HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1962 COUNCIL MINUTES . I The regular meeting of Bownanville Town Council convened at g.OO p. m. 011 Monday December 3, 1962, with His Worship Mayor I. M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. LORD'S PRAYER II ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the minutes of the meeting held Monday November 19th, 1962, be received and adopted. Carried. III COMMUNICATIONS e Loyal Orange County Lodge: "Some time ago a letter was forwarded to me stating that the town council of Bowmanville would like to have the Orange Cele- bration in Bowmanville in 1963. We have received word that Port Hope has all plans made for that year. They run on a five sched- ule, - Peterborough, Oshawa, Lindsay, with Cobourg and Port Hope, alternating, and every fifth year an off year. So far we have not been able to find out when the off year comes up. If we can find out we will let you know.". Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Fice: That the letter from the Loyal Orange County Lodge, dated November 19, 1962, be received and filed. Carried. Bank of Montreal: . "vie are pleased to advise that effective Novembet" 19th, 1962, the interest rate on loans to the Town of Bowmanville, will be reduced from 6 to 5i per annum. The relative reduction in ".'rates reflects ~ some measure of easing which has occurred in the general monetary situation recently." Moved by De~-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hughes: That the letter from the Bank of Montreal in respect to re- duction of interest charges and dated Nov~ber 19, be received and adopted. Carri ed .. Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities: "The Board of Directors of this Association have requested that I write a letter to all Municipal Councils in the Province of Ontario requesting that they give their sincere co-operation to having any resolutions that they wish to be considered and dis- cussed at the 1963 Annual Convention, forwarded to the Secretary- Treasurer at his office anytime before the end of the year, but nr\+_ 1 !::I+_C"'" +nnTl H'C1'h"Y'1l<::'l'Y'''''' 1 Oh":! ""....... +- 'h.....+ +t-....... .................................... ...++"'......+..:......"" ..........."''" -2- Community Planning Association of Canada: The letter received from this association advised of their 1963 conference being held at the Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Quebec City, September 29 - October 2, 1963. Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little: That the letter received from the Community Planning Associ- ation of Canada be received and referred to the Bowmanville Plan- ning Board for their consideration. Carried. . Minister of Highways: "I have your letter of November 7th, requesting the extension of the Development Road designation on the Base Line in Darlington Township through the Town of Bowmanville to its east limits. Tffi Highway Improvement Act restricts Devolopment Road designations to roads and streets under the jurisdiction of counties or townships. Thus I am unable to extend the present designation on the Base Line easterly. I must emphasize that the designation of the Base Line cannot be construed to be a service road. Service roads are constructed where access to property has been severed and where it is more economical to build an aCCESS road than to compensate for the loss of access. The Base Line was a public highway prior to 401 being established and cannot be considered a service road. I regret that I am unable to give consideration to your request. The only means by which the extension of the Base Line through Bowm1J,nville can be improved is under normal subsidy arrangements." Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the letter received from the Minister of Highways in respect to the Town's request for consideration of the Base Line Road as a development road, be received and filed. Carried. . Bowmanville Planning Board: A letter from the Bowmanville Planning Board requested Council's ~onsideration in respect to enactment of a By-law to levy charges for certain functions of the Planning Board as follows: "(a) Application for amendment to the Zoning By-La\~ with a refund of $25.00 if the amendment is not approved. $50.00 for each application. (b) Application to amend the Official Plan with a refund of *25.00 if amendment is not approved. .100~00 for each application. (c) Application for consideration of new subdivisions with a refund of $25.00 if application not approved. $50.00 for each application. (d) Applications for approval of land separations or divisions 2~_a_~ot such as part~lot divisions, with a minimum charge -3- Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the report of the Welfare Department for the month of November 1962, be received and adopted. Carried .. Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of November, 1962, be received and adopted. Carried. Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the period ending October 31, 1962, be received and adopted. Carried.. e Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens:. That the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the month of October, 1962, be received and adopted. Carried.. