HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1967 {. Hampton, July 6th, 1967. oj: 67-7-1 Darlington Township CoUncil met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Muir presiding, all members present. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that the minutes of the meeting held June 15th, 1967, be approved as read. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Down that Road Accounts for June, 1967, in the amount of $2~,070.98, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that the 1!owmanv111e District Council Boy Scouts of Canada, are hereby granted permission to hOld Apple Day in Maple Grove and Hampton on October l~th, 1967. Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that this Council now adjourn to sit in Committee of the Whole. Council resumed at 5:15. Reeve Muir in Chair. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that Mr. S. E. White be requested to attend Council's next meeting to discuss possible reduction of insurance coverage on some items, and that a decision on insurance coverage be deferred until that time. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that E. W. Bradley of Bowmanvi1le be appointed appraiser for the Township in the matter of the Waver ley Road expropriation. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Brown that this Council consider the passing of a By-law at its regular meeting to be held on Thursday, August 3rd 1967 at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of wideningt diverting and improving part of Waverly Road lying between the Canadian National Railway and Highway ~l and to expropriate certain lands required therefore in Lots 13 and l~ in the Broken Front Concession of the said Township of Darlington, and that the Clerk to be instructed to publish in The Canadian Statesman and post up such notices as be required therefor. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law. 67-7-2 67-7-3 67-7-~ 67"7-5 67-7-6 67-7-7 67-7-8 Moved by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed to place advertising in Bowmanvi1le and Oshawa papers to inform taxpayers of the probable cost of fire protection as a result of a proposal to place part of the Township under Oshawa Fire protection. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dow that BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, that the Township of Darlington make application under section 92 of the Registry Act to permanently close that part of Simpson Ave. lying between lots 97 and 98, running westerly from Scugog Street to lot 125 as shown on a Plan of Subdivision of the Village of Hampton, in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, made by G. F. Perry. AND THAT the Reeve and Clerk be directed and authorized to sign any documents in connection with the said application. 67-7-9 67-7-10 Moved submi tted by G. tendered. by Councillors Dow and Gibbs that tender of $1,270.00 Reynolds & Son for ceiling insulation be accep~ed as 67-7-11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Down and Councillor Dow that the second regular monthly meeting of this Council in the month of July August and September, 1967, be held on the third Wednesday of those months at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Councillor Dow and Deputy Reeve Down that the Clerk is instructed to prepare an agreement with Geo. Feddema, to be registered on title, to provide that Feddema will dedicate sufficient land, up to 12 feet in width, to widen Scugog Rd., on the frontage of his property to 66 feet, if and when required by the Township. Moved by ~Councillors Brown and Dow that this meeting adjourn. 67-7-12 67-7-13 . . . I.~. }:~\ Reeve . . Ii [} . . Vl.' . .1.\ rLJ- ....\. ,;LLr.- . Clerk . . . .