HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1966 ... ~~.c ~, 66-11B-l U;-11B-2 66-11B-3 iS6-11B-4- 66-11B-5 66-11B-6 66-11B-7 66-11B-B 66-11B-9,10 & 11. Hampton, November 17, 1966 Darlin?ton Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Nembers present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. Hoved bv Councillors Budai and DO\m that the minutes of the meeting held November 3, 19i56, be adooted as read. Hoved by COlncillors Budai and Down that accounts for the month of October, 196iS, as listed herewith, be paid: S91aries 1 -15 16 - 31 $ 1,616.88 2,072.83 1,24-6.07 84-,795.74- 66,4-31.17 2,14-4-.51 2,261.21 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Special Accounrs # 1, 3, 4- & 5 _ 21. ;l3. 'Z ._?3.. $ 182 ,.3Q5._Q4- Moved by Deputy heeve Huir a.nd Councillor Gibbs that Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates be appointed eonsultants on the proposed crossing improvement at Road 9 and the C.N.R. (File No. 26711.2533.).1 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the report submi tted by Hesley E!:. Down of Hilton, Ontario, da.ted October 25, 1966 dealing with apnraisals of land acquired for Development Road # 706, is adopted, and the staff is instructed to offer settlement on that basis. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the Road Superintendent is authorized to have two-way radio uniit.s installed in two vehicles used in Township maintenance work on a trial basis. J p. /' 11!,:nJ touN~{B8S .... Moved by Councillor Down and POl'Juty lkewr :. that Denuty Reeve Huir 'tnd the Clerk are authorized to attend at the office of the Township Solicitor to discuss Insurance Claims, and to instruct the Townshin Solicitor to retain Counsel on behalf of the Township if, after such discussion, it is deemed advisable. Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the following fees shall be paid at elections tn this Township: Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Polling Place $ 15.00 1?00 15. 00 Moved bv Coundllors BU.dIJi and D01m that Rule 33 be suspended for the durR.tion of this meetinv. On motions as filed a By-law t~ alosEl. and convey-parts 6f:. two road allowance's :I.n the B.F~Conc. was' ,given its several readings and sip"ned, sea led and numbered 231+4. . -""t' ~-' 66-11B-12, 13 & 14 66-11B-l,), 16 & 17, 6-11B-18 66-11B-19 Page 2. November 17, 1966 On motions as filed, a BY-law to provide for expropriation of certain lands for road improvement wax given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2343. provide signed, On motions as filed a By-law to regulate the erection and for the safety of buildings was given its several readings and sealed and numbered 2345. Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that consideration of proposals for registered plans of subdivision be deferred pending the approval of amendments to the Township's Zoning By-law and Official Plan now being prepared. l10ved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the meeting be adjourned. rJ'i. .' -tit/ ~~1 c:t - '. f:~ -,'\. v<.- . .. ... ?... ............ ....~/.~.?-:~... REEVE CLERk.