HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1966 ~.,b 66-7B-l 66-7B-2 66-7B-3 6c'-7B_4- 66-7B-5 66-7B-6 66-7B-7 66-73-8 66-7B-9 Hampton, July 21st, 1966. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. Moved by Councillors Budai a~d Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held July 7th, 1966, be approved as read. Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that accounts for the month of June, 1966, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 . 1,773.24- 16 ~ 30 . 2,214-.4-9 ~~~;~w:~~ tt'~ ~__ i(- q'c- 4 4-7,070.25 2,24-6.91 2,288.81 92,077.58 ---_._---,--.-- 163,703.30 Welfare General Roads Roads pay 1 16 115 - 15 - 30 lists Special Account Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that tenders received after 12:00 noon on July 21st, 1966 be returned unopened. Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that tenders for construction of Bridges (Contract 6113) be r~ceived and opened. Tenders were received as follows: Snider Construction Roy Bridge 'ilhi te Bridge Haydon Bridge $ 17,802.00 15,228.00 25,275.00 n; 58,305.00/ Roy Bridge 'ilhi te Bridge Haydon Bridge Ganaraska ~r_~g~~ Constru9_tj~n 11,700.00 9,575.25 16,606.00 :$ 37,881.25/ Roy Bridge \vhi te Bridge Haydon Bridge Mel Ron Construction 15,027.50 13,218.00 18,936.50 :$ 4-7,182.00'/ Roy Bridge '<'Ih! te Bridge Haydon Bridge Civiero Construction 9,4-90.10 8,900-30 13,884-.50 $ 32,274-.9~(32,269.75) Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that tenders for grade crossing improvement (Contract 65-29) be received and opened. Tenders were received as follows: Harnden King Company $ 24-,700.05/ 21,019.80/ (21,218.80) Tripp Construction Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that before a decision is made on tenders submitted to this meeting, the Township's Consulting Engineer and Road Supt. analyze the tenders, and report back to this meeting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the tender on Contract 6113 submitted by Civiero Construction be accepted at unit prices as/tendered subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highi'laYS. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that the completion date for Contract D.n. -706-1 be extended to July ls~, 1966 subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways.v Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Down that paJ~ent of the June 25 progress certificate in favour of Siegmiller Construction Limited in the wnount of $65,4-26.67, be made immediately. .,~....:1' 66-7B-IO 66-7B-ll 66-7B-12, 66-7B-15, 66-7B-1S 66-7B-19 66-7B-20 .. ;tAGt,; NQ__;; Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Township Clerk and Solicitor are hereby authorized to institute expropriation proceedings to acquire such lands as may be necessary for road widening on the second line in Lot 32, if purchase arrangements cannot be made with the owner. Moved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. 13 & 14 On motions as filed, a By-law to amend By-law 2111, by re-zOning Part of Lot 17, Concession 4, from Greenbelt to Agricultural was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2336. 16 & 17 On motions as filed, a By-law to designate Scugog Rd. a through highway was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2337. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Down that the Goldstein Sub-divis~on questionnaire be completed and returned to the Department of Municipal Affairs. Hoved by CounCillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that the Clerk make application to the Province for a grant on behalf of Tyrone Communi ty Hall. Moved by CounCillors Budai and Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. ,")11 ,~< /J {?v'1uA~/1-cl J.I .i"-' .r7~ . " ... . . . . . Reeve . .~ ~ F~ Clerk . . .