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HAMPTON, June 2, 1966.
Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on
this date, all Members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding.
66-6-1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the
minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1966, be adopted as read.
66-6-2 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that the
objection to the passing of BY-law 2330 filed by Sidney Cornish and his
request for a change in the By-law has been considered by this Council
and that as this Council feels that it is desirable to ask for
approval of the By-law as passed, and as the Township Planning Board
has been advised of the objection and has made no recommendation for a
Change, the Clerk is instructed to make application to the Ontario
Municipal Board for approval of BY-law 2330 as passed.
66-6-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that E.R.
Lovekin, Special Solicitor for the Township in the matter of a
Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission water main, is instructed to
request from the Bowmanville Utilities Commission an answer to the
Township's Resolution dated May 5, 1966.
66-6-~ Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that Road
Accounts for May 1966, in the amount of $5000.09, as approved by the
Road Committee, be paid.
66-6-5 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that the Clerk be
instructed to prepare a bY-law for the expropriation of land in Lot 20,
Concession 1, and in Lot 21, Concession 1, for the purpose of road
widening, and that he is instructed to have notice of same published
in four (4) consecutive issues of the Bowmanville Statesman, and to
have six (6) notices posted in the nearesj vicinity of the project.
66-6-6 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that the salary of the
Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment be increased to $1.65 per hour.
66-6-7 Moved by Councillor Down and Deputy Reeve Muir that w.
PetrYShzyn be informed that the TownShip's Zoning BY-law does not permit
the opening of a pit or quarry in Agricultural Zones.
66-6-8 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that Rule 33 be suspended
for the duration of this meeting.
66-6-9,10,11 On motions as filed, a By-law to amend By-law 2306 was given
its several readings, Signed, sealed and numbered 2331.
66-6-12 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and CounCillor Gibbs that a report
on the Township's Insurance Coverage submitted to this meeting by Mr.
McLellan of Frank Cowan Ltd., be adopted and that the Treasurer's Bond
be increased by $1~000.00 as suggested, that the fire coverage on the
Municipal Office Building and on the Municipal Garage be increased by
$10,000.00 in each case, and that all buildings be covered by the
Malicious Acts Endorsement.
66-6-13 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this meeting adjourn.
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