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the Clerk be instructed to have the Engineers call tenders for the construction of a Bridge over soper creek in accordance with By-law No. 1833. Carried. Con. Hughes, Chairman, of the Industrial Committee advised that a sod turning ceremony in regard to the construction of the new N. E. Sweet Plant on 401 was scheduled for Friday December 7, 1962, at 2 p. m. weather permitting to which all Council and gen- eral public are cordially invited. He, also, advised that Mr. H. Moyer, executive superintendent of General Motors of Canada would officiate at this ceremony. ev REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That and 27th! the Board of Works Committee minutes dated November 16, 1962, be received and adopted. Carri ed. VI ACCOUNTS Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little.: That tho accounts of the Paid Prior in the total amount of $17206.88 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the Finance Department in the total ... J~.....l~.... __~ . -4- Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the accounts of the Police Department in the total amount of $1037.92 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried,. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the accounts of the Public Property in the total amount of $8.61 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the accounts of the Welfare Department in the total amount of $1301.81 and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. VII NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS . 1. Liberty Street Local Improvement Sidewalk: The engineers report in this respect is awaited. 2. Frank Street Road A]owance: Nothing further to report in this regard. 3. Sub-Division Agreement - Planet Enterprises: Sub-Division agreement is still awailed. . 4. Murchison Matter: This matter delt with by the Board of Works Committee report adopted earlier in this matter, 5. Base Line Road: This matter completed because of the letter received from the Minister of Highways, however, the Reeve and Dep-Reeve are to consider this matter further, with the County Engineer. 6. Liberty Street Subway Drainage: The Clerk advised that this matter was still pending, a reply awaited from C. P. R. 7. Park at rear of Flett Street- .Jilcox Property & Crosswalk: Council was advised that these matters had been taken care of and would be deleted from future agendas. . -5- As the recommendations contained in the Board of 'dorks Minutes in respect to December meetings was adopted, there will be no second meeting of Council nor will there be a Board of 1Jorks meeting scheduled for this month. 10. Lowe & Division Drainage: Moved by Con. Nichols and Reeve Little: WHEREAS: The Council of the Town of Bownanville has enacted a by-law for the construction of a storm sewer on Liberty Street under the pro- visions of the local improveMent act. AND WHEREAS: Council feels that storm drainage is a finan- cial obligation of the Whole Conmunity as opposed to charges on a local improvement basis. . NOVJ THEImFORE: Be it resolved that the Town Solicitor be re- quested to prepare a by-law to transfer tre Local Improvement charges for storm sewers to the general rate of the Corporation effective January 1st, 1963. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the resolution introduced by Con. Nichols and Reeve Little in respect to local improvement storm sewers be left until the regular Board of Horks meeting in January. Carried. Mr. W. T. Dempsey, Professional Engineer appeared before Council and presented the following report;, . "I have surveyed storm drainage requirements in the area bounded by King St., Liberty Sti, Concession Road and watershed running from Horsey and Concession Road, through Elgin and Wellington, ' Temperance and Church St. ,to King at Division St. The area out- lined is about 113 acres. Two existing outfalls east of Liberty St. influenced the layout of sewer system. To serve the northerly part of the area it is proposed to construct a storm sewer on Carlisle Ave. from Liberty St. to Centre St., extending up Centre to Lowe and running along Lowe and Horsey St. to a man hole on Horsey opposite the school. I have referred to this entire sewer as the Carlisle AVe. storm sewer. The estimated cost of the Carl- isle Ave.. sewer is $11,690.00 The estimated D.H.a. subsidy- 2,165.00 The balance payable by Town- :/9,535.00 The Carlisle Ave. storm sewer will drain into an existing outfall sewer at Liberty St., and Liberty Place. This outfall sewer spills into an open ditch about 160' east of Liberty St. but the ditch is shallow and on a flat grade and is consequently blocked by ice and snow during most of the winter season. It would be necessary to extend the present outfall sewer in pipe for an additional 700' to have unobstructed flow at all times of the year. The est- imated cost of the outfall extension is $2975.00. It is proposed to_construct a second storm sewer running from the existing man- . . . . VIII -7- The outfall line running from the existing manholes at Church ffid St. George appears to be in good condition." This report of recommendations contained therein is to be received when the 1963 Roads & Streets Programme is being prepared. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nichols: That we do now adjourn 9:10 p. m. Carried. , I ~ Hu: :<~';~:~l~\ ,.""f e ,.,-......."