HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1967 (Special) H t J ~,l~1~r7. "mr on, une" .:->, 67-6B-l Darli.nuton TOl,'Jnsht Y) GOll\'1~il mpt tD the 1<nni ct t;'1.1 ~9ut.10i ng ~ on this dC1.te. in SlJ2cinl Session to open Tconclers re Waverly Ro"d OV'H'nf1.SS, GontY'~ct (,4'7<) . Reeve Huir Dresicec 'vi th Denutv Reeve DNW and CmlDcillor Gibhs ~resent. Hoved bv Goqncillor Gibi',s a.nd Denuty Re,ve Down th".t TFmders for construction ()f 'ti8v0r1v ;ln~d (1v"rrctSs. Cont1'''ct 611-7", be rpcpiV8~ ~.D~ ~n0nAd. Tr:?nilprs ':10.1:"'8 "C'PC8i\l~(l ,'lS fr)11olIS: Stonehurst Gnns+;-ructinn Gn. Lt.rl. GqJ'fn.?;1 G0nstrll~tiJ)fl Co_ Lt:r Li r-htfo0t Cons trll~t.if)Jl Lt.d. '\p 187,':><).>).(,5 lq'7~qhn.r;() ..-/. J- . Mel-Ron Gonstruction B~il8V Const~lcti()n Cn. Ltc ?P .701. (1(1 18<.41<. "'0./ ?1:..~.??9.:::;0 -6B-? ~"oved bv DPD1j ty Hepve D')"lr' "nd COllncil1or Gibbs thgt the rJ~pnd8r fo:e con.s truction 'yf'/~~lv8rly FlO,"?r) OV'3r}1aSS., ',::;ontrri ct h)+7t::; ~ submi tted by Eel Ron G()ns tY'llCtion Ltd. be 8ccented "t uni t Drices "s t.8nderea~ subi~~-r. to ,:?,D!1!.'OV'11 of the Denqrtment of Higlnlla.ys~ Oiltario./' l'L0ved by Gotln~j_lloT' Gl bhs 8 no _i)enu ty R0P.V0 0rn_,rD thqt 67j)R-< i.1()qd~'\ccr)qnts for the Month of 1.i_.!lY ~ lq:::'-/. "Y,' ". t f' h 01 ?94 9" . ' '_" ':118 ".moun, 0_ 'p c . u . } , , . , h7 _~S'R_4 as qDnrov~d hv thp nnq~s Com~ittAQ~ bp ~nid. }In\Ten_ bv I}::::'T)uty HPRVP DOT:.Jn 1.nfl 1'j0lJnci_lln:r (}iblv::: t.hq_t t.hts meetinp: (~.C!.iourn. /~, Jyu,u/l . . . I. ~.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ ~ .. .. . ,,&/ ~ $___..._k!_ .. . .. .. .. ~ .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to .. . .. .. R0PVP Clerk.