HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1966 66-2C-l 66-2C-2 66-2C-3 66-20-4 66-2C-5 G6-?C-b 66-2C-7,8 & 9. HArPTOi~, }',~B;mAe\Y 17, 1966. D,:\rli.D'ton TOHnsilip Council met in the Municip'll Building on thi s day, Councillors D01m and Gibbs present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. Hov8d by Gibbs and Down that the minutes of the meetings held F'"bruary 3, and le8b. 10, 1966, be adopted 'lS read. Hoved by CO'lDcillors Do\ms.nd Gibbs that tli,? Hembersilip Fee to the Ont:lrio Trustees nnd Ratep9yprs Assoc:iD.tion be paid. Hoved by Councillors DOHn and Gibbs Ul'lt accounts for the montil of Janunry, 1966, 1.S list86 hccrewith, bea paid: Salaries l-l~ 16-31 , 1 <>--/ nl ;.~ ,. ,<jjo./ .;' 2,06L1-.76 : 1,716.97 , 9,247.:'9 "11,6<38.82 .. 1 '/'70 '" _ ,~) .. La 1 ~l 8 ' ~ ,O~1- .4-:; '1~81farc:: G',neral Roads Roads Pay List 1-15 16-31 Winter :iroks lS-31 > '::>41 "0 :- .__.~.. -. :.--.../..----.... --. 30,21Lt.f3l.t Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down: \ihereas the former Public School Section No 20 Clinke, No. 20 Hanvers 3.W' No. 23 DfJ.rlins:ton is partly located in Darlington TownShip, anci is patt of Hanvers Tmmship School "rea, ilnd whereas this Council deems it expedient that that part of the aforesaid area be detached from h.l.nV8rS Tm.mship School :irefJ., and attached to D::lrlington TOlmship School .ireq, theree'or'3 this Gouncil hereby petitions the Council of the United Cou.nties of lJorthurr1berln.nd & iJUI'hanl to pass a By-law to detach the.t part of' the En.nvers Tovmship School "rea which is loca ted wi thin the Tmmship of Da.rlington from the M3.nVerS To,mship School Area, B.nd attach those lands to tbe Darlinr;ton Tmmship S.:')hool ,irea and that copies of tilis resolution be forwarded to the Clerk of the Township of Eanvers, the Tmmship or Clarke, Hr. G. HOlmes, Inspector of Public Schools, ;"r. 3. iriebster, Inspector of Public Schools, as \vell ,,\S to the Uni ted Counties of Nort;lllr~berland & 'Jurham. Eoved by Councillors Gibbs ano DOl-ill that th8 Township I s aerial photographs and topogr.'lph1c m'lpping be rnde aVJ.ilable, Hi thout ch~rge, to tne Gentral Ontario Joint Planning Board, on condition tlmt tilis material shall be Cor the BO::lrd I s use only, and shall not be made available to other persons or organizations. !-loved by Councillors DOHn and Gibbs that a By-lavT be prepared to a.t!thorize an a~re~:;(rJ.'3nt witll tIle Departm~.:::nt of L::l.11ds and Forests for the erection and m'linti3n'J.i1Ce of a Centennial Project in tile Darlinicton Provincial P'u'k Hoved by Councillor Davm cmc1. Gibbs that Eule 3~' be suspended for the duration of tilis rJeeting. On motions qS filed, a By-lavr to amend B}l:-laH No. 2305, was idven its several readings qnr ordered signed sealed and numbered 2317. HALPTON, Febru8.ry 17, 1966. Pa:;e 2. 66-2G-IO, 11 & 12. On motions as filed, a Dy-l8.w to amend BY-law 2306 was fi van its several reaclinc':s ,~,nd si?;ned, sealed and nUf,lberecl 2318. 66-2C-13 Hoved by Conncillors 00\1n and Gibbs tInt Orval Grills be re-appointed Weed Ins .ector for this Township for 1966. 66_2C_t1 I'loved by CO'lDcillors Gib:,s and DOvID that Hr. Hussell De Goe andl!. HarolJ ,1'Jtson are hereby ilppointed to the Darlincton Com:nittee of Adjus tmen I: for ,q. tilree year term to expire Jan. 1, 1969. Hoved bv Councillors 00\\ln and Gibbs th'lt this Tmmshio I s . . 66-2C-l r; Assessor is hereby authorized to attend tile .lnnual Convention of the Assessors Association of Ontario in:iindsor, Ont~rio, 0n 1>1<3.y 16, 17 & 18, 1966. 66-2C-16 Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. A.,.'c! IJtand<<~L Reeve A /Y7J. , . . !L-u....:1) .', / tCUM il: . . A. .7f. . .. . . . . . . . . . y! ,vT Gler1l:. U I