HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1966 (Special)
Hanpton, February 21+th, 1966.
Darlinbton Tovmship C()u~,cil met in Special Session this day,
all members present, n.C8V8 .J.li-l.llchard l)residing.
;'lovcd by Councillor :3udai aad Deputy Reeve 11ui1' tho,t Rule 33
be suspended for the duration of thi.s iaeettng.
6G-2D-2,3 & 4
Ono0'-ionc ~c fl'led a '-'v-l"'\" to ~'ll+'-c;rl' 2'"'
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the execution of
anI 1i.greement ,:;\ri th the Uato..rio Department of La11ds and. FI)I'csts respecting
a Confederati()n~eGtennial Project, ,;ras .:;iven its several rGadi~'lgs and
sigaed, sealed Gnd nTh~b8red 2319.
6G-2D-5 I'loved by Deputy Heeve 1-Iuir and COlli'1cillor Gibbs that the
Finance Committee be delezated to attend the Ambulance Committee meeting
in the Town Hall, Bm-lulanviUe, Thursday,-,arch lOth at 8:00 p.m.
110ved by COlU1cillors Dudai and Doitm that Council set up a
co-ordina ting cO.llmi ttee in connection '"i th the Hoads needs survey, and
tha t the Gommi ttee be composed of the Heeve, Hoads Co.x)]i ttee and
the Road 3upe1'i.ntendent, the Tmmship :::181':;:, the District 11unicipal
~n,;in<~e1' aId li1'.:::.iJtlmott, Operations Branch, Department of Highways.
lloved by Councillor Gibbs and DGputy HGeve l'lull' that this
~eetin6 adjourn.
/J-L1,?f /J fl. i' ~pa t!
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Deputy! lerli: (j
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