HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1967
h/~EPTmJ. Jnn'e 1, 19:''7,
D'l"C'J:inlJ"t.nn. rpn"ln.c:hi_lI 8......'1ne;_1 mnt. in )....hp r,'711,YJ.~~i,:~1 l'"\l1i_l,'iinno nn
1~hiR ri~t8. Rnpv~ l0'ir ~~0si~i,~~ ~1_1 1,J~Db~rc nre~pnt.
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Ervpn bv ;~nn_ry~il10J'.c ni_1-,rjC' ~nrl_ Rr;'l:rn th?-j~ t~p ITlirln~,Qc of th~
r'1P0t_i_TlO' h8ln_ 1,;'1:/ 1.",. lQ';7. rv~ '~hn:(,()V,?(l ~c~ rp~c.
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l'1(Y'i].~n h" (;nnY'!rill nY' (~i_h;'10, ~"'n_r1 ij''-'Tl1)i-:v -(~niTP D()l.rn T_hqt, tJ-\j_s
TrYT,rn__c:dltr> ", (J....npc t-., ..... ~~11'1'l0 l':))-S:; ""'IT i~~)':\ .'" nn:r()V~r; r-:0St. nf 0rovirlj.11(t nrntpct-
~('n p~t tl-)8 Crt)Ss'!,}!_0'" nf '1-1:)0 C.P..-P.. :;)"1~_ PY'0~t.f"")'lu'-'1r:> "1'n<""Jn.(:Qn;ird ~-I'il~~ I'To..
~7nJ.]'~).!)~ ,:,ls0 "l--l~".t t~}-:; fJ>,l']nshi_Y) Hill ho !'0SY),.):y,~:d_hlC'l f'l~(' r::;'"('r:;-~~f the
"1n'll)~::JJ. rn'l..tnrpnnDC8 !"""If q'""lrn<)..
lFnvnn Too,\' G'l'lnr~i llnr i""(YH ",nn 80Dllt.y "F?~P"\l'~ D01.n'.l t.h.0t. -'.::nJ0 ?-=t
be ~l}snp.ndcvl f'nr +,i10 dl1r~tinn nf th.i.s y,v:,p+:5np".
On n0~-.i()nq ~ s fi l..Rrl (~ F-V-lq."\1 tn '1n fin-i ni- .~ Tr8~_surer for the
TOl"pl.sh:io of' n~rlincrt0n lJ~.S p'ivpn i t,c:::: SO"\Tpr~.l r~'lJ~inr>"s t-1od sin:ne(1~ sp.,01ed
[1 11d nU'11h(~red :Z3~;7..
Movqrl ~y C0Qn~ill_nrs Dnw "nd Gihhs th~t thp rnwnshtnfs
Sn1ici tor 00 instructr:n. to ',.,rAD.qrp (~0n0,~ fnr> thp t.r:qnsf'0T' ".f' 'n'1.rt of the
l~nds ?~ G8~. 7~dd0m~. P".rt.Lot~G? ~on.. ~L, h7in~ ~ n~r~pl_ of l~nd on
q~.ch Sl.n'e oJ 'J.1J' >:Ui'~()(J -,~Q"n. S;lTfl.Cl.(.")l1i: t,n T,nnSD 'J~n':'()("- n'~ri t.n ;l
t')i_n.inurrI "r:i6t,:1 (.yf (,f" f0Pt.
F[0V?O hy Gounc1.11ors RrnlJY'c and G.i_h1:ls th3.t~ the ;~lO.,:)(1 Supt.. and
.c~o.qd.s Consu.1_t."nt llr01ln!'8 ."l r~c:rWlrF~n6~tj.onJ.nd esti.m~.+:p ')p cost for
'i.rt1nt''1\rr:~m~nt t,:---) t_:-,p rn'":l,C 1~10+.1.'Jr.:~pn In+.s 1:\ ,~nri. 19.. Ivi.nn- "J1?St. n'-' the
T)r(-_'oosed r--;'r)Jdst;oi'j'lY""\l-:J1 'IF Sllb-r"];vicd.0rj" "no th.8.t the ~f_'f)l,rns'::t!l Sjl_:Lr:itnr
hp inst~)cted to ~rAnryrA ~ sub-~iviqj_~n q~rrpern2~t ~s o11tlinAd in ?
