HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1966 (Special)
H""PTOlJl, February 10, 1966 .
D"J.rlilL't8L1 TO\olnship '~ourleil filot in Speci2.1 ,Session on this
date to consicbr the issue of (lebentu!'es for PI!blic School purnoses,
Reeve 131anchal'd presiding, CO,lncillors Budai, Dowl and Gibbs present.
Eo\/(~dbJ CO'lncillors DOl/In 3.nd Budai that thi s Cottncil
approves the t-fre propos~_l of the PutIle Schoo1 i~rea BO,'l,rd of Darlington
to constFlct and equip Q senior public school consisting of sixteen (16~
rooms, Home i:cono'"lics, Indtlstrial J..rts and gen(~ral purpose room i.:1 Lot
3i~hteen (18) Concession Five (5) at an estimated cost of $ 595,330.00,
and, sub;ject to tn8 ftlP.-'_ :),,'pro'nl of the Ont~ll>io Hunicipal Board,
agrees to j_ssue 20 Y8n.r c'ebentures in t,W principal Cl'nount of <,;;~-)0,O"O.66,
to meet part of the cost tllsreof, tile balQnce to h0 paid from the 1965
surplus funds of tJ19 Board, and frorr t.:.-i:::~ Board I s current revenues.
adj ourn.
I'loveel by CO'J.l1cillors Gi bi- [3 tlnd DOlifn that thi smc~eting
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.lilt. f . VJ. .y. ,/;i., ,. ~ ~:/ ~...
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