HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1966 66-9-1 66-9-2 .~ 66-9-3 66-9-lt 66-9-5 66-9-6 , ':~ . -', "'., , .:.~~:'f,F-,~/}:;, ~:"~'.~{'(i~"~"~:/ ~ ..iJ.f.. ", . :.};~~;;. 66 c"", 'n'-":: "'~r-.!.t,:"_:;:,;-:",~;i 66-9-8 Hampton, September 1st, 1966 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all members present, Heeve Blanchard presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Counci+lor Budai that the minutes of the meetings held August 18th and August 25th, 1966, be adopted as read. !>loved by Councillors Down and Budai that a By-law to provide for biennial elections in this To~~ship be read a first time. For the motion , Blanchard, Budai, Down, Gibbs. Against the motion, Muir. Hotion carried. Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Do',m that a By-law to provide for biennial elections in this Township be read a second time and referred to Committee of the whole Council. For the motion, Blanchard, Budai, DOwn, Gibbs. Against the motion, Muir. I-lotion carried. Noved by Councillors Down and Budai that, pursuant to the Assessment Act, H.S.G. 1960, s. 244, and s. 131, a Court of Revision for this Township for the year 1966 shall be formed with the following as members. Chairman, A. L. Blanchard, [-'lembers, H. C. Nuir, U. Down, R. Gibbs, 11. Budai. Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that this meeting adjourn, to the call of the chair. C. B. - 1 !'loved by Nr. Down and Hr s Budai that pur suan t to the author i iy given by Section 21tJ+ of the Assessment Act, H.S.G. 1960, the taxes, as attached, be struck-off the roll. C.H. - 2 Hoved by Mr. Gibbs and Hr. Muir that Pursuant to the Authority given by Section 131 of the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1960, the taxes, as attached, be struck-off the roll. c.n. - 3 ~oved by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Huir that this meeting adjourn. Council was called to order at It:20 p.m. Moved by Councrullors Budai and DOvm that the Clerk is instructed to advertise in the Canadian States~an inviting persons interested in providing a site for garbaGe disposal, and in covering and maintaining the property, to apply to the TownShip, stating location, size of the area, proposed methOdS of maintenance, and remuneration expected. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Township Clerk &~d Solicitor are instructed to prepare an agreement with ;-Jm. Tripp, Lot 19 , Concession 3, to provide for the use by the Township, of a tract of land at the north end of Lot 19, Concession 3, for garbaGe disposal. Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that this meeting adjourn, to the call of the chair. /) ~ . '" .' J A :,.:.A~t. 't" .!JJ!C4-r.."v~Jt ~;/C iiI /] i/ ,U; '! l~J::...... . . . . . : I. . . . . . . . . . Reeve Clerk \0' '-0: 0-1 r-il .. +>) (I)' r-if P=:' rilJ i'Q; ~: E-/, fuj (J). ~' 0' E-/! d! ~! H, eiii 01 Ii4I 0; CLtl HI P=1, ~/ g, oi [r:lj H' H( f:qr 0' ~1 01 I t:4i OJ II. , II. , 0; J.i "'-.1, '''l E-/! E-/! H: !l:;! -. ,.::..i ~! C'Ll1 oj Hi I crT ~I ~l E-/I 12ii 0' P=: ~! 0<1l1 H rilH1 E-/rill <1l01 ~~I riI' ~I E-/, ~I ~I ~I 8/ t:J). H' ~I 'ill :1 OJ E-/I "" Si OJ 0, , . 1 ~ ! H I o?i~i ~~I re I ~I ~~I '1 o' ~I o' 01 E-/I 3, ~l 01 iEi <-"'"r 't:J ~ r-l H (lJ ..c: = +> ;:J t:J) 01 ~j , I' ~I OJ rill ~I !l:;1 ~ f! = o ~ ~ H' HI 0' P=:f (Y") (Y") I I ~~ lr\ lr\ Q (lJ I> ~ 1~ ]; ~~ ~:~ . ~ rl~ r-l o H ~I 0, OJi r;jl !l:;1 >, () +> @' H = = ~ i'Q r-l r-l r-l Q) Q) Q) () () () ~ ~ ~ 000 H <1l = (lJ >, r-l <1l 'N +> H = <1l 0.. H <1l Q) :>i r-l r-l &: (Y")..:t".::J- \0\0\0 "''''''' r-l r-l rl +> () <1l +> Q (lJ S Ul Ul (lJ Ul ~ '" lr\ (Y")O;:) . . \Oee lr\ '" . .... ~ rl (l) is 'H o (Y") 0;:) . '" C\J 1= C\J Q o 'N +> () Q) t:J) :>, .a 1=ciJ . . ~~ C\J C\J C\J lr\lr\C\J (Y") (Y") (Y") .t' 'N H . 0 . . :5 . ~ :J E ~~ :: .... ff ~ ~~.~::s ~. ~ ('j. g . +> <1l . ES . . 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