,:{8so1ution of D-~T'ljn::::,tnn PIAnni.n'r T~0,~r(1 .~nn t.hat such ,~r:rrp.pmAnt. shn.ll
i.n~'t;lne n~.,rryv~nt r"'If l'~~01-:nd ~nnsL!lti.nc,' r;:ost:s tyU t-J'"l8 r)1,rnpY'<<t
l"lnvpr1 11\1 nl1.T.V 1_=1.eevp nn,.rn .':1 nil (;()., Y'l~i.ll('lr Bro1.vn thn t
Cnlln~i]_lor Do~~ hp 8~nnintprl RS ? Renrpsentqtj.V0 'If thi.s Tnwnshin on the
r.ent. r'1.1 Lnk8 rI.nt'"' "C'; n C:nns,?"',r~ t.i.on ~l1.thnri_ ty fo!' t.hA h:,J.:>p'cP nf 1967..
},Jnvp(J lJ", (;nj1nr~.i.lln'(>c:;i'),.....,q '-)nr:~ (~j_b1-:,~ q.0~011Jt-.i.'ln 6'7_<_1.()_ 98
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1,.IrQT(_-:i(l 1},i.' O.~n;Jtv t(:;!8VP T)ol.'rn rl~nd Co~u.l.e:iJ..lor _U:ro\.,,rn ti1."l t -r.he
C0l1n~51 of t.hp Gnrnr-")r~t.i.0n nf D~r'.L'i }l'~ton hpre!)'l '!:q"):"y>""r(JC:; o::'lnr1 ~()ns0nts
tn t~l~ ~10sinIT nf thnt n!lrt 0f 8j.mnq~Jl 'T0.. a~~or~inrr ~r~ Perpyl~ Pl~n
of' thn Vi.l.l9.O'p of :ci'lMnton~ )' r1J.nnjnp' 1.<r"-"!st(~T"1..'.7 fro':: SCU0'og Street
"nO. ly:L'l'" hehleen Lots 97 ,} 9iL
Eoved by DIJoutv eV0 T},H.n Rnd ConYl~::Lllo.r T~O\'l th~t~ sLJ.b_lect
to ~.nnrovnl of Minister of Lnnrls & ForpRts. P:rof9ss0r\~1~.nd~ of the
SCh0():L of rchi t-r~ctur0 ~ Urd_VHrsitv nT Tnrollto. is nnnoint.?rl 8.1"'chi t2Ct
for thJs ':_lol.'7ns n's Cpntpnnt~J. nr'J.i2ct in nl~cp of l'<r. ,).. :i'0mnell1rho
ts un"hh, to '~'"'t.
t.:lnvec1 bv GO:1Dci_ll0r DrH'.J :'lnd 'i)OY)ll+,,)' 'i_0AVP .O()1:T.!1 t,h~t~..)n .3:7Y'0PtrH?-nt
bp-tHPpn thp l'TL:lisi~Ar 0f L.':1:1oS ;{r For'2sts ~n.d the 'i1o"Tnshj1) of ~)~.rltn:!tnl1
o'J.ted ]\),qrch ?~ l>}f,,~~ h0 .0mend~(lqs foll.rn,JS:
1. In tr".1.8 nreamb18 t~ln.j.: tf.lP l~i:rs'r, n'1rq{tr,~nh 'hP 8rD.0nc1ed to
rp'ln tl ~,'Theren.s thp o\'lnsh:LD Iv)s selectr~(1 ,0:).8 q Dro.-ipCl: under
t.!l8 '~:'lnfed8:r~1tlon Centpnnt,:.l '~ct lY(,:?-6.?'l t'lf~ restorHtion
'Jf!'lD "ri.p"i.nql nj.on~~r hor:1Gsto9oI1.
