--l?ld }.JQy' 4. 19?)7, b(:";! 2pnrnv8d !)S rp~c1. Noved bv Dr-:nut:\}- r{P8ve Dn1>rD ~nd GOlulc.i.110r 'Do.;..! t.h-~,t nccounts for the ]'-,Iont.h of :\nriJ 1_9h7..r~s li.sted I10re11ith. be TI'1jJl.. C;'7_!:{B_? S?l~riAs 1 IS 1'1 30 $ 17hS'..61 ')')~)_ 78 - '.. '- . ! .~ 1,'\3".?'1 ~'O-l 4~ '-oj _.'J .. ", b.Oo,/ "(~ '. .JO.1..7 ')J_71..40 '7~.?1 ;'Je If' nr e G~::. .'"18 J.~,q 1 RO-'J.ds ~k)'1_c1s p'Y I~_ct. 1 1') 1 ," -', 'U, Tobl ,; ?4,l0'1.QQ -~7-r:)B-3 l<nved bv 8011Jl.ci..llor' ca b'r),S f1nd Denu ty Reeve Down thfl t. trH~ TmJilshin Solici +0" is instr!lctpd to nrep-",re a By-1m, 'loel to t.?ke all other neceSS.3,rj action tC) clos\? .')_nd ~()nve,~! to 0.buttj_n.c: o~,.rners, that part of Simpson ve.,in H~mnton, lyin~ ~ithin ths School ~rounds of For8er Scllool S8~t~_0n ~ 11. Mov"d 1:>'1 GO'llwillClr DOl" nnd Denut;r Reeve DOHn th8.t the Clerk attend O.V.A.Conve:ltion and report. Novea b'1 Councillor Gibbs '1lld DeDut'1 Heeve DOI,'n that the Tender for oil and surfn.ce tre:ltinrr, sll.bmi tted to G9-:ctHrif!~~t. 3,nd Da.rlim:tofl Tounsl":i ps by Kornden 'Incl Kin" Cons truction Ltd., be 'lccented at unit prices 3.8 tendered in tJ,_e fol1ol.,rinp; estimatect qu~.ntities: h 7 _ r::)B_L\. 6'7_:-;'B_'l 1. n D. .0. prime S'J.nd ~l)rJlic.~ltion ':i.. S.. 2 ~\sphal t. Spread "-nel \011 3/8 60, noa gal ,J. 1,200 yards 6 ,000 Ga.l ,--hi n~ ').00 tnn ,.C_'____ .i_"~' . -- '_.- -.' ~_, .__. -lnroxtm?tely II " II 4: 67 - ')':3-6 - '1'3-7 Hoved by:::;o'J_n~.illor Gi l-,bS"'J~cl 0eputY:leeve DOI,lrn that thIs COl).ncll suo;';est to the Centr31 LaLe Onta:rio Conservation Authori ty that the Creel, Thl1ey ~~l Lot ~6, Gon,?ession 3, b,;, inspec~ed prior to future proDosed const.r~lCI/1()n, 'hTltrl:?c Vl21,! to checJ'\_J.!l(~ (~:rOSlon on the ',.;est banl{ of the ravine. ;' "'~.,., lw Counr.illors D01;! and Gibbs that Grants to FO.ir Boards be madeo.s.follm'ls: South Ontario (Oshm,o.) Ca_rtt.'Jrlght Dnrh3.m Central ?'J.OO 2<;'.00 100.00 6'7-'~B_ij Noved by Councillors Gj hhs and DO\'I that tenders for crushin? ~ravel be opened at this time. Tenders received as follo"ls: 1~;:UNK S..-'::QYLfI LTD...1 ~l~l. i~ L!D.-!- ITf~r.<L_}JO,~ : AnY)roximnT:,,:-'l;T ?o-:(I(]n ~nb:t~ Y'lrds _~/41t f~r~_vel. 1. Pri~p ,,<~Y' CIJr-':i.r"! vd. :fnr rY'nStiinrl' ('fr<:lvel nff' D01t Price ~2r Cl1hic vd. ~or C~ls}lin~ ~n~ ~_pli.verin~ 2r8_vel on r'l'10S un t~) 81::'" rn=Lle h::lul Pric'~ per cubic yard Der "i~i1:~ Qver':-1-::!