HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1966
R~MPTON, F~DRU~~Y 3, 1966.
Darlin':ton Township Council met in the hunicipal Building
on this date, all hembers present, Reeve Blanchard presiding.
!'loved by Deputy Heeve Huir and Councillor Gibbs that the
minutes of the meetinc iwld J'llUary 17, 1966, be adopted as read.
Hoved by Councillors Down and Budai that f.Ir. ALw Taylor's
request for l'oad improvement be referred to tile Iload Supt. and Roa.ds
Commi ttee, for rep,':rt.
Loved by Deputy. Heeve Enir and Councillor Gibbs that Road
Accounts in tile amollllt of * 15,107.51, as api,roved by the Road Committee
be paid.
Noved by Deputy Heeve huir and Councillor Gibbs that, subject
to the apl1roval of the Ontario Departm..,nt of lliglnvays, the follo1Vinc
sums to be transferred: IlY-:LAw 2224.
From Hoad Construction to Eoao Klintenance 'iP Ill, 5.;t0
Froill Bridges & Culverts Construction to
hoaD ~aintenance 3,810.88
Hoved by Councillors Budai and DO\m that H.h.Short, ROil.d
Superintendent shall be paid 10 C'3nts per mile for mileage driven on
'Tovll1ship business, and that tilis allowance srl'lll be deemed to h8ve been
in effect from Jmulary 1, 1965, until further adjustment is made.
!<loved by Councillor Budai and Deputy "eeve Huir that this
Council endorses the proposed presentation of the Central Ontario
Regional College Council, as to tile establisliment of a COllege of
Applied ~rts Rna Technology in this area, Rnd urges the Department of
Educ:3,tion to giv,,; seri()us consideration to the proposal.
Moved by Deputy Heeve Huir9.nd Councillor Gibbs that Ers.
Budai be delegated to aLtend ti18 19')6 Convention of the Ontario Trustees
and ;.atepayers ~ssociation,
Eoved by Depn ty "eeve Nuir and Co!mcillor Gibbs that tile 1966
estimates of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board as submitted,
under date January 18, 1966, bo adopted.
Hovec! by Councillor Dudo.i and Deputy Reeve Huir that a grant
of *150.00 be paid to the Sn.lvation ,u'rny for 1966.
Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the 1966 estimates
of the Central Ontario Conservation Authority submitted under date
January 28, 1966, be ndo!Jted.
Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Huir that
k~ilson Vivia.n, 'rhoS. Dodds, Hurray Yeo, John Vi'.l1eyk, Neil Newton
and Ralph Bmlers are hereby appointed to tile Tyrone Corrwluni ty Kqll
Board also 11essrs. Gibbs and Blctnchard.
Moved by Deputy Heeve 11uir and COLlllcillor Gibbs that Ted.
Chant, Or[1e liobertson, Gordon 13eech, 'iiesley Y!311o':lloes, Orville Ashton,
Carl Do,m anc1 ,\. L. Bl.'lncI}8.rd be aplJointed to the Dn1'll l1':ton Communi ty
Centre Board for 1966.
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Hoved by Counc:Lllors Budat and DO\m that H. ]<J"nntsz, R.Statnton
F. Pascoe, L. Ihlltday, H. Scott, E. HutI' ane' A.L.Blanchard are hereby
appotnted to the Zton Communtty Centre Board for 1966.
Eovr,d by Coundllors DovlD ami Gibbs that Bruce TaYlor,
Percyde$tlake, K3t tJl Cryderman, Larry Spires and Douclas Flett are
appointed to tile Board of H'lnagement for Solina Communi ty Centre for
1966, also HI'S. Budai and Hr. Huir.
g'wed by Councillors DOHn and Budai that the Clerk is
instructed to apply for aCommur;i ty Centre Grant for Zion Community
Centre on the basis of the attached list of expenditures.
Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and DO\m that Rule 33 be
suspended for the duration of this meettng.
Page 2.
HA;;PTOI'J, February 3, 1')')<').
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66-2-17, 13 6:: 19. On motions as filed, a BY-la1-1 to a,potne three Fence Viewers
Has given tts several readings, stgned, sealed and numbered 2316.
Hoved by Deputy Heeve huir and Councillor Gibbs that the
Finance Committee be requested to bring in a report on a salary schedule
for the TOHnSJlip Staff, cmd tha c the '.embers of the Committee be re-
imbursed for travelling expenses.
Hoved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that this meeting
adj ourn.
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