r) rph'.,t -r.--...~lP nB.c:rp nC~on'jnt.t1 hC? ins'0rtp0 1)ef'or0 th.p Inst \,I[orrl. of
thpnR..Y'.'l~"':r"'1f)h so t~1'1.T, tiv~ TI'lI'lj"'Y'qnh shq..l.-! rp,"Hl It And
'jhereR~ to (,reserve t.r:18 "li.stori~ Slr-'.11.flcQnce of the
nroipct, it is ~RsirR.blp to erect t}18 Droject 35 nRRrly as
oossi~l.Q on the sitp of t}lP nrt~inql Cnnqn~ ~lilding.l'
":< In the ei_~(lth line of Section 1 tJ18 words 11 8. barn 3.nd II
J.nd tn ti,p ni_nth line thl' "ords " h'u'n 'Inc]" he c1eleted
S'J th.At. t,he l::lst ~'''hr!.~e 15_nes ;JJ:.f1.11 re'lrl "Centf~nnlR_l proi8ct,
ahouse llereinafter referred to ~s Itlie nrojectl
subst::1.ntj..A,lly of the S?rJe slze .'lnd r18 teriJll as the house
erpcted bv th_8 satd Ho'?cn' Gon!-l.ntfl.
qJso, th~..t t.h~ DeY)"3_rtmt~ntrs pr-"lnr:)val of tIle nroDos~l be rAonested.
Nnvpd by Counr-il1or nibt,s ~lnri DeDllt-:' .FI.P8ve DOT,rn thClt nermisston
i. s h8reb;-' (-,'i ven t.o St. >;? r';' I S C>~rI}t~nt Co. tr) ~ross \IJ.J.veY'ly {O.'""'_0 T'!:L th
tT'u,",ks at " Ioc'it.ion t'l b0 "",reed \1"1011 by t.he CO"1D'my ",n0 the TNJllsht,.,
HO'l(1 Sant.., ,gnc1 1lrotectpo hv Iv" rni n st ens ~,ncJ ,0 f1ap;mgn, both to
be llrovi.ded n.t t.hp .8:-:tDensp of tilA (j0rln8ny.
1.10ved by UPDU tv '.l."?evf~ DOlvn gnd C~'Tlln~il1or Dr)\v th'l'i.-, this
rrOl1nshln p,rDroves the Uni ted Construction Conrany q.s sllrS.contr.'~.ctor for
concrete cuJ..vArt ';lor;:\" on nro,i Get hJ29.
(,7 -6-14-
June 1, 1.9f':7.
Dqrl.ington Townshin Gnllncil.
Hnir'~~0 "0? G01J,ncilloT's Gibi,s'1,nd Dt'()un th,0.t thi.s Council l'lill
meet. on ,hIne 6th. ~ 19;57 ~ to (Y~en Tc:r.clers for I:'h'.verly i{O'1r1 contract.
Fn'\ted bv COLlnc111oI's ni bbs and 'ur01",n that this mE~eti_DY
"~.o.i 01J.rn.
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'~LEHY .
.~ 7- C .-/C'.
WHEREAS the Township of Darlington has collected a frontage charge of
$400.00 from ratepayers, more particularly set out on Schedule "A"
attached hereto, who applied to the Planning Board of the Township
for consent to separate parcels of land pursuant to the Planning Act.
AND WHEREAS in an Action in The County Court of The United Counties
of Northumberland and Durham, entitled Roy Curtis VB The Township of
Darlington, His Honour J.C.N. Currelly did by His Judgment dated the
14th day of July 1965 order that the said frontage charge and bank
interest that may have accrued thereon be paid to the Plaintiff.
AND WHEREAS there is now on deposit with the Township on account of
the said frontage charges a final accounting particulars of which are
as follows:
44 payments received
Accrued interest to Apr.30,1967
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said fund shall be divided into
44 equal parts and paid in accordance with the following terms and
1. The sum of $13,785.80 to Feigman and Chemos, Solicitors for the
29 Claimants set out on Schedule "B" attached hereto who have each
completed a Declaration and Bond of Indemnity.