_111(over 0. I';~ ~) Pri"0 'lpr r1lDlC 'lel.en" cr-!JsLd.n.u ,Tnd ,s'r,nckntl,tnp' j_D '''"1_ to. So .1+0 ~ r'. '<. f; . O..7~ o . 07:~- 0.50 IT8M NO.2: A~DroximRtelv ---~f~~'---~'~Pr5~e Tier cubt~ P'Y'''''18J on r"n"'0S Pri~~ D('-r- (~l.ll'd_c P~('iC8 De-i' ~11rd_e '. 9,0'"';0 ('llr)ic yets of 0i t run ~r-'l'\r91. yd. for lo:1<'1inv '~n(i n(~ltveri.:1Y lJr) tc ::;~;"Y" "-rjl~; h'!lll yd a IIP1" ~o.ile ()v'?:c_h;~.1J.l (o',/c:::_e 6 i.) vel. l'ladp(J on trucK (). '{9 n n7~ '". J 2 G. 2" ~. ~ .). ?,\'}E: 2. Cant. COYLE. I'i;~F NO. ? 1. " \nnroxi~qte].y 2~noo Cllhi.c 'r?r~~ s~Dd. Price Der cubic V:l.. f'(")T> sr>!,opn.inp" 0''Y'~v81 off DP,lt PI'i.~n :"pr cul~'i r: :'0.. f.'lrr~'~I>p'~ni..nf'~ i-:?ld deltvertn?' (~r1.veJ on rev:u1s un t.o ~t,~ G"li.le h0ill PriC8Y)8l" ~ul)ic ya:C'r] I1er roj.le ()'10rh'~1~_1 (r)vnr :) I,,".t.) Price ner Cl1hic v~rd fnr screen~~~ ~nd stnc -114_1i.n~ :i.n nit; -:') 0.33 o '. 4. o.6S" 0.. 07~7 n.4:, 67-~B-9 1'v:0v':.n bv j() ln~i] 1_8rs (;'i_hl~-,s:~.!T:-1 nO'!:1 th~t t.h,~ Ll>~:)ndcY' for ~:ruqhj.np' G'r8vpl snr!rnit.tf-:d fY;J F:r0.nk S. G0ule LtrI., b9 Rcceptprl at unit nrtcps ~"s t.sndered ~ sub:: p(>t t.o ~,:'~r I''lv,<),l of -!~,hp. DpTj!lrYm?nt of Bj_p:h'llr1.YS 01'" Ont~-ri.(). >/' ::)7 _ ~T~_l () -''1B-lJ 1,>TrY'ilpcl. !:tY Govtl(>j_l1or Dn~'.J and Dneutv Heeve DfYr.TD th8t tJ'"lP Cl.erk 8.c,:.tend to Councillor Br'1I"!n~ CO'ilncill s ~oncP!'n in hi~s 111ne,c~s cli10. '\:71511 him R sneedy recovery. H()v~~d ly' G()1Jn~i TInT' (ii bbs and j)pnlJ_ t~y .:ieeve lJovffi th,>:l t tile To't'Inshi piS Consultqnts. TattAn Sims & ASSOC.. bo rp(111AS~ed to Qrr!lnp8 An insnection 0f' -Opvel()nm~nt. RO~Hl 70h "\;,r1.t.1l l/~ernb(~rs of Connci.l ann I\Pl}r~spnt-gt.tv~s from D..H.O. }.lnvp6 hy "~():]nci.ll0r DOl} r1]10 !J0-')"!Jt":V ~0eve DOl/Tn tbp.t ttl:Ls Council SUP'P"0St tn t.hc~ OnT::Jy>i.(j De(18rtnh?-nT-. nf H:i.(rhv'l,YS tJrJt spver~ll tl,~::,ro'1chAS to No. 2 Hi0'll'",~lY .'":)PE-~ j_l1 p00r cO.nri5_tlon ~.nrl ~ the ~\oad 611nerintpnoent i.s :l,nthor:i.zeD to ;'~,n0Y'n::1ch. t~J.e DpY)!1rtmc)l1t Tn ,'iS1{ t.h':lt i.mnrovemc--;nt.s be w3de. Hoved hy COllnetlJors DOl:! 8,no Gi..bbs that this meet5.nF ,<vLiourn. 67-'-=;'}i_l:J 6 ;-,)B-13 L11';. nlJ-uut .. ../:.J.~.... ....... ..... ..... /, . "'} - ,/,7/ -4 / ./ [, i:,U '- (~,e><..- .. .......- . .. .. . . . . ~ . . .. . . . ,. ,. . ~ . . .. . R1i:;;,~V~T. CLEPJ\: