HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1966
HAHP'l'ON, JAlJUAHY 17, 1%6.
Darltno;ton Township Council met tn tiie Hllntctpal Buildinc: on
this date, Reeve Blanchard prestdtn[', Doput] Heeve Hutr, Councillors
Down and Gibbs present.
Hoved Ly Counctllors Gt bbs'lnd Dovm tlla t the mtin tes of' the
meetine held January 6, 1966, be 3dopted as read.
hoved by Counctllors Do\m and Gibbs that tile Consulting
(;;ngineer, HOde' Superintendent and Ho'"d Committee be delecated to deal
1,-Jith the C.l;.H. :lnd. tIor' out ,:;tl1 2,J'rang~~ment 1:!ith res1dents in tIle B.1:/l.
Concession for access (luring the time tile bridges over tLe reiltmy
on Park ..Odd ::\Ed Holt Hoad ere bein" constructed.
(6-113-3 Hoved .liy':;ouncillors Gibbs cwd Davin thai: the County of Ontario
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be notified that this Township \1i1.1 1){~ rAprescnted at t}lO meeting to
be held qt th<? ::';ounty BlJ..ildinLs on!i'r::bru,!:)_ry 9, 1966.
Hoved by Councillors Down 2.nd Gibbs that hr. ibrold C. Euir,
De'puty- ll.eeve of tbe TCl'lnship of Darlinzton, is h8I'eby nominated for
Hember of th8 CGntral Ont::l.rio Joint Pla.n.n.inr Eoard..
l'~oved by i>,~pu ty Feeve l'luir and GOlncillor DOI'/n that
Membprstlip fee to tltG Association of 113yors Rnd Reeves be paid; arId
Reev8 Blanch~lrd be delerTated to attend.
(6__-J.13-6 t::ov8d b,,/ Gouncj_llor Glhhs ,'jnd j)prllJt.,/ .J.\.eeve I'.Luir that all
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correspond0nce not o-~hen'Ji se de:)l t l,v1 th; be received and filed.
hoved by De;mty(epve huir :1.ncj Gouncillor Gibbs thar; Totten,
Sims ,9.nd ':~SS()Ci:ltes be .instructed to prepare ~!. IJl'ofile on t.>ie Fo\y-ler
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and 'ofJright G.IJ.E. a[Jpro~-lches.
}'1oved bJ' Councillor DOl,dn :lEd Depu t~,.. H88ve l,jni r t.ha t the
Ontario 0eIJ3.rtr:12nt of Hi'::;I-n,rnys be r(:~'q'J.estGd to consider::l \.leveloprn(~nt
r09Ji a!Ji~'ropriatlon for tlle pur,Josr:~ of surfacin;:~ Develorm:~)nt Hoarl
Hi tit hot-mix a.s{!I.'J.3.1 t P:'l.vinC{, as soon a:~: t.il~3 ~;r~lrl.tnc contrn.ct hQS
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lloved l;y '::;ouncillor GibLs ~:uld D(~l)uty l\eeve l'luir that this
TOi'ir18hip aec ts tiie proposed servi ce road. ti1I'OliE;Ll lot~3 5 :l.no 6,
J3r:)k(;~l .!?rc)nt,::':oncessj_c)Il as ShOI:,)l1 on ,'1 pleD s\lbmi tted by tl'le Dt-;.;.iartment
of~Ii r)n.J,:;'y s d;_1 t eel
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on enndi tioD t.i.1.at3. turning h:lsin
is provtded a-c
end nf tJu::: roa(~_ \!L..ich (;i V,?S nc~ce.ss tn Lot Lf., and
also provided tllat thG pro)erty lines are a8e~0ed to leRvP tIle
trindEulr:1I' p:1.rcols ':l_t L~;r:lbs ~-~o:ld a(jd at ~38n.nett hO,':ld on the Department
ri .;;, t-oi' -uay.
Noved by COLlncil1or Do-~Jn :lild i)'?PUty F-teeve !-:Iuir that this
CO:lncil pcti ti:J.!:1 the Ont,1.riD 0epar-i~ment of Ei:~h14:J.YS f;)r p,~ympnt of tL:.e I
bal,':].Dce of 196-'
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jJ'?:)ll-:Y i-ieeve lluir rlnd,;o'lncjllor Gibbs that the
TrGasurer be au t::ori zed t:~l fOr14:lTd cho(;ues 1.8 folloHS:
.ha Lpll ,~.. 13.'l.nbury
~lrnpr DOl'Jn
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J8nuary 17. 19S6.
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Moved by Councillor DOvm and lJ8puty "eeve Nuir that John
Frood and Ted dutton are hereby apIJointed to DRrlin[;ton Planning Board.
Moved. by Councillor Gibbs and D2.outy ,~eeve Huir that .llbert
6'-6 -l1:J-U
be enZ~1ged to
for tIle
'1Io':fHship dumps for tile r!L')l1th of
in 196~).
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reDruary, 'j")>:), on
I<oved t<~l
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.u(1)ut~'l Heeve i''::uir and CO'clncj_llor LOI\111 tllat
66 -U3-15
Gounctllor GiLts is L"eiI?eby appoint.ed to re'pr(~sent tile Council on the
Central Lake Ont,'lri o:;onserva tion .;1U ;~,Llori t,y for 13()6.
Hovecl by Deimty Heeve liuir and Councillor Down that this
meeting adjourn.
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