2. The balance of $7yl30.59shal1 be retained on account of the remain-
ing 15 parts and shall be p~id to Claimants only upon completion of a
Declaration and Bond of Indemnity in the form approved by the TownShip
Solicitors, provided that the amount to be paid each remaining Claimant
shall be determined by dividing the balance on deposit in the said fund
(including interest added to the date of the last bank statement) by the
number of remaining unpaid parts.
Lot 30, Concession 2
Lot 19, Concession 2
Lot 33, Concession 2
Lot 28, Concession 2
Lot 28, Concession 2
Lot 17, Concession ,
Lot 21t, Concession It
Lot 33, Concession 3
Lot 17, Concession 5
Lot 30, Concession 2
Lot 35, Concession 3
Lot 27, Concession 2
Lot 26, Concession 2
Lot 6, Concession 3
Lot 35, Concession 3
Lot 19, Concession 2
Lot 18, Concession 2
Lot 17, Concession 5
Lot 35, Concession 3
Lot 17, Concession 5
Lot 19, Concession 2
Lot 19, Concession 2
Lot 31, Concession 3
Lot 3" Concession 3
Stephens (King)
Courtice (Lynn)
Courtice (Hawke)
Von Gunten (Curtis)
Kovac (Dowholis)
Luxton (Bothwell)
Salt ( Dinning)
Valliers (Johnson)
Wright (Keuning)
Cookson E.
Van Camp
Van Der Duin
Johnson (Sharp)
Jarvie (Cook)
Eewves (Hondebrink)
Pingle (Woolner)
Howard (Teleschek)
Ayre (Foulds)
Lot 20, Concession 2
Lot 19, Concession 2
Lot 23, Concession 2
Lot 17, Concession 5
Lot 27, Concession 3
Lot 5, Concession 1
SCHEDULE "An (Continued)
Whi tmee (Brown) Lot 5, Concession 1
Wallace (Sheppard) Lot 33, Concession 3
Puckrin (Van Belle) Lot 24 ,Concession 2
Cookson (Euwes) Lot 20, Plan 650
Sorensen Lot 6, Concession 4
Jackson Lot 35, Concession 5
Nelson Lot 20, Concession 2
Zackanowich Lot 31, Concession 2
Bothwell (Keuning Lot 17, Concession 5
Jarvie Lot 21, Concession 2
Johnston (Vice) Lot 32, Concession 7
Floyd A. Johnson Lot 35, Concessi on 3
Jean Jarvie Lot 21, Concessi on 2
Wm. G. Dinning Lot 35, Concession 3
Samuel L. Van Camp Lot 19, Concession 2
Francis J. Johnston Lot 32. Concessi on 7
Edgerton L. Wallace Lot 33, Concession 3
George H. Wright Lot 17. Concession 5
Marjorie Helen Brooks Lot 16, Concessi on 1
Robert Cook Lot 21, Concession 2
Roy Curtis Lot 33, Concessi on 3
Boyd A.yre Lot 24, Concession 4
Yde Andringa Lot 18, Concession 2
Archie W. Whitmee Lot 5, Concessi on 1
Andrew Horvath Lot 27, Concessi on 3
Ross Walter Hawke & Angus
Bernard McDonald Lot 28, Concession 2
Albert Groen Lot 19, Concession 2
Albert Holland Bothwell Lot 6. Concession 3
Peter Van Der Dunn Lot 31, Concession 3
Leo Choloiuk: Lot 35. Concessi on 3
Peter Keuning Lot 17, Concessi on 5
William J. Van Belle Lot 24, Concession 2
Henry Hendebrink Lot 19, Concessi on 2
George Jackson Lot 35, Concession 5
Samuel Albert Snowden Lot 19, Concessi on 2
Baden L. Pingle Lot 17, Concession 5
Andrew Kovac Lot 27, Concession 2
Andrew Kovac Lot 27, Concessi on 2
Gerald A. Peterson Lot 30. Concessi on 2
Harry C. Palmer Lot 17, Concession 5